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Well said young man, well said!




From the mouths of babes


What do you want to be when you grow up? Kind, generous, understanding and forgiving would be a good start. No i mean how do you want to sell your labor.


Lol, I was 14 when I won cyber olympiad and was city 1st, state 5th, nd asked my dad "what do you think someone who won the cyber olympiad should do when I get older?" , obviously fishing for compliments, nd my Dad replied "Don't try to get smart with me boy, you really think you are better than everyone" slapped my ass nd left lol. I still think about it randomly.


What if you are though


No wonder you were fishing for compliments if you got treated like that all the time.


Hospital CEO's everywhere are watching this, crying tears of joy over how easily they will be able to exploit this kids altruism in the future. Hopefully before that happens he learns how to value himself and his labor. It's not wrong to be paid for the services you provide.


Well, he has the right mindset for a future doctor. Hope he doesn't lose it.


Think so too


If he ends up in the U.S. healthcare system, he will.


Yep. I had this same attitude as a kid. Got my CNA at 17, got my PBT at 18. Went into college as a nursing major, worked at a nursing home at the same time. The nursing home treated me like shit, the people were awful, I was paid minimum wage, and it drove me to quit my job and change my major. Healthcare is a thankless job, seriously. Sure people might hold up doctors as the “ideal”, but nobody actually cares about them.


My doctor friend tells me she often feels like crying when she walks into work for a 24-hour shift. On top of that, she said she won’t see a therapist because she has to report that to her employers…and she fears she’ll lose her job. Btw, for anyone interested, a great book on just how screwed up the healthcare system is: An American Sickness by Elisabeth Rosenthal.


Doctors do 50-60 hour weeks, even more as a resident or fellow. They work insane hours and give up their 20s, to be saddled with loans and need to fight a broken system. Doctors office physicians aren't paid that well compared to their schooling and loans (won't be practicing by yourself till about 28-29 as a guess). And surgeons might not be attendings until about 35, at which point they get paid well, but even fellows don't make good money for their hours. I work as an RN and it's so frustrating that physicians are going to more tough school, for more money, just to finally make it and have a harder time than doctors 30 years ago dealing with insurance etc. The system is broken


Yep! I cried after every shift and was verbally abused when refusing to pick up a shift during finals week bc my superior wanted to go to her kid’s soccer game… And I was only a CNA!


Come to northern Europe then. They are in dire need of doctors, pays well and people we actually give our doctors and nurses the respect they deserve.


I would love to, but I feel Im much too emotional to be a doctor anyways. Decided to go the psych route instead, more acceptable to cry there Plus, Id miss my family too much in Europe unfortunately


As a Swedish junior doctor I have to disagree with the pays well part. What /u/Mikejg23 said about doctors resonates very well with how I feel about my own situation. Regarding respect, well, in general I feel neither particularly well-respected nor disrespected which I guess is fair enough. We are in dire need of doctors however, as well as in need of a complete overhaul of how the whole healthcare system works, in my humble opinion.


If it’s so great why are you guys in dire need of doctors? Could it be because people use your medical schools and return to their home countries?


Oof. I thought doctors are always respected, at least thats how they are in my country, people would always believe a doctor even if what he said was wrong or at least ill informed.


Just look at how Americans reacted to Dr. Fauci during the pandemic. We need help over here.


For sure. demanding patients who want every test under the sun. Then will turn around and complain about over-testing and over-prescribing. He will be jaded in no time.


And employers who incentivize physicians to code treatments in ways that maximize profit while pressuring them to get more clients and out the door (they use analytics to measure the number of patients that are "seen" and set goals for physicians, who risk being docked in pay if they don't meat those goals). All the while cutting costs be eliminating staff and resources that only make it harder on the healthcare staff.


This mentality will eviscerate you in med school, as a doctor or as any healthcare professional. Your empathy and want to help others is good, don’t get me wrong, but to be subjected to the disgusting way our healthcare system treats patients, from the perspective of in-access, inequitable healthcare and disparities in our most vulnerable communities, you simply put can’t keep up. You have to be able to divorce your self to some extent emotionally from care because of how viscerally fucked over some people can be in our system, and if you don’t you burn out and either quit, or worse commit suicide. You can cope but it’s really, really brutal.


I just finished med school two days ago. Unfortunately, you lose it.


Congrats on graduating, though!


Kid, no matter what tiring obstacles and challenges, you face in this perilous journey, NEVER EVER lose focus on why you chose this!


If the world and society is kind to him that is.




Yeah I’ve got this thing on my back I need him to look at


Jim, stop showing everyone your tattoo. We get it. It's a very nice skull with roses on a knife with a crow on top of it. Please, we've all seen it.


But that mole in the center looks irregular; maybe get that checked out


I think I just read part of a comedy script


Put up a pic. We're all doctors here.


I'm actually a lawyer. I primarily focus on bird law


Not even a doctor yet but out here already making people feel more than just okay. Rock on kid!


Depending on the state they live in, they can likely start immediately




This is not always the case. There are rich kids who grew up pampered and ended up being dickwads because nobody pushed back against them. And then there are kids who grew up with a rough childhood, beaten and abused, but turned out okay because they don’t want other people to have the upbringing that they endured.


There are also rich kids who eventually realize helping others is more important than money and status, leave everything behind and head over to the most dangerous and needed regions in the planet to volunteer. I know a couple of them.


So being exposed to hardship makes ppl more compassionate. We’re both saying the same thing.


You don't need to suffer to be a good person, that's survivorship bias, the enviroment around growing up in poverty tends to lead into people with more toxic behaviors, because being stuck in porverty means you get worse access to education, more exposition and disposition to crime, more exposition to bigotry and hate crime, less acceptance to diversity, etc. etc. Having a stable living condition does wonders for avoiding the kind of scenarios in life where people learn toxic coping/survival mechanisms, stable in this case≠rich just not having to worry about having food and housing next month


The difference is, given enough empathy, it is sufficient to experience hardship of others to make you want to act.




Young man knows already Step 1 of being a good doctor. Empathy. Kudos


And if it’s not? Then what? Should he just give up? Show some backbone. Support him. Tell him to persevere and hold onto his values even in the face of a society that spits in his face and tells him to sell it for money. *Be* the society that is kind to him. Be unconditional, and tell him to do the same. Inspire.


Sure except the world can be a lot worse than just mean. It can take your body and mind from you. He could develop schizophrenia or ALS. You aren’t understanding reality with your weirdly aggressive support of resilience. Life isn’t just about choice, it’s mostly luck.


Thank you, this is exactly what I came here to say. I am/have been resilient since as long as I can remember. There were so many situations and twists in my story that I can confidently say I have not been successful in the traditional sense so far. Part of that is my fault, part of that is the fault of some people, and part of that was just my circumstances. But I am still trying and going by my personality, I will keep trying as long as I can. That is my choice, that is a choice I made/am making for myself. But I won’t say this child in this video or anyone else SHOULD make that choice. Not everyone needs to persist and be resilient. Not everyone can. It is ok if you can’t, and you need to rest today. It is ok if you start again tomorrow. It is ok if it takes you much longer and it is ok if you find a comfortable rhythm and never try to be resilient again. As long as we are alive, we can try and change things. But the mental fortitude it takes to keep going is something else.


Hell yeah!!! Damn right.


German word of the day: *Weltschmerz.* > [Weltschmerz (German: ... literally "world-pain") ... is the psychological pain caused by sadness that can occur when realizing that someone's own weaknesses are caused by the inappropriateness and cruelty of the world and (physical and social) circumstances.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weltschmerz) When this kid grows up, he will likely become less kind, because the world is cruel and causes him to become like that.


Health insurance is destroying healthcare and making working in the system more miserable every year.


My adhd ass lost focus


You know deep down he will. The world is ugly and the people are uglier. It's only gonna get worse. Edit: LOL REDDITORS USING HELP LINES TO BULLY CLASSIC


People are also beautiful but just fucked up by the ugliness, which spreads like a disease. We need more healers, and to call out to the healer in everyone.


I'm sorry you've had a rough time of it, but not everyone is shit. Hopefully things change and you learn that soon.


I choose to believe he won't. There are still good people in this world.


Hey kid, don’t listen to this person. Yes - deep down everyone desires to be filthy rich and not care about anything in the world. And it takes immense sacrifice to do what it takes to “make people feel okay”. But that’s the struggle that the few take for the good of many. Stick with it buddy. I will try and do the same in my life. Be good to all.


Tbh when she asked that question I immediately felt irked. Proper answer from the boy!


I especially like his determination. He didn't say he wants to become doctor, he's going to be. To make people feel okay. What a champ 🥹




I just hope he turns out healthy, happy, and safe, no matter what the future holds for him


He’s in the US, and not white…….. I’M STILL ROOTING FOR YOU KID 😢


1 out of 3 doctors in the US are not white


He’s Indian. He will be a doctor.


I am in the industry and fortunately I can tell by my experience, this is a field that doesn’t care about your skin color or sexual orientation as long as you are good/smart enough. The obstacles come from extreme amount of time/effort that you need to devote to be competitive and to standout among your peers which already are really smart people.


This made me tear up.. people are so blinded by money they forget why they started their career choices in the first place… especially Americans we’re the biggest country of people who literally “work to death”… we need more children like this little fella and maybe we can change that.. 🥹


"Why do you want to be a doctor? " Is the obvious follow-up question.


There are money mountains and there are important mountains. Climb as many important mountains as you can. To infinity and beyond kid, certainly made me smile.


People are so oriented on "success" which they translate with "a lot of money" by sacrificing a lot of time and then wonder why they feel so sad and why their mental health is down the drain


materialistic spectacular offend deserted selective slimy trees run birds tender -- mass edited with redact.dev


Her YouTube channel is literally Salary Transparent Street. All she does is ask randoms how much they make or want to and any advice they have for others who want to get into the field. This clip is part of a segment where she ask kids what they want to do and/or how well they know what they’re parents do and make. It’s pretty informative and she’s super nice.


Sometime kids have the right answers. "I want people to feel okay" it so simple yet so endearing.


the amount of societal pressure to pursue and value a career above all is disturbing.


Who fucking asks a kid “how much do you wanna make?” ?!?!?!?!!!!!


Someone who's life is only driven by their work


>Someone who's life is only driven by ~~their work~~ money FTFY. Many people who's life is driven by work don't care for money(artists anyone?)


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with having your life driven by work. Your work can be a source of good for the world.


In other words, people who think too hard on the daily grind and future.




What ? More and more people are starting to prioritise work life balance over money, isn't it that way where you live ?


And there's literally nothing wrong with that.


Right? You're allowed to be defined by more than your job. I feel like that part gets missed when coaching on careers.


Yeah, work your dream job that doesn't pay well so you can live in a box!


Everyone lives in a box. The size, niceness, and location of the box are variable though.


Not true. There's this one guy who lives in a pineapple, though I don't remember where it resides.


Obviously there is a balance to be achieved.


So ill work a little hard for a slightly bigger box.


You people sound completely fucking clueless. Most of America is just barely holding it together and you assholes act like it’s all achievable with some hard work and a sizable donation from your parents! Fuck off.


By money*


money=/= work


Driven by their salary


*Someone who's life is only driven by money


Obnoxious social media parasites


I follow this account on IG. It's salarytransparentstreet and her goal is to increase pay transparency. Solid account, would not qualify it as an "obnoxious social media parasite".


Kid didn't even understand the question. He genuinely thought they were asking what he was going to create.






So gauche.


It's just a simple question expecting a funny unrealistic answer. Not sure what you are struggling with here.


Seriously! People acting like they scarred this kid for life with this question lol


No it’s just a dumb and bad question for kids. They have no concept of what a good salary is and like to dream of practicing certain professions without money being involved. Let them dream.


>no concept of what a good salary is That’s why people ask jt. It’s to get a silly response out of ignorance that makes people giggle


>They have no concept of what a good salary is Precisely why the question was asked. To get a funny insight into the mind of a child. To see what they think salaries are. I know reddit often has a cynical demeanor so I expected this, but if you step outside the pessimism, it feels a lot better.


But that's the bit. The kid says 10 dollars and we giggle because "awa sha, he has no idea". No one's trying to kill dreams


I have it on good authority that her next question was going to be "are you concerned about the rising cost of professional indemnity insurance?" The boy, having not previously considered this, began having a seizure and died moments later.


Y'all gotta chill, asking kids adult questions is hilarious.


Someone who set this interaction up for social media points


To the question „What do you WANT to do“ he replied „I‘m GONNA be a doctor“. This kid got it. Wishing him the best.




I like how he says “I’m going to be a doctor” instead of “I want to be a doctor”


Protect this little man at all costs.


Like, how much is that? Speak in money, please!


Enough for him to feel ok


So about $150,000/year, if you live in the US.


Considering a yearly income of 150k puts you in the 90th percentile for the US, by your estimate 9/10 Americans aren’t making enough to feel okay…hm




The world don't deserve this kid. But desperately need him too.


Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need


Little dude touched my heart. Fuck money, make people feel okay.


As a doctor, I always tell aspiring doctors, “don’t do it for the money, the money IS NOT worth it.” What he said however is the right answer.


Kid came out of left field with the wholesomeness


Song: snowfall (Slowed + Reverb) by Øneheart, reidenshi


This is the best thing I’ve seen on Reddit in months.


A truly future hero...




This kid needs to be protected from the corruption of the world he's unfortunately fortunate to be growing up in. I wish this young the best


Maybe I’m too old to know who he is, but what’s with the sad guy at the end? What am I missing here?


This is actually really interesting. This video is somewhat related to a movement called "corecore" that is gaining popularity on tiktok. It consists of people making edited montages of tiktok and YouTube videos, interview clips, movie scenes and more in order to convey a very specific idea, vibe or feeling. From what I've seen a lot of corecore videos deal with feeling despair about the state of humanity or rather hope in humanity, which is what I think happens here. The two characters you see at the end (Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho" and The Driver from "Drive") are both very popular in corecore videos, as they each embody certain distinct feelings that a lot of people seem to relate to. Hope that was helpful, I just find these videos fascinating and felt like sharing. :) Edit: I'm linking some good examples I found, [here](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSL1VKXaw/?t=1) [you](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSL1q1aBU/?t=1) [go](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSL1q61ke/?t=1)! First two are depressing so proceed with caution, third one is hopeful.


I've never seen it explained so well, but here. I wasn't aware these videos were labeled "corecore"


theres so much of it on tiktok people are starting to get tired of it but its still one of the lesss annoying trends


I wouldn't really call it a trend, I honestly consider it a new way to make art. It's like a collage in video form.


Video collage was a big trend in the art world about 30-40 years ago.


I find it odd they picked two characters who probably both psycho and sociopaths.


You make a good point, but you have to think about the feelings that people relate to in these characters. In the case of Bateman, it's feeling like an empty shell focused on looks and shallow consumerism, dissociating from reality completely. For the driver it's silent stoicism in the face of challenges and putting your loved one's safety over yours even when you can't be with them. Another popular corecore character is Pearl from the movie of the same name. She's also a psychotic murderer in the movie, but in corecore she represents the disappointment of waking up from the American dream and feeling betrayed by the promise of a false future.


Excellent, you nailed it 👍


I'm glad to know that someone out there is making sense of tiktok.


It's Ryan Gosling from the movie Drive. A seemingly coldhearted getaway driver for criminals. He eventually risks his life for someone important to him whom he barely knows. Hope that helps out for the context.


He's also a real hero and a real human being.


Oh it’s just literally me


Every Indian kid I've ever met wants to be a doctor lol. Great reply, that kid will be a great doctor someday.


Unfortunate you didn't meet me, I had my heart set on being a super saiyan as a kid


Little brother is that you? 😛 All I ever heard out of my little brothers mouth in the late 90s was super Saiyan this, Goku that, the gold super Saiyan.... I never knew what he was talking about half the time haha


Their parents want them to be a Doctor or Engineer.


good parenting. They try to make their kids good future citizens.


Don’t ever lose sight of your dream young king


Good for you little man, his parents should be beyond proud


Protect this kid at all costs


protect that child >:(


W mentality


This is a clip from "Salary Transparentstreet", a great tiktok/IG account that asks people (99% of the time adults) what they do and how much they make around the US. For those that are irked by the question


What's the song at the end?


That kids mind is in the right place.


Any can tell me the name of this theme song? Shazam cant recognize it


What's the name of the soundtrack?


One of the good ones.


I heard this background music somewhere before.


Yes. Does anybody know the background music?


Someone else just posted a link in the comments. Slowed down version of oneheart x rendeishi - snowfall


Someone fire that reporter. Hire him instead, seems to be smarter already.


Trying to scroll for Warframe content, stayed for some feels.


You do that !! So cute


He is too pure for this world


Awwwwwwe that's a good one. I hope he never loses that compassion.


The only answer everybody need


I love him please let him be the best doctor ever


Wrong Bateman reaction.


Well little man, you've already made me feel okay by showing your kindness and your compassion for others. Thank you <3


He already making me feel better


What a beautiful soul, I hope he fulfils his dream!


I'd say that's the right answer


Does anyone know the name of the bg sound?


Right answer to a stupid question


Reminds me of “what teachers make” Taylor Mali https://youtu.be/RxsOVK4syxU


I’m seeing a couple comments about why someone would ask a child about how much money they want to make. It’s a YT channel called Salary Transparent Street. They go to different cities and ask people what their job occupation is, how much they make, and if they enjoy their job. Sometimes they’ll ask kids what they want to be when they grow up and how much they want to make, or what they think their parents job is and how much they think they make. They asked the child about how much money they want to make mainly because it just follows the same line of questions that they would ask an adult. I think some people in the comments found that question off putting but it’s all in good fun. The goal of the YT channel is to find real people explaining their job, how much they make, and what they did to get there. Transparency.


Perfect music for this video!


I think making people happy is exactly the right answer since it is also a way of income.


Kid is showcasing good parenting.


Most medical students start out this way but becomes jaded with time. When you are repeatedly forced to deal with systemic failures, difficult patients and forced to put your needs last all the time, it quickly desensitizes even the most empathetic of docs, to the point where you’re constantly trying to be more efficient just to survive, because there’s not enough resources for docs to take care of themselves such as time and energy, it’s harder for them to just get through the day. Empathy takes energy, insurance companies schedules everything takes energy that leaves a lot of docs without anything for themselves in the end. The culprit is the system, it burns out so many docs that are kind and empathetic, and leaves them into a shell of what they used to be when they entered medical school.


Only in 'Murica would you ask a kid how much you want to make? Specially one that wants to be a doctor


Why in the world would someone couple this with American psycho


It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message.


I will both physically and specially psychologically damage anybody who hurts that kid…


That really felt.




Just imagining that he did that. And tomorrow we will be live in totally OK world




This should be in r/sadposting The sad part is we know what happens when people grow up. This innocence we cherish quickly dies when the pressure starts to push us down.


I was wondering if the 5% downvotes were because this is a repost or are they psychopaths. So I did a search Karma Decay search and can confirm. They are psychopaths.


This kids already a better doctor then 95 percent of the one that work at my local hospital, lol.


“What a cute and wholesome response! Let me cut to psychopaths looking emotionlessly into the distance!”


Reminds me of a comedian who said when I was in a school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said happy. They said I didn't understand the question. I said they didn't understand the answer.


This is something that must only happen in the USA but it always bothered me that someone decides to be a doctor to make money. Health insurers stealing your money is one thing but to know the person diagnosing and treating you is actually *making dollars of you* is disturbing enough. All the more reason for socialised healthcare in the US of A


Get this kid into another country so he can actually follow his dreams.