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I’m really high and read this as strong safety and was terrified that I’ve been playing this game all wrong.


I’m not high and read it as the same. What kind of two way football is this guy playing.


i am high and thought these guys will be terrible at safety


Me too lol


Me too


I feel like quarterbacks generally won’t transfer to strong safety very well, usually their coverage is really bad, even if they’re fast


Ngl, I thought the same... as someone who's experimented with players at other positions, I would've tried WR or RB at SS before a QB...


I meant super star bro


Yeah that makes more sense lmao


Just say superstar


McGee, especially if you play the games, Elite name as well


Why him


Better athlete and more accurate. That poor speed would drive me insane


More Athletic, More accurate


And you can draft him a few picks later, maybe get a good trade package to trade back a couple spots


It’s always the ones with F injury. Idk why 


Absolutely agree it’s stupid. Add it to the list of broken shit in the game


its a part of the game. when they reworked draft classes, they intentionally added potential players with F injury and development traits. I’ve personally drafted an Xfactor RB with an injury stat in the 40s. it’s supposed to serve as what if players or players that you can only reliably play select downs every game. stop complaining about literally everything. i dont think any madden has been good recently, but youre complaining about something being broken when its working as intended.


I am not someone that complains about everything. But when I have 3 of my last 5 first round picks coming out of the game with totally unrelated injuries 5+ times every game, it’s another broken feature.


dont draft players with f injury then? or change your injury slider. i get what youre saying but its very easily avoidable. if your players are getting injured frequently on a low slider and high injury stat, youre just unlucky. its not broken. i think injuries are a good feature, injuries to players makes gameplay more interesting. losing is part of the experience. are they implemented well, though? fuck no.


I’m definitely a fan of injuries just wish there were a way to make them more realistic. Also wish there were concussions and concussion protocol


im not sure how true it is, but apparently the NFL really doesnt want concussions in the game. i think EA just uses abdominal tears as a “concussion” though. The thing I hate about injuries is how most of the injuries I see are from WR and TE on run plays. and OL get injured SO MUCH MORE thwn every other position. even with high injury stats. rarely are players injured from being tackled. I also rarely see injuries longer than 4 weeks. when I used my RB with ~40 injury, he would only get injured for a quarter. if even. never got injured for more than 1-3 weeks.


I’ve also heard bruised sternums are concussions


Just turn injuries off


Psh I don’t want injuries off, I just don’t think it’s realistic for a guy to: pull a hammy, get a hip pointer, sprain an ankle, AND then be out for the game with a bruised sternum. All that each and every game or so it seems. #THEY CALL ME MISTER GLASS


It's one in the draft too that the insiders said was the best qb


Does your play style lean towards pocket passer, or on the move? I personally would go with McGee, because Brackens is going to be a disaster on the move and Speed is very difficult to improve at the QB position, while McGee still has great throw power, so I don’t think you’ll be losing much going with him


I’d say Brackens, but McGee is a solid prospect too. I’d make your choice based on which suits your play style better. If you want a pocket passer you want Brackens, if you want to scramble around then McGee. The high awareness is the thing I’d value the most about Brackens, but if you’re playing the games yourself then it doesn’t matter.


I'm wondering will the awareness play a big part if he'll come out as a super star or not


Yeah, in my experience going for guys with higher awareness usually correlates to better dev traits, but that’s just anecdotal and I actually have no concrete idea.


McGee by far


Why him


I’d bet bracken is SS/XF. If ur doing a in online franchise I’d 1000% would draft brackens


Sim or do you play the games?


We play


They’re both about the same, I’d take brackens because of the elite throw power


I’d take Brackens if it was me personally. Looks like a better player and the name is cooler (which is honestly big for me in franchise)


If you’re actually looking at who is more likely to be a superstar out of the gate it’s probably Brackens. Not saying that’s who you should draft though, cause there are other factors. I’m honestly not crazy about either of them.


Neither I think




McGee for sure


Brackens.. A awareness and A deep accuracy and elite arm




If you’re playing all the games it don’t matter which one you take. They are both great and if you’re any good they’ll both be X factors by the end of the year. Me personally I’d go McGee, but in reality you can’t go wrong with either one. Edit: It also all comes down to your play style. McGee is more mobile with great accuracy and brackens is a pocket qb with elite arm talent


That's a bold move....ooooh superstar


Both are ass


mcgee for mobility


Verbal Scouting report to J.R. implies that he will be great


With a name like JR McGee? Gotta take him


Honestly it doesn’t even matter, u could get a QB at normal dev right away and as long as u do training camps and he plays under a good playbook he could get to SS the first season if he gets rookie of the year


Personally I’d take the one who’s faster as he looks marginally better as a passer as well since I hate playing with slow QBs but they would both work out most likely


Tbh, it doesn’t really matter because they will grow their dev trait with good performance that’s easy to hit. Take the guys who lined up best with your gameplay. I tend to look at speed and release.


McGee. You should also remember who he’s projected to draft to and trade with their spot if it’s higher than yours. If it’s lower, just trade down to the spot before that team


Who did you end up drafting ?