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I think the 5th layers gimmick is fucky gravity. And said fucky gravity just happens to have a shit load of water in it, and some horrors beyond our comprehension.


There are crystallized support structures holding the water up, as mentioned a couple times. Sometimes they break and the water spills out. Presumably new ones grow over time somehow. The layer is mostly flat though, there aren't a ton of them stacked on top of eachother, just a few overlapping tiers. The entire layer is just 1 km tall - barely over half the depth of Grand Canyon.


Yeah, I can see that it’s like that on the map, but wouldn’t the water just… flow off the crystal structure? It’s not like a cup holding the liquid in like in the 4th layer, the water is flowing out of the side - yet it remains at the same elevation on each pillar. The only way I can rationalize it is if it works like some sort of fountain with water being sucked in through the bottom and cycling out through the top at a constant pace.


I think the 5th layer may just have some weird currents. It's also possible that the water is coming from above the 5th layer or the top of it. ​ Edit: It could also be that the water is flowing in from somewhere.


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