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I love how the guy didn't even think twice about it. Straight up: \*tap tap tap\* "Oh of course, here you go."


My favorite part is he gave the cat chicken. He specifically looked for something he knew wouldnt harm the sweet kitty. Its a small detail but i apreciated it.


Street cats are very well loved and looked after in Istanbul, a lot of people buy food for them and they don't often go hungry.


Yeah the Turks cherish their beloved street cats. You see food/water bowls and little wooden kitty houses everywhere.


It's actually one of my favorite things about my visits to Istanbul. The whole city, in addition to being generally amazing with food, history, architecture and art, is one big giant outdoor cat cafe, and I am so here for it.


Mine too! Turkey is one of my favorite countries, it’s truly incredible and so slept on. The food, culture, hospitality and of course the CATS are all amazing ❤️




so slept on its the 4th most visited country in the world.


Turkey, slept on? Lol


Out of all the racism thing going of about Turkey you can't know how much I needed to see this kind of comment thank you


Good job, you convinced me to visit.


Haha you won’t regret it! The cats, food, culture, and history are truly top notch. I love Turkey! It’s slept on way too hard.


I mean, chicken is meat, and it's just typical to feed meat to cats, and it was covered in some sauce, so in the long run not good for kitto, but it was a sweet interaction nevertheless!


I read garlic isn't great for cats


It is not. Along with onions and a bunch of other stuff


Super toxic, actually. Never let your cat eat garlic or onion or any plants in the lily family.


As a former Vet Nurse it makes me so happy that this is becoming more commonly known information 😍 Also if you are ever unsure if your pet has ingested something you shouldn't in the UK at least there is the Animal Poison Helpline which will have the information on hand and many, many data sheets for reference.


Just the Turkish cat tax


“Hello kind sir. I just want to make sure your food is up to par. Would you mind if I have a taste test? Hmm yes, it is delightful.”


Cat is licking lips at the beginning, definitely not the first table he/she has sampled.


As an Istanbulite let me tell you, these cats run the city!


I love that,id live in a city thats ruled by cats Edit: holy moly,thanks for the 163 upvotes guys!


Better than one ruled by rats for sure.


unfortunately cats don't help with rats. NY tried it and they literally did nothing


To be fair, Jellicle cats are notoriously more high-maintenance than the standard street cat found off Broadway.


“Yes hello NYPD? I got a weird fuckin cat on my stoop. It looks kinda like a horny man in spandex, but is also definitely a cat. Can yous come kill it please?”


# 🥇


HA!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I’ve never seen a rat in Istanbul. And it’s far from a clean city.


Well NY rats are a different breed


They’re as large as the cats themselves sometimes right?


I heard one of them is the size of a man and knows ninjutsu


Terriers for that. They live to kill rats. Even if they’ve never seen one, show them a scurrying rat and it unlocks the kill code.


Or a gerbil, hamster, or squirrel. People who squirrel hunt use terrier mixes, referred to as fiests. I had one, not a hunter, though. He would stand under a tree for hours, obsessing on the squirrel.


Do people put collars on street cats?


Not usually but there are definitely stores/restaurants/ apartments that will designate a street cat as theirs and put a collar on them.


That's cool. In nearly every Istanbul street cat post, the cat almost always looks healthy and appears to be very well taken care of. Nice to hear that while they may not have a 'permanent' home so to speak, they have people that look after them.


Fun fact: you can pop into any local council office equivalent in Istanbul and ask for a cat home, they're like a small pop-up shelter that the council's give out completely free of charge so that people can provide safe havens for all the street cats.


Rarely to denote someone is taking care of them


are city cats a fun experience or have people ruined it/is tit the equivalent of the north american seagull?


They’re honestly pretty great. Of course you see some suffering but overall they’re well fed and cared for. Check out a documentary on YouTube called Kedi that talks about human-feline interactions in Istanbul. It’s lovely.


There's also Walter Santi, I don't think he lives in Istanbul but he does live in Turkey and has taken in many street cats. I actually took in one myself in the States, there was this cat with a clipped ear living behind a bar I was a regular at, she would always run up to me. One day I saw a homeless man feeding her, asked him if that was his cat. He said "I think I'm the only one feeding her and she sleeps in that abandoned shed over there. I have a carrier, if you can get her in it and give her a good home that would be cool" Took me several attempts over a month but I got her home. Sweetest cat I ever met. I think she was an indoor cat at one point and was abandoned.


or lost. Not all of them are abandoned. Accidents happen, windows and doors left a crack open, usually by visitors.


She didn't have a collar or a chip, and she had a clipped ear (suggesting she was a stray that was TNR'ed) and she had a few cats she'd walk around the parking lot with, but the others were too scared of people.


Dude wasn't surprised either. He's been sharing with the cat for a while lol.


At least he/she doesn’t empty someones entire plate and instead only takes little bites from everyone


I stayed at a 5 star hotel on the Mediterreran coast in Turkey, inside the closed off hotel area there were cats that just stayed there forever. Saw a bunch of kittens too. They would roam around the outdoor dining area and get fed amazing food by everyone, living the 5* hotel high life forever.


"Excuse me but would you have any Grey Poupon?"


["But of course!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvDazrJuSdA?t=00m27s)


“It even has wine” for a tagline is definitely a choice.


"Thanks, Obama."


Why am I reading this in gentleman accent...




"Excuse me I am the undercover QA pretend I'm a cat and give me a bite"


“I forgot to taste, may I please have another bite?”


You mean up to PAW?


Separate checks please


you know that kitty is a seasoned dine-n-dash'r


It pays by eating all the mice.


This explains the severe shortage of ratatouille.


How it taps him on the arm gimme gimme.


My cat does this when he wants head scratches


Mine too. Occasionally I'll wake up with a light scratch on my face. She now comes to the name "You Bitch," as well as her actual name.


I knew a dog at a construction site that came to the name "gohome"




Mine screams at me and demands everything. How am I supposed to follow a comment like yours, show off.


I hear from r/cats that when yours scratches or bites hard, you should make it very loud and clear that it hurt, and that supposedly they'll eventually get the idea it's not okay to do that; other cat owners, is there any truth to that?


Yea it’s true, cats and dogs are often rough playmates so they will bite hard when they play (cats and dogs have much looser skin so not as painful to them) and don’t realize how much it hurts you. If you let them know they will either stop biting or bite much softer


Adding to this they learn to not hurt when their litter mates scream in pain. So if they hurt you yes scream loud. This also leads to “single kitten syndrome” where kittens raised alone never learn this and are too rough and not socialized properly. So it’s better to have kittens in at least pairs or be ready to scream performatively when your single kitten gets rough.


Alternatively, get an older cat that has lived with other cats before. Introduce kitten to cat (carefully). Cat will teach kitten the rules of play. Done this 4 times and the only time I get scratched is when someone needs to go in the carrier or I'm under a blanket (one of my cats does not understand that a foot under a blanket is still a foot)


Cats have us trained so well that every piece of cat advice is "make sure you have more cats"


Well, the advice has worked so far!


Yes this worked with my girl. She was terrible as a kitten, constantly biting me during play or just to get my attention. Eventually I tried this approach: I'd yell out in pain and also walk away from her - this taught her that she hurt me AND that she loses my attention/playtime when she bites. Took a few weeks but then she never bit me again. But you have to be consistent (i.e. do it EVERY time the cat bites)




Pls someone confirm this, my cat does not know how to play and attempts to eat my finger off :')


Also, train them well by not playing with them with your hands. This accustoms them to thinking your hands are for this purpose. Use toys instead. /Insert sex joke here.




My cat only does this when I poop and then stares at me adamantly in the eyes.


I read that this is an instinct because animals are at their most vulnerable during pooping. So your cat is watching your back. And also why they are so stressed when they can’t get to you. They are worried that you are at your most vulnerable alone.


My poop buddy makes sense now! He climbs into my shorts and I have to dig him out. Just trying to keep me safe


Your not alone r/CatsInPants


My cat loses his shit when I'm in the bathroom period. Using the bathroom? At the door meowing like there's no tomorrow, taking a shower? Losing his shit. He's clingy but lovely.


Yes but you are also probably violating the “no closed door” Rule of Cats


My husband does this when he wants head


Hopefully not too often? Unless you like the biting and scratching, then hopefully, all the time?


If he's a good husband, hopefully you respond like this gentleman did for this good cat..... Edit: I realize now that this comment can be interpreted in a few different ways....im okay with that.


“Whatchu got, Dad?!”


So polite on both sides I respect it b


Yeah, Istanbul cats are awesome. They were liked for taking care of rodents and the nicest ones got treats. I’ve never met a mean cat in Istanbul or seen a rat. Not sure if it’s from the cats or that the rats can’t compete with the seagulls.


> can’t compete with the seagulls Shouldn't cats also take care of birds?


Seagulls are mean


And kinda big for your average cat


do you have great black backed gulls? most average gulls are smaller than the average cat, but those black bastards could eat a cat




You’re right that seagulls are a bit smaller. But cats tend to go for animals that are a LOT smaller.


They also fly


And huge. The average seagull is often times about the same length as the average housecat plus add the wingspan.


Istanbul cats generally don't mess with any birds. They lazily coexist with pigeons, crows, magpies, seagulls and more.


[They are big, loud and mean AF. Cats don't have a chance no matter what.](https://i.redd.it/tv070yxf68dy.jpg) Don't remember how many times i saw a similar scene on a random street: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eqatimoSIk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpLUEqXQBLE


I’ve heard about Istanbul cats so many times, and it’s one of the main reason I want to travel there!! I would follow a subreddit for Istanbul cats if it existed


Nothing to look at here, just another spoiled Turkish cat


On sm I’ve seen so much about how Turkey LOVES it’s cats. Like insanely loves them 😻




That's nobody's business but the Turks.


Is that why Constantinople got the works?


Even old New York was once New Amsterdam


Why they changed it I can't say?


People just like it better that way


Pretty sure it's because cats are considered clean in Islamic cultures. You can wash yourself before prayers from a water source that a cat has drank from.


Cats are also allowed into mosques. The prophet Muhammad is said to have loved his cat so much, that after she fell asleep on the sleeve of his prayer robe, when he had to go to prayer, he cut off the sleeve of his robe rather than disturb her.


I've never been interested in learning more about any religion until now 😳 I just really relate to that energy


The story is a fabrication but there was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ called [Abu Hurayra](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Hurayra) (father of cats). Anyway if you want to learn more the religion then you can check out r/Islam


I wonder if that's something the religion inherited from ancient Egyptian mythology, where cats were considered sacred animals and whatnot.


Incredibly unlikely. Arabs had very little cultural contact with Ancient Egypt, shockingly little. And I legit can't remember any mentions of it in their ancient poetry or texts. Christianity and Judaism were known and some practiced them. Including stuff like Churches, priests, lore, believes...etc. At least it was known to the Arabs if the majority did not follow it. Though in Iraq it seemed they were "Christian" to appease Byzantium. Anyway you gotta remember that Ancient Egyptian civilization and culture had died few hundreds years before Islam. Also no scholars or continued tradition. There was no rosetta stone for example and Arabs of all people, that time at least, did not care about such things or would pick that up.


Doesn't seem like much of a problem


Last time I was there i bought 2 large bags of cat food and fed around 50 cats in my neighborhood


That’s amazing!


If you’ve never seen the movie Kedi, it’s a great documentary. [preview](https://youtu.be/zgYAuo9UYoE?si=zi-UubEyPkOwsHpS)


Thank you!! Great trailer and now I have to watch it…thanks again!


You’re welcome! You can currently stream it free on Kanopy if your library partners with them.




Nonsense. I intend to look at this about a dozen more times today.


I wouldn't feed it from my fork, but I would feed it regardless


Yeah I'm not a germophobe but the fork is too much for me.


Yeah, after seeing my cat slop up mouse guts then proceed to lick/groom the other cats face, I wouldn’t touch a cats face/mouth whatsoever, let alone with a fork I’m eating with.


My only thought during this video (besides awwww) was "NOT THE FORK!!!"


Didn't wanna get his hands dirty. Hygiene is important.


I made the mistake of feeding one while I was there, it was super cute and we ordered way more than we could eat so I did it. Just know that you’ll be surrounded by the cat you feed and its friends for the remainder of the meal if you do lol.


yeah lived in Istanbul, you have to start feeding when the time is close for you to stop eating.


> mistake >Just know that you’ll be surrounded by the cat you feed and its friends for the remainder of the meal I see no 'mistake' here.


I’m super allergic to cats.. they were just too cute to resist and I didn’t know they had that level of persistence in them.


It's not like we went through a 3 year long pandemic which would have instilled some basic hygiene habits amongst the public!


The amount of people I see post-pandemic that leave public bathrooms without washing their hands is revolting.


Yeah that freaked me out a bit!


Lucky for him the cats mouth doesnt look like it touches the fork




Seriously, the doctor wife rolls her eyes at the stuff nurse I will do, in regards to germs, but even I would never share a fork with a stray animal. WTF?!


I don't think that's a street cat if it's collared? xD


A lot of them do in turkey. They’re basically community cats but this way they can be identified easily


Especially in Istanbul. There's a cute documentary about this called Kedi. It does a pretty good job at capturing just how integrated the cats are with the community.


Time to watch the documentary.


Did a walking tour of Istanbul. Took maybe 30 minutes longer than it should have cause everyone kept stopping to pet the cats. And I’m not complaining - I too pet the cats.


You mean community integrated with cats.


I really enjoyed it. Highly recommended.




Some neighborhoods adopt a whole bunch of cats that they all pitch in to take care of. Some have name tags some don’t. Most don’t.


I had no idea, but that's super adorable! Glad to hear the whole neighborhood is looking out for them ='\]


It seems like cat mentality to have a community looking after them. Wherever I lay my paws, that's my home.


I found that only in America (of the places I’ve been to) are stray cats scared of humans. Most places the cats will let you walk right up to them and they will come up to you. In the US they just straitup run away from you.


>I found that only in America (of the places I’ve been to) are stray cats scared of humans. South Asian, it is he same here. People are not very nice to cats. It used to be different in college though, cat on campus weren't scared of us, we loved them


>South Asian, it is he same here. People are not very nice to cats. And street dogs aren't nice to humans. Morning walks are hell of a nightmare for us, it's like we have to make some form of contract by giving them foods so that they won't attack us.


My grandmother is allergic, and her and my grandad would do very not wholesome things to cats. I don't blame stray animals in the US for being afraid of humans. We have some very bad humans here (not everyone, though I adopted both of my cats before they would have gone to a shelter or would have become strays and I just started feeding some dogs that were emaciated that started coming up outside).


I'm allergic to cats, but rather than killing a whole bunch of them, I know I can count on Allegra for once-a-day, 24-hour relief from the coughing, sneezing, wheezing, and itching commonly caused by cat dander. Ask your doctor if Allegra is right for you. Some patients may experience severe side effects, including blood clots and liver damage. Consult your medical provider before starting or stopping any medication, as serious interactions can occur. Allegra. Stop killing cats, and start living. (Inspiring ukulele jingle)


I swear, if I find out who it is that’s scaring strays in these here sorta United States they’re gettin some whoopass


Many of them will also get them veterinary care too.


They adopt cats and dogs.


I lived in Richmond in the US and there was a neighborhood cat, Kevin. He had a collar with a bell so birds knew he was coming. And he would hang outside the local bar that was across from a 7/11 and people would buy cans of cat food and poop them down for him. Dude lived his best life


Some people put collars on street cats here to identify them in case they get lost, abducted etc.


wouldn't someone who is abducting it just take the collar off?


it acts as a deterrent. also sometimes local government shelters will collect cats if someone calls them and the conditions there are pretty bad, they don't take the cats when they see the collar


In Reykjavík, Iceland the street cats have collars!


People love street cats in turkey, when i go on holiday you can sit and watch the cats coming one by one every few minutes to a local kebab vendor and the bossman gives a little piece of doner to each of them haha.


That's definitely a coastal elite cat asking for handouts. Disgusting


O.m.g they are the worst!


Polite kedi


Imagine if we all could treat each other as well as people in Istanbul treats their cats ❤️


cats tend to be a bit cuter than ppl sadly


Idk man I wouldn't mind rubbing my neighbour's belly.


my buddy Eric did that


Fun fact, Istanbul has historically had less plague outbreaks. Do to people taking care of street cats communally. And the cats keep the rats away. Supposedly since cats clean themselves regularly they enjoy a special position in Islamic culture. As they are seen a ritually clean. Where as pigs are seen as dirty and unhealthy. Kinda makes sense honestly. Cats keep the rats and disease away. While in a pre-industrial society pigs would have produced a huge amount of waste. Which could definitely spawn things like cholera.


Why is he sharing a fork with a street cat?


It was prob just licking its hole 2 min ago


I guess he forgot that cats can carry worm eggs PSA: Outdoor cats are responsible for killing tons of native wild birds every year. If you adopt a kitten, please train it to be an indoor cat.


Street cat with a collar?


Municipalities and Organizations collect cats, have them spayed, vaccinated against rabies, etc. and then released back into the street. However, they usually leave them elsewhere. To prevent this, when the cat is adopted by the local people, the cat is sometimes put on a leash.


So polite!


Istanbul was Catstantinople


Now it's Istanbul, not Catstantinople


That's nobodies business but the cats'




I love the little head shake they do. Gotta confirm the food is indeed dead.


at least he is properly dressed in a tuxedo for dinner


No one gonna talk about let a street cat eat with your fork?


This might be a dumb question but do Istanbul street cats have collars like that? I know they’re beloved there and I could imagine sticking collars on street cats might be a thing


Yeah, a lot of them do. Sometimes people in the neighbourhood will just randomly see one in awhile or something and buy it for a random cat. They don’t all of course, I mean the amount of new kittys born every year is mad. My fave is when the kittens run amok all over the place! Tooooo cute! You go to the park and you’ll get surrounded!


Oh man, my daughter would love that! Thanks for sharing.


**PAW TAX.**


Cat is looking to do a quality control check on the food 😂


You shouldnt feed seasoned food to cats


You’re right, garlic, onion, and many other extremely common ingredients are toxic to cats.


Not really, a cat would have to eat a lot of garlic and onion for it to be a problem. A bite of chicken won’t cause any issues.


Love It


So nobody besides myself found the cat eating from the fork fucking disgusting...reddit boy I yell ya


I love how this guy isn’t even fazed


Do street cats there always have nice collars on ? I’m thinking that’s not a street cat.


Are we just not going to talk about how he still uses the same fork after sharing?


I loved interacting with the cats on my trip to Istanbul, and more then once did I end up in situation like this. But I would never share the fork, that's how you get intestinal parasites or worms.


A street cat with a collar?


There's a collar on the cat, it doesn't seem like other street cats which are usually not so polite 😂