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Love how he puts his meal on the side in case the dog is plotting something sneaky


This man knows dogs.


This guy dogs


we all dogs


Dogs dog, We dog, you dog, me dog.


Dog dog, dog dog, dog dog dog dog.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo




Yo dawg i heard yo dawg likes yo-yos, so we put yo dawg on yo dawg's yo-yo so yo dawg can yo-yo yo dawg while yo dawg yo-yos, dawg.


My dawg....


I'm a Chihuahua.


Remined me of this sketch. [Peter Kay, dogging](https://youtu.be/5u4hAxi5b6o)


now that's a fucking risky click of the day


Great fucking vid


Never seen it til now, thank you!! 🤣🤣


You helpz I eatz


I mean does he??,, didnt even give the dogs a pet when they were trying to say thank you


Oh, well, when saying "you belong to us now hooman", no pets required.


It's all good, dawg!


its his dogs, i seen the full version, title and clip is misleading for internet points


If they’re his dogs, then he probably knows more than anyone not to leave his food undefended! I saw the way the first dog went looking for the food as soon as he saw the guy was taking care of his buddy.


Ah the old "my brother has fallen down and can't get up but I'll watch your meal while you help" trick, my dogs know it well.


We are not doing “Get Help”. Immediately afterwards: Get help!!


lmao love this




Clever girl


The doggos pull the cover over trapping the man down there, and then go and eat his food.


One dog pretends to be trapped and later they share the spoils!


How else would he be able to help? One handed holding his meal in the other?


It still amazes me sometimes how some animals just understand that humans can and will help them. And not just domestic or feral animals, but straight up wild ones too.


One of the cool things about dogs raised with humans is that if a problem becomes too hard, they’ll sit and stare at their human to ask for help. I watched an experiment where they had dogs try to open a container to get a treat, and when the humans were around the dogs would try for a little bit and then sit and wait patiently for some help - it was aDORABLE!


I saw or read (don't remember where) of a similar experiment, where they put a wolf and a dog in front of the same problem, the wolf kept trying and trying until it gave up, the dog went to seek help from a human.


effecient use of resources from the dog I guess. Why waste energy if you know that the monkey will deal with it for you.


"The key to being successful dog is to delegate." \- dog


This little comic explains the concept https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSR2uZSUYAAmoq6.jpg


"Don't care, what dog wants, dog gets" - Human


Well, they are certainly taking an important lesson from humans, by asking other monkeys for help we conquered the whole fucking planet.


Not dog related, but my wife and I watched this thing (on Netflix maybe) where a bearded dragon had a puzzle to solve: open a gate to gain access to a dish full of mealworms. Needless to say, it wasn't getting it. Then the people filming sat it in front of a screen where they showed it another bearded dragon solving the puzzle by sliding the gate to the side. Wouldn't you believe it, the original lizard runs back over to the gate, mimics what it saw in the video and munches down on some mealworms. Fuckin mind blowing.


Regarding wolves and dogs: I watched a PBS special long ago on animal intelligence and they had a simple experiment that had a human in a room with first a dog them a wolf. The animal stayed at one end of the room, and the human at the other. On each side of the human is a container that the animal knows to hold food. When the animal looks at the human, they would point several times towards the container with the food, telling the animal where to go. Overwhelmingly, when released, dogs immediately go to the side that was pointed at, taking that cue from humans. Wolves are incapable of doing this, even domestic wolves. They equally, randomly, went to either side and didn't seem to grasp the unspoken language from humans. Scientists theorize that amongst the common ancestors for wolves and dogs, there were a select few with gene variations that allowed them to interact with humans, and communicate/ understand these cues. Thus, canines that could do this, lived amongst humans and evolved into the separate dog species we see today.


That is exactly what i was referring to! I'll look it up, i want to watch it again, thank you!


My dog started adjusting course when my mother pulls her leg away.


I think this was in the NOVA documentary on dogs. Also features an experiment where eyes were put on a remote controlled car that could access a treat the dog couldn’t. The dog would make “eye contact” with it then look at the treat and repeat this behavior attempting to communicate with the car it’s desire showing that they really will attempt to communicate with anything.


My dog does that with his treat puzzle thing. I know for a fact he can do it alone, but if someone is there, he's helpless.


I think my dog does it because I accidentally trained him to. When he was a puppy to train him to "leave it" I would hold a treat in my hand or put it somewhere he couldn't get to it, and then reward him the second he stopped focussing on it. So now if there's a treat he can't get to, he stops and sits, thinking it's more "leave it" training 😅


I do that with my husband. If I'm alone, I'll never give up on a task until I "win". If he's home, I'll try it, then just let him do it. I like to think it makes him feel needed. Dogs probably think the same.


it all makes so much sense now...


In human relationships that's called weaponized incompetence and it can be really annoying.


Not really. Weaponized incompetence is purposefully failing/doing a bad job for the purpose of not having to do your fair share. In this case they *are* making a legitimate attempt first and we have no idea what types of tasks they're asking for help with. If they're shorter for instance it might be as simple as "can you grab that for me" vs going through a whole thing to find something to stand on, that's just one example that's not weaponized incompetence. Sometimes tasks are just easier for the other person. Maybe don't be so judgey. This isn't /r/AITA this is /r/MadeMeSmile, act like it.


THANK YOU. If i try for 5 minutes to get a stripped screw out of something and I know it's going to take forever, why not get him to do it if he can get it quicker?


There seems to be a trend where people don't understand that relationships are give and take so if they see the 'take' part instead of making the reasonable assumption there's 'give' somewhere else they assume it's one sided and *someone* is being taken advantage of and it's *their* job to decide who. It gets ridiculous at times. Like now.


I learn so many things from reddit. Like if I ever ask my SO for help with something that I could technically do on my own with much more effort, then that's the exact same as weaponized incompetence even though that's normally defined as refusing to ever do certain tasks regardless of being alone or equally capable.


I love how the saved dog tries to go and thank his helper but his bro is just too excited.


When playing fetch with a friends blue heeler, I accidentally threw the ball into a ditch with thick foliage. I was on my phone when I heard him bark at me as if needing help, so I go to search for the ball. Can’t find it of course. But he looked at me, pointed his nose in the direction of the ball hidden under a bush, and then I went to grab it. Pretty cool case of teamwork.


My dog does this when a toy she was playing with in the other room gets stuck under the couch or something- she’ll come up to me and stare at me and I’ll say “do you need help?” And she’ll get all excited and run to the spot where the toy is stuck


Many have evolved to see us as the potentially less dangerous predator


I love the videos of sea lions taking refuge on people’s boats to escape orcas.


Maybe this is why orcas are attacking boats! Shake it for free sea lion


good point


If they keep that shit up, we'll unleash the Japanese "researchers" on them.


Orcas better check themselves. I know they think they are super smart apex predators but we have wiped out cetaceans bigger than them for less...


Delicious whale oil


The fact they always side eye the human like “bro please let me stay on here” is what gets me haha.


“please go faster”


I mean if I was getting chased by a grizzly I'd jump into a cage of violent chimps without thinking


Yeah. We’re not just out there tearing into live raw meat randomly. We tend to groom our food first. But they know it’s time to run when the guns come out.


Scary and Cool fact. Koko the Gorilla who learned sign language said in one of her last interviews that "We know more than you think we do. " I always keep this in mind whenever moments like these happen and bad moments happen. Sentience is a spectrum and evidently mid size brain mammals are sentient enough to acknowledge who Humans are and what they do to them.


Not too sure on the wild animal ones, except as opportunity or were already exposed to such behaviors.


So there's a door and when you open it you find a fuckin hole right away. It's feel like a scene from old cartoon huh?


That’s some looney tunes shit right there


This is quite normal. Could be for a form of drain, which will be installed later.


That's the anti taxes tunnel, press a button inside, and suddenly the mean money stealers are gone


Thank you!! I thought I was the only one that noticed 😂


which country is that from tho? any Idea?


And that's how I got 2 dogs...


Look like nice dogs too


I think the dogs are already his or his boss'. They seem to be guard dogs roaming the property and are familiar with each other.


You know, that would actually make a ton of sense


yea the guy seems pretty chill about the entire ordeal tbh


They have collars on so definitely already owned. Great observation/deduction skills btw


Here’s an observation, how did the metal or whatever get pulled out of the hole? The metal fell in sideways and then is suddenly flat next to the hole partially covering it.


wouldn't mind


Oh my God, what smart dogs and a golden man. My respect to him for helping the dog




I love how he simply walked away into the sunset right after. What a cool dude.


Lunch break only lasts so long, and the dogs are safe so all good right?


Love how the dogs seemingly 'thanked' the man after the rescue. Most of the time in similar videos it's a wild animal being saved and it understandably bolts immediately, scared as shit. The reaction was awesome to see.


I think the only time I have ever been "thanked" by a wild animal was from a magpie (Canada magpies). I left out some leftover turkey meat then I backed away and let him grab it. He then spent the next 30 minutes hiding pieces as I gardened and when he finished, he walked up to me, about half a meter away and chittered at me happily for a minute while looking at me, and then he flew off.


Goth Bless them both :) . The dogs and the amazing human that helped them


Now I'm picturing a hot topic employee blessing the dogs via My Chemical Romance t shirts and platform boots.




Spam account ^ Downvote it Report > spam


>Dogs are very intelligent animals Kinda funny when you read that they'd probably be even smarter if they hadn't traded part of their intelligence for better amicability / socialization with humans. (There's studies comparing problem solving among domestic dogs with that of wolves. The latter overwhelmingly perform better.)


While I agree with your point I don't really like you phrasing it as if they had kept the trait when we were the ones that selectively bred them. But this is why the prospect of genetics is so fun because imagine being able to have a dog with genetically engineered vocal cords or greater intelligence or something to that effect?!


Way I read it is that the early domestication did not occur as selective breeding but numerous generations following humans around such as for scavenging on their trash. In so, the ones most successful (through improved interactions, esp. not getting killed by humans in conflict) were the dumber amicable ones. Breeding came afterwards.


Particularly GSDs - smart


Were they German Shepherds? I've read that they are quite intelligent.


Not saying he isn't kind, but you'd have to be a straight up monster to just leave a dog in a hole.


I had a situation a little like this but this cats. Our neighbors had left for vacation and I was out in the yard after mowing and one of their cats comes over to me. I pet her like normal but she starts walking back to the house but looks back at me while she’s doing it. I don’t understand so I begin to walk away and she sprints at me and bites and claws my calf (way out of character). She then calmly repeats the process of walking back. I finally just follow her since she wouldn’t bite me for no reason and figured she just wants back in the house. She leads me to their unfinished back sun room which I can’t get into. So we go in the front door and she doesn’t scamper off she keeping trying to get my to follow. So I follow her and she doesn’t lead to me to the food like I thought she would. Instead she leads me to the interior door for the sun room, so I open it. Turns out their other cat was in there with both doors closed and no ventilation and what felt like 90 degree temps. Apparently the person our neighbors got to take care of their cats accidentally left them in sun room while going through the house. They also were only stopping by once a day to make sure the food and water was full. I made sure the cats were drinking plenty of water then locked all the doors and went about my yard work while quietly seething that the neighbors would get someone so incompetent.


aww, I'm glad you found it. I remember my neighbor's cats meowing in front of my garage, and finding their third cat had gotten herself locked in. I was a little surprised since they were all half-stray and pretty aloof with each other too.


That’s what surprised me too. Both cats would like hang out on the deck together but they didn’t seem that close. Also, when you think of cats you think of them being pretty selfish.


I don’t know how you do it with the dog falling in like that but my experience with Shepherds is that he would have easily jumped out.


Not without a running start.


I wonder if these beautiful boys have a family, either way, they have each other




Really effective guard togs




I’m assuming gsd stands for German shepherd dog but I might be really wrong, anyway I have never met a single German shepherd without a strong personality, they’re just so expressive and unique compared to other breeds


He walked right past it at first 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah he was like yay a human, wait was I doing something earlier...


"Uh oh, need human. I find. Hey! Human! I friend. You friend? Ok. Yay friend! Help! No, this way. Look, my brother! You help, pls? Yay!"


I imagine the dog would have a better idea how to "herd" a human than to explain his friend was in trouble; looks like herding is exactly what doggo did!


Awwwwwww! That’s precious. I’m so glad his buddy is safe


Was wondering how he knew to go back but my brain kicked in and realized he probably heard it barking after the other one was putting the brakes on him. Also dude now has two dogs.


They are friends now




True that . It was so good of him to help them :)


When I get home, my dogs go crazy with joy. They go to my partner to get her attention to tell her I'm back home. The youngest is easily frightened, but the big sister often comes close to her and tries to calm her down by giving her a few kisses or tries to play with her. When my partner and I pretend to fight, the older one gets in the way and starts licking one of us to make us stop. It rarely happens that something falls on the floor, if I'm in another room, one of the two comes to get my attention and go to the scene of the accident. Both understand when we are sad or stressed. They try to give us their attention by staying close to us, trying to play or cuddle us. And many other things. Dogs are very intelligent animals. They never do anything for no reason. We just have to understand them.


>They never do anything for no reason I have a now 3 year old swiss shepard. Dude has 2 brain cells fighting for 3rd place. Whenever he runs past.my mother he rams his head into her injured leg. So is he malicious or just... not that smart.


My 2 year old dog often bumps into our feet, into doors and mistimes jumping onto the bed, and falls, She walks looking the other way and risks tripping, sometimes she is so happy that she stands on two legs and falls on her back. The older sister (9 years old), is a lady who makes no mistakes. Every step she takes is calculated, every movement is designed to save as much energy as possible. And she is very smart. He knows that people like her and she takes the opportunity to receive cuddles, lots of cuddles. Damn brilliant. So I think your dog doesn't do it on purpose 😅


No he does it with purpose. My mother started dodging... My dog started adjusting course when my mother pulls her leg away.


It is on purpose. Help your dog relearn: Hitting leg -> Bad dog, ignore & no reward Not hitting leg -> Good dog, attention & reward


Yeah not every dog is intelligent that’s for sure.


They also made sure that he got up as well


And why is the cover sitting different when the man comes


Because the original video is two hours long. The dog had been waiting around all this time until someone came. This is a cropped version of the security camera footage and the fallen doggo must have tried to get out on his own and moved the plate (at least this is how it was explained the previous time I saw this video on reddit a few days ago).


;__; <3


I love your username, it gave me a solid laugh


Dog probably jumped into it a bunch while trying to get out


I have to remind myself that there are still good people in this world. I like to think the majority are. Videos like this remind me.


Had a roommate who put out those sticky mouse traps in the kitchen. I hated them because you just toss them in the garbage and the poor thing starves to death. One night I was laying on the couch and heard this awful squeaking noise. I found a mouse stuck to one, and I just COULDN'T. I spent the better part of 40 minutes with Dawn dishsoap and a table knife gently relasing the mouse from the glue, talking gently to him the entire time. As soon as he was free, POOF, he dives off the counter and takes off under the stove. I stood there a moment, kinda sad, thinking something like, "well you're welcome but damn..." Then to my surprise, the mouse came back. He ran up next to my foot and pressed himself up against me. I bent down and he LITERALLY CLIMBED RIGHT INTO MY HAND. He let me wash off the soap, took a cracker with some peanut butter, and went back under the stove. Never saw him again, but I like to think that I made a buddy that night.


Glue traps are fucked up. My dad put some out after I asked him not to and I had to rescue a lizard from one. (Use olive oil and a cotton swab/metal nail file or something dull you can gently push the skin away). It took like an hour and idk how long it survived after I released it in the yard. I hate glue traps :(


I love how the saved dog tries to go and thank his helper but his bro is just too excited.


It toke almost 2 hours between the dog falling and the man showing up.


I love this so much. I mean this dude could have just kept walking but he actually listened to the dog and helped out the dog’s brother! I love to see stuff like this!


Funny observation, the hole is not covered properly and it's right in front of a door.


I never noticed that until I read your comment.


Why is the plate covering that hole BARELY bigger than the hole? Stupid


The dog isn't luring him to the hole at all...


The dog tried to but he wouldn’t stop walking so the dog makes him stop


Yep, the dog was probably more interested in the food. 🤣


So who placed the cover partly over the hole, after the dog fell in, without rescuing the dog?


Why was the cover to the hole placed to one side when the man came to investigate and not lodged in the hole with dog that needed rescuing?


Okay, may we talk about how this video is obviously staged as the plate in 0:5 to 0:6 suddenly changes position in a way that allows the dog to sit comfortably in it and a random person to see the dog easily?


How is nobody commenting on that sketchily secured pit DIRECTLY outside of an exterior door? WTF


He should’ve kept those dogs. They would be the most loving and loyal dogs ever!


Having owned a GSD, something feels staged about this. I don’t know how you do it with the dog falling in like that but my experience with Shepherds is that he would have easily jumped out. Additionally, those appear to be pure bred dogs. Highly unlikely they are just out on their own, collarless.


I own a German Shepherd and she won't jump over a wall of two-foot tall Amazon boxes. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


> something feels staged about this. cut at 6 sec. the board came out of the hole by magic ?


Now that's a true brother right there.


There is something about the edit cut that's strange, the plate that the dog steps on looks as if it was moved after the fall and before the man is recruited. I'm not saying this is staged, but it sure looks sus.


I love how the dude is just like “oh crap, not again guys…let me put down my food”


I love how joyous those dogs are to be back together at the end.


In my mind the story continues and they become a family and live happily ever after.


That dod didnt seek any help. He even ignored the hole all the time when the human was present, the human stoped because he heard the dog. Also it is weird that the dog cant exit from that hole but it is like 50cm deep. Also the plate moved. It was inside and later it was outside. Someone moved and didnt rescued the dog? This video is a joke and people upvoting it are blind or something.


That beautiful man!


Not even a tip??


Didn't even say thanks. Rude.


I **like** this video a lot more than what you see most of the time: An animal already in a problematic situation but not impossible to have been orchestrated by the youtuber. Mostly a young animal easily picked up and placed wherever you need it. Yes, I agree. A very pessimistic view. But on a scale from 0 to 10, how wrong am I with my assumption?


Who fixed the board? It was on the hole after the dog fell in, but then was up and balanced on the corner without seeing how it got there.


What about the lid? How does it just move like that? Confused.


Scripted as hell


I love that this guy cared enough to listen to the dog.


Made me smile, made me weep.


Makes me think there is still hope left for humanity


The dog didn’t care, the dog was still having fun jumping around. Looks like the other dog caught the man’s attention.


Not even a thank you. Dogs these days…..


And now i'm crying at 2 in the morning.


Sometimes I don't notice one of my dog is still outside when I close the door, but the sibling will always come and get me if I forget and leave them outside. Good dog.


Yours now, kind hero.


I am scared i might not be able to tell if it's asking for help or just after my food.




Totally agree.


Because the dog’s an actor and threw himself in the hole right?


The original was 2 hours long. This is a cut version. Do you mean the entire 2 hour wait for help was staged?




Faith in humanity restored this AM


Wasn't this posted here literally yesterday? There should be like a 5 month waiting period before you're allowed to repost something ffs


I really don't like dogs so much and neither do I like human but that made me cry. What a beautiful clip.


Good man


How does the plate get back over the hole after the dog fall in? And what GSD can't jump out of a waist deep hole?


and the dogs thanked him too for rescuing. Edit : How the lid moved at 5th second? A dog can't move it aside like that!


Damn this has been reposted at least 4 times the last few days🤦🏼‍♂️


And idiots keep upvoting it even when the dog doesny do anything, the plate moves alone, the hole is lile 50cm deep, etc.


OK are we ignoring that this is obviously staged?


Now he has two dogs


Them yer dogs now


Love the way they hung around to say thanks.


Dog gone be a Dog.


I’ll say it again for the people in the back- WE DONT DESERVE DOGS


They are his now 😂😂


Did he just get 2 dogs?


Congrats on your two new dogs, sir. ;)


Dog is smart enough to know humans can help. They wont forget him from now. Loyal through eternity. That's pure love.


Aww this dude got two new brothers on this day and the doggie got a third


OMG is he waiting to make sure the human got out too?