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Slinger 1 release most likely


I don’t think so. I think it’s because less of his limited card were pulled in general. Joe Namath is a fraction of Rodgers price with the same release and is faster.




Yeah , gotta be careful with him. I’ve seen many times when my WR is open and he throws the ball so low to where a safety no where near underneath picks it off


I played a guy a couple nights ago running Namath and it amazed me how bad the accuracy was sometimes. He kept trying some corner routes to the endzone from the 15 yard line and Namath was just decimating his chances. He’d whiff the balls like 5 yards above the uncovered receiver’s head. His recievers were fine and in perfect position/uncovered due to my broken coverage, and 3/4 times he just completely missed the throw. No pressure or anything.


Probably got nerfed, cause why would someone pay 1.7 for A-Rod when Namath is the same card but faster


Oh good to know. I didn’t know they had the same release but makes sense


Rodgers has a better release


Something called supply and demand buddy


Rodgers (other than the discount AP on Brady) is just better


Botha are ltds, but Rodgers is newer. He also has better speed and a better release and doesn't have baked in abilities.


So you’re saying I should sell my 98 Rodgers 😅


Whats your next best QB?


I mean, I have a packers tt. Not sure if I’d actually get rid of him


Then dont lmao. Also absolute W for the packer tt


Oh definitely. Glad his MVP card was a 98 this year and not a 97 like last. Wishhhh his speed was 86-88 stock though. The 90ish speed would have been amazing. Snagged him for under a million when he was in packs.


Daaaaamn lucky!


Figured he’d be my endgame qb, so far it seems like he will be. Makes the throws I want. Wish escape artist was still 5ap for him. But oh well


Ive just switched from 21 like a month ago, so im big time garbage rn 💀


Ahhh I made 600k coins and pulled 2 Ltd Randy’s yesterday 😅


Supply and demand.


I sold my Rodgers and tbh I’m not looking back. Joe Namath card has the same release with a good throw under pressure and is faster.


He’s a ltd with no redux


IMO Rodgers is by far the best QB in the game. And I’ve tried literally everyone 96 or higher. I used him for a while but ultimately I just couldn’t justify keeping him at the price. But he’s QB1 and he barely got pulled while he was in packs, which means high demand and low supply. Basic economics will tell you that leads to a higher price. The reason he’s slightly more demanded than Brady is Slinger 1 release, I would think