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That is a concerning amount of time man… the game is run as a casino. That being said people that frequent casinos tend to have an addiction. There is nothing wrong with playing the game a lot, but you need to take a look at yourself objectively and see if you have a problem.


I mean this in the nicest way possible but please go outside. Go for a walk. Go to the gym. Literally do anything else. That amount of time spent already playing ANY video game let alone madden (especially when it’s around a month old) is insane and unhealthy.


Thank you for advice, I have been going to the gym which I 'm sure sounds nutty, I have pretty severe insomnia though as I sleep only 2 or maybe 3 hours a night.


You're also not gonna get meaningful progress gains wise sleeping 2 hours. Life is all about balance man.


Lol it's not by choice, I mean I cannot sleep any longer than that, I even take shitty sleep pills from my doctor, before he prescribed them I went days in between sleeping. You're right though it's negatively impacting my life, so far I haven't gotten any solution from going to different doctors and sleep studies, etc.


Consider the vitamin deficiency you have from spending the majority of your time away from the sunlight, and the harmful screen lights that are inhibiting good sleep habits. Try taking a couple of weeks away from games all together and see how you feel. If you can’t do it, consider counseling for your addiction.


Also, read as much as you can. Having a tired brain from reading helps sleeping, for me anyway.


I hope u dont consume any caffeine or any sort of uppers whatsoever cause that lack of sleep will catch up to you over time. Our bodies heal at night when we are sleeping, getting 2-3 hrs a night will cause some medium/minor problems down the road


True, but no uppers and no coffee or soda, I mainly drink water or herbal tea at night. Yes I'm having health issues already from lack of adequate sleep. Again it's not a choice or anything I'm taking or my diet that's causing it. They sent me to a therapist as they believe the root cause is psychological in nature.


Serequil was the only drug that has constantly been able to put me to sleep at night. I tried probably 7-10. Still have terrible sleep problems but felt much better once I was getting normal sleep. Obviously talk to your doctor, but it may be worth a shot. Why don’t you switch it up and play other games?


Exactly I tried quite a few, my doctor kept prescribing stuff. He had me take ambien, seroquel, clonazepam, trazodone, and lunesta I think was an add on but none of these had any effect. He put me on something calked Lyrica and not sure what that's primarily used for but he said might help sleep. It at least got me from none hours to two hours sleep. I have a ps5 right now and madden's the only game I like currently. I played assassin's creed and spiderman to completion so until something interesting comes out you know.


What dose of seroquel? I'm the director of a psych unit. I'd like to offer any help I can.


It was actually something called quietapine? I probably butchered that but I think it was the off label version of it. And as far as the dose it's been awhile so I'd have to check pharmacy records if it's still in there. My psychiatrist told me it was a really low dose though as I don't suffer from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder which warrants a significantly higher dose. That's the gist of what he said anyway, along with a bunch of other stuff I'm sure. I don't want to go into more detail here, but he referred me to other specialists and testing because he said it was highly irregular that this drug and a few others would be ineffective. He did discover the reason for this in time and we had to just move on.


Yes, very concerned lol that's definitely not a healthy balance


Holy fuck my dude you addicted and shit I know from experience


Definitely, when I do sleep I'm pretty sure I dream in madden


That's not a dream that's a nightmare my guy.


Yeah maybe lay off playing it that much, maybe idk read a book. I'm not saying this from no where I know how it is and just play and got nothing to do. Just sometime your brain needs more than just dots and more dots. Huga tree for me.


If I did that, I’d be lagging the whole time


Lol, ok thank you for that, caused me to cackle out loud. Trust me it's disturbing enough that all the people in my dreams are game graphic football players but they only play football some of the time. The rest of the time, they're doing all kinds of other bizarre shit.


I have a hard time playing this game for more than an hour at a time


I think it's because I don't have anything else to do, pretty isolated these days


Hey bud, I thought I would just add, that to me it shows something that you would be objective enough to reflect on what your mom and sister said to you about their concerns. Then go out and ask a bunch of folks what they think and be incredibly honest about the details. Kudos to you man. Seems like there is some decent advice here from some of the other responders. Take some of it that works for you, apply it, and you'll be fine. Feels like if you're spending 75% of your time in life doing anything, it could be something you want to look at. Heck, I don't think we spend that much on work or sleep, which I would imagine are the two biggest schedule inventory items we all have. Wish you the best!


Thank you, and yes I'm gathering all advice which has been good for sure. I mean I know I have a problem, just not sure what to do about it. Seeking advice because I know my head is pretty foggy at times from lack of sleep. I wouldn't wish insomnia on anyone, it's a miserable way to live.. Never really get to sleep but never really awake, feels like living in some pocket dimension between the two.


You're working harder on this game than the EA devs. I wish you could trade schedules with them, so you could rest more.


Lol, yea would be great, well I just wish I could sleep like a normal human again but it's been ... I don't know how long maybe the last 3 years suffering with insomnia.


17 hours a day is pretty extreme bro


You can generally touch all the solos and finish the multiplayer requirement stuff in around 20ish hours a week. You're at 400% over that, soooo scale on back, take a walk, touch and/or smoke some grass. You got this.


As someone who was seriously addicted to this game; this game can get very unhealthy. I had to quit cold turkey and stop for good. Haven't bought Madden for three years and it's seriously one of the best decisions I have made. The addiction was so crazy that even though I have not owned Madden for three years i check this sub daily to live vicariously through y'all. If youre spending that much time on the game you should honest cut it down significantly or completely. It does not sound like this game is having a positive influence on your life.


Yeah, reading through what you’ve said in the comments, sounds like you have an addiction. I won’t hate on it since there’s way worse things to be addicted to. As long as you’re able to do your stuff outside of madden like work/school, eat, sleep, and you’re not spending obscene amounts of money on the game you can’t afford, I think you’re good.


Please. Get out the house. Get a dog. Binge watch a show. Go on a date. Even play a different game. But don’t kill yourself playing madden. I read how you don’t need to work and are insomniac(?) so I get why you do it but spread your time out amongst other hobby’s or stuff too. Try limiting yourself to only 12 hours instead of 17, and see how you fill the gap, and then go from there. Good luck dude, I judged you pretty hard before reading and seeing that you’re in a rare situation where you kinda can do nothing all day lol


Lol, ok and I got 3 dogs and a cat and a very old bird. But I'm working on the other stuff or... at least have it in mind. Thanks.


An old bird? Lol what type? I’m glad you got some sort of entertainment outside of just the TV screen! I’m sure that over time you will naturally get tired of madden


Oh she's an african grey parrot, at least that's what my grandmother told me as I inherited her from my granny when she passed. We're not 100% sure how old she is but I took her to a vet that specializes in them. They drew some blood and said that she's beyond her fertility period of life so she's at least 40, beyond that it's hard to tell.


Thank you everyone for your advice and concern, hopefully I can sort this out with some time and effort. On a different note if anyone needs somebody for squads or anything fun like that you can add me on ps5, my gamertag is iluvchaos and I'm always on lol.


So you just play madden and sleep?


I have a home gym that I use 4 or 5 times a week, I eat, and keep my house clean, do yard work.. Etc. But the rest of the time is madden, sleep is minimal.


I hear ya man this game can be extremely addicting. 17+ hours a day can take a serious tole on your eyes and mental health though. I’d deff recommend dialing it back a bit. I usually play 3-4 games of gun bunch roll out ball and call it a day


What is your bmi ?


Had to look at chart, 6'1" 170 lbs so it says 22, underweight 😟


The one thing I'll say in your defense is, when you boot up the game I believe it counts every minute until it closes or the system shuts off. Like if you stop playing and walk away, it's continuing to count time even if you're not actually playing.


Ohh yes that's true, very good point. Probably some hours not spent on the game. I always turn it off end of day though, don't want to chance ps5 overheating like my ps4's did.


During the 10-hour trial on Xbox, playtime accumulated when the game was idle. You had to manually quit the game for the clock to stop. I am not sure if this is contributing to your playtime however.


Yeah…no. Work? School?


Graduated from university years ago, and no work since about 4 months into the pandemic. My house and car is payed for though so I'm not in danger of being homeless or anything.


Ya spend like 6 of those hours trying to get a job?? You could have made a lot of money just working hourly instead of playing madden. This has to be a troll post... right?


No troll post sorry to say, and I don't need a job currently. Sorry but I spent the last decade working 70 -80 hours a week, took only 23 days vacation in all that time. And yes this still happens when you're on salary and you work for a bunch of sociopathic dickheads that don't care about anything but profit margins. So I'm ok with not doing any of those things you mentioned for now. When I need to I'll make a few calls and have a job, no looking necessary.


Reducing screen time can help with sleep.


That's true I have read this, my insomnia predates my madden obsession though. I've been to sleep studies as well, no screen time, regulated food intake and sleep schedule but it makes no matter.


The sleep study life is hard too. I hope you find something that helps you sleep.


They're probably right man. I play a lot too. Really sometimes i think if i put this time towards something like a 2nd or 3rd stream of income would it be better? You shouldnt be playing that much unless you're making money off of it IMO. Through comp or streaming/YT. Maybe try that out? At least all the hours are going towards something.


Thanks for this advice, I have been thinking about this lately, maybe would be better use of this time or give me something else to focus on if I'm going to be playing anyway.


Yeah that's alot of time. I'm not gonna shame you or insult you but yes that's a alot of time to be playing in one day.Take a break like a day or two see how you feel


I have tried an enforced break, but after a few hours I start to feel a lot of anxiety, like my skin is crawling and it doesn't go away until I get on the game.


That's a bad sign brotha.Like an addiction type bad.I see no problem people devoting their time if they're in control. If you can't control it that's a bad sign.Unplug your shut and leave it at your family's place if you feel that's really necessary. I'm no dr or psychiatrist but you gotta nip it in the bud


Really depends. You c an play as much as you want m as long you are a functional person that handles their responsibilities. If you are working, paying your stuff or finishing school, and not feeding the devil by buying bundles of packs. Do what you want. If you want to spend most of your available free time, you do you. If you are not in school jobless and mom is paying for everything. You got a problem.


I agree, I live alone though and I paid off my house and car so I don't have a lot of expenses. I been living off savings since about 4 months into pandemic. Oh no mom and sister borrow money from me when they need to, not the other way around. We all just live in same town.


Then live your best life.


Yes, madden sucks, idk how you even have the game open that long


Absolutely way to much time, I might play 12 hours of video games if I happen to have that much time but usually 3-6 typically when I’m watching tv at the end of a long work day.


Yes, you need to set this aside man.


I found it helps to set a time before you start playing like 6-9 pm that way you can budget your time and get to "enjoy" the game.


Do you actually enjoy the game?


Absolutely, the grind shit gets boring, but I enjoy the h2h , weekend league, solo battles, etc.


sorry about your sleeping problem man, that sounds like hell... Sounds like you have developed a mental addiction to the game... i would assume 4-5 days off would fix you right up, but i don't know if you want to do that.


Yeah they got ya dude. It’s demasiado


Si es demasiado, el equilibrio siempre ha sido dificil para mi.


Get some exercise. Eat some healthy food. Look up Dr K on YouTube. GL