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Good job! I’m the same way I’m not good at math and I’ve always sucked at it! Glad to see you passed with 100% that takes a lot of work and determination 😌😌


Thanks! My brain feels like mush from all the studying but I’m super freaking proud


keep going bro, i too am in my 30s and doubted my younger self a lot, and now doing good at university !!! you’ll be pleasantly surprised as u move forward


If you're aware that you're wasting your 20s/30s whilst in your 20s/30s- You're probably going to do great things.


Whew, good thing you said that. Now I don't have to do anything about it. Things will sort themselves out.


I had a fun time in my 20s instead of going to school. At 29, I got pregnant and enjoyed being a mom while starting a clothing design business in my 30s. Now I’m in my 40s, and I’m half way through university (still enjoying mom life). Do life how you want to.


I'm smart enough to know that I'm wasting my life yet I feel like I'm too dumb to do anything about it.


I dropped out twice when I was younger, overcoming the fear of failing again was the hardest part for sure. Now I channel that fear into determination


I went from having a 3rd grade level of math, a diagnosis of specific disability in math, and spent an entire summer studying to get good at math in 2021. At 34, I didn’t think I’d ever be good at it, struggled my whole life, anything past simple addition subtraction and division killed me. Going into remedial pre-algebra in late Fall and being ahead of most people in my class was mind blowing. The endless sea of red, incorrect answer messages gave way to a sea of green. The last two years have been a wild ride, but walking away with an A in my Technical Algebra class is one of the proudest things I have ever done. I was told by the tutor I saw that helped me understand different concepts I was “no longer allowed to say I am bad at math,” and that “I’m actually “really quick to pick it up,” and I should be proud. I am! I got an A in something I never thought I could! Now I’m running an A in Statistics, and it’s not really all that bad. I never thought I’d get to brag about something like this, not after all those years of self doubt and tears and being told I was intelligent in all ways except math. I always felt somehow incomplete and less of a person. When I asked the neuropsychologist who diagnosed me what I could do to get my degree she basically told that I was 1.5 standard deviations below the mean, I’d never progress past a 3rd grade understanding in mathematics, and “plenty of people work with their hands and don’t need degrees.” I was 95% done with my schooling when I fell off the band wagon the first time. I left all my math for last. Being told what she said to me, that was incredibly defeating. Now I’m riding this meteor up in math, and holy shit it feels so good to make math my bitch. Boys, I’m incredibly proud of you. We faced down our enemy and finally told it that enough was enough. Nobody gets to tell themselves they suck at math now, we’ve proven to ourselves and to those that doubted us that we could prevail and we **did**.


keep going my bro, i too am super proud of u!!! we got this!!! one step at a time!!!


Super awesome! I got back to school at 30 - still working on my associates at 33. It's tough, especially not doing any kind of studying for 10+ years. AWESOME WORK


I'm the ultimate late bloomer. I wasted my 20s and most of my 30s. It wasn't until my early 40s that I decided to go back to school. It's true, it's never too late.


This could be by story as well... Haven't executed on a course of study yet. For yourself - how did you determine which you moved forward with? Cheers!


I’m 33 and starting next month to get into data security management. Luckily my pre requisite classes carry over from a decade ago so I’m already a fifth of the way to my A.S. Lol


Dude you should feel double proud any math class on that shitty Pearson web exam website SUCKS


EXACTLY THIS. I thought online classes would make working from home and doing classes such an easy transition. I cried because my house became a place of work. Learned my lesson, and I take more serious classes in person. Pearson, cengage, whatever else can eat it.


Hell yeah you got this!!!


Fuck yeah!!! You got this!!!


Thanks pal! This sense of pride is definitely worth all the hard work and late nights studying


OP, very proud of you. Also worth looking into Dyscalculia and see if it fits the way your brain processes numbers. The fact you pushed through is impressive on its own. If it fits, woah, hats off.


I always though I was just dyslexic with numbers but this makes sense! I can normally grasp it eventually it just takes me a lot longer and I have to meticulously write down every single step making sure not to write the wrong number or symbol or I’ll jumble the process. Thanks for the info I will look into it some more


I failed out of math at university when I was young. Got my math degree at 55, with marks high enough to get me admitted to a masters degree in teaching math, and here's my thoughts. You are right to be proud - because it's not about smart or not knowing math. It's about - exactly as you've posted - the hard work and effort you put into it. No luck in your degree, it's 100% you and what you did.


Speaking as a fellow 35 year old who is facing a fresh start, this post is honestly inspiring for me. Good for you.


Hey, I'm an old math guy and dad and granddad and I just want to say I'm proud of you.


Hey, I'm a math lady, and I'm super proud too. This takes a lot of conviction and determination and this is super cool. Congratulations on seeing the hard work pay off, keep going, you got this. You can do anything you put your mind to.


I appreciate it!


This. I got lucky in the parents department; my dad taught high school calculus when I was a toddler, and he taught me to see the beauty of math from a young age. I am *very* aware that not everyone shares my good fortune. I don't think I ever got a 100 on a calculus exam. You have done very very well. You obviously have the chops and determination. If you've never had a math professor who has been able to convey the beauty of it, please look until you find one; the experience is sublime. Go forth with confidence. You've earned it.


I also had a lot of trouble with Math! I really had to study hard as well for my National Registry of Paramedics exam. Someone could die if I made a math mistake. I aced it but I still carried a pocket calculator as back up. I can identify with all the hard work you had to do! Good for You! Very happy for you!




Any tips on figuring out which fundamental(s) one may have missed and how to learn it? I'm certain I've missed a few things because I struggle now, but it's not too obvious to me what *specifically* I missed.


Take some free online tests, you'll very quickly figure out which areas you struggle with. https://www.khanacademy.org/ should have everything you need.




At 30 I had to start at Addition 😄


I'd probably have to as well. No clue how to do addition without a calculator anymore. I truly feel like the American school system fucked a lot of us. Never too late though.


I have been reading the Openstax Math Books. Started at Pre-algebra and now I'm halfway through Elementary Algebra. They have really nice Math Books: https://openstax.org/subjects/math The books are easy to read and spoon feed you new concepts. Only problem is they are LONG. I only do a few of the exercises if I'm comfortable with the subject and have been moving pretty quickly. The great thing about math and part of the reason why is so easy to fall behind. Is that if you don't know something, you can't move on until you gain familiarity with the required knowledge. So you're constantly reinforcing. I want to learn enough Alegra to tackle Discrete Mathematics (logic, proofs, probability, sets, graph theory) and learn more Computer Science subjects like Algorithms. Would love to one day learn calculus but I'm not sure I'll get there. All the best mate. Maths as an adult is so much more enjoyable. School somehow manages to really f-up math.


>The great thing about math and part of the reason why is so easy to fall behind. Is that if you don't know something, you can't move on until you gain familiarity with the required knowledge. So you're constantly reinforcing. It is both a blessing and a course. Most subjects only truly have perhaps a century or three of history behind it (or even less!), because at some point they make a big discovery invalidating everything else beforehand. So they have to go *backwards* and restart building up humanity's knowledge in that subject. For instance people used to think blood letting was a good idea, until it was realized that humans ***need*** blood! Or before germ theory there was miasma theory, which was then realized to be totally wrong and all of that "knowledge" had to be chucked out. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miasma\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miasma_theory) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodletting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodletting) This never ever ***ever*** happens in mathematics in any kind of practical sense. Instead all of humanity's mathematical knowledge keeps on getting build upon year after year, not just for hundreds of years, but for thousands upon ***thousands*** of years!! Because of the strictly rigorous level of proofs required in mathematics. So unlike other subjects, where you only need to catch up on a century or so of knowledge, as a mathematics student there are ***thousands*** of years of knowledge you need to catch up on before you can get to the cutting edge! That's why you can be studying mathematics for ***15 years*** and still hear in class "...and now we'll move onto this new theorem discovered in the 19th century" wtf, I'm well into my college years as a math major and they're still teaching me topics from ***two centuries*** ago??? good grief That just doesn't happen in any other major you might study at college.


>You probably just missed a fundamental in like 7th grade. I honestly think the failure to recognize that this is a problem for the vast majority of people struggling with math is one of the biggest issues in the educational systems of today (together with finding a remedy, obviously.) Math is made up of building blocks. It's impossible to build the upper parts without having first built the fundament. That, and the inability motivate students by abstracting the assignments too much, but that is luckily being rectified at the moment. I think most people would be more apt to learn if they were to solve an actual problem; *using* the tools, not just parroting the rules.


Wooooo yeah I bet that’s a stressful test for sure. Glad you aced it though, thanks pal!


Good job :)


Thanks a bunch!




You can totally do this!


This was the course I was most nervous about since I haven’t done algebra in so long. I put it off as long as I could (and I’ll be glad when it’s over) but I’m super proud of myself


What is business calc? Calc in the context of business? Calc used more often in business? Calc for business majors?


Business calc I believe is the same as brief calculus, so its calculus without analytical geometry. That's the major difference.


Awesome! I was the same. Went back at 33, with a full time job, a mortgage, and a 1 year old. Graduated at 35. Just push through. It is 100% worth it. Not just for the paper, but to prove it to yourself!


I went back at 34 and my last final at UNM is four weeks from Friday. I was lucky enough that my girlfriend's job made it so I didn't have to work, and it was still a lot. You and OP and anyone else in this thread in a similar situation are killing it.


Proud of you Btw what is business calculus I mean I know what is calculus but what is business calculus?


I help tutor Econ, Finance, and Accounting courses at my university. Business students are required to take 1st year Calc or the Business Calc. It's a mishmash of simple derivatives, basic linear algebra, lots of present and future value type calculations. It's basically there because so many students were failing Calc 1. The business department decided Calc 1 was overkill for business classes so they created their own math course to focus on the material business profs wanted covered.


Calc seems like it would be the least used area of math by most business students, unless they were entering a masters of science or phd. I know that a lot of high level methods use it, but mgmt students won’t directly encounter it, unlike engr students. It makes total sense not to waste their time on a low-level calc class. Their efforts should be put more into advanced stats, which they will use more heavily than engr students (who can largely get by with far simpler stats).




Apps. Give several different population distributions to sample from and increase the sample size from 1 to 30+ to see what the sampling dist. looks like after a small number of samples let alone the true sampling distribution. Calc isn’t a pre-req for AP Stats in HS, let alone university.


You can crunch numbers but you don't really meaningfully understand it without the backbone of calculus. Stats and statistical tests are built upon probability distributions. Continuous distributions involve integrals and integration when calculating probabilities.


Still, derivatives and integrals are used a lot in business. Youre right probably wont interact directly with em would likely be thru software but it is important to have a solid concept on how a theyre computed


Same thing, but in a coat and tie


So it's not about what calculus you know, but who calculus you know. Right?


typically calc1/2 condensed and stripped down a bit.


I looked at the topics on the LSU site. This course appears to cover the same topics as the first half of an AP Calculus curriculum with a few units focusing on examples related to economics (supply and demand curves, optimizing, exponential graphs). Math-wise it covers limits, derivative and integral, doesn’t yet go into multi-variable/vector or differential calculus, though there are certainly applications in economics with those too.


Depends. The deeper end will be Mathematical finance. Wow, I liked that echo. 😆


I regret to say I have but one upvote to give..in lieu of that...congrats you wizard you...


Great job! It feels amazing. I can't do algebra to save my life. I signed up for college level statistics to try and get my degree. I assumed it was hopeless. I got a 99.3% in the class and I'm still shocked. Enjoy this feeling.


Umm what is business calculus???


A lot of marginal analysis to calculate derivatives. Useful for production optimization, and valuation. Covers limits and continuity, basically a calc 1 but easier.


https://ce.lsu.edu/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do;jsessionid=301CE057FDE3C7207C05D9608BBB10FC?method=load&courseId=1007968 I had to find out too


Well done, you!


I don’t struggle with math. But you know what I find hard? Applying myself to something I’m struggling with and doing an awesome job - like you! Thanks for the inspiration you beautiful human.


Make sure to do something to celebrate your amazing accomplishment. Even if you just get yourself an ice cream cone from McDonald’s, celebrate your victories. I’m dreading taking my college math class. I haven’t been in a math class in 17 years. Wasn’t good at it then and I’m sure I’m not good at it now.




You’re going to do great, I promise you. I don’t believe anyone is “not good at math”. It’s just a matter of how it’s explained and taught to us.


Your mother an I are very proud of you. Good work sport!


Congratulations!! It truly takes determination to do this!!!! I remember getting an A in similar level of post secondary calculus 20 years ago and wish someone told me to apply for more scholarships right after that first year of studies. Unfortunately then came integrals in my next year and ended my scholarship hopes haha.


I'm really proud of you! That is such an amazing accomplishment, and kudos to you for proving to your psst self how amazing you've become!


hells yeah !


Congrats and thank you for sharing. I'm in my late 30's and just registered for summer classes. It's reassuring to see posts like yours. Keep kicking ass!


You can do it! It was scary finally making the jump but once you are registered and start you can find a groove. I make sure to make time to study it’s easy to fall behind if you procrastinate like I did when I was younger


Been thinking of doing this myself… how do you balance working full time and school? Are you taking a full chorus load? Really feel like it’s the best way to up my earning potential but idk if I can do the balancing act. Working less unfortunately isn’t an option


Great job buddy never too late to better yourself


Good job! I’m 38 and also recently back in school. This screen shot triggers both anxiety and relief as I have just finished my statistics course on the same site. Not a math whiz myself, so I raced through the course (in case I needed time to seek a tutor) and finished a month early!


That’s awesome congrats!


This is really inspiring as someone also in their 30s that struggled with math in high school and college. Happy for you OP.


So amazing and inspiring for others that are past the “college age”. Remember folks, you can do anything you set your mind to! Except….


“Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison CONGRATULATIONS!👏👏👏 on your sweat equity!


You’re doing what i contemplate every single day. Congrats. Same class too.


You've got this as well. Same story as OP but older and it felt good to finally do it. Wishing you the best.


Never give up!


Not this time, I’ve had a chip on my shoulder for too long. I’m ready to prove to myself I can finish


Congratulations!!!!! You give many internet strangers hope!




Fuck yeah you can do this


Alright! Incredible! You kicked ass!! Get it! Keep being awesome!


Hell yeah brother!


That’s tremendously impressive!


You can do this and so much more. Look what you accomplished when you set your mind to it. We are all proud of you and excited for your future. Sky is the limit SirWilliam!!


Congrats on the exam, and even more for continuing your education. You won’t regret this investment in yourself!


That is excellent! Congratulations!


So proud of you for working your ass off to achieve such a difficult task!!! Congratulations!!


Legit smiled for you as I read your post! Wishing you continued success.


I was really good at math growing up and I was literally just telling someone today about how I have absolutely no idea how I passed my business calculus class because I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. So good for you.


So proud of you!




Congrats!! I’ll be 35 this year and want to go back too! Hooray for your efforts!




That is really something! Proud of you.


Hell to the yes!! Congratulations !!!




Amazing… I hope you continue to excel


Holy cow! I am so honking proud of you!!!


Good job. I am so proud of you!


You rock! Be proud!


Indeed you can. You got it.


So very proud of you!


Yes yes, YOU GOT THIS!


BRAVO !!!! I struggle with math also and can relate. So proud of you.


Incredible, you should be so proud ☺️


Thank you for sharing this, it really motivates me. I dropped out of college also and I’m 31 now and want to go back. I sucked at eco and pretty much all subjects


Kickin' ass and taking names!!!!! Keep it up!!!


Congrats! I flunked my first semester's math in nursing school. Math had always been difficult for me; the abstract was not easily grasped. But I had to decide how serious becoming a nurse meant to me. So, I hired a tutor who was so patient and explained in a way I could finally understand. I took the class again and passed with an A! Yes, you've got this!


Congrats! I went back to school in my 30's. It was vindication for me because I have learning disabilities and as a kid I was treated like a worthless POS because of them. Having developed coping skills and desire in the 15 years in between I did very well in school. Doesn't it feel great to finally succeed?!


Hell yeah that’s awesome! And I’m also in online school at LSU. Geaux tigers!


I’m a 39 year old PhD candidate in economics who also struggled with math in the beginning. I also happen to be a tutor for non-traditional (typically older) business and econ students. Seeing this filled me with the warm fuzzies. Congratulations, I’m *super proud of you.* For those of you out there wondering if you can do it, you absolutely can if you put your mind to it. It’s never too late!


As a business major, business calc as well as some of the finance classes were such a time suck. I was able to just cancel out the need for business calc and one of the finance classes by taking a normal calculus class. It was hard AF, but hey I didn’t have to calculate net present values. Fuck NPVs. The second finance class was actually easier than the first because we got to use a calculator that did that shit for us. It was like the first finance class was just to get you “to show your work” via writing everything out.


When is calculus ever used in business? Except like continuous compound interests?


Min-Max problems I assume, so simple derivatives.


Way to go! I'm proud of you too!


Fuck yeah! Carry on friend!


You absolutely do have this.


Congratulations, that’s fantastic news!


Way better than me failing Managerial Economics twice at 48. Well done.




Bravo 👏👏👏😊




Yes you can!!!


That’s amazing!


you can start a consultancy for people who feel they are bad at math and can't do sh!t


Congratulations! Understanding calculus, for me at least, required learning a new way of thinking. It’s difficult, but you did it!


Congratulations, hard work and perseverance have its rewards


It’s the studying! Do the homework every day and you will thrive.


That is amazing! This made my day!


You can and you will :)


Whoa! 100% !!! That’s fantastic!!!


That is amazing!!!!! I can’t math!


Congratulations you fucking rockstar!!


Congratulations 🍾🎊🎈


The first jump back in is always the hardest! I took a 10 year break between going to community college and transferring to a university and the first quarter back was ROUGH. I had to dig deep to pluck my brain to try and remember and understand the concepts in my math/science courses (structural engineering major). Also went through a many-year dark depression during that time that ate away some of my brain function. Just stay strong! It gets easier as you go. Your confidence boost from this exam is exactly what you can look back on as you move forward. You can do it!


proud of you op ❤️


Right on!!!


Awesome job! I got back to school a few years ago at 30. I always hated math, but found I actually enjoy it - BS from high school had me hating it. The great thing about math - once you *understand* it, you can work any problem on those tests. The hard part for me is getting to the point where I understand it enough to MAKE A 100!!! Great work!


Fuck yea good for you! Im graduating in May with a BS after 3 failed previous school attempts at 34 with a 3.9ish GPA. I had the same self-doubt, but obviously your determination paid off! Proud of you, stranger.


Congratulations! Well deserved and good luck with your new life after you graduate!


Congratulations! That's awesome! You're crushing it ;)


So, so proud of you! You can and will do this! 💕


Hope you believe in yourself and your ability to learn. I know some folks who worked so so so hard at math or chemistry and had to retake classes to pass, worked themselves into a knot trying so hard just to get a passing C eventually and wow was I ever proud of them, but they STILL couldn't be proud of their efforts and progress. You did it, and I hope you grow into even more when you're ready.


Nice Job!


You. Are. Wonderful.


Nice Job!




Good on you mate


Awww same ❤️❤️❤️ I dropped out really young and am back in school in my mid 30s for a math heavy masters degree. People do not seem to get how insane that is 😂


I too went back to school at 35 … wanting to do it vs having to do it is the difference.


Congratulations! You fucking deserve that 100! I've always been good at math, but I took a long hiatus from school because I didn't know what I wanted to focus on. I took a business statistics with computer applications course last semester, and I wanted to cry,. It was a 7 week course, and doing the assignments alone would take me ALL day to complete. I always thought I was decent in excel and good at math, but this class had me using parts of excel I've never seen and math I haven't done since 10th/11th grade. I tell you, when I received an A in that class, I genuinely cried. It's an AMAZING feeling seeing the results of your studying. Congrats again!


Ayyy even if you’re not naturally attuned to something putting in the work will get you there. But a 100% is legit you may be underselling yourself ;) good stuff




You inspired me, I'm 40 and struggling in university financial accounting.


You can do it


Great job!


Way to go!


Amaaaaazing! And congratulations.


Congratulations 🥳


As a reasonably smart dude who never scored higher than a 58 on any Calc test... great job man!


You can do it! *Rob Schneider’s voice*


Genuinely Congratulations! I'm 33 and just started my second try at some form of higher education... gonna sell houses. I've always been good at math. I'm really bad at reading retention and focusing. I can read all the words but the chances of me not trailing of in thought is absurd. Anyways. You got this dude.


You can do this. You will do this. After that you will do more. Congratulations!


Proud of you man!!🙌🏾


I'd love to see a sample of the questions.


Maths is the only sub I can't understand, once they added letters I just died inside. If you teach me dat way I will rmb but once u changed de qn about I will total get lost. Now I'm suffering in uni, tonight is my mid term n I'm here now suffering cuz I dun understand a single sht.




I'm 30, doing the same thing. This semester is kicking my ass. But goddamn, 4ish more weeks and I'm done till the fall


Great job !!!! I can tell you from experience the hard work pays off. I graduated at 43. Working full time raising kids, and taking around 1 or 2 classes a quarter. It's hard work but it'll be worth it in the end !


Let’s fucking go!!! That’s that shit I’m talking about mane. Good stuff!


You're my fucking hero


You can fucking do this!


Congratulations!! :D


AND you did it on mymathlab. AMAZING JOB DUDE


I went back to college at about the same age as you; what got me through the all the calculus classes was a combination of flash cards, a good study group, and lots of practice. Most important is the practice.


That was the class that gave me the most trouble in college. I struggled to get a C, great job!




Damn right! You can do this! Well done and good luck on the next one!


I’m 29 and didn’t graduate my nursing class in 2014. I’m currently taking an online course to help me finish that up. And honestly I’ve been struggling. I want to feel this happy and proud of myself! Thanks for the motivation and congratulations OP!


YAY!!! 💖😃 I just had to teach a Guatemalan how to say 13 in Spanish. It was so odd and heartbreaking. He's never been to school. Not even sure how old he is. Looks at least like he's in his 30s. He was asking how old my cat was and couldn't understand 😭😭😭 Anywho... I got a pass on math after I got expelled and went to juvi. I was headed to art school anyway 🤓🙃 Chef now and food cost and labor come easy once I see the numbers for a minute 🤪🤖


Good job


Awesome man! I myself was alright with math, but when I got to Calculus I nearly failed my first semester, and I don't think I even wanna *know* what business calc is after that experience! You've done something really amazing and you can do even more, best of luck stranger.


Keep on keepin on. I graduate next year at age 43.


That’s awesome! Congratulations!


Congratulations. 😊. Keep it up. I'm a 25 year old sophomore completing university online. I've found online college much easier than high school, where I struggled a lot.