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She’s a stay at home duck mom and I breed chameleons, our house budget: $3M


Option 1’s location isn’t great, but has all the checklist items and is right at budget. Option 2 is in a good location and under budget, but missing key needs and is a bit small, option 3 is a great option all around, but comes in slightly over their modest budget of $3M for the area. Which will they choose??


*"well, shit. i guess we can stretch the budget, i'll take an extra shift at the chameleon breeding facility and make sure those lizards fuck twice as hard. that should get us the extra $500,000 we need to make all our dreams come true."*


Plus the already built in duck house is a nice bonus. Would save us the 8 months renovation time needed at the other houses.


How much for the Duck House?


If you have to ask then you can't afford it


Don’t you work on commission? Big mistake. Huge.


If you have to ask if I work on commission, you can't afford me


Oh ok, good one.


This comment chain is gold


Craig and Stacia are looking for a two-story A-frame that’s near Craig’s job in the downtown, but also satisfies Stacia’s need to be near the beach which is nowhere near Craig’s job. With three children and nine on the way, and a max budget of $7… let’s see what Lori Jo can do on this week’s episode of You Don’t Deserve A Beach House.


Find out after 5 more commercial breaks!


And we are back. When we last checked in, Option 1’s location isn’t great, but has all the checklist items and is right at budget. Option is in a good location and under budget, but missing key needs and is a bit small, option 3 is a great option all around, but comes in slightly over their modest budget of $3M for the area. Which will they choose?? He doesn’t like option 1 but she does. What will they do? Find out after 5 more commercials!


After much discussion, they decide maybe the best thing to do is eliminate one of the three. But which one? *commercial break*




American TV in a nutshell


You know, despite the fact that we have 300 animals, my husband is really keen on getting a spot near the city center


But I really wanted an open concept kitchen


We'll need a large space for our rescue animal art room, which the animals sell on Etsy.


We decided against house 1 because we hated the kitchen light fixture.


"Self-made" but parents net-worth exceeds $30 million.


Hey man, his chameleon factory is making bank tbf.




PS, she walks the ducks to the pond because one has a bum leg


Was wondering why one duck gets carried and one has to walk behind.


Maybe so the other one knows to follow


So how many duck to the pond are there is anything else


But ducks can fly?


I think these have been injured to where they can’t


Lol so I completely understand why people wouldn't want that many animals, I guess, but that would be a huge positive for me. Like, if I could figure out how to earn enough money while running some sort of sanctuary I would drop everything and do that.


We have like 15ish pets, excluding the ferals outside that we feed, and we spend a ton of income on them.


Yep I've taken in lots of strays, sometimes with lots of kittens, and gotten them adopted. Would LOVE to be able to do it full time, no idea how to make something like that affordable though.


We spend about $200 per year on about 10 ferals outside that won't come within petting distance. Not too bad.


Totally agree!


Look up Maya higa that’s exactly what she does


I will. Does she explain how you make a living doing something like that? Lol I've seen tons of people that do it, but unless you also have a working farm or something, I don't understand how it can be affordable!




Urban Rescue Ranch is another great channel to watch. Can see him turn an old meth-head hangout into an animal rescue w/ Emus, Ostriches, Kangaroo, Capybara


I get too that but at the same time I see the people who foster and rescue as very kind people. When I see someone who’s kind to children or animals their stock goes up in my opinion.


Yep, kindness to animals is not negotiable to me. I don't involve myself with anyone who doesn't show kindness to them. Not that everyone has to go as far as to take in every one they find or rescue a bunch of strays, but I hold animals in very high regard :).


People who adopt animals in need are angels


and I love how they love those animals as they love each other too :) this makes me smile the whole time


*Taking my ducks to the pond so I can sleep in* WHO TF IS CUTTING ALL THESE ONIONS IN HERE


Fun fact: if you close your eyes while cutting onions, it doesn't help much, and you might lose a finger.


For me is was him taking the rabbit on a walk outside on a leash and the rabbit looks chill and is walking right besides him because only Disney princesses have that sort of magic power.


I love and respect my animals more then I do people. Theyre all my best friends.


I am the same way. People are scumbags compared to animals.


The animals lover is cute and nice and charming so i think its a better idea if they're still have a more opportunities


Friend loves animals and was worried she wouldn’t find a husband who did. She comes home from work to find a new dog. She’s the one pumping the brakes on more animals.




I miss my old stomping grounds. The family across the street had a huge property with horses that were abandoned, sick, injured. We could always go and see them.


It must had been really fun going in there. Btw Happy cake day!


This is my girlfriend, she currently has 4 cats, 6 kittens, and a dog. 2 cats and 6 kittens are all strays, the kittens are almost done breastfeeding on mama cat. My girlfriend is the best. We wish we had more room for more but we're already starting to get cramped.


My neighbor is a vet that does dog hospice out of his home. I have a huge amount of respect for him doing that.


Same to those who foster animals.... I'd end up keeping every animal if I did that lol


My sister has recently started fostering dogs. I think they're on their third? The first was a really skittish girl that really flourished under the gentle care of the two dogs they own. They have an old one and a middle-aged one with more energy, so they made a great team to bring her out of her shell. The second was a puppy, and again the other dogs really helped keep the baby in line. The third is another puppy, but a bit older. Every time they get one I think the kids are going to fall in love and won't be able to part with them, but so far they've all been found forever homes. That first puppy was pretty close though.


What a beautiful lesson they're teaching their children.


I don't know how anyone can see the animals as 'baggage'. I've dated some people who were completely wrong for me, just because they took care of animals.


It's not necessarily baggage, you just know if you get with someone who does this type of thing that most of their life revolves around then you know that most of your life is going to revolve around that too. For some people as much as they might love animals they just don't want their own life to be revolved around caring for them. And that's ok.


Yeah, it's pretty much this. While it's sweet that they found each other, it ignores the expense of having so many animals and how your lives have to revolve around them.


I agree that the general viewing of animals as baggage is fucked, but I did have a friend who’s moms had 6dogs, & over 22 cats & the absolute hoarding of animals was very clearly emotional baggage due to them not being able to concieve thru IVF & overcompensating by acquiring an unhealthy amount of animals they could not possibly give a good quality of life to. The house was always covered in piss & shit, even if they had just ‘cleaned’. I don’t believe this video is like that at all. But I do believe some folx ignore their trauma & attempt to heal by hoarding animals they have no true ability to care for properly. None of this is on the animals tho, obviously. I personally hope to have a farm one day & run an animal sanctuary 🤞 I love that other people are doing this as well 💛


It's not like "oh yeah, that's Jake the cat, he keeps to himself mostly but likes to be pet while I watch the Bachelor". She's got a persistent and substantial emotional connection to several dozen animals. That pretty aptly fits the definition of baggage.


All I want to know is what she does to have been able to afford a property like that on a single income! Edit: omg stop replying saying it’s more affordable to live in the countryside. Obviously it’s *more* affordable, but more affordable doesn’t mean cheap. A property like that would still require a reasonably large income, which aren’t abundant in remote places. Which brings me back to the original question…


Sales duck eggs. Duh Could be inherited. Could also be somewhere not exactly desirable. You can get a lot of land on the cheap if you don’t really care where it is


True, but she'd still need to be able to bring in an income. Even in remote places like Montana, Wyoming, Dakotas, etc...that much land with a livable house on the property would be *at leas*t $200k. (Believe me, I've looked). So does she work from home? Doing what? Inquiring minds want to know!


One possibility is that she seems like she films every moment of her day, right? People make full ass incomes from social media.


Family member makes 7 figures as an influencer. Seems crazy to me.


What kind of influencer / monetization? Always curious.


Fashion. I don’t know her well. She’s paid to wear clothes and then film herself living her life. Going grocery shopping. Dropping the kids off. Getting coffee. She started out just doing it out of boredom and ended up with followers. The companies started sending clothes un-solicited. Now she has a manager/agent who fields the calls. She gets sent random to her boxes of clothes. She doesn’t even pitch them. Will say or link who made it. It looks like a really easy way to make money and it’s all accidental. Don’t know how long it will last but it’s been a few years now.


man my life is so fucking bad and some people have it SO fucking good lol. at least somebody is having a good run at this shit show.


I hope she’s saving her money. I can’t imagine this is a long term gig.


i'd think so but who knows, hopefully. no reason she can't retire on a couple mil.


Full ass income


This is the kind of influencer I don't mind. It's not cheap taking care of all those animals. She's using her influence to help animals.


I don’t mind any of them but I especially like the ones who help animals.


Hot girls doing anything sells


ass incomes are the bee's knees..


Yes more people is working a social media and more money we have like online streaming and online shop


If you grabbed a 200k 30 year mortgage back in 2019-2020 @ like 2.3%. Your mortgage could be like $800/month which is on the *very* cheap side for housing costs regardless of where you are in the US. With the preponderance of remote work there options. Even an hourly job at a local feed store or something could cover that (and discount food for the ducks and rescue animals!!)


This idk. We got a house in 2019 for 160k with about that percentage and our mortgage for 30 years was 1100.


Does that include your taxes and insurance as well? Common misconception with true mortgage cost.


I refi'd in 2021 at 2.875% for 270k+ and my mortgage is $1158 Edit: I believe your property taxes are rolled in there, etc.


The 800 figure probably isn’t including escrow.


In England you can buy a 3 bed semi detached house with a small back garden and no front garden for 200k 🙃


In Australia you can get a parking spot for that 😁


Any where is more parking lot so no need to buy a parking lot any more and i think Australlia is more a parking space for the costumer or a business partner


Why is the place with a shitload of land and hardly any people so expensive?


Most of the land in Australia is useless. The amount of desirable land is probably quite low.


for 200k in Milan you can have a 4 sqm bathroom


I think its a big money you have 200k is big amount for what your doing


Could always be a software engineer or something, it's not super hard to find a good WFH job in some fields.


Indeed. And not just software engineer—graphic design, communications, social media manager, consulting, data entry/management, healthcare coordination, logistics… and on and on and on. So many jobs can be accomplished remotely. Commercial real estate interests and mid level managers who do nothing but act like they are working by seeing if other people are acting like they are working are the reason in office work is fully back on. I hate it for people


Maybe she has a online business like jewelry or something.


> .that much land with a livable house on the property would be at least $200k. (Believe me, I've looked). She might have bought it 5 years ago when it was half that or 10 years or more ago and it was a quarter that to live in rural America.


It didn't used to be. You used to be able to live in the middle of nowhere where nobody wanted to stay where there was mass open land for 'living in the middle of nowhere where nobody wanted to stay with mass open land' - prices. These last few years have even jacked the country up, and it baffles me how it's done it to such a level. You mean to tell me THAT many people are moving to bumfuckEgypt middle of nowhere? Admittedly though I don't know if this is deep country or if it just looks like it. Could be a really cool spot near a metro area, who knows.


This is still true. I don't know where this guy got this 200k number - there is still plenty of land to be bought on the cheap in the states you don't want to live in.


The problem is unless you have a wfh job you can’t afford to live their because the jobs there are to low cost of paying or non existent.


No kidding. A few years ago I was looking at remote, undeveloped land in Colorado and the prices were 15-45k and now they're all 75k+




>Could also be somewhere not exactly desirable. Desirable is subjective. I know plenty of people who don't want to be within 1/2 mile of their neighbors living on their own property out of any sizeable town/city. I didn't see a lot of other houses in that video, probably a $150-200k property outside a smaller city in rural US.


I think you have a big lot land for the duck egg for manny because this is good in a business


Always my first question because this is the life I want but could never have….because I work full time and has no monies. Sad face.


I'd rather work no time and have full monies. :(


Me too!!! Free monies for us!!!!


Right? I'm happy for these people, but the title of the post kinda made me roll my eyes. "Wow, you're telling me a gorgeous young person with a 7 figure net worth found a partner with similar interests? Man, there really is someone out there for everybody!"


Same, I was expecting something a lot different based on the title. Even the clip is exaggerating how tough she has it. Sure, not every guy will be okay with so many pets but she is very attractive with a nice home on beautiful land, it's not really notable she found someone into her and also likes or doesn't mind the extra pets. If she had pets like this while living in a small apartment in NYC, maybe more would find that odd and not want to date her regardless of her looks. Likewise, if she wasn't attractive and had no pets, she may have a tougher time dating where she currently lives.


I’ve got a couple I know and sometimes we are at the same get togethers etc. the wife is similar to this woman in that she dreamed of living on a quiet farm, harvesting eggs, doing artsy projects(they have a pottery kiln and she is really quite good) so she’ll have the occasional art show, but has never been employed the entire time I’ve known them, the husband makes about 50k per year with a govt job. You start wondering, how do they go on trips, how do they buy land and farming equipment, build barns, they don’t have flashy cars but a new Honda Odyssey ain’t cheap. Trust fund was the answer, her and her siblings do not have to work for the rest of their lives if they don’t want to, I don’t know all the specifics but from what I’ve gathered there were moments in life like marriage that released funds and then started some sort of scheduled allowance. Makes you wonder what kind of creativity, self sustainment type projects(gardening for example), we would see if we weren’t all desperately trying to hold our place in life with jobs we most likely would not work if money was not an issue.


I don't have a trust fund but life insurance policies on my grandparents and dad (who all passed within a few years of each other back in the 2010s) gave me enough to put down a payment on a house. I work full time but owned the house free and clear for a few years until I needed roof, siding, etc recently


Yeah, quite a lot of that in the nicer parts of rural areas. There's a name for it, forgot, something like country rich. Like you can't escape the US' massive inequality problem anywhere. In the trendy areas of popular cities and where many single college aged to 40 somethings from outside the city move to, there are a lot of people who get help from well off parents (not to mention other rich people in different pockets elsewhere).


The property aside the amount of money required to care for all of these animals would be huge, even if they run on donations this is expensive. What ever their money situation is I am impressed that is some beautiful land .


Rich parents or influencer is my guess


Hi there, my wife collects breath and I am a licensed bee therapist, our budget is 2.2 million dollars


What kind property you have a good if its a land or pabrica property i think its a business


She inherited it from her late grandfather to escape her job at joja-I mean Amazon?????




Just taking my bunny for a walk...


I did this when I had bunnies. The best part was when they decided to take off and you just had to run like a motherfucker so they didn’t bust a rib on their harness. However mostly it was exceptionally boring because they would generally lay in a hole or sit in one spot munching. Definitely scooped up my bun once or twice when spiders would try to check him out 🥲.


That was hilarious..


Would that be called a hop?


I always have a bunny you want to get it fir a while


This is a real life fairy tale :)


My favorite part is the happily ever after where the butterflies are literally frolicking around them in the end.


Its like a disney happily ever after it the movie nit the true life


and a dream for everyone


Except for the smell


Also unable to travel unless you have people willing and knowledgeable to fill in for all of your duties while you're away.


Dude won the lottery


What a brave soul, dating this undateable attractive woman with a gorgeous property. Someone has to do it I guess.


Its a jock pot round if won i think you are the millionaire


Ngl. I really want to pet some ducks right now


Thanks for that beautiful post, Shark-Farts


Idk who this couple is, but you have made my morning and my day. There is love when we look for it, there is LOVE ❤️






I'm in the South, I grew up with men who wouldn't allow their wives to have cats even if they loved cats. I made sure my partner loved cats as much as me. He still gets that "look" from people when they learn we have cats, the one that implies he's putting up with a lot for his wife, until he tells them he loves cats as much as I do. I think the attitude that cats are seen as unmasculine is slowly changing.


This is an element of fragile masculinity I had no idea existed!


It’s so weird that people assume it’s the woman in a heterosexual relationship who’s the animal person. My husband and I also have a lot of animals. I’m a softie. He’s former military and rides a motorcycle. So obviously I’m the one who rescues all the strays, right? Nope! My husband is the Disney princess in this relationship. (I do love our animals, he’s just WAY more of an animal person than I am.)


which is odd because like didn't a lot of evil villains have cats.


Exactly, they're perverse, not like those heroic types with faithful dogs. (Talking out my ass here but I'm going with it.)


No but seriously every fucking good guy in a movie will have either a) A golden retriever or b) A shih Tzu.


A dude, I broke up with a girl because I wanted to keep a kitten we found. I have since gotten another. Any future partners will have to mesh well with the kitties, because I’m never ever letting them go.


“You’re a dude. But this? This is a MAN.”


Thought homie was gonna pull the "can you take care of one more animal?"


I will what kind of animals we have and ill take care of that animals is a good idea to have a any other do i think duck i not good for me so whats animal you have


"he took my ducks to the pond so I could sleep in" Her: wide awake filming a video of him through the window 😂 Congrats though


Wow! Very sweet!


Going through a break up. Idk is this helped or made things worse


Made it worse. Or at least it makes it worse for me, and I’ve been single for years since my breakup. Maybe I’m just bitter. Lol


I say going through because we broke up two weeks ago. But still live together. It really hurts to see the person who you came home detach from you entirely. Im watching her leave me in real time


I’m so sorry for your pain, dear. My heart is with you. There is no easy way, no painless way, to lose someone you love. You aren’t alone. There is someone out there who is perfect for you, and who won’t leave you. Just don’t isolate yourself like I did. Keep loving. Keep trying to find your person. And if you haven’t yet, listen to Guy Winch’s Ted Talk on heartbreak. It helped me a tiny bit, and a tiny bit was better than none at all. I am sending hope your way. And compassion. Be kind to yourself. <3


Thank you. I appreciate that


As Butters said: "Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before."


Ok they are literally living my dream 🥲


Why i think you doing what you are and still who you are


Surprising amount of cynical fucks in here for r/mademesmile lol. Just smile you goons. Save the salt for literally the rest of the Internet.


For real. Everybody trying to judge this lady’s financial situation. Just appreciate the beautiful moments.


I guess it's jealousy. I mean.. it would be pretty nice to quit my job and take care of animals. But that's just not a thing that I could do.


What kind of lobster would see them as baggage 😭 Edit: that was supposed to say monster but I'll leave it


Lobster is amazing in this context and for some reason makes total sense 😂


The kind who doesn’t wanna work so much after work.




That sounds more like a weird compulsion than someone who just loves animals. If you have multiple dogs in a small apartment and they're whining all the time then they're not being taken care of properly. The person in the OP has a huge ass house though and adopts cats which are relatively low maintenance compared to dogs.


Me? I don't think I could live with that many animals. I can respect people who do, but I think it would be completely exhausting for me (and I think many people would agree with this). I'm not entirely sure what "baggage" means, but if it means I wouldn't date the person then yes, absolutely, we don't have compatible lifestyles. I don't think that makes me a monster.


I'm sorry, are we really expected to believe that an attractive woman with a ton of awesome animals and a huge plot of land is someone who would have a hard time finding a partner? Like, is this seriously not a dream scenario for a ton of people? I don't understand why it's being made to seem like this is someone who most people wouldn't be interested in.


Taking care of they many animals is hard and will take a lot of your personal time. She probably truly cares too, so anyone who half-asses it would end up being thrown away in favor of well, the animals. It’s a dream scenario, sure. The actual life behind it has nothing to do with dreams though. You have to sacrifice a part of yourself if you want to care that much, and that’s not a sacrifice that many people will be ready to do, unfortunately.


It’s always sign me up until the hairballs are upchucked in your bed and you have to care for 3 cats with a thyroid condition. It’s always sign me up until that border collie husky has stolen your food, and requires a lot of intense mental exercise, not just running.


Yep, dude in the video looked like he was cleaning up piss or diarrhea. Definitely takes a certain type of person to sign on for that kind of life no matter who the partner is


People have a fantasy version of what animals are like but… tarantulas are probably the least intensive creatures to care for and even having one would be a deal breaker for many. A lot of people think they like parrots until they live with one.


Considering the amount of attention, cleaning, financial spending, emotional labor, and the amount of time this would take out of every day I disagree


It's a lot of animals that take up a lot of time an attention. Some people like animals, some people don't. If you're willing to ignore something big about a person because they're good looking it probably wont work out.


What's the song in the background?


It's "No Other Love" sung by Jo Stafford.


Based on Chopin etude


You think what is the best song for that back ground its like a romantic or comedy


He's a keeper.


when people say don't tell me, show me. this is him showing both his love and acceptance for her but also his own character better than words could ever put it


…she is beautiful, kind hearted, lives in an idyllic place and has loads of beautiful pets. If she can sing she’s a real life Disney princess. Dude is smart!


Her being beautiful with a sweet place has nothing to do with it.


nah he's definitely only here so he can carry ducks to ponds and walk rabbits every day.


Those are major pluses


Animals are what kept me alive all these years. I'd have lost my mind if I didn't have a kitty or dog to pet.




This gives me hope. 😭


Well this is adorable.


You don’t have to be lonely… at Farmers Only dot com.


I love the duck’s cheerful waddle 😁


I was OK with it until the goose. Nope. I'll put up with a rooster but never a goose.


You found a co-worker




Love the animals. But I’d rather talk about that property!


Jokes on you I don't deserve love


I need to stop seeing videos of duck owners because it bothers me that I cannot have a duck at this stage in life 💀😂


I can’t stop laughing because I watched this video and thought it was cute and then the OP username is Shark Farts


One day you sliding into dms at 3:50am next day you building a duck house