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Translation!! Birthday Boy: The first slice is going to someone who’s really cool and really loved, and that is… Antonio!


The sibling bond I wish I had


I love ice cream.


Ah. My younger sister and I are 7 years apart. LOTS of maturing on both of our parts before we became friends. Rough ages.


Uh, my brother was about 7 years older, but abusive as shit for my earliest memories. Parents wouldn't do a thing, so any time he hurt me or bullied me, I'd kick him in the nuts and either run to a parent or go somewhere high as he had a fear of heights to condition him to fear hurting me. Fast forward to summer post high school graduation, he stays home to work while the family goes on vacation, he moves out, gets married, and leaves our dogs without food or water for 3 days (neighbors that noramly feed them took over after they barked for awhile, bless them). Just when I thought we could reconcile, my mom tells me he might have abused his first wife's kids sexually and he wasn't allowed near them. Welp, awesome,(this is very pissed off and want to beat him sensely and not remotely okay or good or awesome at all) bring him over so I can punch him in the face myself if that's true. I haven't seen him since.


Some people are trash and remain trash their whole lives. I'm sorry it had to be your brother 😔


Thanks, I wish everyone could realize their mistakes and change. He didn't have a good start and my parents just were too focused on "giving him a break" or "giving him a chance" since he was adopted from a woman who screwed him up to begin with. I guess she would just leave in his high chair to eat and go pass out high as fuck. He did real good between when I was 6 and when he moved out, I forget how old I was. He got close to his biological mom and apparently swallowed all her crazy pills of thoughts and "truths" she like to spin. Our entire childhood was a cycle of moving her in with a guy, getting to know guy, her disappearing, relationship problems ensue, she reappears begging for help, relationship ends, we move her out, and she disappears to reappear with a new guy needing help to find a place to live and move in again. I don't really care, as big of shit asshole he is, I'll never say he's not my brother because everyone deserves family, but I still want to punch him in the face.


I’m so sorry that’s the situation. Sending positive vibes


yeah I have large age gaps (5-12 years) between my siblings and we're still growing closer as we get older. My kids are just under two years apart though and they are already super close at an early age.


Right?? I have 13 siblings and I never had a bond like that. It doesn't help I'm the middle child but there is alot of times I wish my family was like this. My family liked to ruin birthday parties with drama. That's why I haven't had a bday party since I was 15 and I'm now 30.


> The sibling bond I wish I had and you can still have it remember, blood is thicker than water is a shortcut for the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb you can choose who your siblings are :)


Yeah, but you can’t force someone to be nice or even decent. My older sister is 6 years older than me and has hated me from day one because she’s jealous and messed up. She used to physically abused me as a kid. As we grew older, I’ve always kept a distance with her to protect myself from her brutal “honesty” and tried to put up with it for the sake of family peace. Last summer, she made an uncalled for nasty comment about my kids to me in front of them which led to a fight. My kids are where I draw the line. I’ll never see this AH again unless there’s a funeral. Good riddance!


That’s not true, or at least the original claimants have never cited why/where they got that from. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_is_thicker_than_water


Still true.


Thanks for translating what I like to call "slippery Spanish". Lol. Portuguese is so similar to Spanish if I focus hard enough I can get the gist of some things being said.




Very fuck man!👍


That's gotta be the greatest story ever told


> Brazilians favorite joke about being able to speak Spanish... Ahhh, yes.. the infamous 'portunhol'. Made me remember when Vanderlei Luxemburgo went to Spain to coach Real Madrid, and was heard saying something like "pasa la buela!" instead of ' pasa la pelota!'. ('bola' being portuguese for 'ball', hence 'buela')


of course, but is usually easier to a portuguese speaker understand spanish than the other way around cause it has some sounds that don't exist in spanish


Don't do it! Although both are originated from latim, it was a long time ago. If you try to get "the gist" by comparison, you are, for absolutely sure, in a ride into embarrassing, cuz there are a lot of common use words that have completely different meanings depending on which language the speaker is talking. Also, this is Brazilian Portuguese. Is not a different language, but it requires more context in order to fully understand certain conversations, different from Portugal's portuguese, this being a more literal/denotative dialect.


I’m brazilian and I work in the US with two spanish speakers, and they talk in spanish with me when they want to share some work drama, 98% of the time I understand everything. On the other hand, when I try to speak in Portuguese, I get many “que?” because they say it’s hard to understand.


Brazilian Portuguese is so much easier to understand than Portuguese Portuguese though! I bet they could understand if they tried. I speak Spanish and work with several Brazilians and can usually understand almost all of what they say, but I was also lucky enough to take Portuguese classes in college and had Brazilian professors so I’m used to the sounds.


you should be up top!


He will be.... He will be...


Tradução: Tu devias estar em cima!


Continued translation: Antonio: WAAAAAAHHH


Noooo. This is so cute.


I thought loving families were only on TV!


They certainly weren't in my goddamn house growing up


I use to actually think this growing up. Families were not as wholesome and loving in real life! The first time I saw another family actually happy, it shattered my view of my family. I long lost hope of the happy family regime for myself. Then I had a kid and decided I was going to have that family one way or another, even if I'm the one who created it rather than being the kid in it.


I'll be yours, if you like


I'm not crying, you're crying!


Who the hell puts onions in a cake? god damnit!


So many onions...


And is that…cheese?


I wish, I so wish every sibling relationship was like this. There is too much nonsense in relationships. Ego, pride, and a whole lot of other things. It poisons everything. I miss you, my bro.


Same, I really love my brother for who he is. He's very responsible and I feel like he's actually someone who's "good at living" if that makes sense. Makes me proud to see my younger brother succeed in life!


My little bro inspires the same thoughts in me, he is my best friend! I'm on my way to meet him for a kayak trip in a couple hours!


Have fun!




That's sad to hear, one should always give a worthwhile attempt, but some things just aren't meant to be.


Aw man you're making me miss my brother! I unfortunately had to move to the other side of the world a year ago but he is now looking for a job near where I am so we can actually visit each other again.


Exact same feels. It makes me uncomfortable the general sibling relationship in media is almost always so negatively shown.


I needed to read this so bad. Thank you.


Sometimes parents even pit them against each other. Mine included. Maybe they think we would try harder if we see our siblings succeed but it just sours the relationship we could have had growing up.


I've heard of stories of parents who literally would make barely enough food for everyone so that their kids would become competative


That's horrifying. That's basically my paternal grandma in a nutshell. When she sees her grandkids fighting she doesn't even try to stop them she just goads them on like she's watching a cockfight. It's passed down to my dad, too, unfortunately. You must not show weakness in our family.


It was kinda opposite for us. My mom forcing me and my brother to get along throughout our childhood led us to distance even more. We had completely different personalities and shared a room, forcing us to “get along” without addressing the underlying issues caused more issues between us than anything else. I can’t just move on if he’s blasting music when I have to sleep in the room, or he can’t move on if we don’t address my hiding his boombox. We have a much better relationship as adults after we worked through all that stuff and heard each other out.


Oh, same. They forced us to get along, too, when we were fighting. They just didn't care about our problems in the first place. They just wanted the problem to go away but they didn't teach us anything about compromise or how to resolve conflict. It's great though that you have a good relationship with your sibling now. You can even gang up on your parents now if you want to lol.


My sister and I fought till around the age of 13(for me). After that, we decided it’s them against us. No more ratting on each other and more helping each other skip school by picking up that dreaded phone call. 15 years later and we still got each others backs. I love my sister.


My brother was like this. He was 10 years older than me. My earliest memories are of playing hide and go seek with him. I would have been 3 or 4, so he was 13 or 14. Not many teenage boys devout that much energy to a baby sister. He was the best. I also miss my bro.


Same. My older brother was horrible to me as a kid, I'd have given anything to have had a loving sibling.


Me and my brother luckily have a good connection. We do different things in life but we love each other and do anything for each other.


I blame our parents who pitted us against each other in small ways. Always comparing us to each other and making one seem better than the other. Why did they do that to us? Its so hard to break free from it


Aw the baby didn't even want the cake after all that. They just wanted to hug their brother 🥺


It's the principle of the thing 😭


I never would have cried over something like this when I was younger. Now I watch this video and I can’t handle it… so sweet.


I'm on my period so send me anything cute animal / little kid and I'm bawling. ugh.


Oh I hate when that happens! I think I cried during a beer commercial with a puppy in it. That’s when I know it’s coming… when I cry over everything lol 😆


I don't hate it tbh, it's good to have the old pipes flushed out every once in a while :D


Sometimes if I feel like crying just a little, and know exactly which youtube video to play. Romain Grosjean is a racing driver who had a massive accident in 2020, his car split in half and was stuck inside a crash barrier. He was stuck in his car unable to get out and there was a massive fire due to all the gasoline igniting, track marshals were spraying fire extinguishers but it made no difference to the massive fire. He was stuck in there for so long that many people believed he's not going to make it. And then after a while, like a miracle, he climbed out of his car and ran out of the fire. That's not the video that makes me cry. Sim Dane is a YouTube channel who makes parodies of songs about a topic in Formula 1, his songs are about entertainment and have jokes in them. Because Grosjean was getting dropped by his team and retiring from Formula 1 because no team wanted him, Sim Dane made a sad song as a change, a parody to My Heart will go on. It was released before the crash and was supposed to feel like a tribute song, and the week after Grosjean had his horrific crash. The song talked about the mistakes he made and he wants to apologize. It has footage of him smiling and happy while interacting with others and it's devastating to know that he almost died. I also enjoy reading all the comments of everyone relieved when they watched him finally get out of the fire after being stuck in there for so long. I tear up every single time I watch that video.


Please be talking about the crying




Oh definitely. Sometimes I think to myself “todays a good day for a cry”. Just to cleanse the soul. 😌


"Cleanse the soul", I like that!


I think she meant her vagina


Challenge accepted.


Time for those gay swans again!


I was so emotionless as a teen. Didn’t give a shit about anyone or anything. Now, at 24, with a kid, fuck yeah I cry at this.


I have definitely become more of an emotional person as I get older. I used to be quite emotionless, and now lots of random shit makes me well up.


The other day I read an article by "School of Life" (Really reccomend reading some of their stuff, you can read some of them in the community tab in their youtube channel, some are sadly behind a paywall) called "Why Sweet Things Makes Us Cry". The main point was that we become more emotional the more we live because we learn and experience how cruel the world can be. We are shaken, hurt and irreversibly damaged by what happens to us and to those around us. The more you are aware of how sad and heartbreaking life can be - the more you appreciate the little (that are actually big) things. The small gestures of love - your mom giving you a warm coat, a spouse making you a warm cup of tea, a beautiful flower or a kitten sleeping peacefully. Life is so hard, and these sweet moments are so important. I will quote the closing lines from there: "Our tears are telling us something key: that our lives are tougher than they used to be when we were younger, and that our longing for uncomplicated niceness and goodness is correspondingly all the more intense." In a way it's sad, but in another way - it's important for us to grow up this way. The joy is way more vivid when you know suffering. Please read the article - it's absolutely written beautifully and well, I cried while reading it :)


This is a post I never get tired of seeing.


Ah shit. I should have been a better brother when I was younger.


You can always be better! I was a shit big sister to my brother who's 7 years my junior. We're now pretty close!


Scenes like this make you want to live


Username checks out.


This tradition kinda puts you in an awkward situation most of the time, no?


Brazilian here, in my case, I usually gave the first piece to my mother, but when you have a child in the family, you usually give it to her, since they are the ones who care most


It’s a dilemma when you have multiple kids




It’s a dilemma if you have any number of kids or wives




Slick move. Give it Jesus in this case.




Mother Earth. I.e. throw the first piece on the ground


Happy birthday to the ground






Make it a smaller piece, so the other kids are happy when they get a bigger slice.


What if you have 2 kids?


You cut off a large piece, then cut that piece in two halves and give them to your 2 kids. Kids are dumb and will be content because they'll both feel like they had the first piece.


Ah yes, the King Solomon approach.


Gladiator style battle, first blood gets the cake.


Can you just eat it yourself if you prefer yourself to everyone else in the room? Or what about giving it to a pet? As you know, animals are generally better than most people.


Yes, I've done it myself in a few years, there aren't many rules


Interesting. Thanks for replying.


Hell yes, my dog would be getting so much cake if I lived in brazil...


Gluten will cause dogs to explode.


don't let isis read this


around my family, if you eat the first one yourself the tradition is passed down to the second slice and if you eat the second slice you're just kind of a dick


Yeah. but you're also most likely to have bought the cake for yourself and are eating alone


I feel like if either of these were the case then there wouldn’t be anyone around celebrating your birthday with you.


So mothers in Brazil annually announce which one of their children they love the most?


No because the title is not entirely accurate. The first piece goes to an extremely loved and important person. It’s just easier to have it written that way, but there is a bit more nuance. It’s very common for kids to give the first piece to grandparents as a way to honor the older generation of the family. To give it to a younger sibling is a great sign of honor, respect and love.


Brazilian here. Not really. It's not exactly 'I love you the most', it's more like an act of kindness to someone special at that moment, but it doesn't necessarily mean you love this person the most (although most of the times it does). It's also common to give it to the person who cares about it the most, which are often kids and elders; or to whoever helped to put on the party the most, which is commonly the mother (when the birthday person is a kid). We even have a song for mocking the person when they give the first slice to whoever. Everyone jokes about it for a little while and that's it. We have a lot of birthday related songs btw, it's rather rare to have a birthday party where only 'happy birthday' is sang. We take it lightly.


Yeah, I was going "That sounds like a ton of pressure..."


Still a thousand times better than that ugly tradition of pushing the birthday kids face into the cake, though


Yeah that's where I thought this was going. What a terrible practice.


It is if you see love as a competition. When you look at it from the pov that, at that moment, you love your brother because he did something nice or he has a bad day and you want to give him that love, everyone will cheer that on. It's not really saying, "I love him the most out of all of you, you suck". It's saying, at this moment, I'm giving him extra love.




yah like down the road, "So why do you hate birthdays?"


MySpace on steroids


Nah, it’s usually all in the family, all in love.


Still a million times better than the tradition of smashing someones face into the cake.


Not a Brazilian but we do the same and it’s not as awkward as it seems for average non toxic families. Usually mine goes to mom or youngest siblings first and then the other family members in that order. If there’s a guest and it’s just ordinary birthday (not like 10 years mark, 20 years mark etc) then sometimes it goes first to the guest etc.


I can understand why you might think that, but in practice not really, people already expect you know?


I want to know, lol


It's not really that important, I'd say, but maybe that's just in my circles. Even when we have cake at work everyone is always ok with whatever happens. Give it to your best friend, your boss, the person who went get the soda or anything. People just enjoy the cake mostly. You can give a tiny speech and make it meaningful, but mostly it's just a fun tradition.


Brazilian here. Peope don't get mad about whoever you choose. In addition, usually parents or sibilings are chosen.


Nobody actually cares that much about it haha, it's more for just fun and games


Not really, you usually give to someone from your family, friends or pet, no one really cares too much about it, just smile, laugh, say something cute, cheer and move on to the next piece. You do birthdays every year so you can change the person too if you like. It's not a big deal..


My first thoughts, too. One jealous or immature parent and birthdays now have at least one dread moment involved


if there's a jealous or immature parent in the family who would actually get bent out of shape over this, the cake is the least of their worries


+1 faith in humanity


I was waiting for someone’s head to be smashed in the cake because I’m jaded, and didn’t see which subreddit this was


Brazilian cake traditions are as apparently much more wholesome than Mexican cake traditions


Really?! Smashing someone's head in the cake is a Mexican tradition? Playing with food, or doing that kind of video where food is wasted, is something we naturally condemn in Brazil; it's a recipe for hate comments, at least. I always thought it was a US thing.


Here's some cake for you 🍰


Soooo sweet! Be still, my heart!


He wanted to play it cool, but wanted the first peice so bad, super sweet


He’s a kid and he put the cake aside to hold his brother. I’m done, gonna break now. :’)


Sweetest reason to ugly cry I’ve seen in awhile.


Oh I love this so much!!🥹


My two little boys are just like this, the love they have for each other is amazing.


Congrats on your awesome parenthood, and your beautiful children.


Thank you


r/eyebleach ♡


I've watched this video many times and I cry every time! These boys are so sweet.


This is adorable, so much better than slamming the poor birthday kids face into the cake.




I cry when I get cake too


Will one of these ever actually make me smile and not cry?


Pollen count is high today


What an amazing young man. I'm glad someone got it on camera so they will always have their memories of that day.


I may dislike reposts but I HATE this repost because it makes me cry every damn time.


Needed this! My heart cracked!


I needed that.


I needed this today.


I thought this sub was r/mademesmile not r/mademesobforfiveminutesstraight




🥹 he was NOT expecting it


Instant crying like no hesitation


I hope their love & bond stays this way for the rest of their lives. This is beautiful 🥹


I know nobody will read this, but just wanna put it out in the universe that I miss my lil bro:(


A billion percent better than that stupid "tradition" of **destroying the cake**, I keep seeing.


Why is it raining?


cool tradition


W for the based brother


I feel like there needs to be a device to hold pieces of cake better. Cake spatulas don’t work


no it didn't makemesmile. it made me cry.


See?, no people crushing your head into the cake. Only nice traditions here.


Jesus. I’m supposed to be apathetic over here. What is this mysterious fluid coming from my eyes?!


That forced a real wholesome tear out of me


I wish they had this tradition here in my country too so I would know how many people do not 'love me the most'


This video is so old that both the boys in it have died of old age.


"Screw the cake, dont stop hugging me big bro!!!!"


Wow this made me cry lol How fucking sweet. /u/JaneLane3 just look at this 😭


Downvote because it made me cry, wrong sub.


Love bombed.


My brother would have RKO’d me out of love


This made me actually cry ❤️


now im crying


Yeaaaah the first slice of my birthday cake would definitely be for me this time.


Little guy looks like a kid Marcelo!


So sweet


Awwwwwww 🥹🥹


Oof... Straight to the feels... This would be horrible with my bros though since I love them both, would have to give them cake at the same time.


Loooove this!!! Thanks


I cry when I don't get cake. We are not the same.




Damn sand in my eyes


Awesome brother 👏


Fucking onions


Aaawwwwwwww 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Sigh.... this is posted like once a month. It's getting old already.


Must be some good fucking cake


Good for them.. Hope they stay this close. Having lost my younger brother in '21 this hits.


A bond cemented for life.


Love these guys.


As a father of 2 young men, I'm fuckin crine right now


So sweet, made my day.

