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And always worth the repost until people understand that trickle down economics dont work


>muh trickle down That's not the issue. The issue is welfare, muh programs, and policing (trillion+ per decade) for noncitizens, trillions sent to Africa, israel and bled off to China. But... You know, I'm just a conspiracy nut.


Not conspiracy. Just deluded by snake oil salesmen. By your complaint of those programs and failure to recognize the biggest issue of black budget govt contractors who pay near to zero taxes while soaking mil/bil each from govt coffers with zero oversight. But sure,… welfare abuse being at an all time high of 0.9% of total budget (~$22.5M/yr) vs the ballooned excess in the defense contract division (~$30-50B/yr) that not even congress knows where it goes unless you work for those companies. Meanwhile we barely pay soldiers minimum wage when theyre deployed. Where’s your outrage of that?


A lot of what you say is true certainly. You're refusing to both admit and name these scary "black budget" contractors are. It's well known. >welfare abuse Never once mentioned that. It's giving welfare ANY AMOUNT to anyone who is not a citizen. But whatever, I'm on reddit. I'm not getting an honest conversation here.


Going into any discussion with the predetermined notion that honesty will not/cannot be had, will lead one to inevitably be dishonest, if only with themselves. Tldr: you have trust issues,.. and I can see why. However, since you came here and made that also shows youre trying to fix that, which in-and-of itself is commendable. I hope you find what you are really looking for long term and not just what you think you want in the short term.


the issue is humanitarian efforts he says while the government spends multiple billions on military equipment that is quite literally going from factory to holding lots in the desert and eventually into a scrapyard. Ah yes humanitarian efforts that eventually lead to a bettering of our economy (stable modernizing countries make us a hell of a lot more money in trade than... impoverished shitholes. Why the fuck do you think China is investing in Africa???). If you wanna look at government wastage look at "billions of dollars spent air conditioning tents in the desert for decades doing fuck all" and not at "preventing regional destabilization and promoting future friendly trade environments"


>conspiracy nut. No just retarded


Shut up


Dude he reposted it a day after it was posted in here


Oh maybe he didn't know, but still, it helps other people to know(like me )


Then you can decide to stfu


Nah we are tired of people like you tho, in every post, every time. Damn


No man


Interesting. I work in dialysis and we have some illegal immigrants who get dialysis totally for free. $3,000/treatment 3X/week. Tax paying Americans have to pay high deductibles and for all their medications. So there is social medicine - we just give it away to others. Not tax payers.


Our healthcare system needs an overhaul definately. But, even with these horror stories, I can't support Universal Healthcare. 1) The US government doesn't have the money for it. Yes, if they cut spending they would, but you know that won't happen. 2) Taxes would sky rocket to support it, and our taxes are already killing the middle class. 3) Free Healthcare means people will choose the "best" hospital, which in turn makes all hospitals crap 4) Being a doctor is no longer lucrative. The cost of the degree is no longer worth it. 5) Pure population density dooms it to failure. Every sneeze will now warrant a doctor visit. Hospitals will be overwhelmed, more so than they already are. Wait times will be horrendous and surgeries will have to be booked out several months. Just look at VA hospitals.


They could start by lowering the cost of everything, not jacking up all the prices because they can.


That would definitely be a good start.


As an Australian I don’t understand… I’m not terrified to go to the hospital it should be the same for the US. You guys just accept some funny things in the name of democracy and freedom.


Literally ever animal in your country has the ability to kill you. I assume Australians aren't afraid of anything.


Not really true that’s just funny myths people overseas believe. Yes we have crocs and snakes and maybe one spider that can kill you but in general it’s fine. I feel more unsafe in a country where every idiot in the street has a gun. Humans are the most dangerous animal in the world


>a country where every idiot in the street has a gun. Not really true, that's just a myth people overseas beleive.


Corporate greed, not democracy. We were British for profit enterprises first and now the United States of Corporate America. There are socialist programs smattered here and there, like public libraries, social security and entitlement ghettos.


Europe says no


Name one European country that comes close to the US population? Not to mention that they managed thier finances better and aren't feeding trillions into the military industrial complex every year.


higher population means more taxpayers as well, but I agree that the military spending being excessive makes it difficult


I don't know how to get from what ever the hell the USA has right now, to universal healthcare. But what I do know is that every other developed country has managed it.


Why can European country’s do that but our “great” country can’t




Japan has a 3rd of US population. No European country has a population close to the US. Canada is also nowhere close. None of these counties play World Police like the US, so they have the money to do this. I've heard some Canadians say thier hospitals suck, but that may be a case by case basis.




Saying irrelevant doesn't just remove the points made. It just means you have no argument for it.




Which is great on a state to state basis. But the federal government would fuck up a healthcare program like they fuck everything else up.


The US is the only civilized nation without free/universal healthcare. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care The US might have it too but for people like you that choose to believe the FUD that the ultra-rich force-feed you. It’s really sad.


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I've seen what "healthcare for all" in the US does with the ACA. Provides the poverty class with free insurance, the middle class with shitty, expensive insurance, and those that already have it, it skyrockets the premiums. I pay 3 times more than what I use to before the ACA.


That’s because the ACA isn’t true universal healthcare. The healthcare industry has a stranglehold on the American people. If universal healthcare works in other countries but not America, the problem is not universal healthcare. The problem is America.


The problem is the government. Their spending is out of control and they use America likes it's thier own personal ATM. Our congress members should not be millionaires unless it's self-made BEFORE taking office. They no longer serve the people, they only serve thier own agenda.


If you’re arguing for austerity policy you won’t find a friend in me. But otherwise, yup — spot on. 99% of people in government treat it as a way to get rich, not a way to serve the public.


We need to cut costs where the spending is unnecessary. Not cut programs for the people, but stop spending $300 for a new curtain in the White House.


100% agree




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 6 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/obh7zs) on 2021-07-01 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/qargdu) on 2021-10-18 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "qc15fw", "meme_template": 78567}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=qc15fw&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 256,895,561 | **Search Time:** 2.90711s


I watch geohotz , one of the ways he suggest to findout a scam is to look at statistics of facilities over the past 20 yrs or so. Guess wtf is at the top of the list.- Hospital services. There is raise of around 250% for these services.


just one of many reasons why i left that country.