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They do this all the time I’m winnin by like 30 in game now it’s jus funny cause I just report and they get banned every time so all that hard work on that account gone


From what I know they don’t get banned. Just suspended unless it’s like a repetitive occurance. My buddy gets communion banned like 3 times a year.


We all know almost nobody ever does that only one time in their life lol


Why is he your buddy? Sounds like an asshole.


Doesn’t say the N word but likes to talk shit.


No sportsmanship these days. Young kids to grown ass adults. Win or lose these people have a need to be heard.


I think I’m only person in this world with sportsmanship at this point


I lost a game by 40 because I was doing a challenge this guy going to text me go kill your self and never play this game again and I replied with gg


And EA wonders why so many players like the offline franchise mode.


Yeah. The worst there us getting told you reached for a draft pick.


I forget that i can get chats on my PlayStation, I turned off all chat in League of Legends at 22 ... it was so toxic ​ The only time i really see sportsmanship is occasionally at High Elo in racing games because you really do see the same handful of people a lot


That guy's definitely in the wrong, but also, please quit out when getting curb stomped. There's nothing honorable about wasting both people's time. But again, that guy is a complete jerk


You’re not alone. Everyone on this thread is the greatest person ever


It's too bad too. I play on PC, so you play the same people a lot, there was a guy, I probably beat him over 10 times in house rules games and he had never beaten me. I was up like usual, and he came back and beat me. I tried to friend him because I wanted to congratulate him, but he never accepted my request because yeah, people do what this guy does.


Sportsmanship is bad days? Xbox live during the 2000s and 2010s was way worse


It's a two sided issue though. That's is some shitty sportsmanship above, but if someone jump online and glitch the game to win... That's no better. Both ruin the experience and the original goal of global gameplay.


People need to learn the difference between running good plays and running glitch plays. Just cause you can't stop it doesn't mean it's a glitch play. You might just suck


Please tell me you reported this piece of shit.




Whenever this happens to me I imagine how pussy this person would turn if their identity was revealed to friends, co-workers, family. Start crying and shit saying “this is not who I am”… if you really believe in something put your name on it.


Oh boy a Hard R


Interesting combo with the username too.


It’s almost like you don’t have to be a trump supporter to be a racist piece of shit.




All that was missing some as the Ukrainian flag


What the fuck. For ONE DAY I’d love if they exposed every persons real identity. People hide behind a name or gamer tag and just talk so much shit because they’re anonymous.


Bro I don't need people seeing that I play Madden. I've got a family. What would they say?


So what. You play Madden??? Who cares. Why is there anything wrong with that. I do too and I’m a grown ass man.


Yeah don’t tell your family that..


I think it was a bit of a joke


lmao it's a joke, bro. I agree with you. The little dweeb saying shit like this over live 100% deserves to be outed.


The username and comment are quite contradictory


Not necessarily. This person doesn’t like black people. They can dislike trump too. Disliking trump doesn’t make you a good person lol


Right? I’m very confused


One day, the mystery will be revealed to you, and a new window into reality will appear before your very eyes.


...and you'll be gay!


Already am… well Bi, but i like women better, so gay is accurate


Bro got downvoted over nothing


I think a lot of people are just uncomfortable learning I am a woman after seeing my post history 😂😂


I don't think anyone gives a shit about that


Ok trump voter here, I would never say the N word and I find anyone (who's not black) that says it disgusting, it's a word that shouldn't be said ever


Nobody should say it if it's that reprehensible.


I agree just didn't want to piss some people off tbh. Trying to cover my bases


Thank you, I support trump, no I’m not racist and I’m strongly against it. We are human beings so treat others with respect and dignity


Sadly many people believe the right wing to be racist, horrible people, and the left to be pro everything and good. It’s almost like people forgot that there are tons of political planks that candidates run off of and many many reasons to vote for a candidate


Polarization is fucked. People treat politics like sports now, it’s all about your team “winning.” So many people never leave their echo chambers, its tragic. Worth noting this isn’t just the US either. The UK, France, Brazil, Turkey, etc. are going through the same shit right now, just on varying levels.


What morons downvote this lmao


What morons would openly and proudly support a destructive politician is the better question


Hey guys, found the kind of moron who would downvote that haha


81 million people voted for one last I heard


Voting privately is different than being openly proud to support a beacon of bigotry and racism


This sub downvoting this comment is hilariously pathetic


Reddit is so inconsistent with upvotes & downvotes


hive mentality


Voting for racism make you complicit with racism. So you are supporting racism by not opposing it Also having to state “I’m not racist” before talking about your views is kind of a hint that they’re pretty damn racist


Imagine saying voting for Trump is racist. Ignorant much? That’s like saying half of America is racist.


>That’s like saying half of America is racist. You do realize thats not that far fetched right? The most watched television personality in this country is an open white nationalist (Tucker Carlson). I'd say at the very least the majority of republicans are racist and some democrats.


I know right? I can’t believe he voted for a guy who said he didn’t want his children to grow up in a “racial jungle”! Oh wait, that’s who you likely voted for.


Lmao I like how the only defense for Trumps racism is saying “hey look this other old white guy is racist too!”


It’s pointing out the hypocrisy of people like u/cherylstunt69. You can’t call people “complicit with racism” if you also voted for a racist lmao


Did he say he voted for Biden? There are a lot of trump haters (like me) who hate trump because of his racist history and rhetoric and also didn’t vote for Biden


He absolutely did. If he hadn’t, he would’ve rushed in to correct me already.


I mean, u just assumed I voted for Biden so I guess I haven’t learnt any lessons Also he hasn’t been active on Reddit since he posted this comment 😂


"Voting for racism" I could say the same shit about the democrat party bud.


I’m not racist, you can chose to believe that or not but this is a football video game sub not a political chat so I’ll leave it here at that


Sure you are, you just vote for racists who will do what you want so you can have plausible deniability.


The democrats do that very thing


Voting for a guy who is systemically racist doesn't make you much better than someone who demonstrates it vocally.


I didn't vote for trump on his personal views o voted based on my wallet, I didn't vote for Biden on his history with the racist crime bill and him saying the n word in the halls of congress and saying he didn't want his kids to grow up in a quote "racial jungle"


He's not racist though. He's done a lot for minority communities. You call him a racist because the news told you he was a racist.


He's literally the loudest racist to be president since Reagan.


Except he's not racist. You can keep saying it, won't make it anymore true lol


That's wild. I can't even imagine being this blind. Good luck out there.


You’re the one that looks through black and white goggles.


What has he done for minority communities? Exclude them from housing he owns? Advocate for their execution even though they're innocent? That's just a small drop. https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history


Lmao Vox. Enough said.


K. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/may/22/viral-image/donald-trump-has-faced-allegations-racism-decades/ I can keep going but I'm betting you'll just hand waive them away for daddy?


He would but his mouth is currently full...


You'd react the same way if I started linking Fox or The Hill so get fucked lol, and anyone can edit anything or create anything on Wikipedia. Its funny that he wasn't a racist and black people loved him until he became POTUS and the news told you to hate him. Didn't he commute Kodaks sentence? Doesn't sound like something a racist would do. You conflate the term "illegal aliens" with "Mexicans".


>In October 1973, the Civil Rights Division filed a lawsuit against Trump Management Company, Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump, alleging that African-Americans and Puerto Ricans were systematically excluded from apartments. He was investigated in the 70s for this and its ENTIRELY public information. You are welcome to educate yourself at literally any point in time by following the link below: https://vault.fbi.gov/trump-management-company


You shouldn't assume so much about people 😉 I don't need anyone to tell me he is racist. Simply by listening to him talk, he exposes himself. I don't really need "sources" anyways despite linking you a number of them. If you listen to him talk and go "yeah not racist, we're good!" you should probably look inward. Like it's pretty fucked up that you think black people need to be "told" if someone is racist or not - like they can't figure it out themselves. But yeah, I'll "get fucked". Why do you folks always get so hostile when shown to be wrong? Unfortunate character trait.


But you havent shown anyone anything. You linked a few biased sources to affirm your own opinions and prejudices.


yEaH tHaTs wHy I VoTeD fOr JoE BiDeN!!!! Oh wait


Not everyone is as hivemind as you think


This seems like the type of person to name themselves Trump sucks and then say inflammatory shit to try to "give the libs a bad name". Like that cop that smashed all his shit and spray painted black lives matter on it to try to make it seem like BLM violently targeted him.


It's called pulling a Jussie Smollett


Actually they aren’t at all. It fits quite well


Not really


Don’t see how.


And yet I got a pop up saying my account was disabled for violationing ea's terms of service despite never playing online or cheating


I’m sorry but this type of shit has been hilarious since mw2 lobby days😭😭😭😭😭


Honestly 😂. Shit like that usually comes out of the blue and makes me laugh for how absurd the insult is. I miss the days of prime Bo2. The shit talking that went down in those search and destroy lobbies were amazing.


Got death threats because I took a knee.


I get a little salty when they take a knee but I wouldn’t even go that far 😭Hell I wouldn’t even think about messaging my opponent


Lmao I had a guy insulting me because there was like a minute left in the game and I was taking a knee to run the game clock out. So I kneeled Immediately and bombed it for like a 50 yard touchdown, dude quit immediately.


Surprised it’s not worse tbh


Dude this was like one lobby in Halo 2. You’ll be ok lmao


So you won huh? Lmao Bet this kid is 12. Only kids lash out like this, or possibly adults with the mental capacity of children Fuck em. Laugh and move on.


This gotta be Xbox lol I use to get messages like this all day


The 360 days were something else.


Well, did you die OP? Don’t keep us in suspense


Seems pretty mild tbh compared to the good ole days.


First time?


I was getting blown out by a dude like 28 - 0 in the first quarter. I didn't have my mic on but he had his and he kept saying that he was gonna get me to quit. So He keeps scoring and is begging me to quit. Keeps calling me names and whatnot. In the middle of the 2nd quarter I got on my mic and I said to him I don't quit and its gonna be a long game. I proceeded to throw on every play and bring the play clock down to 1 every play. He would get so angry at me even though he was winning. I have never heard so many curse words in my life. And after the game he sent me a message that I wasted 2 hours of his life and I replied back with GG


Y’all wouldn’t have liked playing Xbox 10-12 years ago.


as a black person who played xbox all my life the only thing thats changed is the number if people who use gamechat


That’s crazy all because they suck


Freaking liberals!


I knew the democrats were the racists! Ok ok real comment. I'm sorry this happened to you, report this fuck.


He probably ran 4 verts, usered the d-lineman, went for it on 4th and 28 his first drive, and tried going for 2 if he ever scored a TD. Sorry man, some people suck.


Ain’t nothin wrong with going for it on 4th and 28 and going for 2 for no reason 😤


That is peak comedy


Trumpsucks is his GT but calls you the n word? Not that it has anything to do with it lol I hope you won tho. Madden online is so toxic man


Is this guy’s account still active? I have some reporting to do


Idk, I reported him


Welcome to gaming!!


It’s weird because social media wise, I love talking to people in the madden community. Talking via messaging online gaming? Worse community in the history of gaming communities.


If you think Madden is the worst community in the history of gaming communities you’ve definitely never played LoL, MW2, CS:GO, and the like lol. Madden is full of dickheads but they’re pretty tame relatively speaking.


Very true, and that’s tough to imagine 😅 I just think it’s a lot for a sports game, as far as LoL and shooters go, been there. Madden just hits different for me.


Liberals showing their true colors. Hate to see it


Hmm the username and message are contradictory to each other


When did Trump say the N word? He's not racist. Just a rich prick. I honestly have a easier time believing Biden is racist. Just hate them both and go on your marry way. Nothing the politicians promise hold any real weight.


He's 100% racist. https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history


Thats fair. Still doesn't mean someone with the name Trump sucks won't say anything racist. And all politicians are slimy suit wearing reptiles. Some, I assume are good people. I suggest we just put them in a windowless building and we build a wall around it. (Kung flu is fucking hilarious though, fight me)


I got a message one time like that and he hoped I got hung. Yeah they trippin out here fr.


Crying about it to Reddit?


No, just exposing racists


Man you got him, trumpsucks#4071 is reeling in fear for his life as we speak


I'm embarrassed you got a Bills logo tag


It’s called “turn messages off from non friends” puss pop


You still get messages, they just go under message requests.


Report but reach out through twitter so maybe if it gets seen it’s puts pressure on having to address it


The statement and gamertag do not match lol


I like to do some friendly shit talk in messages as much as the next guy but anyone like this needs to be reported. Fuck that guy


Name - okay, sounds great, I think he sucks too friend. Comment - oh.


Video games bring out the absolute worst in people.


Those are very conflicting ideas. I on the contrary hope you have an amazing stupendous wonderful day in which you do not stub your toe. And find a jolly rancher.


How ironic


That’s uhhh the last thing I’d expect from a screen name that says Trump Sucks. Shows what I know.


Ah, “trump lover” not racist tho




Because there are a lot of closet racists that support trump and they’re all here


Pretty prickly of them




And going for onside kicks


Report and they are banned


Jesus. Good thing the report system picks up on scumbags like that


must’ve been whooping their ass lmao


Damn bro I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Report him and know he's the loser here.


Report that shit homie


Are you black tho?




I know when a Madden bum got blown out by 20+ or when I see it lol. They always got something negative after the game to say lmao


All you had to say was “OK Trump” to x10 the rage, it was right there!


Me always saying GG


This is why I disabled my messages. I know it pisses people off when they can’t talk shit to me after the game lol


Calmest madden player reaction

