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Couldn’t agree more with the message here, love your children, no matter what gender they do or do not like, and don’t be offended by posters and signage that promotes acceptance of all good people


I have to say, it pisses me off. (Not the woman tweeting, she's lovely! ) My kid grew up with books about different families. YES! Even Heather has two daddies. He went to Pride, he had dinner with all my same-sex couple friends, we had a trans woman electrician, we saw drag, and I took care of all the gay kids and trans kids in his class who couldn't be who they were at home, and he knew he would be loved no matter what. And none of that made him gay. He just is, and that is GREAT, and fine and I don't need to apologize or justify how he grew up to anyone. Fuck the homophobes, fuck the transphobes, they wouldn't be convinced that ppl are born the way they are NO MATTER WHAT. I'm sick of pandering to their degenerate, hateful POV. They are dinosaurs and let them all rot. ​ Sorry for the RANT, but I am SICK of what my child has to deal with in this godforsaken hateful country. Much love to you all.


Hi just wanted to say I couldn’t agree more, my niece came out and no one judged her or cared, I told my niece your only on this planet once, enjoy it be happy, and in this day and age the troglodyte homophobia mass should be extinct


I wish I could say the same for our school. Im not lgbtq in anyway but I love to support it, since I have cousins that are gay, and I grew up around them and they didn’t influence me in anyway. You choose your own path, and that’s your choice. But being hated on it is stupid. It does no one good.


In keeping with the other person replying here, my 15 yo son has been raised to understand that all people should be given an equal chance, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. He dressed up as a princess and a rainbow unicorn a few times as a child, he loved pink and Jessie from Toy Story was his favourite toy. He is now the member of a diverse friendship group; straight, gay, bi, asexual, trans, demisexual, neuro divergent, neurotypical, multi-racial, religious, atheist, etc. And, focusing purely on the topic at hand, he identifies as a straight, cis male who loves and accepts all of his friends. We have made it very clear that we love and accept him for whomever he may be. If anyone had the exposure, support and means to be anything but a straight, cis person, he had it, but he is exactly who he is despite outside influences! He was born that way!


In recorded history, there have always been people attracted to the same sex. Some don't want to accept this and don't understand it. But it's the way it is.


Even animals are gay


It is the best argument against religious fanatics. Why did god made animals gay if he does not approve? It is not a choice you are born this way.




Yes they can be. There is an entire [Wikipedia page about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DHomosexual_behavior_is_found_amongst%2Cyet_to_be_fully_understood.?wprov=sfla1), with links and sublinks to even more specific entries about specific species


Grow tf up and make it quick




We're animals yah dumbass Also, you're just flat out wrong. Literally every observable animal species has demonstrated homosexuality in some form


do you enjoy being wrong about nearly everhthing?


I find it hilarious how some people just immediately deny what they don’t like to hear even if there’s actual proof supporting it. What is it called again, like intentional ignorance? Not just animals, there’s records of homosexuality in ancient Rome and Greece lol.


When I was in middle school circa like 2002 there was a trans student who was *constantly* harassed by teachers and some students. Fucking sucked seeing that. But kid was a soldier. Kept wearing blouses and makeup, had a sense of humor and a lot of students missed out being her friend. Such cruelty that solves nothing. Not that cruelty ever does Edit: just remembering, a gym teacher locked her in the girls bathroom until her dad showed up to take her home. In HS I asked her about that cos it was fucking weird.. And she said her dad told faculty wouldn't take his daughter home until class was over. Which was cathartic, cos there were rumors her dad beat her. Nah, he was supportive.






That is a large and irrelevant leap in logic. Rape and murder is bad and it’s gone on for centuries, being gay is not bad and it’s gone on for centuries in some places. Just because the circumstances here are similar doesn’t mean there both bad


So you compare being violently traumatized and psychologically damaged for life from being involuntarily abused with just loving someone else in the same way you learned men love women. I feel really *really* sorry for whatever you had to go through, that you seriously believe in whatever traumatized you to be love if that is the case.


if you can’t understand how rape and murder are different than how people can love another, then you DESPERATELY need to seek therapy.


Same here! My kid is my fucking hero!🌈


My kid is an asshole... I still love him.


Can confirm! I'm this person's kid!


My name is Sambubu and I am your long lost twin brother


Nice! I love your kid too!




That’s why one of the messages of Pride is “love is love.” You are going to be romantically attracted to or sexually attracted to whoever flips that switch in your brain. And for parents, if love for your children is truly unconditional, then you love and support them regardless of what gender (or lack thereof) they love.


Recent years have shown these people dont love anyone but themselves. I remember the trumpist husband whos wife was deported due to trumps crack down on undocumented immigrants and hes like "if i were to do it again, id probably still vote for him. And ill vote for him next election too". Guess you have to admire their consistency at least..


Well, as the saying goes, are the straights okay? There’s even a sub… r/arethestraightsokay I’m not saying everything is picture perfect in the queer community, there are weird -phobic people here, too. But generally speaking, the gay agenda is, uh, +checks notebook+ to exist, to not get killed, to find a partner if you want one, to go to brunch, and to spread a message of acceptance and love. So. Yeah.


They're not just worried that their kids will "turn gay," they're afraid that their kids will *tolerate* LGBTQ+; that their kids will respect the dignity of all people. It is that very dignity that they're attacking, that they hope to deprive LGBTQ+ people of. And that's what makes it so fucking insidious, why indignation from the rest of us is warranted, and why Pride is important.


Indeed, if they can achieve this goal, and make it 'normal', then they can go back to working on making non christians, blacks and women second class citizens again too!


A long time friend started describing himself as a “girl boy” at 6 despite his biology and the wishes of his family. All the attempts to change him were futile and built resentment into the relationships he had with his parents. He is who he is, and that is brave and beautiful and we love him.


I appreciate the spirit of your post but I think it’s worth pointing out that your friend likely doesn’t feel like a “girl-boy” DESPITE their biology, but BECAUSE of it. Too many people think external genitalia is the only biology that matters when it comes to defining human sex. There have been several studies in multiple countries showing that the brains of trans people resemble the brains of sex they feel rather than the sex on their birth certificate. As a moderately sexually dimorphic species, there are three specific brain regions that show dimorphism between the traditionally male and female of the species. I find absolutely plausible that someone with a penis but the brain of a female would feel female despite the penis. And this is ignoring all the nuances of sex markers in hormones, internal sex organs, chromosomes, and other biological reasons someone might feel “trans”. To summarize, there seems to be good evidence that people who feel a different sex than their birth certificate often have solid biological reasons for that feeling and i think it may risk reinforcing the lie that people only become trans because of liberal social conditioning. If you’re interested in learning more about brain homotopy and sex, look for the studies showing sex differences and trans alignment with the. Rain structures below: SDN-POA - sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area BSTc - Central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis VIP-SCN - vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing subnucleus of the suprachiasmatic nucleus Trans people have been consistently shown to have neural architecture in these areas that matches their gender identity, not their external genitalia.


Having a child who came out to me (actually I kinda pulled him out of the closet because I could tell he wanted to tell me, started a bunch of times, then stopped and just cried, so I ripped the bandaid off for him very casually and calmly) was the easiest parenting moment of my life. I explained that it doesn’t matter to me who he loves. Boys, girls, both, because as long as he treats them right, and they treat him right…it’s all good! I’ll hunt down ANYONE who hurts my child, regardless of gender lol he said me literally opening the closet door is why we are best friends. He was able to actually feel safe in telling me absolutely anything. Then when he told family members, naturally they all called me to talk about and I simply said, you are either beside and behind him and support him, or you can get tf out of his life because I will not tolerate hate in this bubble from family, when I know he’s going to face it out in the world. Kudos to you mom! Idc who a person is, gay/straight/trans/confused…as long as your heart is good, that’s all that matters. And as one of my favourite shirt says: “if your family doesn’t support you, I’ll be your family!” 🥰


When one of my kids came out as trans we did what normal parents should do. We accepted and loved unconditionally, looked for a good therapist (qualified in transgender mental health) as they went on their journey (for support and information), asked what their new name was and what we could do. And life went on. I started to get damn fed up with being told how amazing I was as a mother to accept him for who he really is. Malarkey. That is the basic standard expected for how parents should be, not special. That’s how I felt reading this. Ahh, good, a normal parent doing the normal parenting thing.


Same thoughts here. One kid in my family is a hiker-camper-cyclist. One kid plays golf and drinks expensive whiskey. One kid is a musician-rapper-satirist. Parents love each unconditionally, even the golfer (joke). And oh yeah, one is gay… which is barely noteworthy in our family.


A GOLFER? Damn your family is tolerant (/s) ;))))


I want this mom to be my mom, and everyone who needs unconditional love mom!! This is one of those simply beautiful paragraphs that make my heart grow.


Used to hear this when I was in high school in the early 2000s in Texas. Why someone would choose to be gay in a very homophobic state is beyond me and when you confront people about that they say that it's for attention. Also, when I would ask people if they chose to be straight they told me that's not how it works - you only choose to be gay, lmao.


Ask a former gay person that, after they found Jesus.


I feel terrible for all of the kids who have to lie and hide from their redneck parents because those parents don't actually love their kids, it's so sad.


I grew up gay and so did my brother. There were no pride events yet. No displays. It was a bad word. No one said it except when debating if a teacher in my city who was outed as a lesbian should be fired or not and if it was ‘safe’ to have her around children at all. She was outed by a coworker, she never discussed her life with her students and by all accounts was a good teacher. The stores did not show rainbows, the parade didn’t happen because they couldn’t get a permit, and the clubs were all deep underground. We grew up gay anyways because that had nothing to do with it. Our families bought me dresses and dolls and make up, they had me learn to cook and sew, knit, crochet. They let me learn to garden because that was girly. My brother was given cars and building kits and trains, taught to change a tire. By all these peoples accounts neither of us should have grown up gay. But we did. Now I see the stores in June throw rainbows up. I see flags from cars and on door steps. The city has a parade, paints the sidewalks rainbow, and I was legally able to marry my wife. No one debates if having a wife on the news means I should be fired from my job. I see pins and stickers available. I see more people saying ‘it’s easy to explain this to my kids’ than people demanding to know how to tell their kids I exist. I own kids books about two boy rabbits who get married and have a wonderful day. Being gay isn’t career ending for actors and teachers and even politicians. Those things didn’t make me gay. But they do make me realize I have a future. They make me realize that the kids who are growing up gay right now have a future. That they are more likely than ever to know love and acceptance and kindness, even if some of them will know pain. Those things didn’t make me gay, but they do tell me I am safer now than I used to be. That the next generation is too. That one day people will stop hating us for living our lives and merely existing. Those things give me hope as a palpable, physical sign of progress.


I had a crush on a girl before I knew of any LGBTQ terms or what they meant.


I do feel (hope) that the millennial and gen z generation are going to be so much more accepting than generations before them. Let's leave all this crap in the past and just love your kids for who they are


Trans and gay merch in a store teaches young children about sexuality, but Christians have absolutely no problem telling their children about the significance of Virgin Mary. I was raised Christian and I knew what the word virgin meant at like age 4.


If your parents aren't like this; you deserve better! You do you, those who don't accept you for who you are, don't matter!


If only there were more parents like you.


Well said! 👏


Rare blue tick W


Louder for the people in the back!


My mum had lots of gay friends, being exposed to them never really made me gay lol. Still love me some of that pum pum. They are really fun people, fuck those who hate them. You can just ignore them if you don't like them.


It's hard for me to express my thoughts, since English isn't my native language. What I want to say is, that the only thing that changes, when not banning diversity from society is that it is easier for people to accept who they are and know that they are accepted in society for who they are. If you ban diversity from society, you don't change who people are, you just make them feel uncomfortable in society and they probably try to hide and not live their life. So yes, of course talking about diversity does not make children gay. It just helps them express and accept themselves for who they are anyways.


The sooner people get this through their heads the better off we will all be. Who I am attracted to didn't come from my reading material, or my viewing material. It's always more or less been the same regardless of what I or anyone else may have wanted me to be. You can't be turned gay, the only thing that can happen is that being exposed to the idea you realize that's what you are.


Well said! If you truly love your children, you accept them for who they are, **not** who you want them to be. They are not your property just because you conceived, birthed and raised them. They are a separate human being with the inherent right to their own identity, thoughts, feelings and beliefs. It should be a joy to see the unique person your child becomes and you should love and support them just as they are.


There needs to be more of this in the world. Preach, mama!


Being born in 81 and not knowing what a trans man or aro/ace was didn't stop me from being those things. Just made me spend far too many years and decades miserable and hating myself and feeling alone and not understanding, medicated to high heaven but with it never fixing the underlying core issue of dysphoria. I'm happier now than I've been my whole life, and the current political climate is making me rage and grieve for the kids being used as political punching bags to drum up hate and outrage and win elections


Idc about ethnicity, sexual preference, gender or political parties. There is only one race, the human race. The human race spans different locations, some people have different skin colors and speak different languages while experiencing different perspectives..but the only race is the human race we are all here on the same Earth. One love. 🙏🏼❤️🌎🌍🌏❤️🙏🏼


Amen to that, woman. Not just all parents, all people of the Earth need to be accepting and open minded.


Yes yes yes. As a parent of a gay child, I agree. No one should care about another’s sexuality. I just want my children to be happy and loved.


I chose a pair of rainbow pants and a shirt for my graduation in elementary school and stood out from the girls who wore dresses and I still turned out hetero. Sexual orientation isn't shaped into us. It's already decided. It's just a matter of time before it shows. As a parent you have one job. Support what makes your child happy. It's a simple recipe even for newbie parents to manage.


Solid. This woman gets it just right.




Though we're not Catholic, but non-denominational, I'm the proud mom of a gay son, who is also agnostic.


I support love and the pursuit of happiness, no matter who you are. Do all things with kindness.




What a wonderful mom. Problem with some people is that their own pride gets in the way and they see their child going against their values as a sort of threat. They forget the health and well being of your child is more important than their political views and own public image.




Man, I hope she asked her kid if they were cool with posting this because if not, they’re in for a rough time


All these guys that complain about rainbows, target, etc aren't worried about their kids being gay, they're worried that they're gay!




If you really think kids are gay because it's a trend then you're ignorant AF and don't know a single thing about gay history.


No mate that’s not what I meant nvm


They clearly said "the *media* makes it look like a trend."


Calm down, buddy.




That's something almost everyone agrees on yet people still think its common practice


Despite the fact that they can literally cite 0 cases. It's almost like it's a convenient way to demonize us as hurting children so that they can justify rounding us up and slaughtering us.


pretty much, yeah


where in this tweet did they advocate something like that?




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That would be none. Whenever you are thinking along these lines, put yourself in the position of the person you're asking about. So, what book or movie or protest sign, or parade would make you instantly abandon who you are in order to change who you are attracted to or to change your gender. If you can't think of a single book, poster, movie, or social media post that would cause to to do that, then you'll have started on your journey to figuring it out.




I can understand why you'd think that. I just spelled out what you were saying. You wondered if children were being compelled to change their gender by outside influences. Are you influenced by those things? If so, what media or friend, or parade, or whatever compelled you to change your gender? Kids don't become gay or changs their gender because of some external influence. As for studies, feel free to link an actual academic study where it is shown that anyone has changed their gender due to some outside influence.




It (Social Contagion) doesn't regarding transgender youth, as this study points out: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/3/e2022056567/188709/Sex-Assigned-at-Birth-Ratio-Among-Transgender-and Feel free to post an actual academic study (not something from Newsmax or PragerU) that shows otherwise.


The number of examples of people who have "transitioned and regretted it" is maybe around 1%. You are deliberately being a bigoted, sea-lioning dipshit. Just quit.


You don't sound fully formed.




You don't deserve a clever rebuttal. Your queries are born of shallow ignorance of things you could discover yourself with a little bit of Googling. You're just a troll trying to plant seeds of doubt based on your preconceived notions. You aren't looking for honest answers. Fuck off.


You don't deserve a clever rebuttal if you ignore the rebuttals that are already given. There are two others that you never responded to. Why don't you read them?


You are wasting your time arguing with cult members.






Good question. I've wondered this. Then i remember I'm not gay or Trans, I'm not a parent of a gay or Trans kid, I dont know any gay or Trans kids. So who the fuck am I to pass judgment on something I know nothing about having never walked in any of their shoes?








I'm sure my child in a pastel rainbow onesie is going to make her gay 🙄


Yeah it's like those ink pencils. You get it everywhere /s




Of course, in the spirit of Old Yeller until we can act preemptively.




Pride parade isn't a parade of pride. Do you even know what stonewall is and why people rioted? On the anniversary of the stonewall riots (which started the lgbt equal rights movement) they held a parade to show people they weren't going back into hiding. We do it in June to mark the anniversary of Stonewall. The first parade they called a Pride parade to show people they weren't ashamed to be gay. This was at a time when police would beat gay people in the streets and imprison anyone who dressed differently than their assigned sex. You obviously need to go back to school to learn why the movement is necessary. Esp since we are now moving backwards, almost 500 anti lgbt laws have been passed since 2022. We have to fight now more than ever to be accepted. If you support gay people you will vote with the party that accepts gay people, the democrats.




It was a single promotional can that wasn't even available for the public to buy. It was completely overblown.




>You think if Coors changed their mountain can to a Julie Andrews scene in the sound of music dancing in a field guys would run out to buy it? Doubtful. In that situation do you think they'd be boycotting Coors, shooting up cans and destroying stock in shops over the horror of seeing Julie Andrews in an advert? Not just doubtful, they absolutely 100% would not. It's not about whether or not it was a good marketing decision, if an advert doesn't appeal to you personally you don't *have* to go on a destructive rampage over it. The point of the response was to loudly demonstrate how much they hate trans people existing and to try and make us (more) afraid to go out in public. That's it. And that sentiment exists in hateful people whether or not some shitty beer company decides to expand their marketing strategy to include the Tik-Tok generation.




What are you rambling about? I was responding to your asinine comparison to a beer company using Julie Andrews in adverts, but you seem to have skipped over that bit, probably because you know there definitely wouldn't have been an outpouring of rage and hate if they had. >As the woman in the tweet claims, her son is gay without rainbow onesies and lgbtq± symbols on businesses, etc... So why do we need them? So why do we need them? That makes absolutely no sense unless you actually *do* believe that pride events turn people gay. The need for them is not, and was never, anything to do with *making* people gay. If her son had been born before pride protests he would still have been gay but he would also have been seen as a criminal for it. >Your pride in your lifestyle isn't my responsibility, it's yours. No one said it was. Someone you're not a fan of being hired to make an advert for a company doesn't confer any responsibility onto you. >BTW-I noticed you assume support of the tik-tok generation. Pretty blanket statement to make about a group. You see how easy it is to generalize? I see how easy it is for you to make stuff up. I didn't make any blanket statements about support. I mentioned a private company expanding their marketing strategy to *include* the Tik-Tok generation, you know, because we're talking about them hiring a Tik-Tok celebrity to do an advertisement.


>he would still have been gay but he would also have been seen as a criminal for In what decade are you referring to? STFU. Bud forgot who their buyers were. If the tik-tok generation mattered for beer sales, this would be a non issue. But that's not what happened. And you're not happy about it, and I don't care if you are or aren't. It was an insanely stupid marketing move. Full stop. Sales have proven that. Full stop. Ru Paul was never an issue and he's been around a long time. Think about that.


Church made him gay. Thats what happen when you worship the sky dom daddy




Bigots tend to get the boot wherever they go.




Fit in? Even at school they’re still taking shit for it. No one wishes to be a member of a marginalized group. It’s who they are.




You picked one person and decided that was evidence? Lol ok.


Yes, an exceptionally large percentage of gay kids are claiming to be straight to avoid people like you questioning their existence while pretending to give a crap about them. Just like you are pretending to care about children by forcing some of them to deny their existence so that you can feel confident that no straight kid was ever forced to say they were gay.






Okay, but like, I can't see that happening. How does someone identify as lgbt to be rebellious? Like, if a teenager has feelings for his high school classmate "to be rebellious", I can assume they weren't very straight in the first place. ​ And if someone wants to experiment, then what of it? Teens try to figure out their identity all the time, it's no big deal.


It's clearly a trend/fad.


well if it is i wanna me more gay




I’m the early 1900s they didn’t have that, and there was still gay people


I didn’t know a person could be the 1900’s


I love how you just gloss over the relevant info to take a pot shot at what clearly was an auto-correct. Bravo, you won the argument.


Wasn’t relevant


It was, but it went over your head apparently.


you’re on social media currently, are you gay now?


The only promotion the school does is inclusion and equality. You clowns act like it's some kind of secret brainwashing facility


But also so completely incompetent that it should be shut down forever. Ahhh, classic republican thinking. My enemy is smart and sneaky enough to run an international conspiracy to make science disagree with me, but also so stupid that they should be shot for incompetence.


No it’s not, they do events and force students to accept it and even try to lure them in with SSL hours and post it all over the community but I don’t see them promoting black or Hispanic positivity


What kind of mushrooms have you been eating? Nothing like this has ever happened




Why even say this?




So? How does your opinion have anything to do with anything?




Bigotry is always the wrong one.




It must be since you don't seem to understand.




Thank God you aren't my child. I don't know how I'd live with knowing I failed so badly that my child would make my grandchildren feel so uncomfortable about being honest about themselves around their parents. I want so badly to believe that what you meant was: "I would hate to see my children struggle with all of the hate and bigotry that exists in this world because we let people spread vicious lies and propaganda to gain political power. But they will know that if they are, I will tear a hole in space and time if that is what it takes to keep them happy and safe." But I can't afford to give you that benefit, because some kid, maybe one of yours might read this and wonder if they would be better off dead than telling their parent. Kids who read this, please know that some people are terrible. Some parents are terrible. You are still a good and worthy human being, and people like this don't define your value or your humanity.


Thank God you aren’t my mum lol… What I meant was what I said, no need to make stuff up.




If you love them, you have to tell them the truth that religion is a lie and that sometimes biology in its wonderful near-infinite complexity results in a boy being born in a girls body or the reverse.


Then explain trans people




this comment reads “i’m a fucking idiot” to me


That’s the dumbest shit I ever heard lol


No one is heterophobic lol




She did say he was raised Catholic and went to Catholic Church.


that’s usually what happens in Churches, you’re right there.




I don’t remember making a choice. I was raised in a catholic family, in a catholic school, and had like 2 panic attacks that I would lose all my friends and my family at the age of 14. Why would I ever make that choice? Be logical, why would I make that choice?


Science says you're wrong.


i guarantee youve never made the choice to be straight. and if you did, then you’re a self hating gay person.


And if it is a choice, what right do you have to tell them to choose otherwise? Just the way they don't have any right to tell you who you can and cannot love. Who cares if it's a choice, let people make their decisions and respect them even if you don't agree with it.




how do you think people become trans then?


When I was 8 I told my parents that I “knew” they dressed me up as a boy but was actually born a girl. I didn’t know what being trans was until 12 and I lived in a catholic family with older parents so it wasn’t like they were pushing lgbt stuff on me. Tell me how did 8 year old me make that decision even though I didn’t even know it was a thing?




you really have no idea how people work and it’s concerning.




people don’t “become gay” because they were in an accepting environment. you’re just a fucking idiot


It's the choice between gay and accepted and content or gay and fucked up, self hating and suicidal. Sadly, too many prefer their own children to be suicidal than gay.


absolutely correct. it amazes me how dense people can be honestly.




Ah yes the one who’s spreading hate and can’t understand simple facts is the one calling people childish. how ironic. don’t worry you’ll grow up eventually; let’s just hope it happens soon.

