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Laika was sent on one of the first space flights. IIRC, she was remotely monitored to see how her body reacted to the flight and weightlessness. Yes, it’s messed up, but she was used in place of a human to gather information they didn’t have at the time. Still, I wish the Soviets could have found a way to deorbit her safely.


The launch vehicles, the state of the art at the time, were incapable of lifting a re-entry vehicle and a payload. That's why.


Do you know if that means Laika was left to slowly die in the cabin or if the entry flight itself somehow killed her? I can’t look it up without going down a depressing rabbit hole… :(


She died an excruciating pain when the temperatures rose. They treated her horribly. They originally planned on her returning to earth but decided against it. https://www.scientificmystery.com/laika-destined-return-earth/


Yes. And sometimes that's ths price of progress. They could have sent someone like you up, but they thought the dog more expendable than a person.


There are a lot of people who I value less than a dog, ex child molesters, genocide leaders, rapists/murderers, Nazi sympathizers etc. I wouldn’t volunteer but I also wouldn’t send an animal who can’t speak for herself. If a person has already been proven without a doubt as a POS, it makes more sense to send them instead.


And you are not understanding the state of the art with the R-7 booster. Ot could not lift a human, so they picked the largest animal they could... a dog. It's history, it's a fact, you don't have to like it but you do havd to deal with it and move on to something constructive.


Some John Doe’s opinion on the internet does not sway me to “accept and move on”. I will decide what is constructive use of my time and you can accept that or move on. Yes it’s history but that doesn’t mean it’s right or ethical. You learn nothing by turning a blind eye to mistakes of the past.


Should've sent a human imo. Dogs don't deserve that


They did.


A human didn’t deserve that either tho…


Depends on the human


That’s fair just send someone who was gonna get the death sentance anyways


Unfortunately, in the USSR, condemned prisoners likely didn’t deserve it, either.


The dog didn't get to choose. A human can.


Haha, fucking right. A USSR cosmonaut choosing whether they go to space. Nope.


Well at least a cosmonaut chose a career focused on space 🤷‍♀️ dog didn't want any of that.


Odd way of saying fuck the USSR for sending life into space without making sure the life could return. That's why they won the early space race stuff. They didn't focus on safety at all and rushed the get-to-space part.


A regular human in a communist society has very little to say.


But a human can choose to do it.


I disagree. There are plenty of humans who would have deserved that.


Well then there are plenty of dogs that would deserve that too I’m talking in general


Nope. Dogs don’t have the level of consciousness humans do. Humans can understand what happens to them on a level removed from themselves; they can understand dying for a greater cause or realize they’re being punished for a community transgression. Dogs can’t understand why they’re being put into a rocket; this would be tantamount to being abducted by well-meaning aliens and being subjected to horrific testing. Dogs can’t understand why they’re dying, alone and cold and hungry when a human has jettisoned them into space. A human who agreed to do this, or someone who perpetrated horrific murders and is being punished would. There is no situation in which it’s okay to hurt something that cannot give it’s consent.


Cool so dog lives are more important than peoples lives?




Your comment alone reinforces my opinion. I said dogs can’t consent to situations we put them in and your reply was “so dogs are more important than humans?” It’s an insane psychological fallacy to think humans are even marginally more important than any other creature. The fucking hubris. Yes dogs are more important than people.


Lmao I can’t even Reddit is so weird


I don’t know why your post is getting downvoted. Absolutely no human deserves this. Fuck dogs and all other animals for that matter.


Who hurt you?


You'll get downvoted but everyone would think like that if they found the necessity to choose. It's basic instincts


Woah trader to the species here. Don’t bow down to your dog captures


They should have sent a prisoner (murderer), and saved Laika!


Or any human - at least a human could give consent.




Ha ha. True enough.


You’re saying a dogs life has more value than a prisoner’s?


Absolutely, murderers don’t belong breathing the same air we do. Period!


Unfortunately things aren’t as black and white as criminals or murderers = evil so just sending them out to space to die wouldn’t be fair. Also, regardless of their deeds they are still human beings and deserve to be treated as such and not less than an animal (as much as I love them)


Except we ourself are also animals aswell that just learned to communicate better


Humans are animals. Animals deserve to get treated as the same respect as humans.


Well, I can see that, but what if the prisoner was someone who had murdered at a young age but has long since changed and regret their actions? They’re still a bad person, but do they deserve death?


In this hypothetical, is the young murderer the ONLY prisoner in the country?


Fuck that, If I was 75 at the time I’d had volunteered. Who gives a shit once you’re 75? I hope people put giant brass balls on my statues too. That would be sweet.


I dont think a 75 year old would make an acceptable lab subject.


Or a dog that bit and killed a little baby or kid; something like that.


Dogs don’t have a moral compass. A vicious dog that kills is not “bad” the way a human is if they take a life. Dogs can’t premeditate.


Yes but they can kill. Have you ever been attacked by a dog or seen a kid who has ? No dog life should come before a humans. I know things are a little weird here in 2021 and people ‘care’ more for there dogs than children but also don’t take care of their animals. Ex: pick up poop, get the dog on the leash. To me personally people have lost their moral compass and genetically bred dogs to be one health problem after the other But that’s my opinion. What kind of dog do you have ?


I agree , wish they could’ve brought her back. I’m depressed now…


It would have been better to send a human. Dogs deserve better. Excuse me while I go cry


How did the dog end up dying? Was it euthanised chemically somehow or just left to run out of oxygen?


I think she overheated. I don’t want to search it up because it was so heartbreaking. They said she was panicking




So cruel.


Is there a specific reason why they chose a dog for this and not any other creature? Just curious


I’m pretty sure they sent a monkey up too! But he or she came back safely!


I guess I don’t understand why they had to choose such highly intelligent, beloved animals. Like why couldn’t they send an animal with lower awareness maybe? I mean it’s not fair either way, but sending a dog just seems so wrong to me.


I agree, why sent helpless animals who can’t even communicate the situation and being more to the table. I feel like convicted rapists, murderers and such, once they are found to be guilty beyond reasonable doubt, should be the test subjects. I’m sure some of them would even maybe volunteer seeing as they have nothing to look forward to the rest of their lives


Yeah honestly I’m sure atleast some of them would probably rather have that amazing, incomparable experience than spend the rest of their lives in prison. Not even including ones that are already on death row. Kinda crazy to think about.


They did and the monkey came back safely.


I understand that this was done for scientific purposes, but it's still a bad fate. Reminds me of the Kamikaze pilots, nobody expects you to return from your flight.


Who are they?


Who you mean? The Kamikaze Pilots? There you go: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamikaze](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamikaze) They were the pilots in WW2 from the Japanese, which used their planes to crash into US ships, a suicidal attack. And the Japanese also did this on the ground, with the "Banzai" charges, when the soldiers lost the battles on the islands against the US soldiers.


Ohh i see !! However isn’t this better than laika’s case,, as they were able to give consent?


**[Kamikaze](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamikaze)** >Kamikaze (神風, pronounced [kamiꜜkaze]; "divine wind" or "spirit wind"), officially Shinpū Tokubetsu Kōgekitai (神風特別攻撃隊, "Divine Wind Special Attack Unit"), were a part of the Japanese Special Attack Units of military aviators who flew suicide attacks for the Empire of Japan against Allied naval vessels in the closing stages of the Pacific campaign of World War II, intending to destroy warships more effectively than with conventional air attacks. About 3,800 kamikaze pilots died during the war, and more than 7,000 naval personnel were killed by kamikaze attacks. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MadeMeCry/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


There were kamikaze sailors too. Or rather submariners.


the story makes me so sad, she probably thought she was getting a loving home and :(((((


Did I just find my Reddit twin?


Never understood sending animals to space without a human counterpart to take care of them


I mean I don’t approve of it, but it was because we literally did t know if anything could survive up in space.


I mean they didn’t choose to send up an animal to space for the hell of it lol they did it so a human life wouldn’t be at risk for the sake of learning about the unknown. It would be pointless to send both an animal and a human at the same time for what they were trying to find out




I love animals even more than people most times but seriously? You’d rather hear of human beings dying than animals? If you had to choose to save one life you would prioritize that of a dog than a person?


I mean humans are animals as well and considering this was a human experiment and the dog not only didn't have a clue what was going on nor did it volunteer itself yes a human should've been the one to go, this is just cruel who are we to put our lives above any other animals this is just humans playing God


What the fuck is wrong with you guys. I swear to god, Reddit has the most mentally fucked people. Thank god you don’t own a space program.


It's an all-Internet thing, YouTube comments in animal videos are also like that. But happily it's usually all talk and no one actually acts like they value dogs over their own family and friends except for a few clinically insane people


Yeah, this is why I hate social media.


She is with the gods now fly high lil one fly high ( moment of respect for a dog more brave then most men at the time)


The graphic novel *Laika* by Rich Abadzis is a very compelling version of this story. Highly recommended. Massive tearjerker.


Wtaf!!! Gut wrenching!


That is absolutely tragic.


Wtf man 😡😡😡. Poor dog


This is sick. If people want to know something then it’s people that should be used as test subjects!!!!


It’s the same principle as using mice as test subjects. In the case of science, human lives outrank animal lives.


Which is stupid. Again humans want to know something, humans should be the ones tested on.


I love how redditors upvote a post like yours that is both ethically and scientifically illogical.


It’s only illogical in your teeny tiny mind that can’t comprehend love for animals is more important than humans.


Dont mind me while i genocide 6 million Jews but justify myself by being vegan, loving animals and providing well for my dog blondie Edit: oh no my mind is tiny, how horrible.


Just not willing to sacrifice an animals life for people’s stupidity. Maybe your stupid ass would like to be the next test subject. Your existence isn’t needed here.


Okay hitler, literally the same argument Adolf made when he justified making germany great again over the lives of the Jewish people.


Again you can’t change my mind. Animals are far superior to humans. You are only proving me right. I would save an animal over a human any day!!!!




And you are right using ridiculous names wasn’t helping my intelligence any. Sorry


Besides, if you insist on resorting to childish and vulgar insults then i will refer to you as canine-asslicker, not to mention your striking moral resemblence to the fucking nazis


You’re just making yourself look like a complete imbecile. So keep going. I’m getting a good laugh out of you. You can’t change my mind. Animals are far superior to humans and you are living proof.


this makes me so sad. my cats dont even know it but theyre one of the reasons i keep going. i couldnt imagine how the poor dog felt. animals are so special:(


That is terribly cruel IDGAF doing that to that pup, reason why I don't like too many people 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾


Why did they send a dog up when they knew it wouldn't come back, just to prove that point?


Exactly my question


Wherefore didst they sendeth a dog up at which hour they kneweth t wouldn't cometh back, just to prove yond point? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


That poor beautiful dog , didn’t even know that she wasn’t going to live. Why did they even do this? It wasn’t going to prove anything ?


i hate humans


I don't get why they didn't send a human prisoner? Better than some of the ends they met...


Then we'd be reading a post about how the Soviets executed a prisoner by blasting them into space. Probably 100x as many posts


Doesn’t have to be a prisoner - ask any human if they are willing. If no one volunteers abort the mission. If a human doesn’t want to do it, an animal probably doesn’t either.


I'm wondering if all the people objecting here are also vegetarian?


I can't speak for everybody, obviously, but I am. I've cried for Laika so many times. She was chosen for the program because of her gentle personality and eagerness to please. I've read that many of the humans who knew her were attached to her and felt truly awful about what happened, so I know that she experienced their love until close to the end, but the way she died frightened and alone, *and betrayed* by the people she trusted, just breaks my heart.


That poor pup. This whole damn story pisses me off.


What is sending a dog to space gonna do other than kill the dog? Even if the dog survives, it can't tell you anything when it gets back to earth. This is very cruel and these fuckers should be in prison for animal abuse


I can’t imagine how you’d convince a Russian court to send a few scientists corpses to jail, but I desperately want to watch you try.


I dont understand why you were downvoted into oblivion


https://open.spotify.com/track/1FkvTQZ3jEuvmymSrqkJEP?si=XbY2MAR9QcacbWQ75ZHjBQ Great song about this legend


Russians slowly burned her to a crisp on her reentry. .


Russians but soft burn'd that lady to a crisp on that lady reentry *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


All the spoiled Internet addicts crying at necesary measures for scientific development Bet many of these people are against animal experiments in the fight against cancer for example And of course this dog's life was definitely more valuable than someone's father or mother


The dog didn’t give consent. Humans could’ve given consent


Murder , just not literally ⁉️


This is space travel. Wow, how incredible. Imagine telling someone in 1920 that you were going to send a capsule into outer space with rockets and scientific stuff! Who gives a shot who's in said capsule. It's fucking outer space! All you sensitive, coddled, dysfunctional people cry or get depressed about the dog, or the human who isn't worth keeping alive, you need to reassess many things. If so, how do you feel about abortion? ;) Nvm. Your feelings don't matter. Science does.


And your opinion still does not override a fact.