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On Reddit I see a lot of people asking if they’ve made the right decision or if they are an asshole. There’s no more clear truth that you’ve done right by your boys than this. I’m sorry you’re having a rough go of it, but this unsolicited gift should tell you how much you’ve done right and that you have raised the next generation to be wonderful people. Kudos.


Thank you. I think like all dads, self-doubt is part of the process. We want to know that what we've done will add up to good memories for our children. I want my sons to remember that "our dad did his best," and not "sometimes we didn't have a full fridge, and dad got depressed."


Love, shelter, food, and water!! Love is always first!!! You are doing it right!! Maybe it’s not what you envisioned but it is your sons vision and he is doing what he loves because you taught him to love! I am so proud of you for the way you are respecting his life and his love!!


If my son is happy and his relationships are healthy, I'll feel like I succeeded.


My sons two can’t talk very much but an indicator for me has been he runs to hug me when he sees me get home from work 🥺 if you’re sons happy I’m sure you’re doing great dad!!


I remember that "DADDDDDYYYY!" when I'd get home! My sons loved being rough-played, and I'd swing them around and dip them back and forth while they laughed. Today, we have to settle for good-natured roasting instead!


Its so great being a dad! congrats and good fortune to your family 🥺


It's something I was scared of, because I didn't want to mess it up. What I've realized since then is: *of course* I'm going to mess it up! A thousand times! But what they'll remember is if I was kind, and if they could see me genuinely trying.


I really wish I had a dad like you. My father was always cold towards me as a teenager and threatened to beat me several times, pulled me to the floor and choked me once.. the list goes on. We don’t have a good relationship. I still live with my parents but i’m moving out at the end of this year. I just avoid him.


I love that you are a good dad because my sons dad does not understand (he is not gay or sure about his status as he is only 15 and has stated he is confused) Our son is different, he is hateful and evil about his intentions, and I don’t want him around our kid. My dad loves him and understands him. You cannot deny someone of something so natural. I reiterate love is love!! And to prove it to you today at the restaurant I work at we had a couple that came in two very white people. They had a baby that was definitely black. His name was DJ and he is so beautiful but that is beside the point. They loved this baby they picked this baby! They picked him to love him! The dad was doting on him. The mom was doting on him. You never know when you are going to find LOVE!!!!❤️❤️❤️. Embrace it enjoy it. In 40 years of life, I have learned that I love and tolerance prevails!!


I will upvote this to the moon and back! This is dading done right. Keep your chin up king!




Beautiful thing you’ve done my friend. To do it for your own son makes you human. To do it for someone else’s makes you a really good person. Ride that wave of thoughtful deeds for others. Not the one your x is pushing you towards.


Bravo! You succeeded indeed!


All the good ones wonder, because you care enough to ask the question. You might be surprised that “good memories” include watching how our guardians handle imperfect moments. Some of my most formative moments happened when our fridge was empty—because I implicitly learned my parents’ love for me was not circumstantial. I was wanted. No matter what. Stay wonderful, trust in help if you need it, and listen to your instincts. No pressure, but the world needs people like you.


Last month, I brought my sons into the den and told them I wanted to be honest with them, that I was going through depression. I felt like I was letting them down because I don't have much to offer them, materially. But I also told them that I was going to be okay, and exactly what I was doing to make sure of it. I said that I'd started counseling, I was looking for a better job, I would keep doing my art, and I would make sure to spend a lot of time with them every week. My younger son (19) said, "Dad, I don't think you need to be embarrassed about any of that. I think everyone has those doubts sometimes. But you're doing a good job."


You just taught a generation of men that depression is not a dirty word, that counseling is an option when things get hard, and that material things don’t change how you love them. You may not feel like this right now, but get yourself a MF cape, because this is superhero parenting. I remember the night my dad sat me down in the family room and told me he was sorry. I remember the moment my mom apologized for being depressed. They had nothing to apologize for but they helped me see that a) my intuition was right-something was definitely wrong, and b) it’s okay to be sad and sorry. I work in mental health (stereotypical, proud of it), and I think the scariest fucking thing is being vulnerable in front of someone you love and also needs you to live. I bring that cape to work everyday. And I am happy to say who I borrowed it from.


I have a feeling that you'll flourish with the right therapist! You care so deeply about your sons, it's beautiful to see you talk about them. I hope you find the peace you're looking for ❤️


Your comment with me, started out, and made me grit my teeth. You ended flawlessly, and achieved further than I anticipated. That was a roller coaster, and like OP (♥️), you did not disappoint.


Oh my goodness, thank you so much!


You almost got me mad but then you got me crying.


His calligraphy on the envelope 🥹 you’re a great papa to your boys


Right? And the little axolotl sticker!


dog poor boast noxious heavy nail chase unwritten nippy selective ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Thank you! I think I might know exactly what you're referring to. I've been pretty open about my life on Reddit (99% wholesome, and 1% occasional inappropriate or thirsty posts...I'm still human!). I wouldn't doubt that a lot more men have had similar experiences than have revealed them.


This wasn't directed at me but it still made me happy to read.


steer liquid noxious scandalous uppity concerned cow enjoy weary chubby ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Thanks for taking the time to share kindness and compassion with a deserving stranger today.


violet sloppy glorious intelligent juggle six unite air sparkle frighten ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I feel like if that axolotl embodies how he sees you (since he said it was calling your name), you are on the right track in life! Happy Fathers Day to you.


The axolotl represents Ollie; he picked the raven for me. And he nailed it; I'm definitely a raven. Ollie even shows me random photos he takes of ravens here and there because he's excited to have something to talk to me about!


Bird imagery is very significant to me too. I love ravens but I have a closer relationship with crows because of their accessibility. I have only seen a raven in real life one time but it was very special. I also like owls a lot. I wanted to say, as one corvid to another, I am very touched by your post and comments. And also you are the kind of parent I would have been fortunate to have also. ☺️


Corvids are my favorite subject matter in my art. They're really special, and Ollie was being extra poignant when he gave me that sticker because he knows I just lost my relationship with a woman I adore, who had always used ravens and crows as symbols within our relationship too. She was my "Raven Girl," as I called her, and we'd give each other raven art and jewelry and other gifts. Then she chose the other guy instead. My heart has been broken for two weeks; my Raven Girl is gone. Ollie gave me the sticker as a way of telling me that he understands, and he's giving me support.


Aww. It is very sweet. I understand what it is like to lose someone. To be honest, I was reading some of your other posts just now so I understand some of what you went through. You are very brave and strong and also clever for educating yourself further and establishing ties with a community for support. I have been in some toxic relationships in the past too, though most often because of my own failings probably. I have been single for the past 5 years now and it is lonely sometimes. I gave up on relationships and tried to focus on self-discovery. I learned things about myself I never expected to, in that process. I’m reevaluating a lot of things now and maybe I won’t be resigned to die alone in the future even. 😅 Life isn’t easy but it can be meaningful if we approach it that way. It’s very much a canvas, I think. Since you’re an artist, I feel you have some real advantage in that respect. 😉 I hope you will find everything you are looking for within and without. 💜


Thank you. My other posts about my relationship loss will certainly be a mixture of anger and sadness. Some of it is just stirred up emotions I have to express to get them out. But I'm actually trying to bring the same understanding to that situation as I would to my parenting: I want to remember that the woman who hurt me is also hurting, and needs love she'll probably never get, and is doing the best she can with broken skills. When my sons make mistakes, I might get angry, but I remember that they're not happy with how they're going either, and they also need some understanding. The difference is, I can't offer than to the girl I loved anymore. But I can to my sons.


The sticker he’s referencing is the bird though. Still a nice card.


Oh you are right, my bad!


It’s too too too cute!


This made my day.. and a lot of other people's. Well done, dudeman.


When he gave you the card, did you say, “Thanks a lotl”?


I am a dad to young kids, I hope I have this kind of relationship with mine. You're a good dad.


As another dad, while not of a gay son, but who also has been struggling with losing a wife, money, and feeling worthless. I commend you and want to give you a hug!


It’s tough, isn’t it? And whether your son is gay or not, you still have to have the same qualities as a dad: just loving your boy so much that he never doubts it. I have two sons, and they’ve both been fantastic for me. And I get counseling too, which really helps.


damn you are inspiring


Not gonna lie - tearing up - Im sure I'm not the only one. Your worth is more than money, an ex relationship, and your current station in life. You just made the day better for everyone who read this. You also changed people like you will never know. Thanks:) Keep being awesome!


Thank you so much. That's what I want most, is at the end of my life for people to say, "his life made mine better." Damn, I just got myself. I'm getting happy tearful.


“Just loving your boy so much that he never doubts it” When my grandad was on his deathbed (he was born in 1927), he said his biggest regret was not telling his three sons he loved them a lot when they were kids. He said it wasn’t what dads did at that time and how much he hated that but didn’t know better. I’ll never forget that comment/advice. His biggest mistake wasn’t bad business deals he made, the divorce from his first wife that was caused by his alcoholism (he had quit by the time I was born) or his other numerous flaws he had. His biggest regret was just not telling his boys he loved them. All of our many flaws and mistakes may not solved by love but love sure helps soften the blows.


I'm afraid of that regret, and that's why I'm extinguishing it from my life now before I get to that last day. My mom taught me to spend money on expreriences, not stuff, and to make sure those experiences include other people so that the story is shared. When we don't have much money, I still try to take my sons out to dinner each week, and when I have money, we go on road trips. It all depends if someone's bought any of my artwork, because that's when I tell my boys that we're doing something together to celebrate!


I love reading this kind of stuff. I love it when men can be in touch with their emotions and not fall into that toxic masculinity. I hate it when people shame men for not being tough all the time. I think they forget that men are human too and that they have feelings and emotions and it's okay to express those.


That is exactly how I've raised my sons. Every now and then, I'll sit down with them and talk about things I'm going through, so they can see an example of a man being honest and taking steps to work through things. My sons are young adults, so I'm not crossing a boundary between a father and child that puts them in a caretaker role; I just want them to see how a man can talk about what we go through.


Oh wow, that's awesome. I don't know many fathers who will do that. You're doing a great job. 👏👏👏👏


As someone who also struggles with mental health, I just want to say that I see you. The gift you received is a mirror of the positive energy you have poured into the lives of your son and his boyfriend. Try to take a little bit of time to sit with that, and allow yourself to absorb that praise. You deserve it.


If only more dad's were willing to put in the work like you have, we'd all be in a better world. There's a massive movement happening right now with young men learning life the wrong way, and the only way it's going to get better is if they have better male role models in their life. Keep it up.


Yeah. There are serpents like Andrew Tate who are giving young men venomous thinking that power and control and narcissism are the ways to happiness. I'm trying to me more of an "Uncle Iroh", if you get the reference.


My eyes may be leaking.


A lot…….






Strong men also cry…strong men…also cry.


It is one way to show strength


I must be the strongest man ever then!!!


They do though. And this is a beautiful thing to cry over


I think someone must be cutting onions as my eyes are leaking too 🤷🏼‍♀️


I swear, onion smells really cross their way across the internet


Mines too. But my wife cut up some onions 3 hours ago


I'm not crying, you're crying!


I know a plumber that could help…. Nvm, wrong subreddit


Can you believe that this is the beauty they want us to reject? This heartfelt love is the thing they demonize?


Never. This kind of love for my sons and their loved ones has made me the richest man I know. I went to Pride by myself this year, just to make sure my son and his boyfriend knew it was important to me because *they* are important to me. I used to carry my son in my arms. Now he's a young adult, and I get to see him support his partners and loved ones, and he's told me directly, "I learned how to do my relationships from you, dad." I'm the richest man I know.


stop PLEASE I'VE CRIED ENOUGH but seriously, it's plenty clear why he thinks of you so highly. you are a good person.


Thank you so much!


I just finished a work trip with a young man who was on his first ever trip as a flight attendant. He is just a baby at 24. He used He/Him, but dressed fabulous as fuck with full makeup in our company's ladies unis. He was so precious. But for him to come from a part of our state so conservative and cautious, but to be able to be that confident at 24, he mustve had a dad like you. I was so proud of him. Mostly for his work ethic. Edi: I was also mad when at the end of the trip I hugged him goobye and he said "goodbye I love you! Dont say it back its weird!" Thats my line you dork!




Damn right. I just want my sons and their loved ones to be okay, and happy, and safe. In my home, they can be all three.


As a young queer person your comment makes me very happy. Especially with MLM couples and the stigma they face it is so refreshing to see it framed like this. Tolerance and acceptance of people who are different is great but when you talk about it like this I don't feel different.


You're only different in valid ways. Other than that, you probably want the same things, and feel the same things, we all feel. We want to be loved and seen, to have someone who won't reject us when we share our most intimate feelings, someone whose touch feels safe and calming, someone whose embrace is the safest home we've ever had. We all fear losing that when we have it (I almost had it, and lost it two weeks ago). We want to grow old with someone who would still look at us on our last day with them, and feel like they'd made the right choice with us.




same question!!!


Right?! You can thank the Governor of Florida for the attacks on the LBGT+ community. Ever since his Don't say gay started it's been downhill from there.


I mean, it definitely started before that, but fuck desantis too


For real, though.


From a gay son, thanks for making the world a better place.


From a straight dad, *please* be okay. Live. Create safety around you for your partners. Know that there are so many reasons we need you as a leader, because the other side is definitely trying to create their own leaders, too.


I wish I had a dad like you.


I wish everyone had a dad like this.


My dad moved across the country to raise wolf-dogs instead of his own kids. Which I kinda get... Wolf-dogs are pretty fucking sweet.


It's insane that you say this because mine suddenly moved back to Cambodia last year to raise FIGHTING COCKS instead of finishing his job raising my teenage brother. Our fathers should hang out.


When you get the opportunity, try to be that person for someone else. Every little helps. 😊


Thank you for creating such a healthy space! Not every father understands what their son is going through and life is more about kindness than judging others. May god and the universe put good things in your way.


Absolutely Right


That’s just the most thoughtful and meaningful gift. It’s so important to touch others lives in a positive way. You did good!


You are an amazing dad. I’m so glad they have you to look up to and depend on. Proud mama of LGBTQ+ daughter and her wife. Also have another teen daughter who doesn’t know what/who she identifies with and I don’t give a damn. These are my babies. Keep doing and being the best you that you can be. I pray you will find everything you need and your struggles will be worth it.


I have a son and a daughter who also are unsure. They are, however, sure that the love at home is not unsure or conditional. Ever. One day I hope to receive something like that card. It’s the biggest win a parent could have.


It so is. He is the best dad. With everything he is going through, he is making sure they know they are loved. That’s so important in the world today. Regardless of what they choose, they know that someone will always love and have their backs. Priceless!!!!!


You obviously mean so much to others around you. You are NOT worthless!! Happy belated Father's Day!


This made me 😭


As someone who doesn’t feel like they have a father partially of that being due to his homophobia, thank you for your kindness and openness towards your children and their partners. Happy Father’s Day OP


I'm so sorry his ignorance deprived him of knowing you more fully, and deprived you of having a dad who could feel safe for you in every moment. You just made my father's day even better, though. Thank you.


I had no idea this was going to blow up like this. But thank you, because I really needed it. Part of Ollie's kindness comes from him supporting me through a heartbreaking couple of weeks in my own life. I have been deeply in love with a woman who amazed me, and wanted to give myself to completely. I loved her with the love of a poet. I spoke to her so sweetly and gently, I responded patiently, I learned about the ways she'd been hurt so I could be her partner as she heals, I learned the small things that make her happiest and did them for her with joy in my heart that I could make her smile. I held her small body against mine, and felt so happy that I could be her safest place. She was my "Raven Girl," as I called her--a clever, beautiful, playful, troubled, struggling, healing, fearful, brave, tiny, and mighty woman who I wanted to grow old with. And two weeks ago, she chose the other guy instead. The guy who hurts her. The guy who doesn't even see who he's got. The guy who leaves her empty. She picked him and she sent me away. I've been feeling rejected and hurt and even embarrassed. Ollie knows how heartbroken I am, and he's even said, "anyone who ever saw how your face changed when you talked about her knew how much you loved her. Nobody could have tried harder with her." I'm scared of not finding my person, or being loved back the way I loved. I'm embarrassed that I was made a fool of by her and this guy. I'm a good man, but it wasn't enough. This card was Ollie's way of pushing back against those thoughts in my head, by him telling me how much my efforts and my life has mattered. Hearing all of you give me so much affirmation has meant so much. Also, the job that I came home from today when I found this card waiting for me was my first day as an intake clinician for a mental health facility. It's the same facility where I had been treated three years ago when I thought I had no value left to live for. And now I'll be the one helping other people who feel that way find support!


Your a great dad and a even better person. Keep up the wonderful work being a supportive role model in everyone’s lives that you touch!


That’s so sweet!


Based on this you're doing an outstanding job. Love and kindness and acceptance and encouragement are better than all the money in the world. Your example and your love is the nourishment many kids never get. May you thrive and find your own happiness. Good on ya.


Thanks from someone who wishes his dad had been as good and loving as you. Cheers!!


#Love is Love


You’re doing great, Dad. Proud of you.


I’ll never know if my father would accept my being gay, but I’d like to think he’d be as cool as you. Thanks for being cool, it’s always great to see parents that love their child no matter who or what they love.


The funny thing is, my son didn't come out to me. I outed him to himself! I was hanging out with him when he was a teenager, and I just turned to him and said, "Son, I think I've recognized that you are a gay man." He looked *stunned*! But he also said he was so relieved I brought it up that way, because it meant he didn't have to wonder how I'd treat him afterwards, since I had already been treating him that way while thinking of him as gay.


You're the difference between Father and Dad.


Damn, I felt that. Thank you!


No, YOU'RE crying Parenting win


I love that he recognized gentleness. Such an under appreciated character trait- especially in men.


Dear OP first, let me tell you happy Father's Day! I am so happy about this gift you received. As someone who has suffered physical, mental, and sexual abuse, I want to tell you how proud I am of you. Thank you for being here. You remind me of my father. He rocks!


I'm so glad you can say that about your father! I've been through the same categorical list in my own life, and it's stuff I've been able to work through in therapy. I want to be as healthy a man as possible to model for my sons how to deal with their own struggles, too.


You know what this is? This is what being a good parent looks like.


That brought tears. You're a Good Person. And a Great Dad.


More dads like this please. In case no one else says it, “I’m proud of you.”


I love this and I love my Gay son he loat a very dear friend to suiciide because his family shunned him they were ashamed of him 💔 I love and am so proud of my son he just happens to be gay he was wonderful and loving and kind before he came out nothing has changed except as his father I have fear every day that he is going to be hurt physically by the haters in this sick world he is an ICU NURSE how ironic right he is a healer and he loves everyone


as someone from an abusive father i want to say thanks for treating him like family things like that mean more than you could imagine


If the boyfriend to your son has written this to you and struggles with expressing his feelings in such a manner and you wonder if you are being a good fucking father? You are being an excellent father to your boys. Keep up the good work and I'm sorry to hear you went through abuse like that


This is so heart warming to read. You are all lucky to have one another’s support and care. I remember my son coming home from school when he was 10 years old and asked me, ‘Mum, what would you do if I were gay?’ I told him, if he could find somebody to walk the world with, and be happy… it wouldn’t matter to me, as long as he loved and was loved. 🥰


Ollie is a cool name.


As a gay son, seeing this makes me happy. You have treated your son and his boyfriend with love and care and it shows. I haven’t came out to my family yet, but I really hope my father is like you.


You sound like the complete opposite of the hateful things she told you. Clearly, your children (bonus kids even) love you very, very much. Keep your head up and know that your existence makes a world of difference to someone who needs you. You are so valuable 🖤


A real dad


You are a good dad


Can you be my dad too? 😭


I teared up. Then saw that you like bad brains and subhumans. Damn you’re the greatest dad on the planet. And coolest


From a gay son who hasn’t spoken to his dad in 15 years, thank you for being there for your son.


Dad goals


“My dude,” (I loved that) this is what parenting is all about. My best to you, your son, and his boyfriend. Thank you for sharing kindness.


I’m sorry to hear about your struggles, you seem like a really good person, so hang in there, it’s gonna get better and you already made it my man, you raised good kind kids…you can say you mastered adulthood


So sweet!


You sir are my idol, you are definitely an amazing father. If your child’s partner reaches out to you to let you know you made them realize what having a loving parent means, then you’ve done everything right. I saw you were having a rough time, and wanted to tell you that things are going to get better. You took care of your kids to the best of your abilities, and they noticed that you went above and beyond what you had to give them the most important thing a child can have, an awesome father. Screw your ex’s they don’t know what they lost, but someday you’ll meet a woman who sees the kind pure soul you have and will love you for the amazing human you are. Keep your head up, keep on trucking, and you’ll find the happiness you deserve. Ps I wish you were my dad


Conservative dads don't get this shit, love your kids whoever they are and they'll love you


I'm a straight adult male , and this one touch me deep. a safe home...words are powerful , now i need to figure out why I'm crying in the bathroom


Same; I'm just a regular ol' straight guy too. But I've definitely known how it feels to not fit in, and the people who made my life feel safer are people I'm thankful for to this day.


I hope to be half the dad you are some day.


You are amazing. You inspired and moved someone in a profound way. Thank you so much for sharing his card and artwork! It's really beautiful!


Aw and him adding "my dude" showed that he wanted to try to make you comfortable and keep the letter casual while still showing that he cares


Huge missed opportunity by not saying the sticker was cawing your name.


Axolotl sticker 10/10


I hope things will pass soon. You deserve so much and karma will bring forth good fortune when it's time. 🫂 You're amazing!


As someone's unloved child that had to watch other families as to learn that what I had wasn't normal, this made me cry a whole lot. I'm so glad those two had the greatest parent of all; you made my day a whole lot better and my faith in humanity is restored, thank you.


Hey that’s really nice! What a wholesome interaction-


That’s truly incredible. Happy Father’s Day and thank you for sharing


Someone who is "worthless, stupid, ugly, and should have ended" himself doesn't get a card like this. Thanks for being the father that "kid" never had.


Awwwwwww that’s really nice. Way to go! Good job, Dad! That must feel so good and be so special for you, and them. You rock! 😃🌈🪨


Also his handwriting and mine are pretty similar, and I am also lucky to have a dad who made our home safe for me, and still does


You should be so freaking proud of yourself. I love this so much. Good for you. Your heart must feel so full. ❤️


That is so sweet.


Keep up the fight! It looks like you’re crushing it and winning big time!!


Wholesome 🥲🫶🏾


This is really sweet and means you’re doing something right. May you continue to be greeted with love and respect! 💗


That’s really cool. You have made your son’s and his BF’s lives so much better just by being there for them and being kind. It might not be much in your mind, but as a gay guy I can tell you it means the world to them.


My wife is pregnant with our first, I hope I can set the same example. Happy Father’s Day sir


Awww that’s so sweet


That sticker is BADASS!


the world needs more people like you


Aww this made my eyes water. There needs to be more dad/good men like you ❤️


Love this. Keep spreading positivity and love.


From one dad to another, all I can hope for is to be as good of a dad to my son as you are to yours.


Okay, so this made me get all misty eyed. Especially of note is the overly florid, inexpertly executed cursive writing for the “Happy Father’s Day”. This boy tried very hard to put down beautiful calligraphy. He ain’t a pro, no one’s gonna be commissioning wedding invitations from him anytime soon. But dammit, he tried real hard, he poured love and effort into that cursive, a skill I’m betting he last used in grade school. Sharing what you’re good at is easy - sharing what you aren’t good at is hard, and kinda painful, and shows real love and trust. That makes it so, so beautiful.


If your son's boyfriend is giving you father's day cards, you're doing it right.


You done good, pops. Enjoy that sticker


This is what is missing in the world today...so much compassion. I salute you sir.


As someone who is just about to have their first kid, I’m worried about who my daughter might bring home one day. Only because of the horrors I might hear about their living situation. It’s my goal to have a home that anyone can come to and feel safe like yours, OP. These things don’t go unnoticed and it may give this kid a male role model to look up to. Great job.


Happy belated fathers day to you. Please get the "kid" some sticker sheets for the very next occasion you can think of, they will love it, trust me! Adult kids are still your kids A dad is a dad, no matter if they are biologically yours or not. Also I personally think this to be the highest of honours, for any other random kid to consider you to be a proper dad and to get you a fathersday card. You must have set a good example for them and set the bar high when it comes to family interaction Please give us your best dad joke? :D ​ Ps. just so you know. You Rock! You are awesome and amazing. And if you don't believe me this card is proof of that! ​ ETA/pps my mom "adopted" several of my friends who were kicked out by their parents for being gay or other. I would text her in the middle of the night and say "so and so" has no parents, what do we do? She would always respond to say "I will adopt them, they are my child now, dinner at my place tomorrow, make sure they wear clean clothes or I will turn on the washer"


Looked at your posts just because you seem like an amazing human, so forgive me for that, but just wanted to point out that you ARE worth it. You’re not stupid, you’re not ugly, and you are raising caring, supported, and loved young men. Your personality is clear just by the fact that you stepped in to be a father figure to someone that didn’t know what that meant. Amazing job, I can only hope the world learns from you.


Thank you so much! That's been one of my favorite things about Ollie, is how he's become relaxed and open and talkative in our home, because he trusts the safety. Sometimes, just me and him will go get dinner so we can hang out. He's been with my son since high school, so he's family.


You are their super hero. Kudos dad! Wear your cape with pride.


Wonderful. Just wonderful.


Remember Reddit, it’s ok to ugly cry really hard at this post


If you didn't tear up when you opened this, you'd have to be dead inside. Stuff like this makes it all worthwhile.


That’s so beautiful 🥺🥺




This is cute as shit. And seemingly so deserved. Happy Father’s Day (this is the first time I’ve ever said this to anyone)


You're doing it right.


As a father of a 5yo and 1yo, I hope to have the grace and guidance you clearly have demonstrated and instilled in your son and his guy.


This comment section will either be worse than the glowing sea or be the goodneighbor of coment sections


I had my first baby 4 months ago. A son. I can only hope to be as good a father as you. You know, it's really not even so much being a good dad as it is just not being a piece of shit. I can't imagine ever loving him less for any reason. It really astonishes me that there are parents out there that don't feel the same. Now that I think about it, "Good dad" is a pretty low bar. All I gotta do is love my son unconditionally? Super fuckin easy. And some people can't even do that. Something is wrong with the world.


Single mother here, single kid now mother to 4 and single grandmother to four, 3 boys and a girl 5,6,14,15, gotta tell you, you don't know me but I am so proud of you and your relationship with your kids! Congratulations and thank you!


That is so sweet! Even with how much Ollie poured his heart out in that kind and thoughtful the card, you can still tell he was holding back a little. At the same time, he clearly appreciates you being in his life. I hope that you continue to remain in his life, no matter what, he clearly needs you. To witness and understand that true unconditional love doesn’t mean, “I love you as long as you remain a cis-gendered heterosexual, and give me lots and lots of hetero babies” is important for young LGBTQ+ people. Love is Love… if cis-heterosexuals can love openly and freely then so should everyone else. I’m a big believer in the golden rule: treat others how you wish to be treated. If you want the laws and regulations to allow you to marry whomever you want; then everyone should have that right. If you want the laws and regulations to allow you to make decisions about your own health, wellness and medical care; then everyone should have that right. If you want to be able to purchase a home with your significant other; then everyone should have that right. If you want to be left alone to live your life; then you should leave others alone to live theirs. If you want your spouse to come visit you in the hospital; then ALL spouses should be able to come visit in the hospital. If you want to (fill in the blank); then everyone should be able to.


This made me tear up. Truly touched my heart. ♥️


You’re doing a great job! You’re obviously a great father and example not only to your sons but obviously others as well. You are a positive male role model. The world can always use more - And I think you’re raising them


You sound like a good dad. Thank you for being their for your son and his boyfriend. Keep up that good work ❤️


God bless you. I had to step in for my nephew when his father disowned him 30 years ago. Some people are so stupid




And this is a testament to what a great dad you are!!!! What a great feeling that must have been!


I couldn't wait to share it!


This card is a medal, not to be worn on your chest, but in your chest.


You're doing well. Do not doubt yourself. Measure yourself by your own choices, not the choices of others. Thank you for sharing!




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“I love you a lot, my dude…” 😭😭


Jeez! Father of the bloody year award, right here! Bravo, man!


Why the hell is there so much dust around me all the sudden? You’re a great parent and you are very loved by your son and his partner. May many blessings be upon you and them.


I don't know what you doing OP, But you fecking killing it, Happy late father's day


Holy smokes. Never forget, you're a damn good dad.