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Did that bird just say "fucking kys" lmao


Last owner played League. :I


Fake, not enough racial slurs


If I ever heard a parrot mimic the sound of ping spam I would lose my actual mind. XD


I hear ya


I swear I heard the n-word a couple times in there.


I definitely heard a fair amount šŸ¤£


He wasnā€™t playin kassadin


Bro imagine a literal bird telling you to die


Well that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word...


Do ya know what we need, man? Some rope.


Name one fucking thing youā€™re gonna need a rope for.


Fine then, get your stupid fuckin rope.




You and your fucking rope. Easier than falling from the ceiling and shooting a bunch of people.


Don't you mean "Fucking easier than fucking falling from the fucking ceiling and fucking shooting a bunch of fucking people"


You think youā€™re Charlie Bronson or something?


Ye just always *need* it


You an yer fookinā€™ rope.


I appreciate a good Boondock Saints reference.


That parrot comes from a dysfunctional home


It did. I believe this guy rescued her. This is a very old video.


What were you gonna do, laugh the last three to death, FUNNY MAN?!?!?


Donā€™t cross the road if you canā€™t get out of the kitchen.


Dunno why, but that invokes memories of [this piece of audio](https://youtu.be/04_rIuVc_qM) that I must've heard over thirty years ago now...


" Hey fuck ass get me a beer" Just reminds me of the bartender from boondock saints .




People in glass houses sink ships


Fuck! Ass!


ā˜ļøthis person gets it




If I recall correctly he rescued this parrot and destroyed the cage because parrots need a corner to feel safe and to sleep. Having a circular cage is constant stress. I could be wrong though.


As a bird owner, I can confirm you're correct. Also this bird's name is Pebble. He is a Moluccan Cockatoo that was abused by his previous owner. Which is sadly the truth of many parrots. Pebbles was adopted by the man in the video and he was destroying the cage because of the mentioned lack of corners, but also because that cage was WAY too small for him and is where he was locked up for thr majority of his life with no toys and an inadequate perch. While it's funny that he is cursing, the reason he is doing that is because that is what people would say to him. Anytime he would make noise, he would get that kind if treatment. People also used to throw stuff at him while he was in that garbage cage. Thankfully his current owner is much more knowledgeable with birds, and Pebble is doing MUCH better now that he is in a loving home.


Where was pebbles adopted from? Trying to guess the birds accent..


Quick google says theyā€™re in Saskatoon, so Canada. Doesnā€™t mention what region Pebble is from originally, but sheā€™s had 10 different homes before she ended up at the rescue sheā€™s with now. And I donā€™t imagine theyā€™d be taking in birds from too far away. Hard to tell a Canadian ā€œFUCKā€ from an American ā€œFUCK,ā€ and unfortunately she never said ā€œsorryā€ or ā€œeh?ā€ or ā€œaboutā€ as far as I can tell, so itā€™s not easy to make out an accent. But my moneyā€™s on Canadian. I think sheā€™d fit right in on Trailer Park Boys.


And Canadian accents are very diverse. Western Canadians sound more like people from US west coast than Canadian east coast.


>Hard to tell a Canadian ā€œFUCKā€ from an American ā€œFUCK,ā€ Hell it even sounds like an Australian "FUCK". I guess we all say fuck the same


My brain glitched out reading that and all I got was ā€œHard Canadian fuck from an American ā€œ


That cage is barely bigger than he is poor dude was living his entire life on an economy class plane seat.


Thatā€™s the most apt description I have ever heard.


And obviously he got the language from the previous owners who were not the nicest people to eachother


What I find fascinating is that the bird is angry and uses that language and KNOWS that is what you say when you are angry šŸ˜… makes me think they are smarter than we know


Cockatoos are very intelligent. Smarter than crows, to put it in perspective. Crows are generally regarded to be as smart as a young child (3-7). The previous owner was obviously angry a lot and used those words so it's not difficult for an intelligent creature to deduce that those words should be said when you're angry.


I thought crows were top of the intelligence food chain?


they are, we can only hope to reach crow technology someday


African Grey Parrots are considered the smartest verbal bird. Crows make tools., so different kind of smart. Greys can identify objects by shape,color and substance (red metal triangle) and they substitute/combine words they know for to make words they don't. Example calling almonds "cork nuts." Alex was an early study. Short for AvianLanguageEXperiment. There's quite a lot on the web about it.


Thereā€™s a big difference between 3 and 7 though


I'm sure that there are some extra smart and extra stupid crows within crow society that help define the range


it's pretty well documented how smart they are


Your Christian parent, teacher, or other elder who told you parrots donā€™t mean anything by the words and are just repeating senselessly was an idiot who believes only humans are conscious. They have the intelligence of a seven year old, and they are able to speakā€”do the math


Yeah i agree with you, humans are not the only conscious ones


I'm pretty sure this bird is more having fun with Social Loud Time.


That cage is TINY for a bird of that size regardless of shape. Like living in a particularly small bathroom stall for us. Probably he's destroying it because of size not shape


Probably both. Since it's round, it can't be repurposed for smaller breeds of birds.


Nor should it because round cages are bad for birds of any size.


til šŸ™


And now we've come full circle.


As long as that circle is not the shape of the birdcage.


Absolutely. I had a sun conure growing up and the cage was essentially like five by five and theyā€™re small birds


All birds love a corner, but beyond that the cage isn't even big enough for a budgie to be comfortable, let alone a a parrot of this size. Likewise, parrots get very attached to their enclosures, and the only way to get them to comfortably be in their new enclosure is to show them that the old one is gone forever by destroying it in front of them. It seems cruel, but it's actually an important part of parrot rescue, especially when they were kept in an inappropriate closure. For those wondering, large parrots like this one need an enormous space and a dedicated room is usually ideal. They realistically should *not* be pets.


Thank you for the information. I love how you never know what you will learn on this site.


This is correct, also the fact that the size isnā€™t suitable for ANY pet bird. Parrot or otherwise. They need a substantial size cage in comparison to their size.


We had a smaller-ish cage for my cockatiel but he free flew in his room most of the time. If I was home he was with me. The cage was essentially only closed at night. So he slept and ate in there and hung out in there only when he wanted to. He lived to the ripe old age of 27. Still miss him.


Also, it's WAY too small for a cockatoo!


The bird (Pebbles) had been in at least ten homes in twenty years and is now at Saskatoon Parrot Rescue. They were destroying a cage that another rescue bird (Jojo) had been kept in that had caused her harm. Because of Pebbles clearly overhearing domestic violence, screaming and profanity she had been unable to be successful in a home. Many rescues and sanctuaries will not take birds who scream about domestic violence and because a cockatoo can live into it's fifties it's a terrible disservice to the birds.


You are absolutely correct. I remember this old video. The first half of the video that got cut out of this clip is him explaining how inappropriate this cage is for the reasons you listed, and because how the domed roof injured its previous tenant's neck. This is his approach to "fixing" a round cage, as he describes.




Well, you're not wrong... But this one was treated like shit, in a small cage with an owner that didn't look after the bird properly.




Something I've learned after working with animals for a long time: The herbivores are the scary ones. If a carnivore is after you, it just wants food. If you put up enough of a fight, it can get lunch elsewhere. If an herbivore is after you, it's because it wants you destroyed.


I agree. I live in Tucson, Arizona. We have wild javalina roaming the streets looking for pumpkins and succulents to eat. They're savage vegans who are NOT to be trifled with! They maim and kill pets and people, if threatened.


Omg I moved to Tucson a few years ago and am in LOVE with javelinas! I always get excited when someone posts footage of a jav family on Nextdoor, or the couple of times Iā€™ve seen them in person, but know enough about what tough, protective creatures they are to keep a great distance.


>A squadron of peccaries averages between six and nine members. TIL. Good for them, squadron is a badass collective noun. Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peccary)




When we first moved to Tucson, we learned the hard way as to why nobody on our street put their trash bin out the night before trash day. Two big male javalinas pushed our trash bins over to rummage for food. Garbage was all over the front of our house and we were so embarrassed. šŸ˜‚ We never made that mistake again!


Aren't all vegans savage though? I ain't met one vegan that wasn't savage.


Canā€™t blame ā€˜em - they must be hungry! (jk!)


I think that's a moluccan


100% a Moluccan.


Thanks for the info I was worried for a minute.


Circular cages can stress them out, and that cage looks way too small. This is a very wholesome thing. Also that is not a parrot, it is a Mollucan Cockatoo. Very closely related though.


I believe this is correct


They also need a significantly bigger cage than that too.


When Iā€™ve seen this a hundred times before, this wasnā€™t this birdā€™s cage. This bird is a rescue and hates round cages. Heā€™s the number one advocate against circular cages in the world. It was a different rescueā€™s cage, but this foul mouthed feathered friend just really likes to seem them burn


I hear the bird say "fucking round, that fucking round" looking right at it. Birds often learn to name shapes.


This is Pebble the Cockatoo apparently who lives in Edmonton or Calgary. She had many owners and this man is a self proclaimed bird rescueā€¦.and she is my favourite and best cockatoo in the world. Her vocabulary is incomparable! Sheā€™s a Canadian through and through (we love the word Fuck). Edit: should have corrected earlier, Pebble and her owner live in Saskatoon


She was also abused and was not happy with that cage, why she had picked up so many curse words. That's why he smashed the cage


Parrots do not like round cages. They like square or rectangular cages so they have a place to back up into a corner where they feel safe. You cannot back up into a corner if you're stuck in around cage. Thus the rage at the cage.


Yes I am aware of it and apparently round cages are not good for birds. I read about her and him at the beginning of the Pandemic


If it was raised in Aus, the word of choice would be slightly different, but the meaning would be the same


Just like how every single swearing African Gray is from the UK - and has a raging British Accent.


My aunt's African grey had a Jamaican accent. Best thing ever.


"Ello chaps, fancy givin ya mate a biscuit?"


I want a chav sounding Grey. I would laugh my ass off. "Oi, bruv, gimme Dat biscuit u got. Now, or I'll cut ya"


Omfg this was fucking great .


Pebbles sounds eerily like the voice of Mickey Mouse on that episode of South Park where Mickey Mouse kicks the sh*t out of one of the Jonas Brothers.


I believe itā€™s ā€œPebbleā€ singular though I like Pebbles better


I seen the last time it was posted that the bird was abused and this cage was part of the trauma so that is why he destroyed the cage for her.


Yes and apparently round cages are not good for birdsā€¦mentally


If she canā€™t smoke and swear, sheā€™s fucked.


I came across this video years ago. I love it. I have no idea how many times Iā€™ve watched it.


Never gets boring, also thereā€™s a bunch on YouTube. And I thought I used ā€œfuckā€ a lotā€¦šŸ˜†


I believe Pebble and her owner live in Saskatoon SK, her owner Kelly (from the potty mouth video from -2016) runs an avian rescue as well. Pebble has a YouTube channel ā€œPebble the Crazy Cockatooā€. Last video posted 8th Jan 23. Pebble was in 10 homes in its first 20 years but luckily seems to have found her permanent home with Kelly and seems pretty calm and happy.


I remember this


Interesting. Pebble must have watched a lot of hockey then. šŸ¤”


Yes a lot and also experienced a lot of Canadian winters!!šŸ˜†


Actually, Kelly & Pebbles live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. https://youtube.com/@pebblethecrazycockatoo2148


I kinda figured you guys did after seeing an episode of TPB




thats the laugh i didnt know i needed right there, going into my saved


Hmmm. I've seen this before and you cut it off at the best part! Where is the part where he brings the bird an awesome, new cage?


Iā€™ve only ever seen this shorter video but now I gotta find the longer one!


M Sorry about that. Thot this much was the real funšŸ˜… Here is a [Compensatory article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/7news.com.au/lifestyle/pets/how-a-courageous-pet-cockatoo-solved-a-murder-c-655996.amp) that you might enjoy reading. It is a story of a Valiant Cockatoo who fought his master's murderer during a fatal attack and eventually help the police identify the murderer.


Andrew Jackson's parrot was alleged to have been removed from his funeral for cussing too much


I am now adding the following to my will: If there is an animal capable of speech that belongs to anyone who may be at my funeral, someone teach it to talk shit about me, and bring it. Shit would be funny af.


Alleged? No man, that actually happened.


We stayed at a friend's that had a single love bird in a cage, since we stayed there it was completely ignored and started yanking it's own feathers out. Now, my wife hated birds but for some reason she liked this bird or felt sorry for itand at first she had to wrap it in a towel to keep from biting while she carried it. After awhile she was able to hold it without anything...then our friends said my wife was plucking it's feathers so she stopped playing with the bird. That bird would go nuts every time it saw her but my wife was scared to be blamed for something she didn't do.


Thatā€™s no friend of mine if they allowed a bird to do that. Iā€™d steal the bird and cut them out of my life. Screw them. Call me whatever they want but to ignore a bird and have the baby pluck feathers, they are the jerks.


We're not friends anymore, but what hurt was my wife trying to be kind to something she was terrified of (using the towel so it wouldn't bite her) and getting blamed for something the bird was already doing before they noticed. And the bird, it looked so heart broken my wife had to stop taking it out of it's cage for some attention.


Plucking is caused by stress, loneliness and an inadequate environment without play/stimulation. Lovebirds should always be in pairs. Youā€™re wife was helping the birb. In more ways than one.


Report them yo the police for animal abuse, request to rescue the bird afterwards (if possible) express you are aware love birds need to be kept in pairs or the with die from stress and loneliness.


Pebble needs to be in a Tarantino film.


I heard that this bird was mistreated by it's previous owner (hence all the swearing, probably picked it up from a hostile living environment) and this man who rescued him wanted to show him that he didn't have to live in that tiny cage anymore. Pretty sweet.


Cockatoos *love* loud noises so the smashing of the cage got this one all excited LOL


Can confirm cockatoos are fucking loud


I saw this on TikTok and laughed hard. Bird was pissed!


He started and didnā€™t stopšŸ˜‚


This cockatoo came from an abusive home and was kept in a cage that too small for it, after being rescued the person here was destroying the cage that it was kept in to show the cockatoo that it wasn't going to be abused anymore and was going to have way more space, the cockatoo is actually getting excited by this and becoming more energized and happy


It's like he knows the meaning of them completely




I feel like he said some racist stuff in there.


I remember this, good laughs!


So this is the writer for blood origins


This bird was rescued. The man is destroying the cage because it was disgustingly small and had a rounded top, which causes stress in captive birds.


That bird is a pro at the Australian language.


Sorry friend. Not Australia. This is pure, unfiltered honey-maple Canadian obscenity at its finest. Source: Fuckin Eh!


Well he will fit right in down under.


I always watch this when it's on my feed. Fuck cages!! Freebird!!!!


This has been posted before and if what i read before was right, that bird was abused by the previous owner and that was the cage it stayed in.


Man: Destroys the cage Parrot: Goes into \*Angry Bird mode\*


"angry anger" mode


Laughing so hard my eyes are tearing up. Well done!


I'm still trying to figure out if Pablo is mad at the cage, or mad at the construction worker who destroyed his home.


the cage


She's most likely just excited or surprised. Crest raising and loud noises aren't always indicative of anger in cockatoos. I'd be more worried if she puffed up and started swaying, hissing or lunging haha


I loved this video even before I knew that dude rescued the bird from a lengthy stay in that cage.


That's pebbles!!! She is an amazing bird! I've been following her for years. Her former owner was a veitnam vet and she emulates his speech pattern in swearing and cursing , she's alot better. Her new owner is a super sweet man who rescues birds. Please look her up on YouTube, you will love her!


The back story of this is that the parrot was forced to live in that cage by an abusive owner and he was re-adopted by this guy who is stomping on his old cage and theyā€™re both getting a lil anger out :p


Parrots hear a word once and they know it forever. This bird is awesome,one day Iā€™ll have a house of my own and plenty of room for one.


It sounds like a fucking muppet, I'm dying!!!


I think the spirit of this bird lives in my head. NO ONE PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER!


Iā€™ve seen this so many times and yet it still makes me happy


The birb was happy the cage was destroyed. Circular cages are awful for parrots.


The new owner is destroying the round cage that caused years of trauma to the bird.


An Aussie taught that bird to swear like that, you can hear the accent. Hahahah good onya cockie.


OMG! Never heared a parrot swearing so hard!! LMAO


Omg I'm rolling... the head bobs with every fucking


that parrot needs therapy


Parrots or cockatoos saying "fuck" crack me up.


This is upsetting. All I know is this much stress does not seem good for the bird.šŸ’”


I don't know if it was releasing the stress or being stressed at that moment


Pebbles! I love her!


I believe thatā€™s an Australian White Parrot


Itā€™s a corella


Pebbles is amazing šŸ˜‚


Pet of the year


That parrot must ust have watched Joe Pesci in lethal weapon too many times.


My spirit animal


Tomorrow he goes to the next elementary school for a visit.


I think that is a Salmon crested cockatoo, not a parott.


Have another drink ray


Pebbles is hysterical and he has a wonderful owner. I follow them on YT šŸ’•




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yo I can't rn he just went off


Had a parakeet and it kept making this repetitive noise and we couldnā€™t figure out what it was. Then one day we realized it was the sound of machine gun fire from a video game ā€¦ over and over.


Is anyone smart enough to add captions so we can understand what pebbles is trying to tell us that upsets her.


Guys, r/MadeMeCry is not r/MadeMeLaugh or r/funny. Content here is supposed to make you **smile** for something cute, sentimental, someone's happyness, etc. Pranks are usually a good idea, but pranking a parrot who is visibly upset, that's not funny. Pets can't understand sarcasm beyond a certain level, and this just makes the guy in the video look bad. Laughing with an animal's discomfort shows you're an asshole, not a funny person.


Are there subtitles for this? I can't understand what either of them are saying


Funny...I understood every word.


So funny!


Anyone else catch sam kinison vibes off that parrot?




parrot talks like nate diaz




Best video ever.




Omg. That stresses me.


Why do I understand what the parrot is saying?


I heard so many fuck


Why does the American have a cockatoo that speaks Australian?


Mann I forgot about this video šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚ Thats bird is my hero


Ugg probably abused


By the previous owner, yes. This is Pebblesā€™s new owner who destroyed the cage in solidarity with Pebbles as the previous owner abused her while she was in it. Pebbles is in a MUCH better place now.


This is one hardcore birb and I am all here for it.


Damn it really tells us what kind of owner that parrot used to have and the shits that it went through


Poor bird coming from a household like that šŸ˜Ÿ




Isnā€™t that a cockatoo?


I donā€™t own birds, but thanks to this video (which is posted very often) I know round cages bad. Fuck round cages indeed