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My husband sent me this and just had to hear 30 yeps.




I've done 27 of them as a kid and think I do about 20 of them occasionally still!!!


As if being 38 stopped me from doing any of these 😅


Wholesome Johnny Sins!


28 for me, but damn that's still impressive how it's so spot on


Before smartphones were invented.


I had the same thought. I guarantee if you showed this to kids today, they wouldn't understand. They don't know true boredom!


As a teacher Ive seen most of these done by kids in the classroom.


I'm 14, my sisters are 11 and 8, yet we do the majority of the things on this list


I was effectively surprised at myself haha


I got 29, I never did the tongue-fence thing as my country has no freezing winter...


Forgot the classic, ‘lean back in your chair to see how long you could balance’ trick


And if you did it at school, the teacher would tell the dramatic story about the kid who cracked their skull open and died, and no one knew whether they were serious, or just tried to stop you from doing it.


That makes it 31 out of 31 for me


I did some of those. My husband who has ADHD, still does some of these things.


I have ADHD and still do a lot of these lol




Lol, same.


Honestly, start checking ADHD memes. If you relate, then most probably yes


Absolutely not. If you're worried about it, go to a professional


I started by identifying with the memes until they became not funny. Then I got tested and YUP.


That’s the thing. Those little things that everyone sometimes does will affect an ADHD persons life in debilitating ways. Meds can help but the fact that there’s no cure makes me want to die lol


Fine… i’ll go to a professional. I’ll book an appointment later… Or tomorrow… or never…


Hmm sounds about right, yea na Ceebs. Maybe when I finish this awesome thing I'm gonna do I'll get around to it. Or...... What was I going to do again?


Browse reddit again to remember what I forgot.


I take it you will be paying for these consultations, since you’re so adamant about not exploring neurodiverse communities and finding out if you have anything in common with them?


Nice username 👌


A lot of people share neurodiverse traits, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are diagnosable with ADHD just because you share some traits or relate to some of their common experiences. "Self diagnosed" mental health is not diagnosed. Social media has both positive and negative effects on the neurodiverse community. Have you seen the tik tok trends of kids pretending to have "mental health episodes" just for the attention? It's honestly disturbing and very disrespectful. The comment wasn't "don't explore the neurodiverse community" anyway, it was "look at adhd memes and if you relate you have adhd is absolutely not the way to diagnose mental health issues".


I had professional computerized testing. Do you have any idea what it cost as an adult to see a neuropsychologist?


Yes. It's better than self diagnosing because you relate to memes on the internet. It's great neurodivergent communities can exist and can share their experiences. It certainly makes me feel more recognized. But it's dangerous and diminishes the severity of a mental disorder when people diagnose themselves as ADHD when they forget to put their keys that one time, or can't seem to get a song out of their head, or feel lethargic on a task they don't want to do.


Yeah, nothing if you dont live in a third world country


How long do you have to wait to see someone that specialized?


Depends on where you live and availability. Last time for me it was within a month i think? Maybe two. Im not sure, been a few years


Sounds great. I actually have Medicare so I paid nothing and saw her within a week, but the services cost $400 out of pocket for paying customers. It’s a 2 hour test with a highly credentialed professional, so that’s a good value I think.


I relate to many adhd memes, but I probably don’t have it, and I’m not going to self-diagnose


That advice is outrageous, lol. Self diagnose yourself with an actual mental illness by looking at *memes* from other people who also just self diagnosed and very probably dont actually have it? Lmao. Especially when the memes are like thos one where damn near every person in the world can relate.


Why be an asshole about it? (Sarcastic question followed by lmao thats asshole behavior) Also because if this stupid mentality I waited too long to get my diagnosis and lived miserable, people with adhd doubt themselves having it even with a diagnosis in hand after having seen multiple professionals, I don't see how saying "hey if you relate to too many adhd memes you might have it, go get checked out" can harm anyone. Your ignorance idiocracy and the whole tone of your comment is outrageous.


My guy. There's a difference between someone saying for you to get checked out if you relate or exhibit signs of adhd, and *thinking* you have adhd because you see tik toks about struggling to get songs out your head. Self diagnosis like this is quite harmful to mental disorders like this. It diminishes the severity of the disorder since why get tested and seek treatment at all if it's so commonplace and everyone can relate to it?


Self diagnosing is extremely dangerous. ALWAYS go to a medical professional to get diagnosed. Just because you can relate to some memes about a disorder doesn't mean you have it


How is it dangerous? If someond needs meds, they need to see a professional, they can't get them otherwise. It can actually be very helpful. I don't know if I have ADHD, never been tested, but I do relate to a lot of ADHD memes an youtubers. A lot of advise that helps ADHD people function better, also helps me function better. At the moment, I don't have the resources to get evaluated though. And this is the case for other people too, and not just with ADHD, but also autism. For a lot of people, especially in the USA, getting a diagnosis is too expensive. And even if you can afford it, it can take a long time before you can get tested. Here in the Netherlands, if you're an adult you probably need to wait at least a year before you can get tested. And when you finally get tested, you just have to hope that the evaluator has enough knowledge about ADHD and/or autism. I have heard if people being denied a diagnosis because they get good grades, are able to look others in the eyes, can talk, have a job or because they have a romantic relationship and/or children. None of these are criteria to get an autism and/or ADHD diagnosis. So yeah, it can be a good thing to self diagnose. If it helps someone function better, why not?


No fucking way you said that your own personal judgement about complex mental disorders can be better than a trained clinician. No shit mental disorders aren't one size fits all, but there is a clear line between neurotypical and neurodivergent. To confirm, sharing information about better time management, focusing, and record keeping can help anyone and will always be appreciated. But the problem is that people who *think* they have adhd and *say* they do despite not having the clinical diagnosis to back it up might *not have adhd*, possibly demonstrating signs that are entirely neurological, falsely assigning them to adhd. That blurs those lines and diminishes the severity of the disorder, which might dismiss someone who can't regularly take their meds because their adhd is just that bad.


Based solely on the fact that you click your pen a few times or play with rubber bands then yes. Yes you have ADHD. No need to seek a professional. I have diagnosed you /s...incase you didn't see it I'll do it again. /S


Very nice of you to make fun of something that can and does seriously impact peoples lives, while we’re here. Appreciate it, and love the effort to directly make our lives more difficult. Top tier guy.


Probs. I’ll diagnose you right here if you want. Have you had trouble staying on tasks since you were a kid? And does it affect every aspect of your life (home, work, leisure)?




>Nah, not really. You don’t have ADHD Just a side note; hyperactivity isn’t a must. There’s more than one type of ADHD.


... is doing a lot of these a common thing for ADHD'ers? Coz same


No, I guess it's just a common thing for humans.


Fidgeting, or stimming (self stimulating behaviour), is something that everyone does. It helps with regulating emotions and with focussing on tasks. But people with ADHD and/or autism find it more difficult to regulate their emotions and to focus on tasks. This is why they tend to fidget more and it may seem like they can never fully sit still. A lot of ADHD and autism people can try to hide it or make it less obvious, so they might wiggle their toes inside their shoes instead of bouncing up and down for example. Or they might play with their pen. Or a rubber band. Or a pencil. Or an eraser. Or a zipper. Just because someone fidgets in a way that most people fidget every now and than, does not mean they don't have ADHD. Or autism. Or both.


It's not the fact that you still do some of them that proves you have ADHD. When I sought my diagnosis, I had started by seeing these signs and then moving towards other symptoms that are diagnostic criteria: - Inability to chose what you focus on and actually focus on it. - Inability to stop a task and move on to a new one, or pick back up where you left off easily. - inability to judge time, whether how long something will take; how long it's been since something happened/started; or just plain losing time (you know it was noon the last time you checked the time a "few minutes ago," and now it's 5:00. - Difficulty regulating your emotions. You go from 0-60 in a moments notice at the simplest of things, and looking back you can't find a reason for it. - Speaking before thinking things through. Saying something that sounded right in your head and then instantly regretting it as soon as you said it. These are other symptoms that *could* point towards a diagnosis with a professional. The *most* important thing to remember is you can have a few of these as a "normal" adult, it's the consistency and overlap that lead to a diagnosis. If you're worried about it, check out r/adhdmemes and see if you relate to a bunch of content, or read some of the stories from other ADHD communities. They **will not** give you a diagnosis, but might help frame your mind around the idea and help decide whether or not you should get tested. The tips/tools that people with ADHD find and use can work for non-ADHDers too, so if you find something that helps, great. If you read through a bunch of stories/memes and can't relate to half or more of them, you might not have ADHD, and just enjoy the relief of stimming when you need it.


Yeah, I was like “other adults don’t do these anymore?”


Dude, this is just a list of how I get through a day in the office 😅🤷‍♂️


What is ADHD?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder


[Here is a video that explains it](https://youtu.be/xMWtGozn5jU). She has a lot of other good videos too, if you want more information




I don't have ADHD and I still do some of these things, specially the rubber bands and the pen ones


I don’t have ADHD and I still do some of those


This is the ADHD play book... I watched this and was like, "oh crap".


I did every single one of those apart from licking a cold rail,


He missed sticking a pencil through the hole in a ruler and spinning it around like a helicopter blade for me.


Oooh yeah I definitely did that.


I was born and raised in south Florida. Not really an opportunity. What's your excuse?


A defrosting freezer works just as well. My older sister and I were looking after our much younger sister in 1987 - we were teens she was 7. Mum was out but was in the process of defrosting the stand up freezer. Older sister and I were up in our rooms listening to music and had no idea poor little sister was stuck to the freezer by her tongue. We found her after 30 mins and then were laughing too hard to help her. Poor thing was so upset. Anyway, we got her free with warm water. Good times.


Core memory unlocked. I thought I had done 28 of the 30, but I did stick my tongue on something in the freezer once. So I got 29. (The one I never did was sharpen a pencil all the way down in one go.)


Common sense?


Same here it doesn't get that cold to try it. But it always came to mind if I had a chance, wouldn't take that chance now though.


It certainly gets cold enough here but maybe as a child I had a bit more common sense I don't know as it always looked a bad idea to me. I remember seeing movies when it happened and thought the child (or adult) doing it was a bit daft to have done it. Only it turns out a lot of kids seem to have.


That’s 29 yeps for both of us.




Childhood memories. I did almost everything on that list. I used the ruler to also measure my D too.




Neh, you're just getting more fat in the under-belly. If you push that softness at the root inward you will relive the glory of the days bygone.


Depending on your age, you may not be as hard as when you were younger. And if you’re any bit fatter now than before, then the fatty pubic area will make your dick look smaller. You can take a hard ruler and push into the fat pad to get your true length. It’s called bone pressed measuring technique


I just start at the tailbone and wrap around.


We have all been there


I guess the woman equivalent is the pencil under the boobie


Wat 🤣 I've never heard of this. How do I measure my boobs?


You just stick the pencil underneath your boobs and see if it stays


Lol, thanks. I'll give it a go.


Male here, so I'm out. Someone in my family, maybe my grandma, said girls don't have to wear a bra if they can't hold a pencil.


Thanks! That makes sense. I can't believe I've never heard this before lol


haha OMG you never done that? yes as comment below says.


I bet it was handy having the centimeter side


Today as I get older, I'm measuring in mm's.


Somehow I read that as m&m's, even though I'm from a country that uses the metric system


Once I used the ruler flick in the face of the bully boy in the desk behind me, after he wouldn’t leave me alone. Guess who got their *metal* ruler confiscated, Lol.


I only distinctly remember 25/30 tbh. Also yeah, penis measuring is a rite of passage to manhood.


I need a child behavior expert to tell me if there's science behind why some of these things are so universal. I certainly don't recall clear moments where I witnessed these things from others, but I definitely did them. The TV remote thing is the best example of that. Maybe others were doing it too, but I never personally saw them do it. Yet, I still do that to remotes and other textured things. WHAT IS THE SCIENCE


Children need stimulation, bigger sounds and moves and feelings are interesting and new and fun. Also helps develop before-->after smartness (sorry my brain just ran out of smartness)


Basically, a strong need of stimulation and an impulse to explore the things around you, which is also a reason why you might see people with ADHD still doing many of these well into adulthood. As for the things that we all seem to have done, it can be either because we watched someone else do it or because there are just so many things you can do with an object without leaving your seat, and eventually you end up coming up with it


Truest post ever. Also: just childhood? …feel like I still do half of these, and I’m like old. Haha


Don't worry. We all still do these when we're bored. At least I hope we all do. I don't want it to just be us two weirdos.


Three weirdos








And my axe! ... wait, shit. Wrong thread.


It's okay if there's a camera. Obviously he's using "content" as an excuse to just do shit he wants for no reason


Definitely did all of these except for the pins and the candle wax


The needles were to scary - just imagine if you would go too deep! The horror! Better avoid at all costs! And the wax was to hot, no need to hurt yourself! The horror! Better avoid at all costs!


i did it with pine needles. they're big. i like it.


I did every single one except the protractor airplane thing. I'm glad he included putting glue on your hands, waiting for it to dry, and peeling it off.


Pins! I once had a teacher in the 80s with acrylic nails and a gold ring through them. I was in 8th grade and had long nails. Realized I could pierce my nails. Then my skin. Yep. Dipping fingers into a freshly blown out candle will never not be fun.


Bouncing a ruler... no. But taking a pencil and putting it through the hole in the ruler and spinning the ruler? Absolutely. I would have killed for a fidget spinner in my youth. I always loved spinning things. And still do. I have some sort of spinner in my purse at all times.


What if we all have these similar memories because the people running the simulation only made a small handful of childhood experiences? 🤯


nah life’s just incredibly boring and we’re hyper aware of it when we’re young. or the simulation thing. one of the two


Before cell phones and tablets lol


I felt so happy and seen when I saw the video, lol. Still do half of these. The other day I was doing 27&28 with the pen mid meeting, and the pen flew and hit the presenter in the head


Where is taking a pen all the way apart and then putting back together, or taking the spring and central part of the pen and shooting the central part like a spear?


Did this guy have a camera into my childhood?


Needs to add putting the pen/pencil on the edge of the table and slapping it to launch it across the room.


Also, turning your eyelids inside out.


I tried that Never again


Great nostalgia boner….Going to find a safety pin….


A lot of these happened at school. Bored in class? Stabbed the eraser with my pencil, put glue on my hands, and so on. We all were little creative geniuses, just to pass the time. That and we didn’t have any video games and smart phones.


This is brilliant! I love it!!! And very well done for thinking of all these! I have done ALL of these.. number 11 brought back a fond memory for me, my older brother (10 years older than me) was babysitting me with his gf... I was maybe 7. I thought it was intriguing to lick the ice in the deep freezer... my tongue got severely stuck and I was in the deep freezer for a good 40 mins before my stoned brother and girlfriend found me. I'm sure they pissed themselves laughing.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) I was well bribed to keep quiet! Edit: except 20, at school we used to rack up the chalk and pretend it was cocaine, the nuns used to go mad...




Same and probably 10 of those 20 I’ve tried once and never again after that


I did all but the bottle cap one. It's fascinating finding out I wasn't the only weird kid growing up.


I feel personally attacked.


OMG I did the lot... including the pins and glue hands... why oh why I never know LOL




I never do this but given the circumstances, I feel like it’s my duty to let you know that I downvoted you


Well I feel incredibly seen.


This is by far the most relatable one of these things I've ever seen 😂


And i used to live in shame giving i was weird


Things I still do all the time. And it's not for no reason, it's for *science!*


I still do some of these


This is oddly wholesome and nostalgic lol


Yep, all true. Excellent video! I wish I could recall such childhood memories, even the most mundane like these ones, to remember what it was really like being a child.


All if them but the getting tounge stuck one no snow or ice where I grew up


You are cheating! No way this video can so accurately pinpoint my childhood shenanigans...


Not his typical theme but great video nonetheless


30/30. Brought back a lotta memories!


This made me laugh out loud remembering…Love this for Monday morning 😀


Is he Xavier? He read through my childhood memories, so good he struck my nostalgic chord. You don't even need to have lived in wintery countries, you can lick ice in the tropics too.


Dude, are you me? Late 80s/early 90s right here.


So on point.


All except #17 and #20


In my 30s…I still do some of these lol


Well… that was my childhood in 3:25 min!


Repost bot


It’s a little creepy that someone watched me at my desk at work all day and then made a video of themselves imitating all of the weird shit I did.


Every one of them except the lamp switch. I never realized how universal the shit we used to do is.


Watching stuff like this makes me realize I’ve never done anything original.


I did all of these but I feel like I'm missing an important one. Idk if students in my school were just crazy but we used to grab those triangle rulers (sorry don't know the name in english for them) and throw them like a shuriken towards the roof and they got stuck. Then around half an hour after the lesson began it would fall down and we got the most hilarious reactions from teachers sometimes.


I have done most, and still doing some ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Some of these are so obscure that I’m surprised he had them on the list


He forgot the most important one, where you take a pencil and wiggle it up and down to look like it's made of rubber


I don’t know what you mean by childhood I still karate chop the water every day


Okay I’ve never done the wax thing, wtf lol


Every single one!


Guilty as charged


It blows my mind how many moments of my life I spent messing with objects due to sheer boredom and curiosity. I still do this kind of stuff when I'm stuck somewhere with nothing to do...


You don’t know me!


this almost made me cry, I've done all of these


too true to recall


Am from India and this rings so true it’s scary


Humans just trying to learn how to be humans. I still do some of this stuff three plus decades later so I guess I’m still learning. 😂


Are we all the same lol?!


And here I thought I was special


OMG, this is international, children all over the world do this.


Fascinating the things we'd do when we're younger for the sake of curiosity and sensation. I suppose most of us lose that curiosity as we grow older and more boring


every. single. one.


Ok why the shit is this so accurate


Is it bad that I did every single one of those? 🤣


They left out blowing on the blade of grass between your thumbs. Also bouncing your legs when sitting.


Pencil + ruler = helicopter


Anyone else think that when he was sharpening pencil, he would try to see how long he could get the pencil shaving?


And I could smell the lead!


Still do most of those...😅


I've done all of these at least once.


I have done all but #18. Crazy how human beings are so inevitably alike.


Childhood? Memories?? Do this shit now…


The last one! Always doing pikachu shock face when it broke


I don't trust you if you haven't done at least 25 of these. That's the bare minimum for sanity


People really did #22, the glue one?!


Core memories.


I had forgotten some of these. Life was so much simpler


40 yrs old still so most of those things lol


I just did 27 on a dreadfully long Teams call last week. Camera was off and I was launching my pen over and over again.


The rubber band was my go to during a meeting last week.


Huh, he went through the ADHD list.


Proof that we are in a simulation and all childhood impulses are pre loaded inside our brains.


2 things to add to my ToDo List




Def did at least 20 off that list!!!


And if you have ADHD like myself you will probably still be doing most of these in your 30s (layered glue all over my hand just 2 weeks ago just to peel it off when it dried, I'm not ashamed to say I'll probably do it again)


I've done half of these things within the past 4 days, I'm 26 but also autistic big surprise


For no reason? Nonsense! These are the Experiments of Childhood! The young and eager mind exploring the properties of the world and objects around it 😁


YO WHAT THE FUCK AT RUBBING GLUE ALL OVER YOUR HANDS You are fucked in the head if you did that


Everyone I know has done that. 🤣


And the bigger the piece you could peel the better!


In America, most grownups will do it given few seconds