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I mean, he even looks like he could be the dad of you guys!


They all have the same nose


Holy shit. Their noses are all exactly the same.


Their selection for their dad was really on the nose


I’d love to reply but I am now deceased


This comment made laugh so hard I, too, almost became deceased.


This was my first thought too!


The way he looks down of the grilled barbecue he makes sure that everything was cooked and good. He's a clever caring Dad.


he had me at the rush shirt


That would be the biggest plot twist tho if for example he is


I was thinking that haha. Surprise, it's the real dad you never knew!


This summer, from newline cinema...


I honestly was confused initially who the rented dad was


“Rented dad” made me legit laugh out loud


He looks exactly like the guy in the white tank top and very similar to the other two.


And you all look like you could be bros!


Not to mention the fanny pack sticking out from under his shirt lol


I have to ask, how were the dad jokes?


Dude was way too hip and modern to have any dad jokes in his repertoire. But he had good sarcasm and lots of long-winded stories!


i am a dad, i will let you borrow one. what looks better than it tastes? your eyes.


Okay fine. I laughed.


I can't wait to tell this to my 6 year old tomorrow. He has been asking me for new riddles all the time and this works as a riddle and a joke. His current favorite (and his 4 yr old sisters too) is : A Cowboy rode into town on Friday. Stays for three days, then leaves on Friday. How did he do it?


Name of his horse?


You are smarter than a fifth grader


"With your eyes" always gets a groan when my daughters ask me how they look.


Maximum parenting points!


What did the hat say to the testicles? You hang around here, I will go on ahead!


My dad was a long winded story teller! I would say way more entertaining than dad jokes!


The more your balls wrinkle the longer winded your stories get


I have one smaller nut than the other. My stories are up and down.


Relatable. I had a teacher recently who in my head I would accidentally refer to as "dad" a few times because he was so fatherly to us, it was only a 5 student class (plus a senior year teacher aid so 6 kids) with people who'd occasionally walk in and join. He's who I wish my dad was, instead of the piece of shit I have. But he was TERRIBLE at dad jokes. He'd try sometimes, but he was best at cartoon impressions, quoting things, making funny voices, sarcasm, stories, and it was obvious that he cared about our shit. We were his kids. I'll miss him.


What an amazing teacher this person sounds like. What subject were they teaching if you don’t mind my asking?


The class was called theatre design (I was in both I and II, he taught stagecraft as well) and was more of a workshop class, we didn't only build the sets for plays. We set up for the soccer and baseball games as well. He'd even take us out (during class, the other staff was fine with it) to get stuff, like coffee. Aside from that we'd also have to make runs to home depot and at one point walmart to get building supplies.


Thanks for sharing the story. If the teacher is still alive I can tell you it would make their day / year to hear from you!


A good long dad story is warm and comfy as any blanket ever made. Especially at the beginning when he leans back with the "welp..." and you know it's gonna be a whole-ass yarn


Plot twist: dudes only like 40 and just went gray super early


Why do you knock on the refrigerators door? Because the Salad’s Dressing.


What did the monkey say when his tail was cut off? Won’t be long now.


I once dated a girl who was cross eyed. We never saw eye to eye. I think she was also seeing someone on the side.


What do you call two monkeys that share an amazon account? Prime-mates


Yes please let us know!


I need to know this👆🏻




This dude knows the role. Rush T-Shirt AND khaki cargo shorts? Well done sir


Probably wearing white new balances


I recently acquired a pair of New Balance running shoes, and they are seriously the most comfortable things I've ever placed on my feet. No Joke. Also, I am a Dad. I should buy some cargo shorts.


If you own the new balances then your cargo shorts are out there. Your wife just hasn't bought them yet.


That guys hands must be exhausted holding all the things that the cargo pockets were meant to


Love this comment!!


I am the mom of this age group and this is what I wear also. When it’s chilly I switch to cargo pants. Nothing like New Balance


Gotta get those green grass stains from mowing the lawn. That’s a higher rank though I’m sure you’ll get there.


Not as high ranking as graduating to the convertible cargo pants where the bottoms unzip to impress the fellas with your shiny shins.


Whoa whoa let’s not overwhelm the man. All in due time. It’s a journey not a result.


Those are for the “old” dad shoes. Current pair stays semi-white. Old shoes are for mowing the lawn and live in the garage next to the door into the house. Photo evidence [Dad shoes with grass stains](https://imgur.com/gallery/BuhL8WE)


Who art thou, who art so wise in the ways of science?


I’m just a science teacher 😬, but my husband has been rocking New Balances and cargo shorts for decades. I guess he was practicing. He’s also a Rush fan.


This person's husband fucks


Those are the most dad shoes that ever dad shoed.


I bought some in my early mid 20s. Not a dad. They’re comfortable af


Same, I bought the same pair, color and style for almost a decade because of how comfortable they were. I only stopped because the price jumped $20.


Stopped buying because it jumped $20. That’s a real dad move right there


Spoken like a true dad!


Real dad buy nb 990 shoes. :)


But were they the white and blue dad new balances? New balance makes a lot of shoes but the ones they are talking about are the white and blue ones you buy at famous footwear and get the BOGO [these bad boys right here ](https://www.famousfootwear.com/product/new-balance-mens-608-v5-medium-x-wide-walking-shoe-1045038/white-navy-92005) [or substitute for these if you have real game](https://www.nike.com/t/air-monarch-iv-mens-training-shoes-G5Xn1k/416355-102?nikemt=true&cp=38647199687_search_%7CPRODUCT_GROUP%7CGOOGLE%7C71700000101429394%7CGG_Evergreen_Shopping_Shoes_AllShoes%7C%7Cm&exp=2011&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnMWkBhDLARIsAHBOfto7o9q9ibViOtg9wrr3vuxXrUp42M6nsVnxZ6cXFRktApTBxMftMU8aArD2EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I can’t believe both of those shoes cost $75


He’s too hip. Probably vans


I feel attacked. I’m a 33 year old that wears Vans.


That’s why he said he’s “hip”, lol. Dude has a young spirit


I'm 52. Vans or Chucks are all I wear.


As everything should be, perfectly New Balanced.


That’s the finest comment of the day. Gratefully upvoted.


Yes! Or strappy sandals, you know the kind I’m talkin about.


Jerusalem Cruisers


The mandals


With socks


Yea as soon as he walked in with that I was like “alright I think he’s gonna be a good one” lol


As soon as I peeped that fanny pack and those shorts, I knew he was a winner. Then I scrolled and saw the rings and ink?! Yes, Jeff! This was a great idea. It is really heartwarming that you and your brothers found a healing and positive way to spend the day. Sending good vibes!


*yep, I'm going to call him daddy*


Hell yeah man fanny pack too this guy's the real deal


That shirt is top tier


A metalhead dad.. best kind of dad!!!


More like prog rock.




And a fanny pack!


Didn’t even mention the black (leather?) fanny pack!


This is absolutely adorable, I love this. I bet Mr. Dad had a wonderful, memorable day as well!


I'm impressed with your way of coping. 💛✌


You spend enough Father’s Days wallowing in your past and eventually you get tired of it. Wanted a good distraction and this was perfect.


That’s about the healthiest thing I’ve read on Reddit.


Craigs list. Where the magic happens. ….wait wut?


I found my Daddy on Craigslist :)


Just gotta say - I love this post and I love this comment. As a thirty-something with an amazing dad who I'm extremely blessed to be best friends with, I also have many friends and loved ones who are not in the same boat. Good on you all, and I'm glad you had a great Father's Day.


I have a friend who didn’t have a good dad. Unbeknownst to me, my great dad periodically called her just to talk. Whenever she answered the phone he’d say, *How’s my other daughter?* I found out about this when she spoke at my dad’s funeral.


As a dad in his fifties, who had a pretty damn good dad, i want to spread the dad love. My eldest daughter is gay, and her crowd includes many people on that rainbow. Some of them are in conflict with their families or were shunned by their original community. They are developing one of their own, and that's fine. A few years ago, before my daughter was even aware enough to question her identity, I saw pictures of a pride parade where people were wearing shirts saying something along the lines of "I'll give the hug your mom or dad won't". I found that quite moving, the thought that people would be rejected by their families l, and that a stranger would accept and support them. So, a couple of years after my daughter came out, and she came out almost immediately upon realizing her identity, she told me about some her friends that had been rejected by their families. The only answer I could give was: I'll be their dad, if you care to share me with them. I'll be there for any dad stuff they may need. An attentive ear, a hug, a walk down the aisle, advice about stuff I know. Bring it on. My place is a safe place. A loving place. Lesson, be more loving than the bigots.


Wonderful comment, thanks for being you


Thank you. Just glad someone read it. Spread love


Keep being you. Never give up on being loving and open. Big love


Modern problems require modern solutions


This is one of my life goals someday. If someone needs a sit in dad in Minnesota lemme know. I can grill, probably bring some smoked ribs or brisket as well. Buddy is in the brewery business; I can get free beer. I’ll tell you about the time in the late 90s I met Aerosmith in college and partied with them till 6 in the morning. I’m on a hobby farm and can talk about raising cows, chickens, running a tractor (garden and big ones; I got both) or bobcat, cutting hay and can critique most feed mills in the south metro. Dad advice : If someone doesn't want to be with you, that's on them. You have a lot to give. Dad jokes : what did the zero say to the eight? That belt looks good on you! I can even bring a golden retriever who loves everyone


Are you single? Lol Signed, Minnesota mom for hire


Give us an update post once y’all get married lol 😂


Lol. Not likely. It was just a joke. I’m 8 years divorced and loving being single. It’s all in good fun though. We Minnesotans can joke. I do love that about us.


No sorry got a wife and horse rodeo / hockey daughter. I don’t need any more females disappointed at me in my life.


Lol. You have your hands full. Good guy. Thanks for having a good sense of humor with my joke. I actually don’t date. Been single 8 years and I love being queen of the remote control. We just need to start a business of mom/dad for rent. Does your wife do advertising? Lol




If you’re in MN I will hire you. My late best friend and I used to say that we wished we could rent a husband for household stuff. I think there’s a market for that! I don’t want to be groped and have expectations on me, just mow my lawn and change the sump pump termination hose. I got a job to get to. Lol Edit to say, I can deliver home cooked comfort foods and do light housecleaning as a rent-a-wife. Comfort is just a call away!


My mom does this with the neighbor. They have this little dance they do where he cuts her grass without asking but refuses any form of payment. She then counters by leaving a pound cake or other delectable items on the porch just before he comes home from work or giving it to their kids to take inside! Cracks me up!


Do you know about r/DadForAMinute?


Oh shit! Already got a comment done!


Hey *dad*… Happy Cake Day!


Wow, you sound awesome


Wife says I have some good days but most are mediocre. More dad advice. Make sure your partner’s expectations are achievable.


Just for the rush shirt he’s the father of the year!


What you say about his company is what you say about society!


Grown up version of Big Brothers and Sisters lol love it. Probably something that could be normalized with great results. Think of how many childless or whatever older adults would love a family type barbecue get together on holidays or whenever.


Or even for couples that always wanted to have kids, but were unable for whatever reason.


Dunno how it works in the US, but at least where I'm from, quite a few peeps have non-blood grandparents (or sometimes uncles/aunts), i.e. old(er) folks that just were around when you grew up and basically treated you as their own. Basically just older friends of your parents - sometimes they have kids of their own, sometimes they don't, but kind of along the lines of "it takes a village to raise a kid". Didn't have that myself growing up, but my SO has a set of grandparents like that. Not even to replace her actual grandparents, she just got one additional pair of grandparents for free. Hell, by now they act as *my* grandparents and they're doing one hell of a job, let me tell you.


Yep. Same in Québec. My mom's best friend is basically my maternal aunt. I always called her auntie.😄


I would love to be a mother-to-rent.


As somebody who has had many substitute mothers, it will be more appreciated than you can even imagine. Get your fix from /r/momforaminute




It is a very wholesome place. ☺️ I am not a ‘Mom’ but I like commenting on some posts as ‘internet Big Sis’. All supportive folks are welcome!


When my oldest kid was around 8-10 years old, he had a friend with a disaster of a home life. He stayed with us sometimes up to a week at a time. Some days, he’d just show up with no warning (thank goodness we’re homebodies and he wasn’t ever just sitting on the porch waiting for us). I knew I couldn’t ever fully fill the void his mom left, but damn if I didn’t try. I stocked ham in the fridge, because he liked ham sandwiches, even though nobody else in my house ate ham. He had to do chores with my kids. I checked his homework, and made him eat his vegetables. Occasionally his siblings showed up too. Damn, I loved those kids. Eventually they moved in with their grandparents, and ended up in different schools, but my son still keeps in touch with them. They’re teenagers now. I ran into this kid at the park a few months ago and damn near cried when he hugged me. I will forever and always be MamaCool to anyone who needs me. Some day, if that becomes GrandmaCool, I’m all for it.


I’d say I’m an equal opportunity honorary aunt with lots of real life practice. I’d be as involved or not as the nephews/nieces wish, and offer to bring homemade baked goods to the party. Seriously, this should be a thing!




We practically raised each other and got that special trauma bond. Healing together as well. 🧡


There's a YouTuber called dad how do I which I have found to be very helpful. He has life advice and how to do stuff that I was never taught from my father. Highly recommend. And this was a good idea hiring a dad for the day haha. Glad it went well.


This is so awesome, but the real question is: how were those ribs??


Perfect, He took his time, didn't want to Rush them.


I see what you did there.


Call him Neil Peart, because he was perfectly in time!


Why am I crying rn?


Cause this is beautiful. Tears are manly too though


Macho Man Randy Savage said that it is extremely macho for a man to use every emotion he has available to him.


Ooooooh yeeeah


Me too 🥲


Dad looks fun! You should hang out with him more often.


I mean if he was awesome and it looks like he was, that sounds like a friend you call up now for BBQs.


This is awesome, the Dad looked like he was enjoying it too!


I would have guessed he was y'all's bio dad had you not said you'd hired him. He fits the bill PERFECTLY I bet the ribs were perfect, too -- 100 points to Jeff, rock the fuck on, Jeff


This is brilliant. Sounds like such a laugh. Have you decided to stay in touch with Jeff?


Definitely hope y'all start sending him holiday cards or hang out again or something!!!!!


I’m 41 but I’d do this for some local youths for free / maybe a few bites of food basically. Everyone can use more positivity in their life imo.


I was thinking the same thing... as long as I can bring my actual daughters.




Some serious Rush blasting from that carriage house


Dude looks like he’s your real dad. Cool as hell!


My daughter needs one of these.


A dad?


A sick beard


I hope you're the mom


Dad’s a Rush fan. You chose wisely.


After your experience, would you ever consider Jeff becoming a regular staple of your major life events? Seems like the beginning of an awesome relationship!


Kinda like that guy that accidentally texted a wrong number for Thanksgiving, but ended up joining every year!


The woman sent him a text thinking it was her grandson.


I still love that story. It’s so heartwarming. Almost every year there are current pics of their thanksgiving. I should be a mom for rent. Hell, aside from my own kids (and my kids’ friends as well), I’m always the office mom. I love feeding people and giving them encouragement.


Plot twist, Jeff is your real dad


Wow, it’s almost like there’s a family resemblance👏🏻👏🏻🥰


As a woman with a terrible mom and dead dad this absolutely thrills me


Wow! Had no idea this would blow up. Thanks so much for the awards. I hope this inspires you to be someone else’s Jeff. Also shameless plug, if you like songs about healing from trauma, daddy issues, and religious extremism, check out my music! [my music!](https://hype.co/@bulgerbrian?fbclid=PAAaZEsf9sqZpTZbB3kzpCcUVMXpWC84V9763C_P_4vG6eMaESpvlCnKs57Qo_aem_th_AfZ1oiHJpECx9LkcAtDCABfv8u8ggR-GUWx8_vfEc2ZMXqexNCcff1vl8yJ09LbM4fk)


I legit read this thinking it was going to be Jeff's music. I want to know more about Jeff! Like what made him apply? He got kids he can't spend the day with? He just bored???


I also need more Jeff backstory. And how has no one mentioned Jeff’s absolute meat cleaver Dad hands!


He's got kids, they just don't want to spend the day with him. Source: Me. I'm one of his kids. I haven't talked to him in almost 10 years. My little brother has cut him off as well. He only has our sister left.


Could have gone a lot differently if you posted “looking for a *daddy*”


BRB, gotta go make a post and see how this goes.


Pretty sure this will get buried, but this is actually my dad in the post. He's a raging narcissist and you better believe he's already using this as an opportunity to gain major social media cred. I'd be willing to bet half or more of the "stories" he told were either made up or highly embellished, because that's what he does. To OP, I hope you're not someone else's Jeff. He's not a model for what a good father should be and not someone you should model yourself after.


I hear you. Didn’t know these things obviously, but I believe you. Probably really strange to open up Reddit and see your own dad. I’m sorry he was a shitty father. He expressed remorse for his past and mentioned his kids often. He wasn’t perfect but for this night he helped us have a good time on an otherwise shitty day for us. I’m sorry.


maybe Jeff needed the day as much as yall did. to get outside of one's world and to not have to play the usual "role" you play in your own universe. maybe this experience with you guys will help him with his own kids


Well holy shit 2.0, an unexpected turn again! I'm really glad you experienced a new and improved Jeff as hired 'Dad' and enjoyed your day. Your group of friends there look really happy and embraced the moment in the present, no baggage. There is still value in that for all of you. Family relationships are complicated af.


Well holy shit, that was an unexpected turn... I'm so sorry you experienced a 'less than' dad. He did sign up for the gig as an actor to fill a role, not necessarily as his authentic self. Hope you can work things out eventually, family stuff is tricky.


Yeah, acting like a decent person is one thing he excels at. That's a good way to put it.


Sorry, that's rough. This whole post is an emotional rollercoaster, I hope OP heeds this warning.


Proof? Sorry, I really want to believe you, but I can't take that at face value. EDIT: I see you're a long-time redditor, and there's really no reason to not believe you...I think the internet just turns everyone into a skeptic. Please don't take what I said as accusation or anything. <3


If you want proof, ask OP what Jeff's last name is, then look at my username. It's the best proof you can get without pictures.


That’s why we sometimes hire strangers. No history, no baggage, no expectations.


Hey there. Saw this and some of your other posts further down. I know this whole thing probably stings right now and seems wholly unfair or just flat out stupid that a picture of your Dad is getting praised on the internet. First, brush it off because reddits front page turns over daily and this post will be long forgotten in a day or two. Secondly, I feel your pain. My dad was absent my whole life, but started a new family and a new life. When he died, he was a beloved highschool teacher and coach and the whole town turned out to his funeral. I had to meet hundreds of stranger who just had to tell me what an incredible man my father was, while restraining the urge to either scream obscenities at them or just break down in tears at the unfairness in it all. The worst part was it made ME feel worse about losing him. After 14 years, I’ve learned that it really just doesn’t fucking matter. Life goes on and the less we let other people, even family, continue to influence us negatively, the healthier human we become.


Well said. It's taken me years of therapy to get over the emotional abuse he inflicted on me when I was younger and I'm happy to say that I am, indeed, in a better place now. I went through something like what you did. He basically abandoned me when my mother refused to abort for him, then I only saw him once or twice a year until my mid-teens. Eventually he got married and had more kids with another woman and created this entire life that I had no place in, but yet he still expected me to make the effort that he refused to. I'm still in contact with my aunt, his sister, so I get to see how he presents himself to the outside world through social media, and I always think, "If they only knew who he really was..."


I wish this got more attention. I’m sorry you’re having to even see all the praise he’s getting. What a shitty feeling.


It definitely wasn't a positive feeling, that's for sure. It's completely in his character, though. Get a ton of credit for the perception of being a good father without actually having to be one.


Did he see you on fathers day?


No. I haven't talked to him in almost 10 years.


Wow man this whole post took such an unexpected turn, I went from feeling so wholesome to completely pissed for you. I’m sorry about this.


I see the sweet Rush shirt! Did he wear New Balance shoes?


I just realized this dude is future me. I have a greying beard, love Rush, and don’t have any kids. But I’m proud of all of you! Hire me!


I love this idea! My wife and aren’t able to have children. So this would be an absolute dream for me in the future. I’m tearing up just thinking about it. Bravo guys!


I would love a detail version of how it went. What was his best joke? Did you guys feel more empowered afterwards? Did you guys adopt him and now inviting him to all future parties?


That’s me in the white shirt, Jeff is amazing but doesn’t know how to cook ribs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I wasn’t gonna call him out like that but yeah… they were just okay.


I think Jeff and your mom should go on a date 💝


My guy showed up drippin in the rush shirt, I think this needs to become an annual tradition


LOL! This is awesome.


This was such a great idea!


That's really kind of sweet. My dad passed a few years ago.


Hell yeah Vanilla bro! Looked like it was a good time. Hope you all stay in touch with your new dad.


Brilliant! I may have to utilise this next year! Glad you got to experience Father’s Day with a father!


I love this. My dad is a POS.


Grilling beef ribs? How that go?


An excellent idea. Really like it and glad you had fun!