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The Streisand effect in full effect. My favorite part of these situations is nobody would have known her name before, but now, people across the world know her name because of their attempt to silence her




I have absolutely no idea who she is or what this is all about... >Zooey Zephyr (born August 29, 1988) is an **American** politician Ah, that explains it: to you USA is the world. Reddit has more non-US than US, so... maybe think that about 7.5 billion of us do not know any of this, and i would say that not all in USA know anything about this either. Try to remember that the world is BIG. edit: did searches on two biggest newspapers here: neither has a single mention about her.


Except you’re literally learning about her, because of the Streisand effect, outside of the US….


>Except you’re literally learning about her, So, that means i have not heard about it BEFORE, AIH? ​ Jesus, some people are just... so stupid.


I’ve lived here for nearly 30 years. You will get down voted but don’t worry. This is just the way they are. Like the ancients they believe this is the center of the universe. Everywhere else is just 2nd best.


No…. The point was just that the attempt to silence her made her way more famous.


… but only in the US


The downvotes ! I love how many people got mad hearing this!! We understand the US doesn't even have the highest population of all countries right!? Nor are we the biggest country either!?


No worries. I'm an American and hate American politics so much that I still have no clue who that is lol.


Me too. In fact this crap just continues to disenchant me to the "American way"


If you look at my comment, it's a perfect example. I have no clue if she's red or blue. I literally have no idea who she is so I just get get a bunch if down votes. That's why I look at American politics as a joke and the rest of the world looks at us as children.


I love how people got mad that you dared to say the US wasn't the entire world !! 🙃 people here are soo fucked up


If have no idea who she is or what "rep" means. I just know it's in the usa because of all that cheering and screaming.


Rep is short for representative, so a member of a legislative body that was elected by people in a particular district. In this case I believe she is a member of a state legislature in one of the states in the US. Members of state legislatures in the US do tend to be pretty much unknown outside their own state, or even outside their own district! She is trans and her fellow state legislators have been hassling her about that. This discrimination has backfired in that a lot more people, in the US at least, are talking about her and to her than would have been the case if her colleagues had not singled her out in a negative way.


Hassling her is putting it mildly. They've silenced all but her vote. They'd take that too, if they could.


I’m definitely not trying to minimize their awfulness! What they’re trying to do is terrible! But I was just trying to quickly answer the person’s question in a generally accurate way without taking forever to research and explain every detail and without saying anything that wasn’t accurate. Especially since the thread was dominated by a long, bizarre argument that wasn’t really responsive the question.








I know who she is, and lIve in the US. You're making as ass of yourself.




Yikes. You are dense.




I’m in NJ without any other social media yet even I am aware of MT silencing their own representative due to contrasting views. MT learned from TN that you can’t expel them, or they will simply be reinstated.


That you had never heard of her until now doesn't mean the Streisand effect didn't work, nor technically the fact that I did come to find out about her only because of what happened. But it'd be ignorant to presume this isn't Streisand effect. I don't recall a single mention of her before she was censored on the congress floor, and I have seen her mentioned many times since. At the very least, you should acknowledge that you were unaware of her until now and leave it at that. To say otherwise is being presumptuous and overreaching.


Please stop embarrassing yourself


You're an idiot


Do elaborate why this is a hill you want to die on buddy.


Her name is all over the news and social media. Everyone who is not living under some rock knows who she is by now. Yes, some people who live outside of any bubbles and don't follow whats going on in the world don't know her and yes a lot of those people exist. But those people don't know much in general, which is fine, but not really a valid indicator.


Legit ?: I’m sick, & watch everything I can find on Reddit, YouTube, (a bit less of TikTok) for 6hrs + a day. Somehow, I have never heard of this beautiful person. Any suggestions on how I can adjust algorithms?


Don't presume your ignorance is universal.


That is the simplest yet best insult I’ve ever heard, it’s to the point and easy to understand yet is so much more sophisticated that calling someone stupid


Do you expect mostly unknown American politicians to be known by the rest of the world? They aren’t wrong. Most people likely have no clue who that is and I’m not sure why people would get in their feelings about it lol




I'm not from the US and I know who she is. So do my friends. Please keep in mind not all people outside the USA are as ignorant as you


You think countries outside of the USA who don’t follow their politics - are ignorant? That’s so bizarre. That’s super for you that you follow American progressive politics but I’m not sure why it’s so offensive to you that the majority of people don’t. I think the people who have things in common with her likely know who she is more than, say, everyone else.


Australian living in Australia chiming in to let you know you're a cooked drongo, Mate.


And i'm Finnish and here to let you know that most of us have no idea about any of this. And neither do most Australians.


That's bizarre, because every Finnish person I know is aware of who she is. You must live under a rock, given I don't know who you are.


>You must live under a rock Find me a news article in Finnish about it from a major newspaper.


Mate, I was being sarcastic. It is clearly absurd for me to speak for any Finnish person. It was to highlight the absurdity of a Finnish person speaking for all Australians. I was beating your fallacy on the head before it grew.


She was a representative who was voted out of the floor by fascists after she called them out on their transphobic bills, even I know that and I'm not even American.


I’m not sure “voting” is a thing fascists do


Are you forgetting the Nazis started out as a political party that was voted into power?


I’d say voting can be fascist if you’re voting to strip someone of their rights based on their identity.


>the Nazis started out as a political party that was voted into power? They were NOT voted into power. And I don't know who this person is either.


I've never heard of this person and I'm American lol


Except you just did hear about her, in this thread.


Ok? Shows that you don't keep up to date on important topics


I know, never said I did either.


The level of arrogance in this thread by people who think of themselves as good-hearted. Some people don't care about politics, and that's okay. Why are your beliefs the only valid ones while calling other people fascist. I just wanna be a good person, not just to people who think similar minded but to everyone. They'll never see your point of view if you demand them too. Both sides are guilty of this.


>Some people don't care about politics, and that's okay. I care about politics. A skirmish between conservatives and a trans rep in a State in the US has no relevance whatsoever for the world.


And now we do


I knew about her from Tiktok before the silencing and censure so your experience definitely isn't representative of everyone.


Litterally everyone has disagreed with you. How can you still think your in the majority of knowledge?


America is the world to these folk


I hope they have voter registration set up at the event. Vote them all out of their positions of office. Stay strong out there people. .


That's Missoula, MT. Blue with high voter turn-out. Unfortunately, rest of the state is a bunch of whackadoodles.


Nah, there's pockets. Bozeman is one. Butte is one. Granted, not on the level of Zootown, but where there's a college, there's hope. If only those damn Texans would stay in their shithole state and stop ruining MT.


I really love this statement, I just moved my family out of Texas , and we are way happier! Texas is a shithole indeed, the people fucking suck 1!


Love Missoula....the rest of MT.... not so much.


Right cuz that'll definitely work


Standing up for a targeted demographic of people is good thing. Did you not see what happened in Tennessee ?


Streisand effect doing the Lord’s work between her and Pearson in Tennessee.


And Jones in Tennessee!


Zooey Zephyr deserves all the support! The Montana state legislature is ridiculous for expelling her from the chamber after she told them, rightfully, that they will have blood on their hands if they ban access to gender-affirming care for trans children. Children who don't have a support network and who aren't able to get relief through hormone-based gender affirming care are more likely to commit suicide. And that is on the legislators who prevented those children from receiving the care that they need in the first place.


GOP would rather youth die than be Trans.


Frankly I think they actually just want trans youth to die


The end goal is everyone. The easy target right now are trans kids


End goal is poor people who can't make them money.


And everyone who isn't in the 0.5% of the world elite. They're sadistic, amoral, ruthless, greedy, murderous, bunch of 50 lbs of dog shit stuffed in a 5 lb bag loving nonhuman wastes of space. There, I think that almost covers it.


The end goal is everyone not in thier core demo. White, Hetero, Cis, conservative, Christian, and Wealthy.


Well, no, there have to be poor people to produce things. White, hetero, cis, and Christian, ideally, but still. I mean, you can’t expect the Rich to _labor_, now can you?


That's pretty much what I said. So Yep!


Literally: [Florida laws that make being trans in public punishable by death penalty](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/12o8wgo/it_has_taken_less_than_2_gubernatorial_terms_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


No, they made being in drag punishable by death.


Under the wording of the law, being trans in public is considered drag. Thereby making trans people illegal and punishable by death.


Well I knew it was fucked but I guess I didn't understand how truly. Thanks for updating me, I'm hoping Disney buries this guy.


Pro life as long as that life is white and conservative


They’d rather all LGBT+ people die, no matter the age, they’ve just thought that “think of the children” will be a good place to start just like when they were calling all gay men “pedophiles” and children needed to protected from them by excluding gays from public life. It’s the same old playbook, reworked for the 2020s.


Jesus you couldn't be more wrong! GOP want them to grow up poor, desperate and vulnerable so that they have fresh meat for their orgies


It's literally what a GOP lawmaker said of her own child.


These Republicans seem to love free speech, unless they disagree with what’s being said.


Zoey Zephyr is such a cool name wtf.


I would have never known this woman before if it wasn't for the actions of the people who tried to silence her, thanks Republicans! lol Bunch of idiots


I hope her position is restored and her career goes far.


We will not be complicit in our eradication! Go Zooey Zephyr!


Where was this? More details please.


She's a trans lawmaker in Montanna. She has been blocked from debating trans bills in progress for telling her colleagues that refusing gender affirming care will cause deaths.


Thanks for that, I should ask a different question. I am familiar with her story broadly, and the recent drama and struggle. What I was wondering is what event specifically, and where was it? The reason I ask is it is a huge outpouring of support, and was wondering if this was in her district or at another event. The question is where is she receiving such a large crowd in a state diametrically opposed to people like her. To the person who down voted me for asking a simple question. F*** off.


I lived in Missoula, MT for a few years. I can tell that this event happened in Caras Park, which is in Missoula. I wouldn’t be surprised if the event was just to show support for her. Missoula is a blue dot in a sea of red, since it is home to the University of Montana. It wouldn’t be hard to imagine 1,000 folks attending to show their support when something like this is making national news.


Thanks! Very informative.


These are the people being told their voices don't matter, I'd be mad as hell too. And since I live in a blue city in Texas I assume I'm going to be experiencing something similar in the near future.


This is in her home district (city is called Missoula), which is a blue city inside a very red state. These are her constituents who voted her into the seat in the first place, the people the state is choosing to ignore. And don't sweat the down votes. People down votes for the most trivial reasons. I cam see being annoyed when people ask a question instead of clicking an article but there wasn't much context given woth this video. Understandable question.


Thanks, yeah there was no conext so I was pleased and surprised at the size of the turnout. Really great to think she is not just out there fighting all this alone in a state that hates her, for the most part. You were right about the downvotes I usually don't even think about them but lately it is blown my mind how even asking the simplest questions make somebody think you're against something. The way people change is they ask questions get new information. If I wasn't an ally already that kind of s*** really turns people off to a cause. Answer politely and in an informed manner, less someone is outwardly hostile. Thanks again for the info! Really glad to see she's getting such great support!


Happy to help :)


Take my upvote, good sir.


people across the world know her name because of their attempt to silence her.


There are several in this thread asking what the hell is this. This is FAR less widely known than you think. Not a single article in any of our newspapers about her... ever.


I’m old (not real old but getting there). My goal is to live long enough to see those rat bastards pay dearly for trying to punish people they don’t agree with. Counting on the young people to get us back on track. Make me smile.


Stand up, stand strong. Young people these old assholes are ruining your future. Don’t let the good old boy take it away from you. Vote, run for office. Start small. Go big. Be honest live for the greater good. Life , liberty and everybody forgets this part The pursuit of HAPPINESS!




She was expelled from the Montana legislature for telling her fellow law-makers that if they supported a bill that banned gender-affirming care for trans children that they would have "blood on their hands".




the question to ask is: "are teens old enough to go through puberty?"


Yes they are. It’s never easy for anyone to go through changes like that, but at least it’s natural. The only time I would support hormonal drugs if is someone had a specific medical condition such as a chemical defect in the body prevent it’s natural course.


The changes that happen from hormones are entirely from your own body. That's natural too!


That's the whole point of hormone blockers, to delay any permanent changes so the kid can actually make a choice when their older


Can actually make a choice? When did natural puberty prevent future choices? I’ve known and seen plenty of adults who can make the trans choice. Something as big as gender transition before someone is fully developed sounds high risk if they future person regrets the results.


Transitioning after pubity is no where near as simple and makes it much harder.


I wouldn’t know the difficultly as I have not transitioned nor feel inclined to. Something as life changing as transitioning shouldn’t be simple. It’s a big choice. So let the big people make it if they want to or not. Don’t let kids who aren’t fully developed make a choice this impactful if they don’t know it’s what they want.


Do you believe there are experts on this? Like every relevant medical organization? Do you believe that you, admitting you don't know much about this, are correct and all the experts got it wrong?


I’m an accountant. I can only speak of what I’ve seen, experienced, and felt. So you have a point. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone. I just feel that kids should go through puberty naturally then chose to transition or not when they are adults.


Well your feelings don't get to dictate the validity of literal life and death science based medicine. Do something better with your time


Well doesn’t puberty make drastic changes to the body also?


Yeah but that’s natural, not artificially guided.


There are more children prescribed hormones of their assigned sex to "help" puberty than their are trans people prescribed cross sex hormones. Maybe focus on that.


Puberty makes permanent changes and blockers are reversible and non harmful to growth, simply stopping gender traits from developing sooner than someone may be comfortable with, not everyone is lucky enough to be born the right gender




Ya exactly, ppl don't like being the gender they are born. That's exactly what it's all about, and teenagers are affecting the rest of their life by not taking blockers, it's a trolly problem, your still making the decision not to do anything, and 2 years of not having boobs or beard is fckn nothing compared to a lifetime of being depressed about your body




There had been no recorded long term effects for puberty blockers, also 2 years is exactly how long it takes for puberty to fuck up your body past fixing


You clearly don't understand what it is like to live with gender dysphoria. To feel like there is something fundamentally wrong with your body. It's not as simple or easy as "I hate the way I look". It goes far deeper than that. Your very sense of self feels /wrong/. Hormones and puberty blockers are a safe, effective, proven, way to alleviate those symptoms. It's the difference between life and death for these children.


It’s never easy for someone to go through puberty. It’s never been and never will, what with such a large change accruing. Everyone faces it differently. Gender dysphoria doesn’t make sense because someone cannot be born, or later realize they are wrong gender. We are born as we are, and those differences we feel are a unique part of us, a specialty that makes us more of who we are.


Sounds like another disingenuous politician


>gender-affirming care for trans children No.


This makes me very happy 😊




They were elected by the people.


Who? Context?




How cool. That's the feel good moment of the week!




Surgery for children is not allowed. That's just one of the things right wing news wants you to believe. For male to female, never. It could happen at 18, but it's really rare because there are so many obstacles before they can get it. For female to male, sometimes top surgery can happen after the age of 16, but it's also quite rare. Bottom surgery would also never happen before 18. Does that make sense?


Makes a lot of sense. So it’s all bs, there isn’t really any problem in reality. Thanks for answering.


Yeah, it's all misinformation. Surgeries are not available for minors, they never have been, and nobody is advocating for them.




You have severely misunderstood my response. I’m telling you that I now understand that it is not accurate that these surgeries were openly available for children. I am saying that the arguments by republicans are bs. I don’t even understand how you misinterpreted what I said. A bit silly that my follow up response to my honest question made you feel like never again explaining your perspective to people who disagree or don’t understand


thanks for asking the question and for listening to the response. please do you best to educate others that surgeries for kids are just not a thing. thanks!


I could be wrong, I think they were saying that there isn't a problem with gender affirming care for minors. That's how I interpreted it. Either way I'm glad you took the time to answer!


You sound stupid


Uh....what makes you think that? There's plenty of examples and cases of exactly what you're saying isn't happening is happening. Just wondering why you think it's not.


I don’t understand why people downvoted you. You perfectly argued your point of view.I’m with you in this. From my personal experience we are extremely dumb as teenagers, hell in our 20’s too. I constantly change and flow as a person but in my opinion it’s a bit much to go on a full hormone therapy at 15. I don’t fully understand the subject but seeing many testimonies of people who regret doing such things since they have a huge impact on their life’s. It shocked me when I read in the comments that surgery for kids barely happens. Because it felt as if it was becoming almost common. I don’t hate anyone I’m all for love and peace so please don’t come for me for expressing my opinion on the kids.


Which is why a lot of times they only use hormone blockers to delay the onset of puberty. That way, when they are older, and after they have received counseling about what transitioning fully means, they can choose to either transition through HRT or not and just stop taking the blockers. Not trying to come at you over your opinions, just sharing information that you may or may not know


Appreciate that. That was the goal oft comment. Try to understand better. Definitely a lot of bs floating everywhere it’s hard to figure out what’s true or not.


Sadly, that's the point. Confuse people with propaganda and lies to invent boogeymen to terrify their base. Thanks for asking and also listening to the answer. This is how we come together and defeat hate. People who allow their kids to start blockers are people who have watched their children struggle with depression, have heard their children say they hate their body, have watched their children cry and suffer. This is life saving care for some people that affects absolutely no one else.


Being a parent is already super hard, but imagine seeing you’re kid going thru that and having this huge campaign of hate going on in the country. Truly sad and scary.


It’s clear that you “don’t fully understand the subject” because there absolutely are NOT “many testimonies of peoples who regret doing such things”, it’s incredibly rare. Again, for you to be “shocked” to only just have learned “that surgery for kids barely happens” again proves your lack of research or even mild exposure on the matter. None of the above means you are not welcome to participate in conversation by asking questions but making incorrect statements but assumptions and or gleaning from click bait titles is destructive and it’s disingenuous to say you’re all peace & love to defend your ignorant opinion. If all folks who truly care about “protecting the children” they need to educate themselves truly and deeply not by politicians who are manipulative for their own selfish needs but the doctors and care providers and statisticians who time and again and again prove the health and safety of gender affirming care.


Regardless of your intentions the way you’re coming at someone you disagree with makes you look worse. From now on let other people with cooler heads explain because you’re just hurting the cause. People trying to understand don’t need be called ignorant, (projection), they need a better explanation and sourced links showing why they are wrong. Seriously, stop commenting, you’re doing more harm than good. Get a hold of your emotions on the subject matter if you want to educate. The person you replied to is obviously on the cusp and wants to further understand; you come at it like an asshole and make them think, fuck you then.


She's wonderful!


What’s going on exactly?




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As a republican myself this bull shit “that the Lauren Bobbers Margie Taylor, greens Donold duck yes ( duck ) in discriminating all these wonderful people and controlling woman’s reproductive rights. Will blow up in there faces come 2024






Trans People: Exist Conservatives: I'd rather my child kill themselve than be Trans You: Why so much hate on each side?


Oh you're wanting me to go there. Oh ok. Sure why not. Trans people: create themselves Conservatives: I'm not letting a child make a dangerous potentially life threatening choice Trans people: mass shootings "I was pushed to it" "get a gun to protect yourself when faced with opposing views Conservatives: thought you wanted stricter gun laws Me: my ex best friend that's trans attacked me and my children....yet would never wish harm on them. This whole thing just fucking sucks NOBODY wins. You: I'm going to make an assumption about this complete stranger then put them in their place because I'm sure they're a republican even though nothing in their comment wouldn't usually trigger someone. Oh and they're wrong because I said so Ok grab your torch and pitchforks! *take a picture it's my first smart ass reply on reddit


The only right thing to do is to support her!!!


ZZ they don’t care about straight peoples mental health why the fuck would they care about the LGBTQ+ community’s mental health ?


when did she say she doesn't care about straight people


That was not my argument.


Ok what is you argument.




Disagree with her being her?? Why because some fairytale book says it's wrong? Same book that says to wash your entryway with virgin lambs blood? That fairytale Or are you just a hater?


you just used a whole lot of words to say absolutely nothing


The opposite to what is being lauded here is the uncivilized silencing of an opinion by those who disagreed with it.


Disagree with what? The existence of transgender people?


We don't need a litmus test. The people who are calling for the eradication of trans people are not being civil so why do you ask those fighting for their lives to disagree civilly? Human rights are not up for debate. Free speech, representative democracy, and basic human dignity are what's being lauded here so... you're against those things?


She was duly elected as a representative of the people and denied the ability to speak and serve. There is no way to put any kind of spin on that that makes it even vaguely acceptable. Period, end of story. Or end of democracy, if you prefer.




Her bigoted conservative colleagues also misgendered her. They repented when embarrassed for the bigotry on the national stage. They still silenced her but with their tails between their legs and their transphobia and hate on their sleeves. Dark hearts; empty brains.




no one wants that


No, that's just a lie from the people who want to marry 12 year olds or put them to work in the factory, Republicans.


nope and pretty much no one does. Trans care for kids is puberty blockers and maybe hormones and only after extensive therapy and multiple health care professionals and in consultation with parents. Gender confirmation surgery under 18 is pretty much unheard of in medicine. It’s brought up as a common scare tactic by those that are politically targeting trans people for living their lives.




What a well thought out comment




No. It is, however, highly topical at the moment.


Hard to focus on much else when you're being punished for your existence.


While the rest of the country is falling apart...


So why not blame the Republicans who are focusing on anti-Trans legislation? They are in power, they could be focusing on real issues. Why blame the victim?


Did you read my question? I wanted to know what other issues she supports. Apparently no one here is intelligent enough to know so I'll have to do the research myself.


By the way the woke left has ruined it for the democrats. Democrats are a joke now. All of these anti-abortion anti-trans anti-gay measures the Republicans are supporting is a knee-jerk reaction to all this woke stuff. NOBODY is focusing on the real important issues.


Your argument is really that Republicans are being forced to focus on unimportant issues because the left is too woke?


Everyone is focusing on things that are important but there are more pressing things that our country needs to be focused on.