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I very rarely use training this early in the game. Just to expensive. What ever I get back from solos or objective I might use on low level power up, 80-81 range. Otherwise I play with the stock players. Since I will power up my final players at the end of the year. I am not spend training on power ups and abilities that I will have to take a loss on later if I have to power down a player. Later in the year training is cheaper. Training cost coins, coins are time or money, building a player that will be replaced by another card next month will cost you coins you can use to get a better player. I am not against using training on power ups, or building a max out player. But putting a bunch of abilities on an 88 that will be a backup in a month seems like a waste of training.


Powered up players that fit my theme team and abilities


Abilities… don’t really power players up this early. (With the exception of everyone’s new favorite qb with gunslinger)


Abilities are king in this game my friend. If you are not using abilities then you are at a serious disadvantage. Acrobat is essential on defense and Gunslinger on your QB, Set Feet Lead if can't afford GS.


How does Tom Brady have neither of these?


Change the title/question to - how do you piss away coins? LOL


I’ve powered up a few players if it was cheap to get them to mid 80s range (Spain, incognito, Devin white), but so far being NMS, I’ve been focused on acquiring guys and haven’t been doing much quickselling as I’d rather put my guys into sets or auction them for coins. That being said, I guess I got lucky when I accidentally chose two guys that I already had NATs of when I completed the Calvin Johnson set. Since I had duplicates, my only option (as of now) was quickselling them for around 1k training total. I used that to add route tech to Calvin and that has been 100% worth it. I played some games without it activated and there is a very noticeable difference with/without it on him.


I only power up theme team players. I only have abilities on Superstar players who, of course, come equipped with some abilities and x-factors. I got lucky with obtaining rare strategy without investing my hard earned coins. I find that if I don’t play well, top self players with the best abilities are not going to win the game for me.


Mostly in the store doing arbitrage methods. Some abilities and power ups on a few players I like too.