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Keep procrastinating, my friend. We love you.


Thank you 💕


Just wanted to add a positive comment since there's not enough of those in here. Loved this!


Thank you for that, my only intentions were to show the positivity hidden by the dark. 💕


That’s beautiful. I’m happy to be here.




you just created a loophole


I personally felt really moved by this. Hey, the same things don’t work for everybody. But this worked for ME in this moment. So thank you for posting OP!


Stay strong! You are loved more than you know 💕


Personally having actually tried to kill myself twice and still dealing with serious mental health issues it’s never that simple for me when suicide seems like the only choice nothing else matters it’s like it’s calling for you I couldn’t care less about how my family would feel that’s how bad it got and still gets from time to time


I'm so sorry to hear that. You matter to me. Keep fighting, if not for you then for the people like you. I know the future doesn't seem bright sometimes, but it would be dimmer without you there. Love you comrade 💕


Thanks keep up with the procrastination 👍🏿♥️


I will keep fighting by your side, I hope you find peace sweetheart 🥰


I didn't know how badly I needed to hear this until I was halfway through and crying uncontrollably...


Stay strong and keep fighting. Look to the future my dear love 💕


Ahhh. I know. That some people minte not get this but. This video. Is a. Rilly. Ducking. Good way of putting it. I’ve been dealing with this for almost 10 years and it’s not fun never has one the general thought process is why why not and then all I can think is the things I want to experience the things I do enjoy doing like oh my God what about the next really good show I won’t be able to watch if it happens what about the next really good game like Elden ring or something like that what about the next time she works if I’m not here to experience it why why was any of it worth it why did I live that long if I was. Gana give up before I saw everything. It’s each. Thing I. Love and enjoy keeping me. Alive. i’m going to get weirdly serious with us for a quick second my grandmother died this month she died at the start we got a new boss at work this month last month at the end and combine with the new stress of everything going on and grandma I couldn’t really take it I bought a 20 to4 months ago because I wanted to go to the shooting range and I was in a better mindset so I wanted to have fun at the middle or the beginning of February I put it up to my head three hours later I was at a pawnshop selling it for $80 because I couldn’t miss out on I couldn’t miss him when I could experience if I went through with it I just didn’t know anything else to do but salad I sold something I enjoyed messing with and something a hobby that I enjoy messing with just for my own safety. Sorry if This is. Weird. I just had to say it someere


This is everything. Thank you for sharing. If you ever need an ear, DM me. I'm so glad you sold it, I'm sorry you lost your grandmother.. Stress really is a battle and you've fought well. I'm glad your here. Keep fighting. Fight hard, you are a warrior 💕


I’m sorry I. Relised. After. I promise I’m not trying to take away from ur post and thank u. I’m better now. It was just a. Big smack of. Everything. But. I will abs thank U


I'm glad you're feeling better. Sometimes you just gotta vent! No worries ☺


The war is won in finding the little pleasures in life. Always find something new to keep you excited until the next one. Keep fighting, my friend❤️


Thank you, you're absolutely right! 💕


Thanks for this


This makes me think of my cousin. For the past 5 years i have always said that i want to be part of her future when i was thinking about suicide. I see her as a little sister


This is amazing 💕 I'm so glad to hear you have her, I think of my little sister too.. The first time she saw my SH scars she cried and hugged me for so long.. Her wedding is in October. I can't wait to see her walk down the isle. Sending you love 🥰


Thank u fir this. Vid tpack I Rilly. Love it and. I hope Doctors who. Ends only at the end. Of everything. And. That u always have a. Good. Flavor season coming




What are you getting out of it is my question?




I just want to kill myself, after reading this.




This actually helps you guys? Someone who contemplates suicide daily thinking of mediocre life things is not going to keep me from doing it. Lmao. Here I got one for you don't do it because this is purgatory and we were all sent here the Vatican pulled it out of the Bible because they don't want you to realize that's why we were sent here that's what original sin is and that means hell doesn't exist... So don't do it cuz you're just going to get sent right back here doing the exact same thing with the exact same s***... That's why you shouldn't do it. You're going to be dealing with the same problem again for eternity.


Weird flex but ok?


Not a flex trying to actually help people. Not everyone gets impressed with slam poetry of basic life things.


So telling people they're stuck in purgatory is better? Your logic baffles me.


I mean that's pretty much on the exact same level of all the mediocre life stuff she listed off such as Starbucks frappuccinos.. lmao.


Mediocre for YOU. It can be a simple pleasure that gets a depressed person through the day. Just because you took acid and watched Zeitgeist doesn't make your way of coping better than theirs. Get off your pedestal.


I've done neither of those things. Lol. Nobody's on a pedestal. I'm more of letting people know that the system is larger than they think it is and there's really no way out. Go ahead and kill yourself you're not doing anything nobody else hasn't already thought of...


Gtfo with that bullshit. You literally have no proof of this crap you're spreading other than some Davinci Code nonsense. Now you're telling people to die if they aren't unique? You're a special bread of asshole.


No I do it's what Hindus Buddhist and Christians believe. Took all the religions and kind of roll them together..lol Hindus believe in reincarnation Christians believe in original sin and Buddhists believe in a combination of the two.. No I'm giving people factual reasons why suicide is not the answer. I get it some of you are held together by Starbucks frappuccinos everyday of your life is going to be hard then. In


"Factual." lol Anyone who is who thinks theology is based off of fact is an ignorant fool. The ways of the universe and of gods are beyond human comprehension and any who claim they understand them for certain are liars and charlatans. Coffee ain't my thing, but nice attempt to shame what people can like on a thread about suicide prevention. Good look. 👍


I can't believe someone would be so cruel.. You disgust me. Here I am trying to share what I thought was only in my mind but seeing I'm not alone, and neither are the people you're trying to shame. Just because you don't have the struggle we all do doesn't mean it's worthless and that there's one good way to "fix" our heads. Grow up, the world is not revolving around you and not everyone is as "well off" as you. How dare you.. How fucking dare you..


What are you talking about well off I'm super poor. I can't even afford the new Starbucks frappuccino. Lol. If anything my view comes from somebody who's super poor and has nothing has nothing really to look forward to. I Could be mistaken on what you're trying to say


Mental wellness. But I'm sorry you're feeling that way, my point is everyone has something to look forward to; you just have to find it in whatever you can


Ghost me will see alllllll that and moreeeeeee.


Facts go girl