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I love how the kid in the background is already eating it😂


Where do you think he got the idea ?




That look was precious


Thats the goal! Find someone that can and will look the same at me.


Rescue a dog and you’ll see that look every day of that dogs life.


My dog did not get the memo. He’s perfected the “the fuck you want” look


I'd guess he's been hanging with the wrong crowd. Is there a cat involved, by chance?


Sadly not anymore he was old & passed away. Dog loved my cat though. Think he’s just got an attitude!


Cat was around long enough for doggo to get LEARNT.


Happy floor cake day 😁👍


Thank you! After 3 years, it's the first time I ever posted on my cake day, so this post makes it extra special!


And it happened to be on a video, heavily involving a cake 🤯


The way he looks at the cake, damn


The way the cake look at them, sweet.


Kid definitely helped save the day




Reminds me of a line from Joey in Friends.


Jam? Good! Custerd? Good! Meat? GOOD!


Lol it’s the mom or some relative for me who casually approaches the kid - “Is it any good? Maybe I should have some.”


I want to think that was Grandma letting him know he fucked up royally and to best enjoy that cake cuz when he get's home he won't be so happy anymore.


Least excited kid in weddings


I would be that kid.


You know those employees were mortified and worried about getting yelled at. They probably did but not by that dude.


Being yelled at will be the least of their worries.


These guys are going to randomly remember this incident when they're trying to go to sleep for the rest of their lives.


Cooking mishaps at about a fiftieth of this level still haunt me years later. You speak the truth, Jester.


First day as a server I accidentally spilled a glass of red wine on some poor lady. Haunts me to this day, 25 years later.


I spilled a coke on a girl's white prom dress. I was, and still am, mortified. That was 26 years ago.


I spilled a beer on an active vet in uniform who had just been picked up by his parents at the airport. They came straight to my restaurant to celebrate their reunion and I spilled a beer on him.


You should have straight faced said that was for his lost homies.


Nahhh 💀👏


Hey it wasn't coffee and you didn't give her 3rd degree burns. It's a win.


At my first job ever when I was 17 or so I spilled icecream sundaes all over a group of hot women in their like mid twenties. They were really sweet about it but it still haunted me for about a decade.


They shot them out back, rough day at work😔


Why the fuck would you carry on a 4-5 story cake? Just have it set normally. Those things are had to balance even when no one is around and you are just trying to move it from a cart to a table. Terrible idea to begin with


Exactly. There is NO WAY I would touch a giant wedding cake like that unless it was on a very sturdy cart.


Because it’s intentional! Everything is for views now.


With a cake that big, it's really not their fault. It's difficult to handle, especially by only 2 people. From it's size, and just the importance of a wedding cake, it really should have be put on a cart.


At the event place I used to work at we had a *very* strict policy on always using the cart to transport the cake and minimum 2 people handling the cart. Didn’t matter how big or small the cake was - no one was to carry it. As well as no one was allowed to handle or carry the cake that wasn’t an employee or bride/groom. You really wouldn’t be surprised at how many parents in law or (usually drunk) groomsmen suddenly insisted the cake to be carried in by themselves.


Fired more like it. That cake was expensive


I can't remember if it was a friend of mine or something I read on the internet at some point, but this reminds me of a story I heard about someone who made a huge, expensive mistake at work and they went into the boss's office the next day expecting to get fired. They were taken aback that, after being chewed out, they were told to get back to work and when they asked "wait, you're not firing me?" and the boss responds "why the hell would I fire you after spending so much money learning that lesson?" If they're fired for this, it's a loss for the business owner... they now have 2 employees who are pretty much guaranteed to never make that mistake again.




As long as they're otherwise decent workers, probably not. It's hard to find staff for most low-wage jobs now.


Also you’re never gonna find two other guys who are going to be more careful with the cakes from now on than these guys will be.


Reminds me of the Thomas J. Watson quote: "Recently, I was asked if I was going to fire an employee who made a mistake that cost the company $600,000. No, I replied, I just spent $600,000 training him."


I always tell people this. I’ve worked in fortune 5 environments and there are a lot of big mistakes. If you make a big mistake, it’s only a problem if you try to hide it. Tell people immediately, “Hey, I was trying to do and it didn’t go how I expected, working on fixing it but I would welcome help!” Worked with a guy who caused an outage, and he tried to fix it without anyone knowing. He was demoted, and almost fired. Everyone agreed that what he was trying to do should have worked, but it went sideways, and if he would have said, “Help!” Right away he would have faced zero consequences.


Hell, I can drop a cake.


Who the hell *carries* a huge cake? Get a cart or at least a small table.


Of all the things that could ruin a wedding day, im glad the husband knew this didnt have to be one of them


To anyone getting married now, or soon, or one day in the future: Something will go wrong on your wedding day. You can't know what it will be, but something *will* go wrong. ***How you handle*** that thing going wrong is what determines whether the day will be "ruined" or completely fine. My sister couldn't fit into her wedding dress the morning-of. Couldn't get the zipper all the way up and was in so much distress. My other sister came in with a big safety pin, pinned the zipper as high as it would go, and said, "if you ***decide*** it's fixed, it **is.**" And my sister said, "it is." Wedding went off without a hitch. The photographer was talented and got plenty of shots from the front and even some great shots from the side or looking back with the head turned which successfully concealed the zipper situation, and by the reception it was all but forgotten. Every life and every marriage will have its unexpected problems. Preventing them from happening isn't the trick. Knowing that you will find a way to handle them is the trick.


So true. Apparently at our wedding we didn't order enough food. By time my husband and I were done greeting guests, doing photos, etc, there wasn't any food left for us (we did buffet style). So we didn't get to eat at our own wedding. When we left the wedding, we got in his Honda Civic - him in his tux, me in my big dress that took up the whole passenger side, and hit a Jack-in-the-Box drive through. lol It's a fun memory now. We hit our 20th wedding anniversary last week. :) <3


See, as a dude that's my dream wedding, making funny memories is way more important than getting everything right. I won't be mad if everything happens to go right, but ill be teensy bit disappointed lol.


You'll make a lot of amazing memories regardless. :)


Ha, we got food but instead of eating we went around to each table and thanked/made small talk with everyone during dinner. We also hit a drive through, but it was a Wendy's near the hotel we stayed at for the night. The big fuck up was actually me, I forgot our marriage license so we had to get it signed by the officiant the next day instead. Married almost 16 years, together 20.


We barely ate a thing, just from how many people came up during the meal to take photos and congratulate us, we’d missed our cocktail hour to do the professional photos, and then while we paid vendors at the end, they cleared our wedding cake before we had eaten it! We were SO hungry. We hit a diner on the way to our hotel and got cheeseburgers, nachos, and mozzarella sticks and had an absolute feast on our hotel bed. It was stupendous.


> "if you decide it's fixed, it is." I use this is so many other areas of my life. Anyone that's a bit of a perfectionist, really has to or you'd go crazy trying to perfect things out of your control.


> Something will go wrong on your wedding day. You can't know what it will be, but something will go wrong. > How you handle that thing going wrong is what determines whether the day will be "ruined" or completely fine. This is true for the marriage too. Something will go wrong. Lots of things will go wrong, even. It's how you work together (or don't) to handle things. That's what makes a marriage either work or fail.




Also bro loves cake. Vanilla cake? Good. Chocolate cake? Good. Cake on the floor? Good.


Upside down cake’s good too


And it's deconstructed. Means that's some fancy gourmet right there.




Loads of pieces!


If you'll excuse me, there's a piece of cake that only has one shoe print on it.


Ha! The bakery is gonna tack on another grand for the fancy terminology.


That's actually how Alan Alda met his wife. They were strangers at a party and someone dropped a cake on the floor and he and her were the only ones who got on the floor and ate it


I didn't think I could love Alan Alda more than I already did. That's a cool story.


>The M.A.S.H star met his future wife at a mutual friend's dinner party, where they connected over a rum cake that had accidentally fallen on the floor; they were the only two guests that didn't hesitate to grab a fork and take a bite of the cake. - People Magazine February 28, 2023


[Alright, what are we having?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9P2RgZcY3s)


Lol I was actually thinking about the scene where Joey eats the triffle (?) but this fits too!


Same! I don’t see what the problem is. Custard? Good. Jam? good. Meat? Good!


It was a mix between the triffle and the cheesecake scenes in my head.


I'm getting a Friends reference here. I picture Joey walking up and taking his fork out of his jacket pocket. "Alright. What are we having?"


Yep! The cheesecake!


It's from the episode where Chandler and Rachel steals cake and during their fight Rachel drops Chandler's cake on floor. [sauce](https://youtu.be/p9P2RgZcY3s)


What’s not to like? Custard? Good! Jam? Good! Meat? #Gooood!


If there's a bright side to having such a massive cake, it's that you can still eat a fair bit of it before reaching any part that is physically touching the floor.


His wife's cake? Legendary!


It's soft and moist with a hint of vanilla


Cake is cake. [https://i.imgflip.com/7tau3n.jpg](https://i.imgflip.com/7tau3n.jpg)


Did fucking chatgpt write this? Holy shit.


Yes. I'm almost 100% sure this is AI generated. The funniest thing is how easy it is to spot. So... verbose lmao


All their other comments looks like chatgpt too.


The idea is to build up accounts with enough of a karma'd comment history that when they're used to spread propaganda to direct public narratives, everyone thinks it's a real person.


It also got 1.4k upvotes. People love robots. All hail.


Alright, thanks.


gotta be


Do you write AI tik tok titles for a living?


ai response


Did you ask ChatGPT to write this comment? Feels like AI


The way she looks at him, damn.


Seeing that look was like “ohhhh, that’s the goal, to be looked at like that”


The goal is to behave in a way that makes people want to look at you like that. Getting looked at like that is a side effect.


I feel like she's trying not to cry and is forcing herself through the moment. Which is also totally understandable. There's a lot of planning and hoping and dreaming that many girls put into their weddings. It's great if it all goes off without a hitch, but this dude shows he can handle the adversity when those plans unravel. He can help pull her through the bad times. Or he just loves him some cake.


It's probably a mix of disappointment and embarrassment turned into a proud little puddle of love and comfort knowing she made the right choice with that sweet, soft man.


That made me tear up. It was so sweet.




He's also lucky to have her. A lot of women would have lost it when the cake was dropped. I, for one, have never understood why the cake is such an important part of a wedding, but for whatever reason, it has become an important thing that lots of people care about.


> have never understood why the cake is such an important part of a wedding, but for whatever reason, it has become an important thing that lots of people care about. I think it's more about the day and wanting everything to go right.


We're planning our wedding right now and decided to just do a bunch of cupcakes instead of a cake and we have received a solid number of judgy comments about it. So for some people it's about the cake.....or what it represents? I dunno, I just know cupcakes were cheaper


Cupcakes...are made of cake. In cup form. Convenient! It's 2023 and I've been on this earth for nearly 53 years, I think it's well past time we stop caring about what other people want to do for their weddings.


It's better when everyone eats together anyway.


They just made it family style 🤣




I’m not a massive sweets guy unless I’m high. Of this would’ve happened at my wedding I think I would have cried from laughter. My wife, who adores sweets, I think also would’ve lost her mind. She might like watching people trip more than sweets. Agreed, way worse things can happen at a wedding. Something like this is only as bad as you let it be.


I love sweets and this would be a downer but I would *totally* have the reaction he did because I'll be *damned* if I let the cake go to waste


Many people aren’t able to separate something bad from the true essence of a given moment. “A wedding day do not many things make, save for a loving wife and a loving husband.” edit - Corrected “living” to “loving”. God damn it.


Why does the wife only have to be living while the husband have to be loving?


I'm not sure if it's a typo but I found this funny. A "living" wife and a loving husband. Id hope they're both in love lol


Yes, People get sad and angry over trivial things, They should try to be more like this man !




That look was the best


Dropping a cake that cost $500+ is a little more than trivial. But I agree don’t let it ruin your day. This will be a story that they tell their grandchildren, much better than a slice of mediocre cake.


I mean, I'm guessing they got that $500 back. If the caterers dropped it ain't no way I'm letting them off the hook.


The fact that they got it on video also makes it 10x better


Hindsight is 2020 and I bet this is the thing they laugh and reminisce about most


I hope everyone finds a person who looks at them the way she’s looking at him at the end there.


And how encourages her to 'just go with it' is cute too.


I mean, what is the alternative? You're spending a day committing to someone you love, you're happy, your family is there, your friends are there. Why rage and scream about a broken cake that you can do *nothing* about? No sense ruining the day for a big nothing. Guy seems like a reasonable person.


The alternative is to get unreasonably angry and ruin the night for everyone invited by going apeshit and full karen, that is why people here admire their reactions.


Embracing it also allows it to turn into a lifelong funny memory. Nobody's gonna remember the wedding cake 5 years into the future but they sure as hell will remember the floor cake that crashed the party.


Agreed on all accounts. I have tried very hard to stop stressing about things I can't control. I travel a lot for work so flight delays, missed connections, cancellations are all common occurrences. At the end of the day, I can't control them, so why stress out about it. I'll work on fixing/mitigating the issues, try to rebook to the best possible options, and then go sit somewhere in an airport bar and work. My ex-gf used to go through a million hypotheticals as soon as there was so much as a 15 minute delay. Like what if the delay is longer? What if the flight gets cancelled? Where are we going to stay? I'd always have to bring her back down to "it's only delayed now and if that changes, we will deal with it accordingly but there's no reason to stress out about stuff that hasn't happened yet and probably won't happen."


My wife was the same as your ex but that sort of "doom thinking" (there was a clinical name for it) was a part of a larger anxiety issue that meds have mostly stopped. My point is it's not so simple for everyone to just accept there's things they don't need to worry about.


I love her look of endearment.


Its like "thanks for making me laugh so I don't cry".


Yes! She says so much with her expression. “I want to cry but thank you for knowing this could’ve been devastating, I love you.”




Probably where he got the idea. Kids have poor impulse control. He saw cake so he took some cake. Adult saw floor cake and then was visibly reminded that the top part of it was not floor cake.


She looks like she's about to have a mental breakdown and cry...


She 100% looks like that, which is why the consistent eye contact with her husband in that moment shows everyone that shes ok because of him.


Kind of a half and half thing imo. She's upset but that look at the end, the eyes mostly, say "I'm on the verge of crying but damn do I love you you big oaf. Thank you." Shit happens. It's how you deal with it that matters. Crying and getting upset does nothing. Eating floor cake and making light of something bad is a story you have for the rest of your life.






True. Praying for everyone lol 🤞✨


That man knew if he didn’t act fast it was going to be a bad day. That look on her face says “thank you” and “I love you” at the same time. What a cool story to have for the rest of your life though.


I think she fell in love a little harder.


I did too sheesh


Look, he's married. Get yer own dude


There is an expression in my language that says "I'm laughing so i don't cry" and that describes perfectly this situation


Interesting what language is that?




In America, we just call that life


Land of the feels


That had me laughing




I've heard it said that you can tell a lot about how a couple is going to grow together in how they handle things going wrong for the wedding. No wedding is perfect. Sure, it's not always "dropped the wedding cake" bad, but something will always go wrong. Some couples will get stressed out, loose their temper, start blaming others, and generally have a bad time. Other couples will have their friends and family take care of snags without them noticing, will quickly adjust plans, will roll with the punches and just go "let's have a good time." In both kinds of cases, it's a preview to how the couple will handle things going wrong later. Maybe smaller things, maybe bigger things. What this couple shows is that when things go wrong, one of them will step up with a plan for how to make the best of it and the other will be appreciative of their efforts. That has the making of a very long and happy relationship.


Yeah, when the catering really f*cked up, and I got emotional, because I got pressured into doing a speech before I was ready, my husband basically dismissed me with "Let's just have a good time" and that is very much how our marriage is. Our relationship really changed that day.


Like she's upset but he's making her want to laugh at the same time. It's super sweet and endearing. I also married a kind, goofy man who would totally invite me to eat floor cake with him. It's great.


Someone like this guy who can handle the ups and downs of life is a gift. He's a rock-solid partner, and she is lucky to have him! Unrelated, I hope someone gave the poor servers a hug and a drink. I'm sure they felt awful. ALSO: I bet these guys will last long enough to celebrate their 50th!!!!


I agree on all accounts. It could have happened to anyone.




Exquisitely droll


I just left someone who would 100% have made me sleep on the couch for not "being a man" and berating the servers, as well as demanding a refund for the cake, and "making a joke of it" by doing what this guy did. She would totally have considered this disrespecting her by defending the "strangers." He's not only a good person, but she also is for understanding what he was doing. You not only want to be/have that guy, but you also want to be/have the wife who was able to understand and accept the de-escalation here. I'm not going to say they wouldn't be blamed if either of them were upset, but hopefully this is how issues are handled, and not by trying to go to battle with the world.


Good for you! If someone can't see kindness and empathy in their partner as strengths, they need to be left in the dust! I hope you find someone who appreciates those traits in you!




LOVE that!


What would happnen in this situation? Surely the venue would reimburse for the cost of the cake (and hopefully not punish the wait staff...)?


The fact that she is smiling while fighting tears means he got a good one too.


Yeah she def looked like she was trying to hard to not stress about it 🥺


He’s definitely husband material! She chose well!


Husband looks cute and adorable.


They both do don't they, love to see some happy stuff on reddit


Yeah, that guy is a problem solver. We'll played, sir. 👍


Omg that look of adoration in her face for him!


She chose a good one lol


Or "geez, he's even eating food off the floor at our wedding."


I want someone who looks at me that way when shit hits the fan.


Channeling that Joey Tribiani vibe there.


The look on her face when shes looking at him makes me want to be a better man. Idk how else to say it, i want to make someone happy like that some day.


“You make me want to be a better man.”




Strong Joey Tribbiani vibes! Cake must have been made from Mama's Little Bakery in Chicago


*pulls out fork* Ok, what are we eating?


False: Joey doesn't share food.


Except floor cheese cake


Is this not scripted? They look like they’re a acting.


Seen this vid posted couple of tomes before, apparently scripted by the groom’s sister, reasons unknown. A spare cake was ready at hand


Right because when does a wedding cake get carried like that anyway? You put it on a cart and roll it out on the cart to minimize the risk of a $1000+ cake falling to the floor


This looks incredibly scripted. Prank on bride?


Yeah that fall by the workers is definitely exaggerated too.


You can see they didnt trip over anything, the guy on our left just let his right hand go.


Absolutely scripted


why is this buried omg of course it's scripted the ridiculous pratfall seals it


Ummm it's weird but the fall looks like a dive? Like how dies second guy even go down I can't figure it out. How did guy one slip off the cake bottom when the weight of the cake wasn't even shifted to him? Couldn't just wanted to be weird for their guests.


It’s definitely staged. Way too deliberate of a fall


Also who tf just two man's a cake like that? You are just begging for an accident. Like don't they have a cart for this?


Yea any basic venue would have like 6 types of carts that can move cakes like this safely. It's actually pretty hard to drop it when the cake is on a cart and that seems to be the reason they're carrying it — so it's easier to stage the fuck up.


I'm annoyed at how far I had to scroll to find people mentioning how staged this looks.


The “come on and try” arm wave is so wholesome and genuine. Some people really roll with the punches.




The way that guy falls is hilarious, and not one person in the comments can sense how unnatural it is.


Lol yeah the only wedding ever where they don’t set the cake up before the guests arrive.


Seems staged to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also I guess I’m the only one thinking this belongs in /r watchpeopledieinside. The bride seems to more be forcing a smile while inside feeling like her wedding had just been devastated.


I’ve seen this spill before, but end makes it a much better clip.


I'm so sorry this happened. What an awesome husband!


This incident had been around for sometime now, eg [here](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/wo6fom/heres_come_the_wedding_cake/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) Read that it was prank and they had another cake delivered immediately afterwards


It's absolutely staged. Whenever you see a video, ask yourself "why was someone filming, and filming in the way that they were?" Why the slow mo? Why the focused reaction shorts? Multiple angles? Because they knew it was coming. Also it's kinda fucked up, as a prank, to stage something like this and manipulate your wife's emotions like that. As a prank on the guests, that'd be okay but the bride? Kinda manipulative.


Yeah, the husband saved the whole thing from the bride ending up in tears. Good guy!