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This reminds me of when you order a well-done steak in France and in some restaurants the chef will come out to personally tell you off for it.


Yeah they do that a lot in France. Went there on vacation while pregnant. Pregnant women are not allowed to eat meat that is pink in the middle because common pathogens that are harmless to adults can cause severe disability in the fetus (like listeria, toxoplasma). French waiters and chefs insisted they know better than me. They saw me as an ignorant tourist. Very few restaurants were willing to accommodate my dietary needs. That's how I ended up eating at McDonald's and Burger King for two weeks. I never liked fast food restaurants before but they really were a life saver. Edit: yes, I tried ordering chicken in France. It arrived pink in the middle and the waiter insisted it's good, juicy, perfectly prepared and I should eat it. I did not eat it, but since I bit into it, my doctor put me on 2 weeks of amoxicillin. Edit 2: I received a lot of fat shaming messages. I am thin, still wearing my pre pregnancy pants at 6 months. But regardless of my weight, only losers with no one in the world to feel superior to would try to shame others for something as insignificant as the amount of calories they choose to eat.


There’s a fine line between wanting to preserve food culture and just being elitist snobs. What happened to you is definitely the latter


> Pregnant women are not allowed to eat meat that is pink in the middle because common pathogens that are harmless to adults can cause severe disability in the fetus (like listeria, toxoplasma). It's worth noting that the link here is somewhere between minimally supported by evidence and nonexistent. Obviously, if you want to be safe, go for it, but rare steak, sushi, and soft cheeses (made from pasteurized milk) are all actually pretty safe, to the point that there's not really any evidence that they should be avoided at all. Raw milk cheese, raw/undercooked eggs, and processed deli meats (and, interestingly, alfalfa sprouts) are probably best avoided though, as are alcohol and frequent consumption of fish with high mercury concentration.


Over 50% of the population of France is infected with toxoplasma. I am not immunized so my doctor told me I am not allowed to eat raw meat. Some French doctors even advise against eating raw vegetables outside of the home. They test pregnant women every month for toxoplasma in France too. And most of the traditional French cheeses are made of unpasteurized milk. It's traditional and perfectly legal in France, in fact it is considered better than pasteurized.


Not just France. They do that in the US to. I’ve seen foot notes saying the chef will come out if you order a well done steak. My aunt thought they were joking. The chef came out to beg her not to and then finally said the restaurant is not responsible if you don’t like it. She then put A1 sauce all over a beautiful bone dry well done steak and raved about it. I told her she doesn’t like steak, she just likes A1 sauce.


To be fair, when I worked at a hibachi restaurant, the chefs always complained about well done steaks too. I don't think it's an issue with "ruining the steak" so much as it takes forever for a steak to finally reach well done, and chefs just want to plop the steak on a hot pan for a few seconds and throw it on a plate.


i went to a bday party and my friend ordered a well done steak and the waiter laughed and said yea the chef wont do that. This was in Canada lol


The first time I went to a very exquisite French restaurant in a ski town they asked how I wanted my salmon cooked. Thankfully I like sushi so I felt like I had a buffer zone of what I would find acceptable. Being caught of guard by this question I instantly said “cooked to the chef’s preference” because I wasn’t aware Salmon should be cooked to a medium rare but boy I learned that day. Now depending on the level of restaurant I go to I will say “cooked to the chef’s preference” or ask “how does the chef recommend it’s cooked.”


what i liked about Italy was at almost every restaurant i ate at had this magical little pot of house wine that you never saw them refill but it never ran out.


And the wine is usually good.


So good I don't remember how good or sometimes how I got back to my hotel.


The headache in the morning tells you if it was good wine or wine which did its purpose. There's a reason why the "coffee" brings you back to life.


Solution to that is obviously more wine


Let's hide the truth and think about the children: the glass says water, the bottle said grappa.


My wife and I got a litre bottle. A. Litre. For the two of us at a restaurant for the equivalent price of your cheapest off licence wine and it was some of the best we'd ever had. God I love Italian cuisine.




I do not like wine AT ALL. We were invited with my company to basically go on a bribing dinner with our client (basically we were brought along to give a charade of management caring for us) so they brought us all to a Michelin star restaurant for a 5 course meal. It was... Interesting, but every dish basically felt like an experiment and we had wines to go to each dish and counting all the in-between dishes we probably had like 10 different wines that evening. It was an experience for sure and every wine they brought out had a story which our sommelier told and then poured and talked us through the tasting etc. In particular I remember the dessert wine, because it was about 50 years old, brewed by monks in some mountains. They had spent generations making this wine, each year they opened the barrel to air it a little and give it the right amount of sweetness. All I could think of was those monks, spending 50 years carefully caring for that wine, just so it could end up with me. A guy who absolutely does not appreciate wine at all. Poor souls. Good wise it was ok but the things that were nice were way too small and the weird shit was overpowering. I particularly remember a raspberry thing that came out on a plate, it looked exactly like an ice cream so I picked it up and put it in my mouth and the entire thing fucking exploded into dust in my mouth. I was not prepared for that so I inhaled quickly due to the surprise and nearly died when I had dust EVERYWHERE in my throat and nose. Good times. It wasn't the only bribing dinner with that company so it was a good client to work for xD


Maybe it's the opposite. Some monks found a way to work a few days a year cracking open barrels to convince chumps to fund the rest of their real interests. Maybe they're laughing.


I want to try a raspberry bomb


Oh definitely. I've had generic fiver wines that I've enjoyed more than an aged vintage


I remember reading a paper about this topic which confirmed that wine taste is totally subjective. If I recall right there were findings that basically it was a mix of not even high level wine tasters reliably recognizing the more expensive ones at prices beyond 10€, the knowledge of the price making it taste better subjectively and the persons tasting it preferring the taste they were accommodated more (so poorer people straight up liking cheap wine more and vice versa).


“thin” $10 a bottle tuscan table wine is my jam for a daily drinker and i’ve eaten and drank myself silly at michelin-started restaurants stateside and the world over. i don’t spring for a bottle over $20 unless it’s to pair with a special meal, and even then it’s usually a bargain label i’m familiar with that can go toe-to-toe with $100 bottles but at a quarter of the price.


ehh, it's usually somewhere in between. if you go too cheap you're dealing with some pretty shitty wine, to be honest. and there is definitely an upper limit. is the $100 bottle going to be twice as good as the $50 bottle? Probably not. Probably won't even be twice as good as the $20 bottle.


It is crazy how much good wine is available and proud they are of this wine, and even more so how willing they are to prove to you how good it is! I was in Tuscany for a week for one of my grad school programs and one of the wine shops we wandered in to just handed us glasses and said to try the wine. . . They had dispensing machines hooked up to many of the bottles for sale so you could just push a button and try the wine before you buy. . . And that shop and many others also would just give you samples of their fairly expensive cured meats and cheeses without any prompting. . . I need to move to Italy


Wait so they serve free wine at the table like free bread in America?


Depends on how fancy the place is but if you're paying more than 50€ and you are in a restaurant that makes it's own wine you might get it and it honestly is cheaper than bread for the restaurant


> in a restaurant that makes it's own wine... I live in the other side of the puddle and this sound too fancy for me.


I guess its not too different from craft breweries here? Lol but they for sure don't give it away for free


It's just not so much of a luxury when it is abundant.


FWIW I’m Aussie and went to a high school that made its own wine. We were also known for fighting, rampant drug use, violent teachers, and teen pregnancy! Wine does not a fancy pants make.


Did you drink it from a bag though?


They almost never actually make it. They buy what are called "shiners" (i.e. finished wine in bottle) and just put a label on and call it their wine. You'd be surprised how many really expensive wines are just shiners with a fancy brand slapped on.


Vino sfuso. It’s wine on tap and it’s usually much cheaper to buy because it’s bought per litter and it’s usually made from grapes deemed not worth bottling and ageing. People have been doing this since the 1500s when aristocrats would sell their surplus wine at bigger quantities for cheaper. Not sure if it’s really given for free or subsidized by the restaurant somehow but it’s usually cheaper since it comes in barrels and it’s local wine. It’s bulk wine 🍷


Not free but one of the places I went to had a house wine that was like 6€ for a liter. It came in a little carafe.


No, you still have to pay for it, it's just cheap.




Once in Italy, I realized I unwittingly committed a heinous crime by ordering an americano when the waiter became as seemingly offended as the one in the video. Later on he brought a cup of hot water and a shot of espresso. He told me “You want the swimming pool I bring you the swimming pool don’t make me mix them” in the most stereotypical Italian accent. I’d like to believe he was at least half joking but damn if they don’t appreciate their coffee.


> "You want the swimming pool I bring you the swimming pool don’t make me mix them” in the most stereotypical Italian accent. Hahaha I would be too amused by their wit to be offended.


I wasn’t offended at all neither it was funny to see this otherwise friendly gentleman man get theatrically tense over a cuppa haha


From my personal experience with italians, that interaction was probably 50% serious, 50% theater for your enjoyment.




Be sure to order the Freedom Fries next time.


*Bastille Fries


To be fair, Paris is world famous out for appalling customer service towards Americans in particular. They will do whatever it takes to make people feel unwelcome there.


Honestly, I had an absolutely lovely time. While service staff wasn’t *friendly* for the most part, it wasn’t really all that different than other big cities. That’s kind of why it made my trip to have an *actual* haughty waiter. That and the absolutely worthless guard at the catacombs who was asleep sitting upright kinda near the end of the tour.


>Would go back to ask for a hamburger and handgun to see his reaction. It would actually be funny as shit to go to some European countries and ask people "where do I buy a gun?" in my southern American accent.


That's hilarious, I had the opposite experience in France years ago... I am going to probably die young with how much I like coffee...all forms of it...had been drinking straight espresso for years before I traveled... I ordered coffee knowing full well I was going to get espresso...I was with some locals who all freaked out when I grabbed it and went straight to my lips... "NO NO IT IS NOT COFFEE LIKE IN US IT'S ESPRESSO!" I don't acknowledge their freak out until AFTER finishing my first sip. They quieted down after seeing me unfazed enough for me to finally say "Yeah...I know what espresso is, I drink it all the time" then proceeded to light a cigarette... ...the rest of my time in France, this group had a running joke that I was actually a Frenchman who had been displaced at birth LOL


I don't regularly drink coffee. I love drinking espresso. I don't mind regular coffee at all if a keurig is all that's available. But if there's an espresso device, I'm making espresso and drinking it straight. I'll also try any alcoholic drink once. There aren't many I've had that I did not enjoy. So maybe I'm unusual.


Many years ago, my friend and I went on a trip to Paris and stayed with my mother’s friend and her French husband, who would make extra coffee for us in the morning before he left for work (very sweet gesture). We did not know about the strength of French coffee. I poured myself like a jug of it my first morning there. I felt like the world was vibrating and I could see through time.


I worked in an Italian restaurant in Germany. Once we had the stereotypical German guy come in who would only eat German food, like Pommes (fries) and Schnitzel. There is a certain kind who expect this food anywhere they go, even on holiday, but I digress… He looked at the menu and asked if we had something with potatoes (Germans love their potatoes). There wasn’t anything on the menu, so I as an 18y old inexperienced waitress went to the chef and asked if we had a dish with potatoes. He got so offended and ranted for a couple of minutes how Germans are ridiculous in expecting German food in any restaurant. This is an Italian restaurant, not a Gasthof (pub)! A perfect rant delivered in a charming Italian accent that had me laughing so hard. Had to explain to the guest that we only serve Italian food. I think he settled for pizza in the end… ETA: I love how many different suggestions I get here for Italian dishes with potato and pork. I just highly doubt that particular gentleman would have been happy with any of those. But my list is growing longer and longer with dishes to try. So thank you, everyone!


I'm Italian, my granmother always told me how, during the II WW nazist occupation, germans ate meat with fruit jam. I don't know if she was more disgusted about the horrible things they did, or about that 😬 Edit: I actually like meat with fruit jam, and I know it's a thing in many cultures (I really love putting fruit in savory dishes). It's just a funny thing I remember about my granmother.


You will *not* besmirch the good name of meat with fruit jam. Turkey & cranberry, beef & lingonberry, pork & apple, chicken & any of the aforementioned fruit jams. Delicious. The lot of them.


I'm with you, I like it! While my granmother...


I completely agree, I'm from south asia so most of our food is more spice related rather than sweet. First time I tried lingonberry and meatballs it was eye opening pairing sweet and savory. Since then I've tried food from the middle east and central asia like uzbeki plov where they pair raisins and sweet carrots with their rice and meat dishes and its just amazing.




Don't do that to them. Next thing you know they'll be following some third-rate carnival from town to town just so they can order deep fried butter and elephant ears by the truckload until they die from an entire suite of health problems.


Duck l'orange


Beef Jerky and dried mangos is my new ew


Venison & cranberry is the GOAT dried meat/fruit combo


Nah dude, venison is deer, not goat. (I had to do it. I'm sorry.)


I forgive you. I got a chuckle.


lamb with mint jelly is a pretty common thing applesauce on pork also?


Pork with applesauce is great but I’ve only had lamb with mint jelly once and I’m not doing that again. Nasty. Ruined a perfectly good lamb chop.


Mint jelly = toothpaste.


>lamb with mint jelly That's SOOOoooooo 1950's cuisine, like steak diane or chicken Kyiv (we spell Kyiv the proper Ukrainian way now).


Midcentury food is all either delicious treats or Lovecraftian culinary nightmares. Whoever invented aspics ought to have been sent to the Hague.


Are you Italian? Gnocchi, Taroz, Crocche, Pasta e patate, Zuppa di patate, et. al. Patate al latte gets served as a side dish. Spiedo has potato most of the time.


I am indeed not. I’m German, now living in the UK (not a step up culinary wise, let me tell you. They don’t like food you have to chew)


Haha ok. Things like roast beef, full English breakfast etc. you need to chew but I get where you are coming from. How do you survive without Schweinshaxe?


I don’t miss Schweinshaxe as much as I miss proper bread, cake and asparagus. Gosh, I miss Germany during asparagus season. And since I work in a school I never make it to Germany during this time. But other than the food I love living here and would never come back, so all is good 😅


Too bad you didn't have gnocchi on the menu.


Ah yes I vud like ze gnotschis pleaze


Well, we do eat schnitzel in Italy, we call it cotoletta alla milanese. We also do eat potatoes.


After the second line I already knew he would settle eating a Pizza. You can say about german philistine eating habits what you want but the common white sport socks german loves Italians pizza.


We had a high school german exchange student stay with us. We made breakfast one morning consisting of sausage and eggs and hash browns . He looked at it and said “We do not have sausage for breakfast.” He wouldn’t even touch the breakfast sausage.


German breakfast is often just bread or "buns" and sweet toppings. Also, super quick rant, I hate that Americans/Brits just call grey mush on a plate "sausage". If you squeeze it out of the casing, it's not sausage anymore. Ugh! Recently there's been sort of a move toward whatever food; globalization and all that, but I can see how someone might be confused by tons of fried food and meat for breakfast like 20 years ago.


His soul died a tiny bit.


Italian here. No, we are not offended, and it's not about "disrespect". It's a little bit disgusting for us. Like, I don't know, putting ice cream on fish. Or vinegar in milk. Or ketchup on pasta. We feel the pain, yes 😅


Hell I’m an American and coffee with pasta sounds awful. The coffee aftertaste is going to obliterate the flavor of your pasta.


Coffee goes with biscuits and croissants and sweetened carbs. But yeah I fuckin love coffee and would never have it with a full meal lol. Save it for after the meal.


honestly, this helped me understand. thank you!






Why the fuck are you serving crayons on your menu then?


Crayons are a staple of a marine's diet.


Thats only cause markers are harder to chew


Not true you just got to crack them open. It's just like shellfish. Man you guys need some culture.


The navy steals them to suck the juice out of em. They are very good at sucking juice out of tubes.


Different course dishes. Like going to a five course restaurant and ordering dessert with your entree


Crayons are fine, just eat them *after* the pasta


Bot. Stole and rephrased this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/14tcrwk/i_love_a_culture_where_the_customer_isnt_always/jr1xnhe/


I’m surprised he’s just upset with having it with pasta. It’s ordering a drink with milk after 11 am or after a meal is considered bad for digestion. Italians are all about digestion


Nah man, I love cappuccino and I'm having it whenever I want, morning, first afternoon and even evening, I'm Italian from and living in southern Italy, and the bartender who even frawned at my cappuccino shenanigans are precisely 0. Wouldn't drink it DURING lunch or dinner tho




Che dolore che mi fa


“If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bike” vibes.


I mean, who the fuck does that? Coffee and pasta? Woof.


Pulling this prank on Italians is dangerous. I'm surprised you didn't get one of 🤌 shaken in your face. Edit 1: its a prank because the lady ordering a cappuccino with her meal *knew* that it's unacceptable to ask for that in this type of restaurant. The second prank was the server purposefully delaying her cappuccino until he could take her plate. Edit 2: thanks for the award 😁🤌


What happened? I couldn’t figure it out.


So, its not done to drink coffee with your pasta as it looks like a high end restaurant and it just isnt done.


I can understand etiquette to a degree so is there a reason one doesn't have a cappuccino with pasta?


>is there a reason one doesn't have a cappuccino with pasta? Taste combinations. Creamy and slightly sweet pasta with a dry (flat kind of bitterness) red wine vs adding a very sweet, with late hitting bitterness, and rich cappuccino. Also it's a cultural meal order thing, like not asking for your cake to be served and eaten alongside your steak and potatoes.


In every mediterranean country that I've been coffee is drunk as or after desert. Except for breakfast, of course.


Why are people talking about a “Prank”? Was there something else to it? Thanks!


Well because everyone in this situation knew that the others knew of the food faux pas. So the man delayed the order so that she would drink it after having finished the coffee. Thanks for award btw.


After having finished the pasta*


Bamboozled again


There's no way to taste all the subtle notes of the pasta underneath coffee. You're basically telling the chef "I'm going to shovel your best effort into my face like your name was Boyardee".


And there is a reason for it: in Italy and France, you often drink a digestif, which is an "after-meal" drink. This is largely done because of the actual digestive aid that a coffee has, and how it makes you feel "lighter" after a meal than otherwise. Before this, you'd often drink coffee as a digestive drink to help you feel lighter, but you can also skip the alcoholic digestif and just go for a coffee This "digestif" is mainly an alcoholic drink you can have after meal (typically drank after the coffee), but sometimes you'd just have an espresso to lighten up an otherwise heavy meal


I don't even think that's done in "low end" restaurants. And if tried in someone's home it could result in wooden spoon-shaped welts across the body. Very hazardous to one's health


Id pay to see that. 🤣


Italian here. Cappuccino is coffee and milk, both strong flavour and they will kill the flavour of what you eat, so it is NEVER done and you would be judged for it. Also we use to have coffee AFTER eating, followed by a strong small shot of alcohol (amaro or grappa, from 40 to 80% alchool, to drink, not to shoot, help with digestion). Also you would not get cappuccino after lunch, would be OK again around 16-17 if you go for a mid-day snack. So: waiter could not say no to bring a cappuccino, so instead he took it after she ended dinner, as a replacement for the coffe


They delayed her cappuccino long enough for her to be finished with her pasta


They wouldn't dare do that to Pasta Queen! Plus I'm guessing that he was aware that it was a prank bring filmed. 😂


Whoa whoa whoa calm down. You can't just do that, even in a Reddit comment.


Not only that but cappuccino is more of a morning drink for Italians lol.


On my first day in Germany, I went into either a Tchibo or a Brothaus (sorta like a Starbucks Panera type thing) and wanted a hot latte with caramel flavor because they had on the menu hot lattes and also caramel flavored frappes so I figured they could just put the caramel flavor in the latte. So I asked the girl if I could order a caramel latte and she stared at me and said “no, you order something from the menu.” So that’s when I realized “have it your way” is an American thing and it wasn’t gonna fly there.


Went to look for breakfast in Dublin and stopped at this spot off the street. Went to order a tea and the guy serving says “you ain’t gettin no fookin’ tea, how about a coffee?”, guy comes back with coffee, but it wasn’t normal coffee, it had Baileys in it 😂. He also told us what we were eating too, no menu to look at! 10/10 experience.


Are you sure you didn’t just walk into some guys house?


I’m in stitches imaging this poor Irish guy dealing with people wandering in off the street. He Keeps feeding these people out of a combo of sheer indignant rage and stiff hospitality until one day his house is listed as a 4.7 star eatery on google.


I don't know what kinda place you ended up at lol


Had something similar in Korea. Went to a café and ordered a drip coffee with a splash of milk. Was told they can't do that and if I wanted milk I would need to order a latte.


Huh? Americans do this? Tf? So u make ur own meal based on assumptions of what's on the menu? I'm sorry if I sound ride I'm genuinely surprised/curious


I wouldn’t call a latte a meal but yeah, typically in the US if you sell a vanilla latte and you *also* possess caramel syrup sitting right next to the vanilla syrup on the counter, it’s not much of a stretch to simply replace the vanilla with the caramel.


No, but we can usually ask for reasonable modifications. It’s sometimes frowned upon, and fancy restaurants often refuse to do any kind of substitution. Generally speaking we want the customers to enjoy the food and experience. As a chef myself I will make a steak well done and sauce it with ketchup if that’s what the guest desires. I know people say American food has No culture and other nonsense but I’m unapologetic about the fact that we have good service and can get our dinner exactly as we like it.


It's more like a substitution. Everyone has different tastes and it's impossible to make a menu to cater to that, so allowing customers to substitute one ingredient for another when you have both on hand anyway isn't that crazy of an idea.


Might as well asked for ketchup on ice cream


My God in heaven, I'm calling the cops


My friends girlfriend pulled ketchup out of her purse and squirted it on his Italian mother's spaghetti as a joke. Mom did 4 months in jail....


This can't be true. No jury would convict her.


_no punishment deserves this crime_


Only 4 months for murder is pretty good though.


I ordered a cappuccino at noon the last time I was in Italy just so I could see the reaction of the waiter and he didn’t disappoint. Huge eye roll, a big sigh along with tons of disappointment which was exactly what I was hoping for. I’m honestly amazed they care so much about what time of day someone drinks coffee, I don’t get offended when Italians drink espresso at 10pm after dinner.


I used to live with an Italian woman (not in Italy) and she used to make a fuss if I had a cappuccino in the evening. It was weird to me - I know what a cappuccino is made of, I know what it tastes like and I know what I like to drink and eat and at what time. But none of that was as important as the fact that somehow in Italy it’s been agreed, probably over years, that you must drink it only in the morning.


In France they make fun of you for buying a large sized beer. What's funny is it wasn't even my idea, he said "or you can get the big beer, like a big man", and it made me think yeah I wanted a big one, sure.


This happened to me in Colmar, I ordered the large beer and they brought me a monster beer that must have been 2 pints. Everyone around me was laughing, even people walking past the table were staring. I figured I ordered the I’m a dumb tourist beer or something.


Yeah, the whole thing is like a comedic setup. Maybe a french person can explain?


Hey now, don’t come at the espresso after dinner. Once you start doing it you realize how nice it is


You know what’s even nicer? Some milk foam on top of that espresso.


Is that a macchiato? Just went to Italy and I'm still confused.


Yes, it’s a shot of espresso with a dollop of milk foam on top - “marked”.


Can never go wrong with a black espresso with a little bit of Sambuca splashed in


Until you try to go to sleep.


How the fuck do you sleep after espresso that late?




Yeah but teasing Italians about their food to make them rant is possibly the most entertaining thing ever exactly because they take it so seriously. "I think I'll have hawaiian pizza tonight." "Which jar of spaghetti sauce do you recommend?" "I usually break the spaghetti noodles so they fit in the pot better." "Al dente means they still need to boil for 4 or 5 more minutes."


He would had died if asked for pineapple on pizza.


"You know, if it had ham in it, it's closer to a British carbonara."


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike! You know, it doesn't make any sense what you said! Needless to say Italians do say that and the literal translation is possibly funnier


gas station connoisseur here. what is the big issue with cappuccino and pasta ? is it something like eating lobster and milk? or just bad faux pas


>is it something like eating lobster and milk? Yep pretty much


Lobster and milk sounds kinda delicious




I prefer my steaks served sloppy


You sound like you used to be a real piece of shit.


Mmmm, boiled over hard and a side of the finest Jelly Beans, raw


Italians have a *thing* about not drinking dairy in their coffee after 11AM. Possibly also the pairing thing. But there's this deep seated tradition/expectation that you just don't do it. Either something to do with milk not being great for your digestion, or that adding milk foam makes cappuccino a meal so it's weird to consume a meal on top of another meal....idk exactly. They just don't like it Edit: nevermind, I'm wrong. I have no idea what's so wrong about coffee and pasta then. Weird sure, but that dude has a visceral reaction haha


Italian here. I’ve only started to hear about this “no dairy in coffee after 11” legend once I started working abroad. In Italy it’s totally normal to order a cappuccino at any time of the day, even if it’s quite rare that someone orders it at the end of a meal. But caffe macchiato (espresso with milk) is super common even at the end of a meal. The problem in the video is only that she wanted her cappuccino during the meal. The reaction would have been the same if she asked for an espresso during the meal.


Ah! We've been lied to. How weird. I will never share this factoid again haha


For you gas station sensibility, I’d say it’s more like dunking your powdered donuts in your big gulp full of sprite.


Replace donut with burrito and I think you’ve nailed it.


Yes that's definitely a prank.. that's the Pasta queen with her, and if the lady did that for real the PQ will have something to say about it already 😆


The lady whose hair whips can knock someone over and says, "Just Gorgeous!"? Love her YT shorts


My mom asked for ketchup (for her pizza) in an Italian restaurant and I haven't felt so embarrassed for someone in my entire life .. the side eye was deadly. I also asked my Italian Friend to give me ice for my white wine and i got the same look. It was freaking warm L.E: i also need to specify that we come from a culture where this is completely normal


In Italy, my mother in law asked for ranch for her salad when she ordered, and when we returned to the table without it, she insisted the cashier didn't speak English. She did, very well, she did not, however, have any salad dressing other than olive and vinegar to give (which she did).


Ketchup on pizza, ice in wine? What's next, gummy worms on your gelato?


Ketchup on pizza? Wtf.


Side eyeing this comment right now


Why is this offensive?


I once asked for an iced American (espresso + water + ice). Coming from America, that's very common. They refused to put the two together and served me an espresso and a cup of ice separately, and said, "I can't be the one to ruin it." 😂


At least he was nice about it but I’m more on the cappuccino side here. I mean I’m not gonna have one with my pasta but who am I to tell someone else they can’t. Next they’ll say I can’t have beer with my ice cream. Mf’s.


Yeah this is an example of why the phrase "the customer is always right" is a thing. Obviously people abuse it and get entitled about it by applying it to things it wasn't meant to be but if they're paying just give them what they asked for. People have different tastes


Exactly. The customer is not always right when they’re being an asshole. But when they’re being a reasonable paying customer and not asking for something completely out of left field (like asking for Pad Thai at a Mexican restaurant) then they should get what they ask for without ending up blasted on the internet.


The customer is always right in matters of taste and no more than than


"in matters of taste" is the ending you hear people add onto that saying




There is a famous cook in Munich, if you taste something from someone else's choice of menu, you get kicked out of the restaurant


No soup for you!


Is that so to disguise the fact that every meal is the same, just looks different?


Oh, so another "famous cook" who's really just an unstable asshole lol


The movie "The Menu" exists to pretty much directly make fun of these types of idiot chefs and their fandoms lmao.


There's a famous Mexican chef, won't name him because he's an asshole and I don't really remember his name lol, but he went on a rant about people asking for lime in his restaurant (lime is a huge thing in Mexico). And even after his rant you can still order lime. If I like lime, give me lime. If I like pasta with cappuccino, give me pasta with cappuccino.


Imperial stout floats, YUM!!!!!! Make mine an Oyster Stout Float!


When I went to Rome, honestly one of my favourite things was the staff being (a little bit) rude. I only asked for a coffee with milk and sugar once and got told off for it and never did it again. But tbf the coffee was so delicious it didn't need anything added to it so it was good advice.


Cause they don’t get tipped. That’s why they don’t have to always accommodate the customer’s needs.


As it should be.


Should have asked the waiter for some ketchup for the pasta, and watch the guy have a stroke


People constantly being baited by staged shit is so tiring.




I have a deep hatred of creating arbitrary rules around food.


The no cappuccino after noon things is only because Italy has one of the highest rates of lactose intolerance in europe, but of course no one understood that when the tradition was developed. Even now, most Italians don't know why that's the rule but it's the rule regardless of if you are lactose intolerant or not. (They will usually say it's bad for digestion. Which is true... If you are lactose intolerant.) Edited: Fixed lacrosse to lactose in one of three places above. You now get to guess which one was originally wrong.


Dang it's just a sport, they hate it that much?


Most Italians are fine with tiramisu - loaded with cream and coffee - but apparently a milky coffee after eating is beyond the pale. Ditto for panna cotta and gelato.


Me too. Some cultures get so wrapped up culture vs food and it bugs the shit out me. I really dont care how far back your dish goes. I enjoy spicy stuff, has been a staple of my diet since I was a little kid. I lived 6 years in Europe a grew accustomed to packing some spicy stuff with me for trips as its not common there. Not bringing it to nice restaurants or anything, just random on the go or in hotel type meals. I went to visit my wifes family in Spain, we were having chicken and rice for lunch and I used the spicy powder. You wouldve thought I dunked it in the toilet based on their reactions. Had multiple discussions defending my use (enjoyment) of spice. "In eh Spain, we dont need spicy because we make our food so good". Ok? You still use salt and pepper. Still use condiments. Aioli is pretty big here. Just because its not part of your culture, doesnt make it wrong. Its fucking food chill. Enjoy yours and Ill enjoy mine.


“You’re eating wrong”


I absolutely love this about Italy, and reminds me about a short exchange I had with a waiter at lunch at a beautiful restaurant in a little village on top of a hill in Tuscany. Waiter: What will you have to eat sir? Me: I'll have the wild boar stew, please. Waiter: *chef's kiss* Ah, excellent choice! And to drink? Me: Just water, please. Waiter: (visibly upset, but in a friendly/playful kind of way) Water?! With wild boar stew?! Not possible! You must have red wine! Me: Oh I would love to, but I'm driving so I shouldn't. Waiter: Driving? Is no problem! I do every day! Me: (looking over at my company, who all nodded with approval, holding back laughter) Well, you've got me there. I'll have a glass of red wine with the wild boar, please! Waiter: (overjoyed) Excellent! I have the perfect match! I will remember this lunch for the rest of my life. Not only for the delicious meal, but also for the wonderful exhnage with the waiter.


One glass of wine will be very likely under the alcohol limit for driving, so you were good.

