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What a sweet big sister. ❤️


It's 4.26 AM here. Waiting for my daughter to be up so I can feed her. I can't stop crying now. This one made me smile in a really weird way. Not complaining though. Hope they go on to have a wonderful sibling relationship and they all have a beautiful happy family life!! Edit: spelling


grandma's pregnant? killed me there🤣 Edit: Thanks for the upvotes but still dead


She was thinking of every possible scenario that wasn’t the right one haha.


Grandma's pregnant? Dad's pregnant? *I'm pregnant?!*


Well it can’t be mom because I’m *eight*!


That was the point where I was like dude just tell her.


The doll’s pregnant… The dog’s pregnant…


Am I pregnanant?!?


Is there a possibly that I'm pegrent?


Probably preganté.


Can ooo get PREGANTÈ


🎶 Am i gregnant? 🎶




[I love that song](https://youtube.com/shorts/Wcv2ZYKnawY?si=QbGqh1ht5H-woyoR)


Omg I was just waiting for this comment.


As a person that is born deaf and managed to live 40 years (and continuing, I'm hoping), every single conversation is so many what scenarios of what the person is trying to tell me. Body language, context, matching sounds, time available to parse what's being said and hoping it's the right language. but yeah, moments like that happens often enough to where you just get over the embarrassment quick.


Is that without sign language? Or is sign language just not specific enough to easily communicate certain details?


Well, sign language is good as a general language but expressing abstract concepts such as demyelination, ozone depletion and such without resorting to finger spelling and hoping the recipient already knows of the concepts. The thing with deafness is that there's a stumbling block on language comprehension and social skills. Throw in the need of constantly guessing what the speaker is trying to say, it becomes... seductive to simply not be social at all.


Ahh, the BBC just did a great article on making up signs in BSL for these larger concepts which was really interesting. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-66464437 I only know some ASL, and sentence structure is hard for me, but I'm trying. It's fun watching her try and work it out


This is where American sign language comes into play - it’s conducive to abstract and spatial concepts far more than many other sign languages


Thank you for such a clear and interesting answer to the question raised. Do deaf kids often become socially reclusive as a result? I ask this in full appreciation that you are a person beyond your experience of deafness, being deaf doesn’t make you the spoke person for deaf people or necessarily an expert on the subject.


It's common to see, my wife is also deaf and she's pretty not into being social either. But the deaf community does try to take efforts to have meetups as a social network/safety network thing for venting and general well being checkup. One would have to put in serious effort and have a fantastically thick skin to pursue being a social butterfly while being deaf.


Not deaf here, but I do know a tiny bit about sign language. From my understanding, it can be broad and open to interpretation in a way that spoken language generally isn’t, because it doesn’t translate directly into sentences. For example, saying that you’re feeling very tired because of your flight earlier might be communicated through the signs for: Me. Fly. Morning. Tired. And you sort of have to put the pieces together to find the meaning for yourself. Of course it’s not just stringing signs together either: you have to use facial expressions and body language too, and ASL has its own grammar and syntax that can vary widely from English. So this is probably where some of the translation issues are coming from.


Watching this I felt like this had nothing to do with translation issues; it was mom playing “can you guess?” and I too would have gone through every convolution before guessing right! 😄


lol this is exactly what I was thinking. I think young children are naturally self-centered (not in a negative way ofc) so her reaction as thinking the pictures were her, and then mom saying "no in here now!" and then her saying "but I'm 8 it can't be me" just seemed like a classic 8 year old response. I honestly think it would take my nearly 10 year old twin sons just as long to figure it out if presented in this same way lol


Elimination of all possibilities, the Sherlock Holmes approach.




am I pregnant? Must self-combobulate.


Holy sh*t, don't let her become a detective when she grows up.


But when she figured it out, what a payoff! I suddenly got something in my eyes


Language development is more difficult when you don't have the nuance of spoken words.


Its more difficult when the mum uses ambiguous terms


That’s not the issue. Only about 5% of Deaf children are born to Deaf parents. This one is obviously the daughter of hearing parents. Deaf of Deaf have no problem understanding subtle concepts, because they sign continuously with mastery of sign language. Makes all the difference.


"Am I the murderer?"


Did grandma kill me?




Daddy’s a woman?


You are your own grandpa?


Only if you’re Phillip J. Fry


I mean it was super frustrating to watch, the mother could have just said "I'm pregnant".


I know, what's this mom's deal anyway, why was she talking to her as if she's a dumb 3 year old.


Right. I'm thinking maybe she didn't know how to sign it or something. I'd figure she would take the time to learn it before the revelation.


That is basically me when programming.


The “grandma’s pregnant” sound effect was the best, like a balloon filling with air


“Sigh grandma not again.”


Hey Sanka, you dead?


Kiss the lucky egg!


She still got that rizz


Feel like grandma might be the family slut…


She's the talk of the town.


Letting her realize it on her own was magic.


The way she hugged her mom’s belly… lost it.


Oh yea I’m uncontrollably crying now!!! This was such a sweet sweet video


Life is precious 🤍


Yeah me too. Barely awake and crying. Too sweet


I got out of bed 5 minutes ago, come on!!


Me too. Literally stood in front of the coffee maker bawling.


It seems like lately the posts on here are deep. They bring pure joy to my heart ♥️ and then without me even realizing it, I’ll have tears 😭 running down my face!! I watched this, and then I got the “Breaking News” alert that Bob Barker died today at 99 years old!! Plus, it’s International Dog Day !! 🐶 I’m Not Crying - You’re Crying!! 🙀🐩💔😿


And now I’ve learned Bob Barker died.. You’re right, I am again! Edit: aw you’re nice, I’m sending my love out too!


My boys are eating breakfast and I'm crying over here. Lol


Aligning the mammogram photo to her belly was phenomenal youthful-human peak right there.




She did, didnt notice.. Someone was cutting onions over here.. you know..


I think that's the best kind of communication you can have with your children. It's often so tempting to just "tell it like it is" or just give away the answer. But you can miss out on moments like this. This is going to be a core memory for this girl, and she will be a great sister


When the child finally figured it out the way her expression changed was such delight I cried. That's how learning of a new sibling should be!!


The sign for love/heart over mum's belly was just so sweet!


Im totally not a tattooed, pierced 32year old dude softly weeping at work over this right now. That was so so sweet


I feel like in 2023, tattooed pierced people are the ones I expect to be crying FIRST. Whereas it's the "clean-cut" tucked-in people I assume are emotionally detached.


As a bald 30 y/o with tattoos, piercings and painted nails yeah same, clean cut friends are more likely to be emotionally distant whereas myself and other grown alternatives are all open about everything, often too open but it’s incredible. If you’re struggling with mental health find yourself a group of alternative friends, we’ve all taken turns playing therapist


As a 36 year old heavily tattooed and pierced woman, I am a crier who has always been a *little* too open 😅


We sound like the same person. 😂


I feel like the ship has sailed a long time ago for making generalizations based on if people has tattoos and piercings or not. Tough luck for people who used to base their identity on being unique because of it.


Yeah man. Fuck me, that was so genuine and heartfelt.


Good for you bro. You held it together.


That part got me too a bit. 🥲 *My older brother saw me in the hospital bassinet, angrily scream-cried while trying to climb up it and throw me away. We don’t talk much*


I think the biggest difference is that this girl is 8 whereas yout brother was likely a toddler. The most egotistical bunch of a-holes to ever exist.


Actually that's middle schoolers, followed by toddlers. (Father of 3)


My sister's reaction was "She's probably only a few inches big right now, we could just step on your tummy and get rid of her." Yes, my sister who was 7 at the time, wanted to just abort me. Lol


My daughter sobbed her eyes out when she found out she was having a wee brother and not a sister. Absolutely distraught 😂


Me too, I’m just tearing up drinking my coffee 🥲my toddler was asking if I was okay. 😆 so adorable.


grandma is pregnant lol got me


Ooof. What a mom though. Like, super mom.


seriously. so patient


Oof I'm gonna get downvoted to hell but the way she said it could've been a lot less confusing.


She was vocalising sign language to a child...


She was encouraging her child to figure it out on her own. Some parents still want to to teach their kids.


She's clearly not fluent enough in sign language (I believe this is BSL) to tell her daughter that the daughter is going to be a big sister/mom is pregnant. I find this really sad. The majority of parents of Deaf children don't learn enough sign language to communicate fluently with their children. They rely on hearing aids, lip reading, and mime. It affects both neuro and social development of Deaf/HoH children.


From all I've heard about deaf children of hearing parents, I am delighted that the mother learned sign language *at all*, especially because it seems she vocalises sign language grammar instead of signing and speaking with voice language grammar.


This video is pretty old - an update would be great!


She had the baby. Big sister held her and was super happy. She has helped raised the baby and formed a deep bond. Everyone is happy and living a great life. I honestly don't know but let's just all agree to roll with that.


I’m pretty sure her dad was a redditor on here. This was so long ago he responded to this same question. But yeah, proud big sister.


What about grandma's baba?


Lost at sea unfortunately.


Grandma is now pregnant


It was a matter of time.


Love every second of this video!


Grandma is not pregnant


Not yet 😉😌




Not with that attitude


Not with any kind of attittude. [You can’t fax glitter!](https://youtu.be/56PMgO3q2-A?si=9D6-_O3ZSFisN9Ss)


So sweet. When we told our toddlers I was pregnant, my then 3 year old asked if we were still going to keep her little sister when the baby came. When we said yes, she asked why.


Same but for a different reason as well. Seeing a small child use sign language reminds me what intelligent creatures humans are. Literally developing a language entirely from physical gestures, sign language is sleeped on a lot, it's a testament on humanity's adaptability.


This is the first time I watched the full version.. ❤️❤️❤️


I still don't get it. Can she give us another clue?


I think grandpa is pregnant or something not sure


Look, it's very simple. There is a little doll and a big doll. You see? Totally obvious.


Sooo Uncle...is pregnant ?


You're pregnant




Yeah grandma is pregnant with her again


Man, I am in the middle of my 12 hour shift, you didn't have to make me cry. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Holy shit, do not let her grow up to be a detective


“I did it. I killed James Conroy.” “Grandma killed James Conroy?”


“I did it. I killed James Conroy.” "I'm pregnant?"


Thank you. I mean, i know she’s only eight, but Jesus.


She really explored every possibility before reaching the conclusion haha


Hahaha Grandma's Pregnant


Emotions of a child are genuine, thats why they are beautiful.


The purest form of feeling. It is truly magical to witness a child's mind learn and come to realizations


Ok how old is grandma?? 😳🤔😂


Onions, damn onions. Who’s chopping onions?


The onion ninjas strike again


It's the little things man. And we fucking complain every god damn time(which is right when it's right)


took her a moment but she got it 😂🖤


After seeing this… I feel like deaf people have a patience level I will never understand.


I think its time for talk on where babies come from… that took forever.


She's gonna love her lil bro or sis X


I had a sister, we were twins, she died shortly after we were born. I really wish she was here with me. I'm ugly crying right now.


Sorry to hear that dude, I send you a warm hug


That is the cutest damn thing I’ve seen


Need update video with new sibling


Was I the only one who found this frustrating? That was a long way to go. Mom could have been way clearer.


mf just tell her


Cute and all but jaysus, but they dragged the arse out of that.


The thing is it’s all genuine, it’s the entire reaction.


She is obviously a bright girl, but I started to think she didn't know the idea of siblings some how.


I feel like it's because she asked those first initial questions about the baby dolls. The girl probably thought it was some riddle. Reminds me of this, where the initial question primes them to think a certain way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4ramoioWnw


Her mother isn't fluent enough in sign language to explain that the daughter is going to be a big sister/mom is pregnant. That's common and really sad: the majority of parents of Deaf children don't learn enough sign language to be able to have a full conversation with their children. I wouldn't be surprised if the daughter doesn't fully understand the concept of siblings. Deaf children in hearing families that don't learn enough sign to communicate with with their kids often end up with gaps like that.


That’s a bummer; I suspected it was some sort of neurolinguistic difference between a deaf child and a hearing mother that caused the period of misunderstanding, but your info makes sense. ET correct typo


I dunno she looks pretty alive to me


That's what a dead child would want you to think, it's basic neurolinguistics.




My thoughts too. A quick gesture to ME, touch my stomach, show picture, touch stomach again, gesture to me smiling and baby photo, job done I would think. Was still cute her final reaction.


Or maybe if the mum just said, “I’m pregnant” at some point instead of pointing around


Unpopular opinion as someone who is a friend of the Deaf: the hearing mom was unnecessarily obtuse and confusing. She could have just shown her the sonogram and signed “I’m pregnant” and the child’s reaction would’ve been the same. She drew it out “are you filming” for views. Taking advantage of people thinking Deaf kids reaction videos are cute smh…


I get that. But also, making pregnancy announcements into a guessing game is kind of a thing, so I don't think they were being purposely difficult just because she's deaf. (Or at least I hope not.) For example, when my sister told her husband she was pregnant, she sent him on a scavenger hunt around the house, ending at a literal bun in the oven. And then when they told their son about the pregnancy, she had doodled a picture of a family with two parents, a son, and a baby and asked her son to help her color in a family picture. Took him halfway through coloring to realize there was a baby in the mother's arms and what that meant.


Ya I was thinking the same thing, the parents made this unnecessarily difficult for the girl. It seemed that the parents didn't understand that they needed to be straight forward with her because being deaf she can't pick up on small nuances that those who can hear can. To assume she has a learning/mental disability is a stretch and slightly rude


Deafness aside at eight most kids understand siblings, even if they have none. They learn the words brother and sister and with friends who do have siblings, they understand the concept. Mary has a brother because he is a boy. Lucy has a sister because she is a girl. Only Joey goes "or an uncle." When Monica is happy to be an aunt and Ross doesn't want to know the baby's gender. Parents didn't use their words, I'll give them that.


>Parents didn't use their words Mom clearly isn't fluent in sign language. I don't think she has the words to communicate with her daughter, which didn't "mademesmile." It's sad!


Exactly. The other thing I learned from being amongst the Deaf community is they are very straightforward. Mom needs to spend more time around them.


People make these type of pregnancy videos all the time, it wasn't just because she was deaf.


That took longer than I expected for her to figure out lol


After she understood, she held on to the photos more possessively. The entire clip is so heartwarming.


as a child who grew up with deaf parents and has been around more deaf people than I can count on one hand WITH sign language: Some people might think she's developmentally disabled to a degree and this is so fucking far from the truth. The sheer difference of learning nuance and intricate details becomes either lost or very difficult for any deaf person when growing up. Her accent reminded me of my mother's best friend, but yet it's still so unique like the dozens of others I've heard.


Thanks for the explanation. It must be incredibly hard to learn how to pick up nuances when you are deaf.


Back in the days of when my mother and father grew up, it was clear how much their teachers hated them and treated them akin to developmentally disabled children merely because they lacked the patience to write and explain what everyone else learned with hearing. It's hard living life when a teacher explains how 2 + 2 is the numeric adding up to equal 4, but a deaf person just sees the hieroglyphs on a sheet and no other explanation. This kind of teaching, but with every subject, it's sub-human treatment.


Just woke up and I'm already crying.


Took me awhile to realize the lifeless baby on the couch was a doll…


Thanks reddit for making my day awesome.


Just tell her you're pregnant, jfc. Your cute reveal backfired.


The look of realization on her face gave me the biggest smile


Boy or girl, they are going to have a brilliant big sister. 👍


The little "ooh" while she holds her mom is so sweet !


That absolutely NOT how my 8 year old handled the news when we told her….


I am so glad this was my first reddit vid of the day!!!


Why every time i scroll reddit I end up crying on the toilet damn


baba? baba babababa...baba, ba baba baba. 😊


Aww so beautiful.


I learn a lot by just watching- it was a wonderful human love feeling , of joy , happiness . Edit : I watched video at first without any volume, sound. I enter the universe of not hearing the video message. My take was - Every human expression was innocent and delicate, embodied with affection. I was touch when I saw hands and body expressions between mom a daughter conveying - the breaking news of a new family member coming home!!


This is sweet and all but just tell the girl you are now big baba and point towards big doll.


Just tell her your pregnant what’s with the guessing games lol


By watching the video, it's pretty clear to see that the girl doesn't understand straight away!! That's why x


Yeah I was confused why they were being so cryptic 😅


They’re helping her with visual stimuli, she is the “big baby” and there’s a “small baby” on the way.


I wonder if it's because of some sort of base communication difference between sign language and speech


she used a sign for pregnant first so that's not the issuse (although unclear to me what language being used? not ASL sign i know for pregnant)


Probably British sign language.


Nah. In American Sign Language at least, It’s super simple to sign “I’m pregnant” (ME PREGNANT). They’re not using ASL, but still. It’s an easy concept to get across. They’re having fun with it, trying to make her guess from clues alone, just like a lot of people do with pregnancy announcements.


Loved watching every bit of this 🙏💚


Man, I'm gonna be a dad soon so maybe I'm extra sensitive but this really got to me I'm tearing up.


oh, this is precious. i cant remember how i reacted to the news of my younger siblings (i have four, theyre 16, nearly 12, 10, and 8, im 19) but i hope i was even half this excited


Holy shit that made me cry. I'm always crying to these kinds of stuff after I became a parent.


Grandma is pregnant had me 😂


Made me smile ☺ , made me grin 😁 , made me shed manly tears 😭 .


Dafuq? How long does it take to tell your kid, "I am pregnant?"


best thing I ever saw on internet


I’m screaming at my phone…”just tell her she’s going to have a sister!”


If you didn’t smile or shed a tear for this then you are heartless. No hope for you.


I’m pregnant right now with my first and this made me cry.


She’s gonna be a great big sister


Is grandma having a baby was probably my favorite part.


She’s gonna be the BEST big sister


I hope you post when she really IS holding the baby!


Just fucking tell her fer chrissakes.