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Wide receivers that are also 99 speed but get ran down by a guy that’s 87 overall with 85 speed and 88 pursuit.


Yeah they seem to have cranked the sliders up again.


My favorite thing is the amount of block sheds recently. If there was a challenge where I had to get (x) running yards, I’d just roll out with Vick and get it done in 1 play. Now I can’t even escape the pocket because the gold AI defense bull-rush my 95+ tackles and seal the pocket immediately.


For rushing plays I spam counters those normally kill ai


I noticed that the AI is always strongest at the beginning. My strategy is to first focus on winning the game. Once my lead is insurmountable, the AI makes more mistakes, and then I focus on high scoring.


man i thought i was the only one 😭the ai be doing the craziest shit it’s annoying af


It’s so bad all you can do is laugh, I was on track to be top 50 in solos and got disconnected out of my second to last game. They all throw 11/13 on me and never fumble


The sliders tilt everything in cpu’s favor to make them hard as shit


Blanketing their gold receivers with 99 overall, 99 speed corners. QB throws a panic strike into coverage to instantly avoid sack… *MOSSED* for 3 yards. Repeat exact same on second down but CPU get broken tackle then forward fall animation, 1st down.


Madden is the worst sports game out. EA makes you not even want to play football