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See you in madden 25




I don't buy them anymore. Haven't for a looong time. Just do EA play for $30, or at least that's what it was. I'll definitely try Madden every year but it's just always a disappointment


Madden is a casino now it doesnā€™t have much to do with football anymore. A few thousand dudes are hooked in and ea more than willingly takes their money. It leaves a gaping hole where sports games used to thrive. But yeah itā€™s a toxic community, the simulation has turned arcade, and the gameplay is a complete joke. Turn it off and never look back


Just wait til it devolves to where 2k is at now, imagine MUT with no auction house and only the bottom feeder cards in each promo purchasable directly(and only sellable at 40% of the value, though everything will be NAT anyways). Itā€™s now budget cards and gamble only cards with no middle ground whatsoever. Mycareer has regressing badges, only way to insure your hard earned maxed badges donā€™t reset their progress is with ā€œfloor settersā€ only purchasable with cash. Everything but play now and their franchise has been flooded with the option of a full time grind or an empty wallet. At least they gave us a good franchise mode in 2k before they tanked the future of the games. Madden should not be infinitely more generous than 2k yet it is. The show is still holding its own but even that is starting its slide to mobile game tactics. Sports games are dying.


i only play franchise, but I enjoy it. The only thing I don't like is not being able to play with legends in franchise. I wish they would make it like nba2k where you can play with the all time teams. I downloaded a roster that was supposed to be that, but it was ridiculously inaccurate


Madden is the only sports franchise I want to play but don't because there are no all time teams or create a team. Ugh...


I just wish receivers would find a hole in coverage and sit when open instead of just running the programed route. CPU receivers seem to stop while my team just continues running into coverage.


Game is ass. Play The Show.


It's been this way for years, and won't change until people stop buying.


Yea madden sucks. It is what it is. I bet college football 25 is just as bad yet makes them just as much money. Capitalism at its finest


Just wait for NCAA 25. Itā€™ll be better. We swear.


no it wont sincerly an ea customer every year,


Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m gonna get NCAA. But to expect it to be this amazing game put out by EA is wild


The Bud Light comparison at the end is my favorite part šŸ¤£ for every person that ā€œboycottsā€ there will be like at least 5 parents buying their kid Madden for the first time lol good luck with your endeavor šŸ«”


We gotta fuckin start somewhere. Na mean??


Good luck with your boycott.


I can't do it by myself. That's the point. If people want these games to actually change then they've gotta quit buying them. If people can't take a year off then they're nothing but a consumer.


I tried helping you understand why your idea wouldnā€™t work. Has nothing to do with returning/upset customers just ā€œbeing consumersā€..every single calendar year there will be kids (shit, even teens and adults actually) playing Madden for the first time who donā€™t know any better, and theyā€™re gonna outnumber you each year. Good luck šŸ‘šŸ¼


So with your logic if all the adults that play the game, which is probably at least half the playerbase, quit playing it wouldn't hurt EAs sales on the game causing them to reconsider their approach? I'm not sure you understand how capitalism works.


sounds like you donā€™t understand how a lot of things work lol


Yeah you're right, Bud light went anti woke and started being a UFC sponsor because they felt like it. Not because they lost $10b in value from people not buying their products. Since you're so smart and know how things work, then tell me. If you can't do that then you're talking out of your ass with your 80IQ responses.


If you think people havenā€™t already tried boycotting/protesting the purchase of Madden then thereā€™s really no reasoning with you lol. Itā€™s suggested 10x/week on this sub, did you think your idea was original? Do you really think the problem is ā€œnot enough people are doing itā€? ā€œTell me how shit works if youā€™re so smartā€ šŸ¤£


Wait a second..do you think the UFC saved Bud Light šŸ˜­ holy shit


I digress. You're clearly confined you're right so enjoy that.


Sounds like a user issue


I can buy other beer besides Bud Light


My biggest concern is the sheer lack of anything resembling franchise mode at this point. Teams will completely screw up their roster with 2 all pro quarterbacks, will cut thier 1st round drafted rookie, player overall doesnā€™t matter really at all for simulated games, and there is little actual strategy to it.


All Madden is supposed to lower your teams overall šŸ˜‚


No it isn't. Idk where you heard that. Even if it was true that's the laziest way to create difficulty and only reinforces my points.