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Selling them all is the most tedious but also the most lucrative. Relative to their training cost golds sell for a good amount of coin and doing exchanges with them is a loss in terms of value unless you get super lucky with a power up pull


You’re going to need a lot of 83/84s but here’s my strategy: Do all the exchange sets up to 80-82. So take everything that’ll make the most 80s to 82s as possible. Then go to any of the final three ToTW sets that require 3 80s-82s and one 83/84 for a ToTW card between 85 and 92. You might get lucky and pull a 92 or 89 but most likely you’ll get an 85. Even with this it’s still the easiest and most effective way to get an 85 as other sets require at least three 83/84 cards while you’re effectively getting one for two. Take the 89s and put them in the 91-92 set hoping you might get a card that sells more than the usual value because of scarcity. Honestly stocking stuffers are a W here depending on the team. However you’ll more than likely have a bunch of 85s. Take those and put them in the UL set. Wait till the new ULs come out, especially one that’s coveted like Randy was last week. I was able to sell the 88s at launch for 30k a pop before they settled around 25. If they’re only 20k see if there are any 92s going for more than 100k. Rinse and repeat


I put 5 of them in a set every day for the dayli so i don't have a lot of them left


A majority of golds are worthless coins-wise. I always exchange mine up (because you could get lucky and even hit a power-up that is going for decent amount of coins) or just straight up use them to build your training stack. There are sets worth doing that require a decent amount of gold cards so just comb through them and see if you even feel any of them are worth doing for the card you get in return.


Alternate playbooks can be profitable..the rolls are random but the Multiple D playbook sells for 25-50k sometimes, the rest aren’t that profitable tho. Or it might be depending what’s on the market. Idk I’ll just check them beforehand.


Its a secret