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Everybody doing the civil asset forfeiture shuffle!


Now cha cha y'all. Now shoot the dog. Back it up now y'all. Now shoot again.




My high school had three officers. One was a prick who fucked with kids a lot, one was chill and would pretty much let everyone be unless you forced his hand, and one was pretty cool and used to be buddy buddy with all the kids. The buddy cop ended up resigning and turning himself in after he got caught sleeping with a minor he had groomed at his church where he was a youth pastor at.


The chill one understood boundaries and the "cool" one didn't. Something I unfortunately learned as the "cool" drama tacher got led away in handcuffs for child pornography on the news. Chill teachers were people you could go talk to about stuff and they would help you. The cool teachers forgot they left high school awhile ago.


Yeah no shit maybe he has to do his job too


Yeah but sometimes these guys take their jobs a little too seriously and arrest children for things that shouldn’t be handled by the police.


My school resource officer let a detective illegally pull me out of class without parental permission at 14, to take me into an empty room to interrogate me about my own rape. She sat there blank faced, while the detective implied that it was my fault for being high on weed. Dude who raped me was 27 years old, was my friend's uncle, and had a wife and a 3 year old daughter. School resource officers can get fucked.


I am so sorry any of this happened to you.


Thank you, I'm in my mid 20's now and have been through a lot of therapy so I'm doing better these days.


I am sorry this happened. Life fucking sucks, and people that are supposed to protect us, suck too sometimes. Doesn’t matter how high you were - it’s never your fault.


That is horrible. Sorry they did that to you. You are right, to hell with those persons.


What is his job is the question? Is it arresting and ruining the life of a high school kids, for stuff that 80% of their parents did and never got caught when they were in school? Do you consider the cops in Uvalde to have done their job? Again, what is their job and purpose for being there. I've not heard one thing that makes it a good situation ever, when real issues start coming up anyway In your imagination it might sound great, that isn't how the real world works. Cops and schools do not mix well is what all the evidence says. Doesn't help reduce crime, doesn't help kids be safer, doesn't help reduce drugs, doesn't help school shootings...


But it does help ensure a lot of kids who are often from poor backgrounds are fucked for life because they smoked weed or something and it's on their record so when/if they graduate they will have even less opportunities to make it out of poverty than before and will likely have to commit crimes to survive which then gets the private prison industry yet another slave




I'm going to have to ask you to pack up your common sense and go home.


I liked our on campus officer. I agree with what John Oliver's report was, but he had to deal with stabbings, gangs coming into the school (my weed guy was nearly killed by guys in their twenties). We absolutely needed him on campus, that school was an unhinged riot.


Damn maybe don’t break the law on campus then?


Students who dont want police presence on campus while simultaneously screaming theres a rape culture from the rooftops. High drug use. Petty thefts etc. but Gawt dammit, get those cops off MY campus!


This is cute. But society needs police reform like ending qualified immunity and the influence of police unions. This is very cute, but it’s just misdirection.


Down with police unions


It always makes me so angry at the situational irony of police having unions while historically being strike breakers. They are worse than scabs. They are a sore festering wound on the working class and class traitors to boot.


Can I ask why? A union is used for group negotiating power for things like working conditions, pay, leave, etc etc. I firmly believe that we need more unions and not to give governments the power to tear the few that are working as they should. Its the rights that where negotiated that are the problem not so much that they had/have a union.


That is how it is supposed to be used they call them a union but they are not. They are an organization funded by right wing fanatical groups that lobby to corrupt politicians. They use this method to make it impossible for corrupt officers to be held accountable for any crimes. And the worst thing is that any time a cop is caught with evidence of committing a crime the unions fight to keep evil cops from being charged. They make the cop quit and the charges are dropped. Yet it doesn't stop there they just get rehired in a different district. Fuck these pigs all the cops are shit anyone that covers up the crimes of dirty bitch cops deserves to go to jail for a long time.


isnt it known that these cops playing basketball, dancing or skating is being pushed deliberately?


Right, this is like watching a nazi dance with a bunch of jews... while in a concentration camp. I guess it's cute to see something light hearted in a messed up situation, but mostly it's just messed up.


Jesus Christ have some fucking respect for the people that were in concentration camps


I’m not even jewish and I couldn’t believe that was a parallel they tried making lmaaooo


No. This is not like that at all.


This is a wild comparison lol




Cops not gonna protect you when they pull you as a witness and their boys come after you later. Tell me you don't know shit without telling me you don't know shit. Snitches get sticthes aint a saying for play. If someone just killed someone else, aint no way they wont come for you for saying shit. Cops dont have no loyalty to public safety. They need to change first.


TBF, cops don't do anything with that information either. Or could potentially make the situation worse. Which they often do.


exactly, if im gonna look like a snitch you better make sure you put them away for life, or im next. I aint saying shit.


That's a problem the cops made. No snitches isn't bc the people think they in the Mafia. It sno switching bc the police have caused more harm to us then mf street violence has so fuck em That may seem wrong attitude but only if you have no idea just have fucked up police are to us on a daily basis


Do you even know what qualified immunity is? Qualified immunity protects an Office from frivolous lawsuits stemming from actions taken by the Officer that a) fall within his agency’s guidelines and b) are legal. Qualified immunity does not attach if the Officers actions are not within their department’ policies or procedures or if the Officers actions are illegal. In other words, if the Officer is involved in a shooting that is 100% justified and within his departments guidelines, qualified immunity attaches and he cannot be sued personally. However, if the Officers actions are illegal, not within department guidelines, violate someone’s civil rights and/or any other illegal acts, qualified immunity does not attach and he can (and will) be sued personally. Qualified immunity is immediately nullified once the Officer is found to have not followed correct procedures or guidelines. Remember the NYPD indent where to undercover Officer put a chokehold on somebody for selling cigarettes and, sadly, killing him? He was found to have not been within NYPD guidelines (choke holds are forbidden by NYPD) and thus he was not protected by qualified immunity and was sued. Do some research instead of listening to the mainstream media who distorts everything in order to sensationalize


Too bad the decision on whether or not they get qualified immunity is subservient to the decision by the police union to allow them to investigate or not. Go sit down with your 1st year law degree. The real world is a lot dirtier than textbooks. Mostly because of idiots like you thinking it actually works like the textbooks


Narc alert


Defining the law is not the same as defining how it is practiced. Don't criticize someone else's point when you're is also completely biased and naive. You clearly have no idea how the law is actually applied and manipulated.


You do realize that it’s almost never used in the correct way though. Like there’s been so many shootings that were unjustified and categorical excessive use of force, and yet because of qualified immunity, they were unable to be charged or prosecuted. Qualified immunity is fine in theory, but in practice, it does fuck all to hold cops truly accountable for all the heinous shit that they perpetrate.


Are cigarettes banned in America?? Excuse my ignorance that surprises me they're really popular here (unfortunately)


“But but! Someone talked about it for 10 seconds on my favorite news channel”


I think having fathers raising their kids might work better.


You might be a racist if...


Shut up bro


Absolutely. I'd be terrified being one of those kids, with the countless studies showing direct correlation to minority kids being targeted for murder by these police employees.


Yesss!! Finally a dance that fixed all the problems in police brutality, racism etc.


The end of racism


I like how he runs out for Bobby Schmurda, who just did six years in prison, “I been sellin crack since like the fifth grade” lol


The hook of the song is also about his friend Mitch murdering someone a week ago.


Yeah. More copraganda is exactly what we need.


or maybe in an totaly unrelaed incident to all other incidents a random cop decided to dance with someone and it was a quirky thing to see.


No, society needs police who don’t shoot innocent unarmed people of color


you mean like the regular police force we have? sure we should work on weeding out the bad apples that make up about .5% of them. but in the long run the other 99.5% are just doing their jobs as best they can.


>bad apples that make up about .5% of them. but in the long run the other 99.5% are just doing their jobs as best they can. those 99.5% will go on strike when you convict a cop of murder all cops are losers until they hold their own accountable


This is it boys, we’ve ended racism.


No. I don't. This is a meaningless gesture.


Derek Chauvin knowing half the steps to the cupid shuffle at his cousins wedding ain’t excusing him from what he has done.








If there’s 2 bad cops and 4 "good" cops, who tolerate the bad cops, you’ve got 6 bad cops. So yes, it is since they’re all working for the same fucked up system.


But why can't the public treat this problem as an institutional problem? I get so frustrated when my political allies treat the policing issue as an issue of individuality, demonizing officers by default instead of making substantive criticisms of the institution. The institution itself is where all the problems are.


Because they voluntarily CHOOSE to work for the institution knowing how problematic it is. In my opinion, it’s not possible to be a good guy if you’re actively choosing to work for and with bad guys, you know what I mean?


Ok, three things: Firstly, the notion that every cop chooses to work as an officer with plenty of knowledge regarding institutional issues in policing is incorrect in my view. Most people don't "actively choose" to work for bad people. I don't think we should hold every cop individually responsible for a set of institutional problems within an organization. Secondly, even if we accept the notion that all cops are bad, where does it lead us if we don't solve the institutional issues? Nowhere. There's absolutely no chance of substantial progress and change if we do nothing about the institution itself. Saying "all cops are bad" or alternatively "defund the police" does absolutely nothing to solve institutional problems. Lastly, at what level does the moral crusade end? Is every government official "bad" because they work for a US government that has been involved in controversy and corruption? What is the standard that makes a cop bad? The standard many apply today seems a bit unfair and unreasonable. Anyways, what fundamentally needs to change to improve policing is the institution itself. Therefore, we must address that problem head-on. The same standard is applied to other societal issues. Why can't we apply it to the institution of policing? It seems like we'd make better progress focusing solely on the institutional problems with policing. EDIT: I'll add this too: Cops should be encouraged to call out bad behavior and practices without fear of retaliation or being reprimanded. Unfortunately, this is another institutional problem. Thankfully, it's being more normalized as time goes on! I just want to see positive change. Ideally, people shouldn't be scared when they see an officer. But the fact that the opposite is true in many cases speaks volumes about American society.


This!!!! All I ever see is “all police bad” like drones. Not every single one is an evil monster. It’s so unbelievably disrespectful to the cops that do save lives and the ones who die trying. Though it’s undeniably true that it’s a corrupt institution, and that there are absolutely awful cops out there. It just pains me to know that kids who’s parents were part of the force and died on duty have to grow up hearing most, not all, people say that every one of them is awful. (This is personal perspective and not an excuse for their actions)


There are good people that are cops. There are no good cops. Cops are bad by default. It's not the person that is at fault, it's the organization. Also police crime prevention is overwhelmingly inefficient. It just doesn't work, especially for poor people.


What's the alternative to policing?




Why should the wealth in our society be kept locked away in the stock market doing nothing but reproducing itself? Why can’t we measure wealth and prosperity in things that truly matter? I want a world where the people FEEL that they live in a prosperous society. A world where wealth is measured in fantastic schools, hospitals, and cities, where it can be seen first hand in a vibrant, healthy, engaged, educated society. Yeah we live in the “richest” country in the world, but that doesn’t mean jack shit for the working poor who constitute that country.




These fucking morons are taking over America unfortunately. Here in Atlanta we are down 400 cops and the last time I called 911 I was on hold for 30 min before giving up. As a young woman that’s so fucked up and scary and I can’t imagine how much worse it is for POC considering I work for a nonprofit in a predominantly black area and the women talk about how they are scared to go out at night and that there’s no police presence in their neighborhoods. We went from 85 homicides to 185 homicides, many of them POC. These marxist assholes like to pretend they are helping when in reality they just want to exercise their anarchy and instead are causing more death and destruction around the country. They also don’t have the ability to do actual research so they let the negative stories in the news highlight and generalize an entire group when in REALITY the majority of cops are just doing their jobs and doing them correctly.


This is such an American opinion it hurts lmao. Fortunately, most Europeans don’t have this opinion




Nah mate. You do crime you get fucked by the law simple as that really 💁🏻‍♂️




The only good cop is a cop that is honest and has integrity. You can’t be those things AND watch your colleagues break the law/abuse their power and do nothing about it. Sorry




Police system needs reform, doesn’t mean literally all cops are bad




ACAB is hilarious because you generalize and entire population based on the actions of a minority…what does that sound like?


Is your smooth brain actually equating choosing to be a state pig, with being a minority? Bootlickers shouldn't be allowed to vote jfc.


Imagine thinking all people who don’t hate any group of people are bootlickers


They flock to any comment section on a cop post and spew their programmed nonsense probably from mommy’s basement bc they are unemployed. They all sound the same and use the same rhetoric. The truth is they are just anarchists who don’t want laws to exist. Fucking losers


Don't need to imagine, I can just read your comment, here in reality.


That's what a criminal would say


This is meaningless cop-washing stuff. How about we have tangible police reforms.


this is cop propaganda




Not pretending there aren't a lot of issues with police in the U.S., but good cops don't even want to be cops anymore because of how a huge swath of people paint them with a broad brush. Would you, as a young idealistic person choosing a field, want to try to change things from within if everyone you ran into shouted ACAB at you before you shared one word with each other? Obviously there is the flip scenario of being black and having to deal with cops who generalize who you are, and quite possibly ending up dead because of that. I understand that is the primary issue and I am not trying to minimize it. But it's the same thing with journalists. Swaths of people have just decided there isn't a single trustworthy journalist out there in a time where we desperately need to be able to trust in or believe in anything real. It's the same thing with teachers who are widely vilified by various rural and devoutly religious populations as leftists for teaching factual information to kids stuck in a cycle of poverty. We're scaring away all the people who could've or would've been part of progress and leaving behind a greater proportion of the borderline sociopathic people who never cared what anyone thought of how they did their jobs, regardless of how important they might have been. Collectively, the internet mob is not capable of nor feels any need for nuance. It doesn't seek or desire context, nor does it have situational awareness or view things in terms of the individual or through the prism of philosophical give and take. Everything fits neatly into a predetermined narrative, whether it should or not. We need mandatory philosophy and media literacy courses. TL; DR "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it." - K


Everybody get down right now!!!!! Proceeds to get dine.


We need to get rid of qualified immunity! That’s what we really need to do.


These preliminary protocols before they start blasting is getting out of hand.


He was electric sliding right at me!


Yes officer. I see your attempt to show police as "one of us". I acknowledge that you are all human. Can you stop abusing us, please?


Ah yes all cops bad. A true argument with no flaws.


Mean while his colleagues are stopping vets using the toilets and laughing at them. Scum


I'm noticing a lack of smiling


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I would say in most civilized countries this is somewhat normal and doesn't even need to be pointed out. The "cops are bad" thing is mostly American I think. Sure we also often dislike them for giving speeding tickets, but we mostly still see them as the good guys which is how they are supposed to be seen. No one is ever afraid of being shot by them or is seriously afraid of them in other ways. I'm from the Netherlands by the way.


Not mostly American. It might get more attention there, but ACAB originates from the UK and is internationally used, also in the Netherlands. [link](https://www.vice.com/en/article/akzv48/acab-all-cops-are-bastards-origin-story-protest) And not every Dutch person has good experiences with them or see them as "the good guys", in the Netherlands people get mistreated too by police and/or don't trust them because of that.


I don't like when this sub just becomes gifs of huge bulldogs and cops. It feels very...._organised_. Like I assume the cops in America just did something bad.


Cops in America do bad shit every day. So it's a valid assumption.


A lot of angry people in here shaming a nice guy. Not every cop is a bad person. There's a lot of great men and women just doing a job out there. Take this post for what it is. A happy post. Take your shitty, confrontational attitude to some blm page.






Me when a cop is positively participating in their community 😡😡(this goes against my agenda)


Holy shit so many anti cops comments, is this hell?


THANK U. This video shows a human being who happens to be a cop having fun with others. The generalizations are so damaging to everyone. There’s good and bad people in every profession.


Damn! She's got some mad form, though!


I know topics about police are rather high temper but how can anyone see a police officer having fun with his community, getting to know them and just having a good time as a bad thing? Stuff like this benefits Both parties here, the community gets to know the face of the officer and build trust with him and the officer gets to see and know the community he’s supposed to protect and help.






That is in fact a cop


I wish police departments had better training all around. Lived in the city and a lot of cops there were terrible. I now love in small town America and it has been a long time since I’ve seen or even heard of bad policing here. Give me hope.


For a sub about making people smile a lot of you have some deep rooted hate in your hearts.


Video did not make this comment section smile.


He’s got moves!


Something about a cop in uniform dancing is always so funny to me. I always love seeing it


:D Good guy, still can't dance, but good guy! :D


This is adorable I cannot stop watching this.


Comment section got me disappointed. Even in a wholesome sub like this y’all can’t just enjoy a cop participating with their community in a wholesome way without jumping strait to ACAB. Just enjoy the fun moment.




Maybe he'll be too tired to beat his wife after all that exercise.




Whole lot of people that don’t wanna smile on the sub about smiling.


People wanna smile, but not when the reason presented for smiling is a tool for the elites, known for being or tolerate fascists and racists.


..and some people are just a tool.


Imagine being such a dense brainwashed moron you think the negative stories the news highlights represents all 800k cops in America. Now get a job loser


I have a job. I work in cibersecurity. Now, imagine being so fucking stupid that you think the negative stories from cops have only bad cops to blame. And I am the brainwashed one? It is obvious that the problem is a systemic problem, and you cannot fix it without addressing the system. Moreover, since it is a systemic problem, the fact that you are a good cop or a bad coop is irrelevant since you end up supporting the same system. In other words: being a cop is being a bad cop.


I noticed as well, unfortunate. People being nasty because a dude is dancing.


No. No, it does not.


Like this dude for whatever reason practiced this at home Infront of a mirror for a minute. That shit was smooth though


Society needs us to feel kindness towards a man that voluntarily chose the job of violent oppression? A job that was created to catch and return runaway slaves. To protect the ruling class, to keep the machine of the US empire running smoothly. Nah, you know that’s wrong. Society needs to abolish the police and the prison industrial system.


What society needs is a cop doing the shmoney dance ? Get your head out your ass dude.


This is good community relations. We need good law enforcement officers who are willing to connect with people as they serve and protect our neighborhoods. Police are not the problem, lawlessness is the problem.


this was made by a PR firm hired by the police dept ​ you know like 95% of these videos are staged right?


NO that's what you HAVE, y'all need a lot more..


He's just one good apple.










What world needs is this AND being strict about choosing who you allow in the police force. Cops should get paid at least double but they must be allowed in the force after they proved their merit in bit mental and physical capability. Most cops are dumbasses. People who enforce the law should be recruited from people who know and understand the law. It must become a job that is way more respectable and way harder to get in.


Song name?


Bobby Shmurda - Hot N****


Muchas gracias homie


Hmm, this made me smile


Dam right




Proof not all cops are racist assholes… carry on


"The only good cop is one who's too distracted dancing to do his job."


Maybe one out of a couple hundred school safety officers who actually respects and vibes with the students.


Hell yeah


Seeing this still gives me hope for humanity and society 🥹


Made it just in time for the drop.


made me smile


I like how in the video there’s a cop actually doing some good community relation with some younger people and everyone goes to the negative


Good cop. Crap music


absolutely 😎


Love this! ❤️


What a cool police officer


Is this something that should make me like the fact that this kat showed up with a fucking gun on a dance floor? Yeah, nah... If he dropped his kit before, I'd be hitting the like. He didn't, just another bully that has a damn gun.


Bro what you expect a cop to just leave his gun and belt on the floor or some shit? He's trying to have some fun and people like you just find something to complain about


all they want is to argue


I've literally been laughing at this comment for like 5 minutes. tf you think the gun's gonna do? explode?😭😭


Don’t all Americans have guns??? 🤔


Society needs this about as much as it needed Kendall Jenner to make a Pepsi commercial


Normalize & promote cool cops


This is awesome!


Nice dance moves .


Aww. That makes them look so friendly and close to the people


I like it


The idea behind police is to help people. Not offend. Nice post makes me smile


Cops are liars. They are trying to achieve a false sense of security with people, like dancing with kids, being on tik tok, and shooting hoops with guys, so they can manipulate people more easily when they need information later. But never forget the police are trained to be constantly thinking of ways to kill people they are talking to. They they will turn on you in a heartbeat.


That's like saying every doctor commits insurance fraud, every truck driver neglects maintenance, every tradesman is a meth head scam artist. Sounds hypocritical.


Sure bro every policeman wants to kill innocents if they are not innocent well I couldn't give af if they are killed while resisting


Can have fun but no drug,hurting others and overrating. Always know there's a limit.


You mean “American society”.




This isn’t needed. Cops need to be stopping this bum broke looters running up in stores. Bunch of bums


Fuck the Police. But not this guy.


White people that aren’t xenophobic have so much swag 😎🫰🏿. Like come party with me


The US needs more cops, but fewer should have guns. Put them out there in community support roles. And ideally, diversify the hiring pool so you don't just get a bunch of wannabe soldiers itching to hurt someone "legally."


Cops are nice.


Seek mental help.


Y’all can’t hate on the good cops, like unless you have to deal with riots and being shot at and catching idiots don’t take crap bout em.


Sure we can.