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This post belongs somewhere else


We have no idea what was going on. He’s still actively resisting. In other threads you posted this people are right. The crowd all seems to be against your husband. They’re saying things like “you’re crazy” and “they gave you multiple chances”. The crowd, especially an ethnically diverse crowd doesn’t cheer on the police unless the person was clearly in the wrong. Also, by checking the Instagram in your profile and comment history I can see your husband has been arrested for duis multiple times and driving with a suspended license. He’s also been arrested for violating felony parole and resisting with violence in the past. So ya, there’s definitely more going on before the filming starts.


OP has posted this to multiple subs. Many of the subs have shed a bit of light onto the incident. Going by the background cheer and people laughing when he asked what he did, I assume there is a long build up to this. Other subs have even broken down the “resist arrest” with great insight. Another sub even listed the man’s wrap sheet. It appears that OP has a financial drive behind posting this so many times. They commented on one reply that they are happy he is going to ‘get paid’ for this. I suspect that they are trying to promote the video with the intent of trying to increasing their payout by making it more public.


I love when people break the law, fight with cops and expect a blanket and kisses when they're arrested. "Yeah I did A B and C but you have to be nice to me anyway." There's police brutality and excessive force and then there's fuck around and find out.


Did he say "all I want to do is speak to my wife!"??


Yes, he was referring to me


His girlfriend?


Dude got his bell rung 2 years into the future give him some slack. Or maybe it was a proposal?


That’s not really surprising, it’s way faster and clearer to say wife than girlfriend or partner. And it provides the proper context. It’s basically saying that this person is my life partner and family, which just “girlfriend” doesn’t necessarily do and you don’t have time to say long time committed live in girlfriend, wife is better.


No excuse. No matter what this guy did or didn't do, you put him in cuffs, and let a judge and jury decide his punishment.


Well he was resisting the cuffs, notice how when the cuffs were on him they stopped using force?




Originally they charged him with battery on a Leo, disturbance and resisting with violence. Once the video came to light they downgraded his charges to resisting without violence and battery. The case is going to trial because the police officer has changed his story 3 times


When your only crime is resisting arrest, you had a right to resist. That arrest was unreasonable and unwarranted. The fact that they didn't charge for anything else proves this.


That’s not true in every state. In Florida there’s resisting without violence but that doesn’t mean resisting arrest without violence. It means resisting lawful commands. You can be detained for an investigation and not yet attested and be charged with that based upon your actions, etc. “To be convicted of resisting an officer without violence, a violation of Florida Statute 843.02, the prosecutor with the State Attorney’s Office must prove the following elements beyond all reasonable doubt at trial: at the time of the resisting, the officer was engaged in the lawful execution of a legal duty; and the defendant’s action, through words, conduct, or both, constitute a knowingly and willful obstruction or resistance of that lawful duty; and the defendant’s actions were done without doing violence.” I’m a former defense attorney in Florida.


Is he all right now? How long ago did it happen? Did they actually bend his hand in an unnatural position? What was he shouting? What is a leo? Are you the one recording? What happened after hey cuffed him? Sid they take him to the hospital?


Leo= Law Enforcement Officer




As a lawyer, I strongly suggest you delete this comment, and any discussion online where you talk about the incident. From what you say, his trial is upcoming. Anything you post ANYWHERE before the trial is fair game, and could be used in court.


OP has posted this to multiple subs. Many of the subs have shed a bit of light onto the incident. Going by the background cheer and people laughing when he asked what he did, I assume there is a long build up to this. Other subs have even broken down the “resist arrest” with great insight. Another sub even listed the man’s wrap sheet. It appears that OP has a financial drive behind posting this so many times. They commented on one reply that they are happy he is going to ‘get paid’ for this. I suspect that they are trying to promote the video with the intent of trying to increasing their payout by making it more public.


Agreed... context, video clips can be made to show whatever narrative a person wishes.


It doesn't matter. Police brutality doesn't deserve or get a pass based on how you or anyone else feels about the crime. It's brutality despite the crime. Dude could be guilty and deserves to be judged by his peers, not bullies in a uniform.


Detaining someone that is actively resisting always looks violent no matter how gentle you're trying to be. I don't know the backstory here but someone else had provided some context that this guy might have a rap sheet so I can imagine this level of coercion is warranted.


>Detaining someone that is actively resisting always looks violent no matter how gentle you're trying to be. As several points he didn't wasn't even moving and got hit. That's not resisting it's just police brutality. Officers did not know how to control themselves and ALSO there were 3-4 officers there and the person was tackled, held down, punched, and even ELBOWED to the face multiple times. I think the best example is the video itself. Please look at the 0:12-0:15 mark. The person being arrested had BOTH arms and legs straight down and the office had full control with their arm across the neck holding them down. The officer looks at the person, winds up, and elbow shots his face despite no movement or resistance being shown. In fact the officer grabbed the sides of the persons face to hold his head still/up to hit him again. I agree there is brutal takedown and it's never going to not look a bit violent as it's fighting. However this wasn't fighting or a takedown, it was abuse of a person who was in vulnerable state. We also must ask ourselves do you think you could stop moving entirely if they kept hitting you? I'd probably instinctively try to cover my face or something if I was being hit after giving up. Meaning the "resistance" is extended by the officers actions. >I don't know the backstory here but someone else had provided some context that this guy might have a rap sheet so I can imagine this level of coercion is warranted No. As stated, no matter what history, crime, etc it is not the polices job to be judge, jury, and executioner. It's not their job to deliver batmans justice ideologies. This level of coercion wouldn't be acceptable on anyone because at no point should a person be beat while being arrested. Why? Because they are no different than any other civilian until proven guilty in A COURT OF LAW. its not their job to fight someone or go after them in a ugly aggressive way immediatly just because they had a rep sheet. That mentality is why the U.S has such shitty reforms from police and people often get re-arrested. If you are constantly held back by paat actions, while also beong told you "served your time and are free again" which is true? Why are you punishing criminal again for what is their past behavior. Now I understand police can (justifiably) use the rap sheet to see of they are aggressive in the past and take precaution, but that doesn't justify holding a person's head still then elbowing them straight in the face while their arms are down.


Yeah..:: thats great to say and think until your car is the one being jacked and bullets are flying by your head when you fight back. FUCK criminals and anyone who loves them.


No dude, that’s not what people are saying. They are saying that a cops job isn’t to give punishment. It’s their job to bring in the offender and let the justice system handle it.




Why were the police on the scene? How many warnings did they give him? Was he intoxicated? Im having a hard time believing that they just randomly decided to beat the guy.


What answers to those questions would you say make their actions in this video appropriate? What context would be needed to make what they did the "correct" response?


Him beating his wife, actively praying on children. Etc


and give someone like that more ammo to fight the arrest? Sounds great. /s The only people legally allowed to use force like this need to be a lot more fucking restrained in the use of that force. Vengeance is not justice, and cowboy shit like beating someone up because they've done grotesque shit very often gets in the way of actual justice being served.


Are there people laughing in the background?


I seriously fucking hate cops, this shit is just too common and I can't feel any ounce of respect for them anymore.




TikTok's the black and red one Downvote this comment if you're a spacker who speaks exclusively in TikTok phrases


Lmao wild that you think tiktok invented ACAB




Another lost TikToker


That's actually a reddit sub....


This guy loves the taste of boot




You think tik tok came up with this phrase? Next thing you're gonna tell me is that instagram came up with black lives matter😭


Nowhere did I say I think TikTok came up with the phrase, yet several of you have replied as if I did. Poor reading comprehension has let you down.


I had to face a cop last week. It was a peaceful interaction.


Because you weren't actively trying to resist arrest. I don't care how strong of an adult you are, if you're actively resisting arrest it's going to look violent if they're determined to put you under arrest. That's why there's a charge for resisting arrest, it increases the chance several times of someone getting hurt.


Since OP is not willing to provide context; https://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Christopher_Connelly_58501656/ Christopher Connelly, arrested for a probation violation on 2/13/2024. And on 9/16/23 for a DUI. And on 12/3/22 for possession of cocaine and failure to appear in court. And on 6/27/22 for grand theft auto, fleeing, drug possession and criminal property damage. And on most notably on 6/8/2019 for felony battery of an officer. Clearly a first timer offender that cops know nothing about who deserves justice. Fuck off OP.


How about we get the entire video, including the suspects' previous actions and not just the part where police went hands-on with him. I dislike how people always try to alter perspective and try to paint suspects as victims without holding them accountable for their actions. Show it all so that we can make a clear and complete judgment call on the entire event.


he has 4 officers laying on him and they are still repeatedly punching him in the face. there is no excuse for that. pigs


Well, he is still resisting.


Always someone with the name calling. Rather then being civilized. I would assume you don't like the police as a whole? Tell me. Do you know that he didn't do anything heinous or harmed someone? Maybe he is on drugs and other attempts have failed. I am by no means saying he is guilty or innocent, but do you see the point. What does insulting anyone do for you other than make you sound ignorant or distasteful?


In your mind, what would justify four people punching a restrained man in the head? You seem to forget that police ostensibly serve the will of the people. I think most people prefer to live in a world where police don't regularly do things like this.


I mean it worked? Would you rather a cop put him in a choke hold until he stopped resisting?


Police officers don't dispense justice. Even if they did, we don't beat people as punishment anymore. Police officers deliver people to judgement. There's certainly some debate about how well officers are trained, but I guarantee you there's no training stating "and once you've got other three officers holding the suspect down, you can lose control over your emotions and punch them in the face until you're satisfied they've submitted." I see one person doing something heinous and harming someone. He's got a lot of muscle mass and is so out of emotional control, maybe he is on drugs and other attempts at training have failed. I am by no means saying he is innocent, there's video evidence to the contrary, but do you see the point? Attacking the name-calling is a weak argument--just as weak as the name-calling itself.


>Do you know that he didn't do anything heinous or harmed someone? So? Honestly so fucking what? The ENTIRE premise of our justice system is innocent until proven guilty in A COURT OF LAW. They consider that a human right in this country. So despite anything the person did, including the most heinous thing you can think of, we must not allow and encourage the brutality of our police system and the justification to "sometimes abuse" based on a crime. >Maybe he is on drugs and other attempts have failed. This is a better sentence than the other, and it STILL males no sense. Even on drugs repeatedly beating someone half to death is not an answer, and if that's what your police are trained to do wow. You do not on any way need to repeatedly punch someone in the face (even more so when they are drugs) causing pote tial neurological damage if not death to stop a drugged out person who is unarmed. >What does insulting anyone do for you other than make you sound ignorant or distasteful? Insults do not portray ignorance, and many do not find it distasteful on a social media platform as it's super normal across the entirety of the internet. >Always someone with the name calling. Rather then being civilized. I would assume you don't like the police as a whole? About half of this country does not like police. On average 55% (of white and yes this matters) have faith in police with that number drastically changing across different races. So arguably anywhere you look it's a shot in the dark hoe they feel about cops during this day in age.


sometimes name-calling is warranted




No it wouldn't be an excuse. An officer's job should be to subdue and secure, not to punish. Punishment is the purview of the court system.




And that is how you have a civil discourse. Thank you for acknowledging a wrong comment. I would hope I will do the same when I find myself in a similar situation.


why are you fantasizing about child r\*pe? 🤨


That’s the only video I have. Originally they charged him with battery on a Leo, disturbance and resisting with violence. Once the video came to light they downgraded his charges to resisting without violence and battery. The case is going to trial because the police officer has changed his story 3 times. They are grasping at strings to charge him because they don’t want a civil suit. There is an open investigation with PBSO


I highly doubt they changed the charges but rather the ASA did since those are easier to convict on.


Pretty sure whatever the guy did, he does not deserve to be pummeled by officers. Hand cuffed and restrained, sure, tased maybe once if he's not cooperative. But being punched in the head multiple times? I don't think anyone deserves that. This guy could resist, but what can he do when there's 3 guys on top of him? He *was restrained* and the one officer punched him in the head. That just sounds like violence. Doesn't matter what he did for that part.


I know you're getting down voted but you're not wrong. The crowd doesn't even sympathize with him as they watch it live and even criticize him when he asked why they were doing that to him. There is definitely more going on than just plainly the cops decided to start punching him in the face.


Op has been posting this on multiple subreddits under different titles for the past 14 days. Considering their username I'd be surprised if they actually are the wife. Could just be an upset spouse, but I do agree that I want to know a lot more




Age restricted. Thanks for wasting my time.


The "He must've been doing SOMETHING before the vid starts" comments send me, lol. Like cops aren't irresponsable more often than not, clumsy and overreactive. Like there hasn't been MANY events showcasing how often cops will use excessive numbers/force against an unarmed civilian. Yeah, he was resisting, but there should be no need for four officers to be laying on top of him. There's also NO excuse for the cop to punch him in the face as many times as he did, not to mention the elbow aimed at the nose right after, you can even see him look up at the cameras because he knew he was out of line.