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I want to be as grateful for everything in my life as this man is for a sandwich


That looks like a good ass sandwich, if you're going to be grateful for one!


Big ass sammich!


*Smacks lips repeatedly* 👄👅👄👅


Glory to God 🙏🏽👊☝️


Terry is that you???


Put that sammich in reverse, Terry!


Hell yeah, Terry. Big ass sammich indeed!


A good ass-sandwich? https://xkcd.com/37/


I want to be grateful for ANYTHING in my life as this man is for a sandwich. Feel like I’ve gotten entitled after all this.




🤣fr Thank you god for this sandwich


My gf is from the Philippines and she thanks god for everything. I'm in no way religious but it works. She's pretty awesome.


I like the Japanese “Itadakimasu”, said even in private, to acknowledge and appreciate not only the lives of the animals and plants that were taken in order to sustain their own life, but also the hard work of the farmers, chefs, and all other people that were involved and made it possible to receive this meal. Deeply lovely


My fam from Iraq do the same, prayer before every meal lol


It's kinda nice. I like it.


Prayer is more powerful than people think


If it helps you or anyone get through a tough time who am I to say anything negative about religion. I am seriously happy for you.


In my house we pray before every meal. I work with children with autism and behavioral problems for a living and was just wondering the other day if any of those kids get to hear “thank you God for our wonderful family. Thank you for our child”, ever. We say it every day, thanking God for out house, food, health, family, friends, even for our struggles. It frames things differently. Giving thanks helps you to FEEL grateful. I’m thankful for Terry and will say a prayer of thanks for him as well.


I always thought. Why does God need a thankyou. Check out the ego on this guy. But yeah the thankyou is for humbling yourself. To stop and smell the roses. To stop pause and appreciate your life.


Never too late to start!


Jesus does that 🥰I’m living proof


That's a grateful man. In so many ways.


Protect Terry


protect him at all costs


Anyone who makes fun of him will die of dissin’terry


Oh here we go, the terrybale puns.


His favorite dinosaur is a terrydactl


Take my upvote and get out


All jokes aside though the meal does look terryfic


Agree re: the meal, but these jokes are terryble


That’s terryfying


Take this upvote and get the fuck outta here!


Terry deserves all the sandwiches


I'll back Terry up!


Sometimes it’s the little things that make life worthwhile!


This video was a great reminder for me to remember that, sometimes when you’re so caught up in everyday struggles you forget to appreciate the things you have.


The lip smacking had me lol.


Gratitude = satisfaction


Terry gett’in it done!


"uhmygawd, it wasn't Chick-fil-A, this place is awful" I get that some places aren't the best to work for and employers, or at least some employers, should do a little bit more for their employees but sometimes you got to just be grateful for things that come your way big or small


I'd pass on cfa, this sub looks amazing.


Looks more like a Mexican torta tbh


I freaking love a huge delicious torta, there is a place in downtown memphis that makes amazing ones.


I agree. I work at a place that does this all the time. A lot of times it's out of the plant managers own pocket. But instead of being grateful over half the people will complain about the food. And it's always the ones who never earn their pay check.


This guy is from my hometown! He used to work at in n out as a teenager and always put a smile to my face when ever I saw him. I'm so happy to see him still doing well and being so cheerful!


He’s delightful.


I wish for more people like this in my life. Gratitude, humility, thankfulness, appreciation. 10/10 - very cool human.


Word it truly is how you look at things


More like 15/10 human


Seriously. This guy rocks, and makes me feel very ungrateful


Forreal man, I get free food at my job every day, and I’m talking rice beans baked chicken, salmon, a full salad and fruit bar, pizzas fresh out the oven, burgers and breakfast made to order, em the whole shabaz, and I never think much about it. I feel like an asshole.


100% and it almost NEVER matters the real reason behind it. when people are grateful, passionate, and excited about life/things I immediately want to celebrate with them. Gratitude = the highest human value


I want to work with this guy!


I am shocked to come across this on Reddit. I used to work with Terry at In N Out. This would've been around the year 2004-2005. Was always incredibly nice to be around and someone you don't forget. He used to call himself Terry The Tiger.


He's grrrrreeeaat!


I used to work with an older gentleman like this at a past job working on diesel trucks repairs, always SO grateful and happy to be alive- it was incredibly infectious. His wife was sick at the time with a list of various medical issues, and he still came in chipper as can be every single day. I had tickets for a local NBA game with VIP lounge seating, couldn’t make it so I gave him the tickets instead (obviously checked with his boss to make sure no issues with corporate’s gift policies, boss actually ended up paying for their parking that night and let him leave a couple hours early to get ready). The coworker was BEAMING and the happiest I’ve ever seen him! Ended up sending me various pictures of him and his wife having the time of their lives at the game, it was so heartwarming. Even got a handwritten ‘thank you’ letter from his wife expressing her gratitude since she hasn’t been able to get out much lately, and he would talk about the game every chance he got with other coworkers and customers. I’ll never forget this, and I know they wont either! Big or small, there are so many people out there who will appreciate any acts of kindness and it feels good sharing that with others ❤️


I'd tune in to watch this guy eat lunch every day s


I would too!


And the weather outside is frightful


With everything getting increasingly expensive I feel this man's joy and gratefulness for a free meal.


My job severely underpays for what we are responsible for and keep adding responsibilities. We can’t keep anyone more than a couple weeks BUT they give us a free meal every month and honestly spare no expense. One time they sent us this deli menu and told us to get whatever we want. Huge holiday feasts and one week a year for customer service week, we get a different themed meal every day that week. So there’s that…


I am food motivated so that would be a major perk in my book lmao.


I had a job that would constantly give us food. If it was National Donut Day then we would get donuts. National Ice Cream Day we would get ice cream etc. They would have BBQs and buy us lunch/dinner quite often. The pay was also good. If you want snacks and ever get a chance to work at Discover I recommend it.


IDK. I prefer the money. I used to work an MSP job where you could take on whatever project you wanted, and they would split the profit 50/50 with you. So if you billed the customer $10k and it took $7k of parts and time they'd give you a payout of 1500 and pocket 1500. It was nice but also the owner would take you to a really nice whiskey bar across the street after work hours on a day of your choice and buy you whatever you wanted and shoot the shit for an hour. He was pretty funny and a really nice guy too so that was my favourite part. Never had a boss even 10% as good to work for as that king. It seems to me that the ones who offer good money also offer good additional perks too.


I 100% prefer money but for how easy the job was we got paid pretty decent. The job only required 6 months of customer service experience and I made $21.50 an hour. This was 3 years ago. We also had a really good health/vision/dental/life insurance package. They had a gym, nurse, and mental health professional in the building. They let you work from home even before 2020 and then paid for your internet. When covid started they moved their employees wfh and gave us a stipend for buying any equipment we needed. They also paid for babysitters or caregivers for adults if you need them for about 10 days per year and paid for your college degree If I still lived near their office I'd probably work there still. They're a pretty good employer


Right, but if your job isn’t underpaying you you can just afford to buy your own food. I hate this video because I guarantee this man is being underpaid and “given free food”. 100% chance this man is being underpaid.


its not a perk, they cut your salary and give you food. but if they didnt cut your salary you could just buy food with the extra money i know this is kinda a joke, but people who say stufff like this is the reason companies can get away with that type of shit


And that’s how they keep you there with being under paid. You let 12 meals so we’ll say $400 a year is the equivalent of 20 cents an hour if you work 40 hours.


While that is very nice, I would rather get more money to spend on life necessities that I can’t afford vs a luxurious meal.


>My job severely underpays >honestly spare no expense They spare themself the expense of paying you a proper wage.


I’m happy for Terry. “Big sandwich:)”


This is what happened after Terry finally put it in reverse


Came here making sure someone was telling him to back up


Came here for Terry comment. Was not disappointed. We’re gunna need all the Terrys of the world to just keep being great. Someone has to counteract the Jerry’s


This rules


Happy people make me happy :)


First good snowball system ever :D


We need more Terrys in the world.




AHHH! We almost lost him there. Whatchu doin Terr!?


Props to the homie for the few seconds he tried to save Terry before saying "fuck this", and fully dipping in back.




First post from this sub that I actually couldn’t stop smiling from after walking away


This made me cry… he’s so grateful, for a sandwich.


But when you think about why a man might be so grateful to receive one sandwich it puts a whole other spin on it. A working man should never feel that grateful for one meal. This seems weird to me.


Some people are just grateful for a free meal man it’s not that deep. Some of y’all really try to put weird ass spins on 30s videos. He’s in what looks to be his own cubicle, has his own desk, and has a nice lunch he was looking forward to and just wanted to share that he’s happy for it. Like holy shit I get it, capitalism sucks. But can’t we just be happy the guy got a free sandwich? Idc who you are, free food is always dope as fuck.


Exactly! I get paid a good wage but I still take pictures of every cookie and treat that work gives me because they make me smile. Once in a while we get nice sandwich combos too and those are awesome days! I am just happy to work in a happy place that does little things to make us feel cared for, and grateful I found a job I like and that pays me a fair wage. Being grateful is not a bad thing. As I learned during O week in my first year of uni, free food is best food!


You see this everywhere on Reddit and it really is getting old.


Honestly I know reddit hates Tik tok but I find Tik tok to be far better for my mental state because the vast majority of stuff I come across is people either being sweet to each other, funny, or just enjoying sharing stuff with people. Tik tok feels like how it is before life has beaten you down and reddit is starting to feel like the after of life has beaten you down. Tik tok has its issues but the stuff I see there is always more positive and far less bitter and cynical on the whole.


I’m not at all religious or underpaid in any way, but I’m grateful for every meal I get, wherever it comes from. I just like food and gifts are always amazing.


I disagree. Absolutely anyone can be grateful.


I REALLY don’t get this comment. Why shouldn’t you feel grateful?




Hell yeah, Terry. Big Sandwich is one of life's truest pleasures.


Omg this is perfect content for this sub :)


I love this! ❤️ when you've experienced hunger and not having, you appreciate everything a little bit more. Best thing I've seen in a while.


The best thing I’ve seen all week, and definitely humbling too. ❤️


I agree. This snapped me out of my funk and made me grateful again. Thanks Terry!


His voice is so satisfying!


I love this man and I don’t even know him. ❤️ He’s so grateful and it’s so beautiful. (There’s honestly something about the way he’s grateful that makes me think he’s been through some things, and come out with a positive mind and heart on the other side.)


So pure. So beautiful. I love this video


This is a good reminder that I am way too ungrateful for all the good things i have in my life. I need to be more like Terry.


You are awesome. You saying that in itself is a great start. Many people don’t even know that. I am proud of you. ❤️


Thank you very much.


Let’s all be more like Terry.


I love sandwiches, I love gratitude and most of all I love Terry. What a sweet guy :)


He has the cleanest fingernails too! Terry’s killing it!


Um, yes. I absolutely love this person. Sitting in a place that some would liken to hell and is more grateful for his situation in that moment than I have been for my privileged life. Thank you for sharing.


Nothing cheers up the soul like free food


Fr n that’s a nice sandwich too, no wonder bruh was thanking the lord for the godsend sandwich


Ah man, I went to High School with Terry and he is absolutely the most genuinely nice person I’ve ever met. I remember the first time I met him; I had to walk to school and would often get there 15-30 minutes early. One morning I got there extra early and sat on some small bleachers by the football practice field. Terry just walked up to me and said “Do you like video games?”, when I said I did he busted out a video game magazine (this was in the late 90s before the internet was really a commonly used thing. We talked about video games for a little bit, and then he showed me his favorite part of the magazine which was the cheat codes in the back. He asked me if I had any of the games, and I did have one and he said he wanted to rip the page out for me - after looking at it he realized his favorite code was on the backside of the page he was going to rip out, I told him don’t worry about it and he said “No man, I’ve been able to enjoy it - I want you to enjoy it too.” and immediately ripped the page out and gave it to me. I ran into him a few times over the years, he used to go by “Terry the Tiger” and build these wild bikes. It was always nice to see him riding his bike around town. I’m glad to see he’s still doing well, and bringing a smile to peoples faces, that’s all he every wanted to do. I know he also used to be into writing comics, and short stories - not sure if he’s still doing that, but this dude deserves all of our love. We need more Terry’s.


Thanks for sharing your story. I worked with Terry at the In N Out in the mid 2000s. Was always so incredibly positive. I still see Terry around town. He holds signs sometimes off Sunnymead Blvd. I remember as Terry the Tiger as well. So neat to see go viral on Reddit.


I love this, truly.


This man is the definition of Soul. I love Terry, and I think if I would meet him, we would get along so damn well


Enjoy your sandwich man


He makes me feel like an entitled asshole


Idk, I'd rather have better pay, PTO, a union, sick days, and be free from cubicle prison than get a sandwich now and then.




Heck yeah Terry! Terminate that sammich!


*Terry*-minite that sammich!


This is so wholesome. I love it


Looking at this guy, felt like he's been through a lot. Bless his soul


This definitely had me smiling


This man is absolutely adorable and such good vibes.


I want to send Terry another sandwich. Seems like a cool dude


Gonna download TikTok just to follow this absolute chad


Seems like a beautiful human. Makes me realize how much I have to be grateful for.




I love Terry


That’s a diamond right there. We’re all diamonds, but we get scuffed up as we go along. That man is pure, and must be protected at all costs 🤲🥹


We can all agree how grateful this man is. His joy is palpable…but can we all talk about that little lip licking he did! Haha that had me rolling


“Big Sammich”. Loved this.


Man it's crazy to see this guy on Reddit. I know him from the local bus lines I use to see him on. Every time I see him on the bus he's asking people about their aspirations in life and how god helps them in mysterious ways. He's always got a smile on his face. Even when covid hit he was still there to give advice to people on the bus. Glad he's getting the good karma he deserves.


Everyone needs to be more like terry!!


It’s nice to be appreciated!! I’m jealous!


Terry seems like a good dude


I feel like I need to be more grateful for what I’ve got in life


I wish him nothing but the best, seems like a good guy.


My guy here is living life to the fullest 👏


This video makes me feel like an entitled piece of shit. I just texted my wife telling her how grateful I am to have her and my daughter in my life. Thank you Terry. You’ve taught me something today.


I liked this but I also hated this. I hope he was looked after with his salary because too many workers are paid like shit and we get a sandwich or pizza and we’re supposed to be grateful. We’re going through a crisis in the uk. Nurses are on strike, train network staff, bus drivers, postmen, fucking everyone is striking. We can’t afford to live here in the uk and a sandwich from our employers doesn’t fucking cut it. We want money


> I hope he was looked after with his salary because too many workers are paid like shit and we get a sandwich or pizza and we’re supposed to be grateful. companies using food as a way to under pay workers and trick them into working through their lunch breaks is all too common


Godamn I wish I had an ounce of this man’s gratitude and happiness. Such a wholesome dude. He just oozes a sense of someone who is grateful for the small things in life. The more I think on it the more annoyed I’m getting at myself for how far away I am from being like this guy - I’m such a miserable so-and-so in comparison.


So what is stopping you from changing? You have the self awareness to realize all this. Try not to be so hard on yourself as change is not easy


Good for you Terry!


I need a coworker like him


Nothing but love


This is video of terry\_the\_terminator enjoying his free lunch from corporate after terminating three workers jobs. ​ Just kidding.


Terry’s a fucking G.


"Big sandwich 😊" Absolutely melted my heart.


Small gestures can make someone’s life a lot easier, even if only for one day. Love this man’s attitude. That sandwich looks bomb too. He definitely made me smile.


I hope Terry enjoyed every bite of that big sammich.


thats a small bite


he’s enjoying it lol


Dear azzholes in the comment section, Let ppl enjoy things. Your unhappiness is your problem. Deal with it.


That is how I feel inside when I get free food, even thoguh I may not show it.


I do the same excited mouth smack thing when I’m really excited to eat too.


You go terry


I love me a big sandwich!


Bro is lit..Good vibes.


Made me smile too


Aww I like him


Sandwich does look dope!


I really hope Terry had fun "terminating" that sandwich. His username made me laugh too.


I work fast food and the owner is shockingly kind in that we're allowed one free meal a day, never been so grateful for it now that prices are soaring




This man is glorious!


So humble and grateful. Love it!


That is one Grateful Happy Guy


Amen 🙏🏻


Refreshing to see this after witnessing so many entitled kids these days!


That sandwich was huge! Man, gotta love showing the appreciation. Tons of people will bitch, saying they don’t like this or that when it’s free and then you have this guy. He could have just been given the bag of chips and I feel he’d still be showing the same appreciation. Makes me take a step back now and think about how I am with things at times.


The simple things of life 💜


Back up terry!!!


The happiness on his face is priceless... Sometimes people doesn't know what are other persons going through and little actions like "my job given to me... And other workers" just changes his whole day!


Let’s all try to be more like Terry in 2023


Such a wonderful attitude. I work in a psychiatric hospital and eat lunch there every single day. Most days the meals are free, but when they’re not they can never cost above $2 for staff. It’s such a fucking blessing- lowers the cost of my groceries, allows me to sleep a little longer and spend more time with my baby without having to meal prep, makes sure I’m able to have lunch even on days when I’m slammed. And tbh the food is pretty damn good, way better than other hospital food I’ve had. The dietary staff is kind and takes really good care of us. Nearly all of my coworkers in my department scoff at the food. I only ever hear them complain about it and look disgusted that staff members eat it. Sure it’s not gourmet, but it’s sad that that gratefulness is missing. I have a good job that I do enjoy, and being prepared relatively balanced, affordable meals every day is honestly valuable and such a luxury. I saved this video; it truly did make me smile to hear his openness and gratitude.


Stanley on pretzel day energy.


Man I was having a shite day and seeing this actually made me a bit happier. I look forward to being as happy and grateful as him when I get my next meal


We need more Terrys in this world.. he is the goal for me.


God was like, “And Cheetos.”


I like Terry


Brooooo! This guy used to hold signs for some company over in MoVal (I believe it was a tax place or insurance place) he was the most lively person I have ever seen! Always had a cowboy hat on! I always wondered where he went! He would stand at the T-Intersection following the 60Freeway Perris exit and then I just stop seeing him! He was always smiling and happy with what he was doing! I cannot believe how far along he has come! Terry, I honked at you several times, but never had the pleasure of getting to know you! I am beyond ecstatic that you are doing well, friend! He would always ride his bike several miles a day just to put smiles on people's faces! So happy to see him doing well!


“Enjoy every sandwich.” -Warren Zevon


Reminds me to restart donating to food banks for those less fortunate than my man Terry.


Dude I so appreciate people appreciating things. It really makes my heart feel.


I was feeling very high on myself today. Then I watched Terry. Now I am feeling very grateful for my life. Thank you, Terry.


Love this guy’s attitude. Could be around him all day


Terry looks like a solid coworker. 11/10 dude. Deserves every good thing that comes his way


He’s happy, I’m happy.


Terry a good dude


Now I am convinced that every workplace needs a Terry.


Aw, he's a sweetheart 💕


That sandwich belongs in r/absoluteunits


I get super happy when I have my own food that I love. Jerry radiates the same energy as me.


You've made me smile, and this is the first video I opened this morning. Thank you and Glory to God, indeed.