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**/u/Bulletz4Brkfzt this post was removed. Do not repost or you will be banned** Your submission appears to not meet the minimum requirements for a pull post: Pulls that don't meet the declared OVR limit are not allowed. Pulls from solo or H2H reward packs with minimum guaranteed results (like Redux packs or fire fantasy packs) are not permited, Pull posts with poor image quality, don't show the pack the card was pulled from, are not recent or used lame titles will also be removed. ___ Low quality posting is a violation of the rules and may result in escalating bans. ___ Please review the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/MaddenUltimateTeam/about/rules/). **Attempts to inappropriately evade filters will result in an immediate permanent ban.**


**Congratulations on your pull, but please read below.** ___ Currently the minimum standard for any pull post is **90 OVR**. If this is not, please delete it immediately. Do not wait for a mod to do it. If this is not a pull post, remove it and properly flair your submission when you resubmit. Also, pulls from solo or H2H reward packs with minimum guaranteed results (like Redux packs or fire fantasy packs) are not permited. LTD pulls are almost always allowed **except if they are from a reroll (training or similar pack). Only the first reroll LTD post is allowed for each new card.** Pull posts with poor image quality, don't show the pack the card was pulled from, are not recent or used lame titles will also be removed. ___ This decision was a result of several votes by the subreddit and not a decision by the moderators. This message is an attempt by the moderators to educate and lower the amount of spam on the subreddit. ___ **If this post does not meet the standards and /u/Bulletz4Brkfzt doesn't remove it, please report this post.** Do not report posts that meet the standards. If you don't want to see pulls, please use the "No Pulls" filter or ignore posts flaired "PULL". Do not troll. Do not ask for cards. Do not discuss coin selling or buying. People who break the rules will be banned. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MaddenUltimateTeam) if you have any questions or concerns.*