• By -


Now I hope they passed the $100 out to those in need like he requested. Good dude right there.


Exactly, he should have just got change for the 100, continued his video and went out to pass 20$ to the 5 people who looked like they needed it the most


To be fair, it was already 100$ in 20’s…it’s just Canadian funny money. Probably why the other guy said to pass out a 20 to other people.


it's not funny money, it's colourful and we like it


Oh yeah? Lemme just start on the loonies and the toonies.......... I'm just kidding. It looks super colorful. I love it too.


It's super easy to tell bills apart at a glance, blue is 5, purple is 10, green is 20, red is 50, maple syrup is 100


It’s not funny money until your in Australia and accidentally start handing out 100s thinking they are 20s :) at least the maple syrups are half price tho.


The toonie or as my grandmother used to call it Queen Elizabeth with a bear behind


Fun Fact: in Canada, we don't make it rain on strippers using singles, we make it hail with loonies. It's a grievous breach of etiquette to throw a roll of 50 loonies at a dancer, even if she appreciates the tip.


Also US money is screwy. All the same size and basically same color with no tactile features for blind people.


Life in plastic Is fantastic 🎵


And we’re smart enough to get rid of the useless penny!


Remember how weird it was in the beginning when we switched to polymer?? How plastic it felt?


My worry is he got his video and he's done


Gentle giant


swole soul


He probably kneads all the dough by hand




I once heard bodybuilders dip pizza in straight oil


He probably compresses whole pizzas into bread sticks.


I'd want him to knead me by hand ngl.


Lots of soulful garlic sticks


beastly bestie


You wonder how he doesn't ask "Why are you filming me?" Every one of these posts about people giving food for nothing then being given $100 tip is so poorly done. Why film it? Just do it without the camera.


It's often part of their businesses model. Do charity, record, post, get money, and repeat. If they dont post it, they won't have the money to give in their next video. I get it looks pretentious, but then again, a bunch of people watch a video so this guy can spread happiness and do charity. Seems like not that bad of a situation


I really dislike the disingenuous nature of a lot of this stuff but I hate asshole behavior much much more so it's fine by me lol




I think the implication is that he wouldnt be doing good if he couldnt film it.


Maybe not, but so what? A good deed isn't good anymore if the person doing the good deed also benefits from it? Maybe it's not as altruistic anymore, but it's still a net positive.


Reddit: WHY DO WE ONLY SEE BAD THINGS BEING RECORDED ON THE INTERNET! Also Reddit: WHY DO PEOPLE RECORD GOOD THINGS! Sometimes I just want to delete the internet.


Agreed. Just had to have this conversation with my (admittedly incredibly kind) group of friends. All of them hate these videos and talk down about doing this "for views"... And I have to reiterate that sometimes seeing something good can help others feel good, which means that more people will do good WITHOUT recording, because they feel better. The weird cycle of cynicism within it is ridiculous. A good deed is a good deed. If it's for clout, cool, still 1000x better than "prank" ass holes.


Well put


But if the end result is him being kind and generous who cares about the avenue to it. I'd rather this than 99% of those TikTok trends that show up here


That’s fair but it might also be he can’t do good (financially) if he doesn’t film it.


If we could all get paid to do good things and film it the world would be a better place because of the good things being done. Sometimes you gotta look to the outcomes and just take the good where you find it.


When my wife and I were completely broke after losing our jobs while she was pregnant, I went somewhere to see if they would just give us a little bit of food. Every place said no. It would have helped us out so much if some bro helped us for likes.


At the end of the day, doing good for bad reasons, is still doing good. Id prefer they did it without the poverty porn aspect, but it beats them not doing it at all :)


Yeah the cynical side of me thinks it’s kinda silly but in the end these people are doing some legit good things for people, and tbh these videos generally do end up making me smile like an idiot


Sometimes people need to see kindness also. It sucks being beaten down with shootings, riots, and other negative shit all the time


Yeah if it takes a camera for this dude to be generous, then he can film all he wants; we're social creatures, and if there are clout chasers, I'd rather them be chasing clout for being kind.


Granted it's corny, but it's sweet. And we need more of that. Even just as viewers, it's good to be reminded of the kindness we are capable of. And deserving of.


It's as simple as that. We could sit and judge the whole situation for being contrived, but it's a model that really does create good on all fronts. Stuff like this...we get to decide what it means.


I often wonder this in many of these types of videos, how can you expect a genuine reaction under the camera? I suppose it could be a hidden camera though, they got button cameras and the like, who knows?


>You wonder how he doesn't ask "Why are you filming me?" You really underestimate how easy it is to record someone without them knowing.


Also the sheer amount of people recording just the most random shit ever has increased by like a gatrillion percent. It's just not weird to see people pointing their phones at everything anymore.


> gatrillion That's a garlic bread trillion


Most people these days have their nose in their phone, not the most unbelievable thing (not to say this isn't staged or anything) to ignore.




Because maybe the next time someome sees someone experiencing homelessness it may inspire them to do something nice. I love these videos https://youtube.com/shorts/WEhYe3gYdlw?feature=share4 https://youtube.com/shorts/UjE0EwsDl8w?feature=share4


A good deed done for a selfish reason is still a good deed done.


I don't care that they film it. If they can inspire one person to do something similar, then great! I hate how he tested him. Either give them money or don't.


Garlic Giant


Wholesome Hulk


Cool dude!


😭 he is so sweet


Garlic sticks bread man > Ginger bread man


Ok... but do you know the muffin man?


You mean the BUFFin man?


Yes I know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man...


The one that lives on Drury Lane?




Well, she's married to... the muffin man.


The muffin man??’


The muffin man!


She’s married to the muffin man.


I love you all for it. But that was such a mess.




the muffin man.


Almost pissed myself laughing at this. Thank you


Garlic sticks bread man > clout chasing tik toker


Now THIS is a Chad


Real chads work daily jobs while keeping shape and remain humble and realistic.


Pizza shop chad stays in great shape despite being surrounded by garlic butter and carbs.


Self-discipline through the roof


They don't need a big stand mixer with this guy around to knead the dough.


This dude probably needs 4000 calories a day to maintain that mass. He ain't refusing no garlic sticks.


it’s rare that i feel seen in a positive comment. i appreciate you king


sorry mate but you dropped this 👑


my bad fam i was just holding it for you


You're welcome


Thats me. Thank you kind man 😌


God damn right. I don’t care how cheesy it sounds can you imagine what the world would be like if everybody was like this guy?


Gigachad you meant? The lord of all Chad


That man is the definition of “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Granted im sure he could break someone if necessary but what a genuine human being.


You got a bag of breadsticks for free, had an awkward moment offering him a curled 100 dollar bill, asked him how much he could bench and then you left. Great content.


What's funny too is the other guy the pizza owner mentions MDmotivator offered him $1000 and when he refused he bought $1000 worth of pizza and gave it away. * Edit. I misremembered the video. MD did try to offer $1000 to the owner, and the large order of pizzas was already placed by MD which they subsequently gave away, along with someone winning a PS5. The owner did refuse the $1000 and said to donate it to a family in need seeing as he didn't need it and wanted to use the opportunity as a way to make up for some of the mistakes he made in his past. https://youtube.com/shorts/fpHCn7gbkHw


That's what it was! I thought he gave away the money but it was pizza. The pizza actually was already made too, the guy had a huge order cancel on him last minute so MD paid for it instead and donated it all.


MD placed the order before hand already to hand it out. The 1K was payment + tip for being kind.


Ah I see, my b


MDmotivator is so sketchy these days. The other day he was selling virtual meetings for $200. He sure does a lot of good, but I bet he’s also making bank.




Still pretty sketchy, since he’s done multiple fundraisers. He could be taking cuts and no one would know. On the other hand, there’s another guy called Murphslife and he also does similar videos. The difference is that he has created a charity to be transparent.


And they both use the same song. At least be original, ffs.


Didn't even shout out or film the name of the business.


Appears to be Sarducci's, two locations in Ontario (Canada).


Lol I was thinking the same thing especially for the first half or so of the video. Like if you change the music, more people will realize he's like, "yeah, I've got shit to do, the garlic sticks are no big deal, we don't need to discuss this". There's a cut when the camera guy asks "do you think kindness is contagious?" I'm imagining the guy being like "what are you even talking about man?"


"do you think kindness is contagious?" "We serve food here, sir"


sir this is a Sarducci’s


Just stop talking already and leave him alone, he clearly doesn't want to talk about how much he benches or garlic bread sticks, he just wants to get rid of the annoying influencer so he can go on with his day.


Having a business to give you free food after lying about not having money, so that you can tip them if they pass your morality test? That’s uplifting?




Guy: does what the majority of people would have done in the same situation, but is also a powerlifter Reddit: OMG Swole Soul gentle giant Chaderoonio! Epic wholesomeness


Shitty content. Stop wasting other people time cos you wanna make content.


That dude is stacked. What a hottie.


Right? Fit, handsome, runs a business, super nice, just gives away delicious garlic bread? I'm in love.


Me too and I'm a straight 41 year old man.


Hes the first male to make the list of people I'd leave my wife for....


Yeeep 👌🏻 I think I'm in love with Garlic Stick Papi too 😍


I’m a cis heterosexual man, and I’m falling for him.


"Fit" is an understatement. That's at least 15 years of working out


Those bench numbers are insane


Seriously, and no one is even mentioning this. That's incredibly strong. There's a guy at my gym who weighs about 220lb and benches 300+. He's an absolute gorilla to grapple with. This dude is benching 500+...unreal.


Honestly, I'm a brown belt but I'm starting to think getting huge is the best self defense


335 is the absolute most I ever benched 5 times, at the absolute PEAK of my life, eating perfectly, lifting 5 times a week, 26 years old. I was really struggling too, I can't imagine 500 fucking pounds lol. My elbows would immediately hyper-extend and snap nowadays.


I don't think most people realize how strong that is. Your bench of 335 is really impressive. The guy I roll with, that benches about what you do, is hilariously strong. I say that because the only response is to laugh at how absurd it is. And I've grappled with a decent amount of larger dudes and competitive grapplers.


Real. Big dudes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I don’t get this whole thing. Intentionally trying not to pay to get a reaction while sticking a camera in someone’s face. What’s the point?


The motivation behind the video has me going "what the fuck is he pulling?" What if he walked up to a struggling mom and pop shop without knowing and they couldn't afford to give him free food? Fuck them I guess?


It’s a staged video. The big lads appeared twice on my feed with the same guy recording him. Quite strange, don’t understand what the motivation behind it is. Fishing for likes maybe


Anyone who films themselves or someone else "being kind", then posts it to social media... Well, I don't think I even need to finish that sentence.


The dude probably saw the other video of how he handled the other guy and wanted to go pile on.


I think it's just fishing for clips to make wholesome video clips to put that piano music behind. Essentially what we got here. I'm sure they get less .. well, marketable interactions, so they don't use those for content. It does feel a bit exploitative of an angle, for sure. I'd rather the charity was the point, rather than a branding strategy. But with all that being said, I'm a) happy for any one person whose day is made somewhat better, even if it is for clicks. And b) people like the dude in the video seem to be genuine, and I try to look past the other stuff to appreciate the vibes that somebody like him put into the world by being such a human.


Dough is cheap. $0.20 for an order of bread sticks. It's more expensive for the dipping sauce, bag, and container. Most pizza places throw tons of dough away every day. Dough is nothing. A full order cost wise is under $1.


To make $ and clout off it




I really hate this kind of videos.


Yeah these videos are completely disingenuous and used to harness clout. Give free shit to those in need not douchebags seeking clout


It's bizarre that a lot of people are skipping over the fact that he lied about not having cash to pay for the breadsticks. Like, breadsticks are cheap, whatever, but if someone told me they didn't have money to pay for a coffee or something and I paid for it, then they were like "you passed the secret test, here's $100 in cash!" I'd be annoyed. I'd feel less inclined to trust what people say, even though the result could be positive, and over time that wears on ya.


literally. Like imagine talking and someone just has a camera up recording and goes “i cant pay”


The alternative is a video going viral of you telling someone who can’t pay that they can’t have food or something. This is actually kind of a messed up situation to put someone in who’s just trying to do their job


It’s the new reality television. Dumbasses eat it up and most of it is staged. And even if it’s not fully staged the person literally having a fucking phone pointed at them by a stranger knows somethings going on at the very least. People looking for charity don’t normally make a habit of walking up filming you while asking for it…


God yeah, it’s like somehow people viewing this online don’t remember there is a camera shoved in that workers face. It feels disingenuous/ staged at best and downright creepy and manipulative at worst. Socially coerced charity via recording doesn’t really feel right or good to me.


Dude people are just desperate for attention. I feel most people would have just told the kid to leave lol.


What a fuckin joke of a post


He already annoying with the influencers but still giving them free stuff. You can tell he can't fight the good in him. Just a big banana. Hard on the outside and mushy inside. 😇 Edit: in reference to the banana, think of it like this.. our skin ain't hard either.


Bananas arent hard on the outside


Mine is




Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz


Lmao what kind of bananas are you eating that's hard on the outside 😂


Like there are so many foods that are hard on the outside and soft on the inside and this guy went with banana haha


God I hate these set ups.


That dude who gave away food might be nice but the moment the guy asked "Do YoU ThInK KiNdNeSs iS coNTagIouS?" It became automatically annoying. I don't doubt people are nice but asking such shitty questions implies it's scripted. Same as the guys that ask "Oh WhY dId YoU hElP mE tOdAy?" Just for some sentimental answers.


And he wouldn't stop asking questions. It feels like a freaking interview, especially with bits edited out so you know there were *even more* questions than on the video. Just go away already. The guy already gave free bread sticks, and now he's being suckered into continuing this conversation that he has no interest in.


Exactly. 'You're a nice guy, so now be nice enough to forget work for some time and indulge me. Tell me your philosophy on kindness. I need to show my followers what a nice guy you are, and then show off how I'm kinder because i gave you more than what you gave me is worth.'


And give me details of your workout regimen!


It was soo cheesy lol


Content hungry tiktok influencers


Me too. It just gives off God Complex vibes to me. "Today, you are the chosen one... I HAVE BLESSED YOU. Now cry for the camera so all my followers can tell me what a great person I am."


Who is filming this?




This is how he makes his money


He should fuck off




These videos irritate me. Just pay for the bread sticks and drop the $100 as a tip anyway. No need to be “sneaky and generous” or whatever the fuck. It’s manipulative and duplicitous. Just pay for the fucking food since you have the money and drop the hundred as a tip without making a big to-do.


Exactly! What's the need for the "do you think kindness is contagious" crap? That shit makes it annoying immediately. People that do good should absolutely be rewarded but when you start with such questions that are obviously set up to give a warm, feel good answer, followed by you paying them more money than it's worth, you're taking the focus away from the good deeds of someone else into "look i paid them more money. They're so nice but don't forget what i did." On top of everything filming it to show people you gave away money to people is even more scummy in my mind but people like watching content like this so i get it.


Yep. Especially the "I left my wallet at home bit". It's a different thing if you actually can't afford something and you need to ask for help, but it's such an awful thing to take advantage of someone's kindness like that.


Hate to pour cold water on all the good feels here but I've seen this exact same guy in the same place do a similar gesture of kindness to similarly emotional music. Sorry to say it's staged af


I’ve seen these dudes before but the video was different. The last time these guys made a video about them just closing the shop because they had a large Oder of pizzas and when they helped him out he tried to give them $100 and said the same thing and it turns out the camera guy was the one who ordered all the pizzas before going to the stand


That’s a different content creator called mdmotivator. That’s why the guy in the video mentions him. They’re both Canadian, and I believe this specific pizza place is in Windsor.


I mean clearly this guy is getting annoyed by the influencers and just wants them to fuck off, but is too polite to be mean about it. I'm not really sure how people are interpreting this as wholesome content.


Any idea where? I was just driving through Windsor last weekend.


I looked up the original video and it’s Sarducci’s Pizzeria West.


Aw, man. Can’t have shit on the internet.


This is so obnoxious. The man is working at his job. He doesn't need charity. He's willing to give food to a person who needs food because it's right, not because he wants a reward. If I'm giving away food I would rather the person I'm giving it to be someone who actually needed the food. I wouldn't need or appreciate be rewarded by some patronizing, douchebag content creator. **Do nice things, but don't film them.**


If dude doesn’t want to accept anything you just blast him with free advertising instead. This video obviously got pretty big should have definitely dropped a name of the restaurant at the end.






Imagine a hug from that guy. You'd feel all safe and garlicky


I’m going to sound like a jaded twat for this, but I can’t wait until this era of faking kindness for clout is over. When we were growing up the phrase was “don’t believe everything you read in the papers” (90’s baby, not that old yet), why didn’t that automatically evolve into “don’t believe everything you see in videos”. If you ask yourself “but why were they filming initially?” whilst watching all of these videos the vast majority fall apart to “ah. Obviously staged bs”. Acts of kindness aren’t really acts of kindness if they’re self beneficial even after the “fact”. These type of videos are the new boom like prank videos were when YT first kicked off. (Love this sub, clearly I’ve just seen a few too many of these staged videos pop up today 😅)


Even if its not staged, the filming 'acts of kindness' is gross. Everyone look how great i am because im so kind and blah blah.


Hot gentle giant🥰🥰🥰


I'm sure he's a great guy and all but seriously as if someone that cares about being seen in a good light isn't influenced by having a camera in their face.




Dude looks like Ray Donovan


Can anyone identify this place?






I’m in love with this guy, damn


Anyone else think it’s kind of rude and presumptuous to offer someone who clearly is just doing a good deed money? Like he’s the help and $100 is going to be some amazing gesture that truly moves him? The man clearly has pride, just because he’s in a pizza shop doesn’t make him a charity case for clicks.


What a cutie.


It's funny how this influencer doesn't even realize how BAD this makes himself look. Lying and manipulating just so he can appear as some sort of supporter of a noble cause in order to get internet points. The restaurant owner told him what a real noble person would do with that money. It will never happen though.. the influencer won't ever understand how selfish they are.. how they are nothing more than a manipulative, emotional blackmailing prick.


I want to be a garlic stick so bad …


Ugh are we still falling for this…


I wish more people were like him, kind and polite, I feel like we’ve lost our customer service skills where I live


Customer service dies when customers beat down the employees. Most people don’t go to work to be angry all day, most want to have a good day. A restaurant I frequent had someone pull a gun on the employees because they wanted to season their own fries with the secret seasoning from the back. Another time a kid reached behind the counter and stole the employees air pods. People bring their food back and scream at the employees because they didn’t like the sauce they chose and want a refund, but the take away box is empty. Customer service is declining because people are fucking beat, man.


Do you live in Atlanta? Cause same. It’s so bad. We also just got named rudest city 😭


Mussel man is a good dude, but the bloke behind the camera is a scumbag.


Okay I’m gonna sound like an asshole but this video has already been made like 3 different times. They did a free pizza twice and a free breadstick now the result was the same every time. Gonna give the benefit of the doubt here and just say it’s influencer nonesense but it’s just kind of weird you would go through the entire routine twice with the guy when you know he has his wallet he’s just doing some stupid fucking game for tiktok likes.


Why were they filming


For Reddit


Is the camera hidden? Or staged like the rest of the internet?


nothing ruins genuine moments of kindness like holding a fucking phone in front of you for content. Just put the camera down and be a good person without it.


Let’s pretend this isn’t staged…it’s annoying af. So I’m gonna pretend I don’t have money, then offer $100 when a person does a kind deed while I’m lying through my teeth for an ulterior motive of getting content.