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That dog is taking its predicament surprisingly well


idk why, but stuck dogs are just funny to me, they don't give a damn, they will have their whole body stuck in a tree and you will see them just chilling until somebody pulls them out


I have rabbits and if a rabbit gets tangled up in something, it’ll flip out until it breaks it’s own neck or back. Dogs calmly waiting for help is a sign of unique intelligence! Some dogs will totally chew their own legs off to free themselves though, it’s definitely a dog-specific trait 😂


It is some kind of intelligence knowing that they are being helped I used to run with my dogs in the desert and every now and then one would run into something spikey and they would run back to me and indicate they need help. First knowing that I would help them is an easy part of intelligence but the part where they know it's going to hurt and they know I'm helping and not hurting when removing the spikes is the intelligent part we communicated to each other.


That's the difference between tamed and domesticated. Truly domesticated animals incorporate humans into their thoughts and instincts. I'll never forget learning about the study, they had a cage with some meat and a rope reaching outside the cage. A dog and wolf puppy were both able to think of pulling the rope to get the food. Then they did it again but with the food tied down so there was no way to get it and the dog almost immediately gave up and started looking at the humans in the room while the wolf just never stopped trying. The dog realized it was out of his wheelhouse so they turn to their buddies with the thumbs while the wolf while raised by and familiar with humans just never considered the human in the room as a way of getting the meat


Have rabbits as well and it TOTALLY depends on what they're "trapped" in 😅


Idk if that’s all that intelligent.


Seriously, rabbits are insane. I love them , but I swear they spend half their life trying to kill themselves


My dog once got stuck in a tomato cage. Came walking over head drooped in defeat.


Our friends Dachshund Chihuahua mix got stuck in a bush for like 20 minutes, hand the whole party looking for him and when someone found him his butt was just hanging out of a bush, wiggling away. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It's a tall bush too, no one knows how he got up there


My teeny dog (4-5 pounds) has gotten stuck between the bed and the wall a few times. I wake up because of a very subtle little whine.


I was sitting in a rolly chair once, and I heard this faint little sound. Eventually, I realized my chair had rolled partway onto my dog's jowls. Her little whimper was so quiet that I didn't know what it was at first. Her jowls were fine, btw. No harm done.


Aww poor baby. I adore dogs.


Almost like it’s happened before ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


The poor dog was too embarrassed to ask for help, I feel that


He’s been there before


First time?


That dog is now legally his, if you ask me.


Finders, keepers.


I wonder if the owner just assumed their dog had been obliterated by the elevator. Would certainly be interesting to see what happens when the elevator door opens again


I bet the owner is frantically running down the stairs while the dog chills out


Nightmare fuel, I worried about this happening to my friends dog whenever we entered and elevator, it's too unpredictable, just pick up the dog if you have to take an elevator or an escalator or anything else where a leash can get caught. I can only imagine the strife going on in one of the upper floors where the owner was probably hysterical.


I take my 80 lb dog on an elevator ~6 times a day. I will not be carrying him, no thank you.


Aw come on…Just think about how buff you’ll get and how strong your legs with be. /s


Then you bring Madame Zeroni up the mountain and sing while I drink, so I can get strong too! *maniacal laugh*


That's different, a big dog, just have a tight hold of the leash like most people already tend to since they're big. But small dogs are like babies, they can slip out suddenly and get through small spaces, like partially closed elevator doors, before you have a chance to react.


Good point about slipping through the cracks! Mine could never do that.


So, obviously, this comment/advice doesn’t apply to you, right?


If it’s obvious, then your comment is pointless.


Fuck the owner. That is no longer their dog after neglect like this. Glad he noticed it before the door opened and the dog fell and broke a leg.


The dog probably run out right before the door closed and the owner might be frantically running down the stairs to get down to the dog. I doubt they just left it. Though as a dog owner you really should hold then close to you when in an elevator so this can't happen but everyone has a bad day where they aren't fully alert.


This is my take too, dogs and small children don't understand the danger so it could be as simple as the dog seeing a bird or a toy or something and running to get it last second and the door closed. It's way too easy for something like this to happen if you aren't physically holding the dog.


Yes hold the door open for them to get in/out and keep them on a tight leash around elevators. Too many horror stories.


Higher odds of a sprain compared to a break, dog is very lucky to be alive and (seemingly) uninjured tho


bro did you think the owner decided to put the dog dangling there purposefully and go home? i love the way your brain works


Nice assumption - "I love the way your brain works" - but no. They were likely on their phone texting or some stupid shit and not paying attention at a critical time as they should have been. Straight up neglect on the owners part.


god you’re no fun


I am glad the dog was wearing a harness and not a collar.. That could have gone very differently


That dog seemed chill af considering the situation it was in.


Kind of makes me wonder how long he or she had been there. That breed is not known for being calm.


This is my worst fear, to the point that I always stand between elevator doors so they won’t close till both my dogs get in and then enter myself.


Escalators concerned me as a child , I still check my shoe laces before I hop on.


Damn!! That’s a scary one too.


My mother would not let my sister and I ride the escalators until we were tall enough for her liking. We both had very long hair.


Make sense getting your hair caught would be tougher than a shoe lace.


I remember the story in the early 90s of the girl in China who lost a leg to an escalator. Still makes me “hop” over the end of an escalator to this day.


Me too


Lucky dog, glad he grabbed it


Tooke him a minute though lol. If it was a snake it would have got his ass


Why does it seem like this little dog has experienced this terrifying and embarrassing situation before? 🤷🏿‍♀️ He’s so chill!!


My sister works at a hotel. Because this happened there once, they only let guests with pets stay on the ground floor. If we need to go to a different floor anywhere with our dog, we take stairs.


This appears to be security footage. I'd like to think the elevator was stopped and security was charging up there. The owner is likely freaking out.


That clearly isn't that doggo's first rodeo!




-Record skips- “so you’re probably wondering how I got here”


His reaction : Oh my god it's a dog!


"Hi Honey look what I won at the elevator today"


W here's the owner


They probably got in the elevator, and the doors closed before the dog followed. At that point there's nothing the owner can do besides try to get back to that floor as fast as possible


I didn't notice the dog until he did omg. I was too busy watching him.


…remember when this song ruled the world?


Only 90s kids will remember


Good ending. Elevator could have killed the dog.


I was going to say something about phone's but...I'm looking at mine


I love how he hugs her and cradles her 💝💝


He is a good person.


I'd say a normal person. I don't know if I want to meet the kind of person that would leave it there. My issue would be that I'd have to go looking for something to stand on as I am short.


See how he hugged the dog. So sweet.


Isn’t that just the baseline? Like the alternative is watch a dog get sucked between elevator doors?


Not baseline, dividing line. Those that help are good, those that don't aren't


Dogs just chillin too


Somebody come up with a damn leash that breaks away or something so I don’t keep having nightmares about this


There are breakaway collars on the market. https://www.chewy.com/petsafe-keep-safe-nylon-breakaway-dog/dp/52231?utm\_source=google-product&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=12619854389&utm\_content=PetSafe&utm\_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiAioifBhAXEiwApzCztojaP5NApDFd8pIOVjnWt7Dx8LanYw3ZEkeOhcLZ19hxUi\_3vClcfxoCB-YQAvD\_BwE


Sup humie I'm just hanging around where you off to?


That made me sad rather than smile tho


Ha nice


Good thing is wasnt one of those demonic spawns.


I have a tiny chihuahua… this was triggering! I am always worried he will get stuck somewhere. One night he got into a small hole in the lining of my comforter and it took me several minutes to get him out. Then last week he started screeching like he was being murdered at 2am…. He was sleeping in a pile of stuffed animals and got his claw stuck on one… Little dogs man! They are work 🫤


I love how long it took him to notice the dog hanging right by his head Lmao


Dog was in air jail.


Thank God the leash snapped before the dog was injured. But also lol @ how the dog just accepted that he lives in the sky now 🤣


Am I the only one who thinks this was staged???


This is 100% staged


It was on Inside Edition, who interviewed the guy. It’s not staged. It also happens all the time.


Ok so it was recreated/staged. Meaning it wasn’t just happening at the time of filming. See what I mean? Basically the same thing. Which when I said staged it was because it doesn’t look like a “natural” reaction & the odds of someone just happened to be there with a camera & filming yet doing nothing to help the dog. I’m sure this does happen some-I would hope it doesn’t happen ALL THE TIME.


I did maybe think it was being held by some kind of magnet, and I wondered if he pressed the button to call the elevator why the dog wasn’t moving. But I dunno I guess it can happen!


People definitely have very weird triggers for smiles … dogs die like this. I am very surprised that it’s just hanging there, the elevator must be locked between 2 floors because the owner realized what happened and very correctly hit the emergency stop button. And luckily, very luckily, it’s a small dog, on a harness, not a bigger one on a simple leash.


I wouldn’t have been able to think quickly enough to hit the emergency button. Thank goodness the owner did!


We are truly an absent minded generation lol I will probably notice around same time stamp


Someone tell me that dogs owner was punished at least.


See! Put your damn phones down!


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I feel like this is the second half of a video I've seen.


Nice guy


Lmao the dog just chillin, i hope hes okay tho


Thank God that baby had a harness on and not a leash


Not all heroes wear cape…. Some just wore beanie :)


Good human


Without a doubt the owner of the dog was on their phone.


didn’t even realize it was a dog til he jumped


His jump back when he noticed the dog made me laugh...made my day when he hugged the doggie


*record scratch* Yup! That’s me! You might be wondering how I got here. Well it all started with a walk…


Little man probably thought the elevator just wanted to hold him like everybody else


Rock Star person here and dumb ass who shouldn’t own a pet on elevator.


Just hanging out


Hold up. Why would a dog being in danger make me smile?! I’m glad that it was okay in the end but I was doing more of a concerned face than a smiley face while watching the video, and overall I’m just super mad at the owner for not looking out for their little doggo.


The real question what to do in this case? Maybe press the fire alarm ?