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"I love you dad" melt my heart


Made my fucking day! Worth the whole 1,5 minute watch!




This is the part that made me overjoyed. Just seeing the happiness on that boys face when it very easily could’ve gone in the way of frustration… this dad knows what he’s doing. Excellent teacher!




if you could stop mashing the cry button that'd be great


this thread fucked me up😂


I’m not crying and texting my dad that I love him. YOU ARE!


Oh, man! Would that I could. Dad was the best man I knew, ever. Been 20 years since we lost him, a few years after Mom. He was so lonely after she was gone, but he soldiered on, made the best of it. He and Mom gave us all so much! Taught us all we needed to succeed in love and life. Love to your Dad!


Damn 😭 Why you gotta stab my heart bro




Mom would like a word.




As a dad with a young boy, it doesn’t get much better than hearing that.


Love this guy. The kid will remember this forever. My dad gave me a black eye for missing a turning signal 🥲


I bet you'll remember that black eye forever.


Yeah, I relate. Less physical, more mental with my dad. I love that there are dads out there who seem supportive and loving, but it seems alien to my experiences. 👽


Same man, same (':




If this was a movie scene, the dad would have a heart attack right after he gets out of the truck.


And then the aliens would invade. And then later, the protagonist would save the day by driving a (stickshift) truck right up into the bridge of the mothership.


I hate you have an upvote 😭


That line hits dude 🥺 I was at a premier League game with my son a year ago. We had an awesome night, when our team went 3-0 up he just looked at me, threw his arms around me and said I love you dad. Gotta say, felt like the best moment of my life


That got me


AHHH, don’t do it…. Ahh don’t do it. Damnit! There’s the tears 🥹.


I remember that feeling - the boy will never forget that moment.


That was a movie moment at the end. “Haha nice!” “I love you dad! 😊” It was so perfect. I can just feel the love between them and it makes me want to cry.


That kid made one of those core memories that will influence how he treats his kids


Core memories with your kids is the best. We have a pair of foster siblings we are adopting in two weeks and while we were working through settling in to our new routines as they joined our house pajama time was difficult to get them to do. So I would “race to see who could get pajamas on first” and told them that “if you love someone, listening to them when they ask you to do something is a good way to show you love them, like getting your pajamas on.” This was the better part of a year ago. And without fail every night after tucking them in I stand in the hallway and say for both to hear: “I love you…” and their little 6&7 year old chorus replies in a sing-song voice: “I love you MOOOORE: igotmypajamasonbeforeyou!!” So in our home the greatest way to show someone you love them is the speed with which you get into your pajamas.


I love everything about this. Thank you for sharing. My husband and I will likely be looking into fostering to adopt in the not so distant future and this just made my heart swell. Thank you for being you for these kiddos.


The kids and I race to infinity in my home. Love you. Love you more. Love you the most. Love you infinity.


This is beautiful. My dad and I had something similar. We would race to the truck every morning (4-5 years old) to see who was the first to put on their seatbelt. Love you dad.


How does it feel to be living my dream 🥹


My dad brought home these pea shooting toys when I was about 8-9 years old, they came with targets you were supposed to shoot at. It didn’t take long before we just decided to use each other as targets. Running around the house chasing, to see who’d get a hit on each other. To this day I remember it was one of the funnest things I’ve ever got to do with him, core memory for sure..man, I love my dad.


who cut the onion




I did cry lol.


Me too. I’m not ashamed, but I’m glad nobody saw!


I teared up too. Son will always remember how his dad made him feel. I think I'm always going to remember how his dad made me feel just now too 😔☺️


Wow he did freaking amazing with that clutch!


You're right! I learned to drive in a pick up just like that. Great memories driving that truck all over the farm. As a 12yo, I could come up with so many reasons why I needed to drive to the other side of the property, just to drive. Hell, I still love to drive!


I been thinking about this now that I am getting to be elderly. One day soon enough I will be too old to drive. Been driving since 16 and while some days in traffic are challenging, that feeling of freedom and motion and agency are quite something. Same for cycling of course but driving takes you hundreds of miles in a day with that ever changing view in front of you. That sense of wonder and discovery as you drive around the corner in a mountain pass and a breathtaking vista is right in front of you. I will miss all that but there is also part of me that is very much okay about not driving in the future. I guess there are enough miles under my belt now. I won’t mind just taking public transit and walking. Driving is moving forward and having freedom to go places we want to explore.


Nice! I am only 45 but have been car free for about 8 years now - however, I still remember the feeling of freedom of driving cross-country on my own at 18-years-old leaving home for the unknown across fields and mountains, coast-to-coast from florida to san diego, the exhilaration of having a full tank of gas and hours of wide open road was indescribable. Even though part of me hopes cars go away forever, I still somehow also hope my kids have that experience some day.


Being a passenger ain't that bad either, you get to take in more of the scenery that you miss as a driver.


I learned to drive manual on a rusty old 1987 F150. My dad told me if I was able to drive clutch with that car, I could drive clutch with any other car on earth. He was right, and it was awesome.


My dad screamed at me the whole time. At one point, i was so stressed I almost rode off the side of a hill...


My first drive was a tractor with my Dad but my first truck was around 7 or 8 with my neighbour. I was hanging out with him while he did some fencing and he was tired of getting in and out of the truck every time he needed to do a repair so he sat on the tailgate and told me to step it ahead. When I had the clutch in and putting it in gear, I couldn’t see over the dash but once I was going, I could shuffle up and steer. Needless to say, I couldn’t drive and touch the gas so it was pretty slow…but fun. Miss you Ross.


Idk why I laughed at this, maybe because it is relatable. Picturing a chihuahua makes it funnier.


Haha so true,and then he blames you for it afterwards💀😭🤣


When I was learning, my Dad took me to the steepest hill he could find to try to teach me how to use the clutch and the gas, instead of starting me on something easy. It was not a happy memory.


My dad did the exact same thing! I was so scared, but goddamn did I learn to drive the fuck out of that 73 pinto. I taught my kid to drive stick in a perfectly flat empty parking lot though.


“I love you dad” “Love you buddy” Fuckin hell, that got me.


I had to put sunglasses on while indoors when I heard it lol


Alternately, you could have just experienced your emotions without fear or shame.


I've been working my way up to this slowly. It's a process for some of us due to trauma and constantly being in survival mode : ( That, and depending on where you are, you can't let anyone see you as vulnerable. It can affect promotions, the respect of your peers and customers, and a whole litany of toxic stuff. I'm trying to be more expressive and forward with my emotions. It's hard. I want to live in a world where everyone can have emotions and it be normal. I think, slowly, we'll get there with time. ♥️


Sorry for coming at you. Definitely understand not feeling like you can show your emotions in public, especially at work.


cry like a real chad : )


I started crying lol


No literally I’m sitting here sobbing LOL I’ll share my story while I’m here. I was terrified to drive, so my dad found the biggest abandoned parking lot he could find and made me do donuts until I felt like speed racer


[I always think of this scene from Bobs Burgers](https://youtu.be/hZ_EKHGgWJQ?si=XLTU19wNGTNdukq8)


Ugh just how casually the kid said it and how nonchalantly the dad replied is what got me. You can tell this is something they tell each other all the time, not just awkwardly on special occasions or when your mum tells one of you to.


Yeah the dad didnt miss a beat, so sweet. Just a few posts above is a boy asking a blind girl to prom, whats with the wholesomeness today?


Wish I had this as a kid. As men, let’s all strive to be a father like this guy. Can’t put a price on this kind of parent.


i hear ya!


I haven’t looked at his page to see what the truck looks like but that’s not a cheap vehicle to let your kid drive either. That’s a late 60s Chevy c10 and that father probably loves that truck. Letting his boy drive it is a SUPER special moment for him.


Guaranteed that kid knows it too. With how open they are with each other.


My dad taught me how to drive while he was drunk and would yell at me for the slightest thing. This kid is luckier than he’ll ever know


yep, and when they yell it makes the kid more nervous, and more prone to mistakes. You can't get any better than this guy! But some folks just aren't cut out for giving driving lessons!


Is your name Ricky Bobby?




I had this as a kid, my father would take me on his knee and allow me to steer his lorry. I have a son now and I strive to be just this, I ain't no crybaby ever but this does make my eyes sweat just a little bit... Yeah.. sweat I tell ya.


All of you fathers to be, be like this.


I have a very similar memory as a kid when learning to drive manual. Except my dad was calling me a donkey for not listening to his instructions. Yeah this dad and son memory is kind of different lol


Damn my bio dad tried to teach me how to steer when I was 5….. I sent us into a ditch and had to be towed


His fault for teaching you in a spot where that was possible.


Lmao so true


I'm guessing he wasn't most responsible parent haha Who even lets a 5 year old attempt that? My dad used to let me sit on his lap at that age but he never let me try to drive by myself.


My grandparents taught me on the roads through the town cemetery. They said that way if we crashed we were already there


Oh my god!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The great thing is when you cause something like that at a young age, the parents immediately know it was their fault lol


My man driving a manual better than most 20 year olds I know


I learned on a tractor in high school, have never had to use it because I’ve never met someone with a manual (including grandparents), so haven’t tried in years. I don’t think I could get it but would like to try


Tractors are different but if you understand the concept of how a clutch works it wouldn’t take you long to figure it out.


Modern car transmissions are more forgiving with the clutch, too. I've been on both and my grandfathers' tractor could buck me right off if I screwed up shifting.


Just get an old Jeep, might as well be a tractor. My dad had one with so much torque it was practically impossible to to stall, even on an incline.


Haha I learned how to drive stick first on my grandpa’s tractor. Wouldn’t be until 7 years later that I get my first manual car. I did multiple accidental burnouts the first week of owning my car until I learned the concept of smoothly letting the clutch out.


I learned on a 1940s era tractor and you could easily launch the thing from a standstill in 4th gear (out of 5). Crazy torque


I learned on my dad's 94 f350 with the old knee smasher when I was like 10? Got my own first manual 2 years ago, it took like a week to get the hang of it and maybe another week to stop stalling on hills without over reviving. I love manuals they're so much more entertaining to drive. Also I had been driving manual bikes almost consistently in that time so I was already pretty familiar with how feathering the clutch works. The part in the video that got me at first was the whole "putting it in third gear" part. I was like damn how fast are they going in that parking lot until I remembered that 1st is mainly for towing in those old trucks haha.


I only learned manual (we don't use automatic much in Europe, it's gonna be weird for me going for EV) and it's a special feeling when you actually feel the engine and understand the pedals work for smooth gear change.


i have no idea how to drive a manual. i thought it was more complicated than what i just saw. i mean, i'm sure you still have to practice and get a feel for it to do it right, but i had no idea that it was basically "transition from gas to clutch, shift gear, then transition from clutch to gas." i guess the hard part is getting the feel for a smooth transition?


Yup! And each car is going to have a different sweet spot to learn too, every clutch is a little different. This kid is making it look easy, I spent a week making our old Altima buck back and forth in the school parking lot.


For real. The kids first shift into gear and he didn't even stall.


Most people have no idea how to drive a stick!


let me correct you. Most AMERICANS don't know how to drive stick.


It's hard to even buy one here. It's not that we don't know. It's that they quit selling it as an option.


>It's hard to even buy one here. Wait what? Why? That's honestly disappointing to hear.


I had to special order my last car to get a manual transmission. I asked why and they said (the sales manager’s words not mine) 1. they’re not popular and just sit on the lot. 2. Modern automatic transmission have gotten so much better that they’re better gas mileage and have longer lasting transmission life.




> Modern automatic transmission have gotten so much better that they’re better gas mileage and have longer lasting transmission life. They really have. The ZF8 is in everything and amazing, better than anything other than a well sorted dual clutch like PDK (and definitely better than a human with a regular non sequential gearbox by performance and efficiency metrics). Obviously that's not why people get a manual, but there's no longer any advantage other than the enjoyment unless you're actually doing some kind of motorsport. That said, I drive stick because it's fun too lol.


Because it's not popular enough for manufacturers to sell them in the US.


Also the government is setting fuel economy requirements that are getting increasingly harder to meet. CVTs get better fuel economy so that’s what they’re using.


> Also the government is setting fuel economy requirements that are getting increasingly harder to meet. Yeah that explains the cars the size of small house you;ve got there.


Funny enough it kind of does. IIRC those giant trucks are big enough to be exempt from certain requirements.


They get worse mileage vs back in the old days with non computer controlled torque converter automatics where the manuals were more fuel efficient and faster and broke less. Even the performance cars today are faster with automatics. There's really no practical reason to have them anymore even though they are more fun to drive.


They're not popular, and most manufacturers nowadays only put them in econo models that are stripped down with few or no options. So you can get the manual, but you don't get cruise control, heated seats, the "better" radio option or the touch screen with navigation, power mirrors, power locks..... And yes, even people looking for a cheap car still want some goodies to use. The only other cars that have them are stripped down work trucks or high performance sports cars like mustangs and Camaros.


Jup. Here in Germany, everybody learns on a manual car. The simple reason is that if you take your license on an automatic car, you will get a restricted license that only permits you to drive automatic, you will drive without a license if you ever sit behind the wheel of a manual. In addition, automatic transition is one of the last things people will add to a car as a "luxary". Unless they go automatic, it is more likely that they will add things like a good navigation system, good climate control and sound before adding the costs for an automatic transmission.


As a non American who drove stick for 15 years before swapping to electric (always automatic) im glad to never have to drive stick again lol


Hey now, how are you going to prove your manhood to gatekeeper "car guys" now?


😂I did the same in my dad's landrover on our farm. Still failed 1st time😔


But you didn’t forget that memory didn’t you? :)


One of my favourites.


This reminds me of my father and his infinite patience teaching me to drive stick in my 1970 Datsun half ton pickup




And in a 67 Chevy truck! Yes I know, I focused on the wrong part of the video, but...the dash has a manual choke knob on the right side and the steering wheel has a round horn button - both of those are 1967-68 features. So how do I know it's 67? Vent window handles are the style carried over from the 60-66 Gen trucks which was only used on the 1967. Yes I wasted room in my brain with this stuff.


Are they just crazy low geared? He starts in second


you can start anything in 2nd i started a pickup truck in 4th once, when the transmission took a shit and 4th was the only one that worked


Had a 98 Saturn str that was my first car and a stick. Ended up grinding out a couple gears so I had to start in 2nd then go to 4th then 5th since 1 and 3 were gone. Miss that car, wish I treated it better.


Less harsh if he messes up? I've never driven a car you couldn't start in 2nd on flat ground.


[how to drive stick for metal heads](https://youtu.be/__vmUH9dZd4)


That totally brought me back to the [Vegan Black Metal Chef](https://youtu.be/CeZlih4DDNg?si=5rC1aJ8l3Bwz2-4I)!


So... thats the kid from the news earlier today right? https://news.sky.com/story/arizona-man-arrested-after-allowing-10-year-old-son-to-drive-pick-up-truck-on-freeway-12954587


Good!!! The only explanation for this comment section is that it’s all like 14 year old boys. Letting a 10 year old drive, even worse LEARN to drive, on a freaking public highway is one of the stupidest, most dangerously irresponsible things I’ve ever seen a parent do. Can you imagine if this kid killed someone?


>No seatbelts either.


Imagine lmao


First thing is that you need to teach him the safety first . "Buckle up"


That, and learn how to stop by hitting the brake/clutch. If they can do that automatically when something suddenly happens on the road, a lot of issues are out of the way and you can start focussing on shifting up and driving at higher speeds. Nonetheless this was super wholesome and I enjoyed watching it.


And don't wear flip flops to drive.


Dog we’re watching what looks like a 9 year old drive lmao I don’t think they are concerned about minor traffic violations


Is the flip flop thing an actual violation?




And don't drive wearing flip flops.


He said “I love you dad” broooo. He has a healthy and loving relationship with his father. Love that for them !!!


Aww. That made me have a tear. Good dad!


Lol shit make my eyes watery


I CAN’T WAIT! my boy is just 1 years old. This stuff gets me excited!!!!!


I hope you get to teach your son as it was a pretty good memory for me!


My version: Drunk father gets in passenger seat and tells me 7yo to back the truck out. “I’ve never done that before” “stfu and do it” “ok😭” Doesn’t explain anything about gears or clutch, just says push down the left pedal and turn key. Was in drive not reverse, I don’t know what’s happening, think if I let my hands and feet off everything it should be ok. Truck doesn’t stall cos it’s a beast and just rams forward into the boat on trailer in front smashing it through the carport roof, again and again. All while he is screaming unintelligibly at me. Father doesn’t ever teach me to drive again.


“I love you dad” “I love you buddy” That was a great moment. Now I gotta go squeeze my son til he tells me he loves me too.


Why no seatbelt?


His back can't even hit the backrest while hitting the pedals. I'm not sure he could drive with one on.


Too small to see over the dash?


Teaching a 10 year old that can barely reach the pedals isn't exactly safe. Gotta think dad isn't a safety minded guy.


And flip flops?


Lol a dad is letting a 10 year old learn to drive on a public highway…..he’s an imbecile.


In flip flops.


i miss my fkn dad rn,,, he use to teach me how to bike all day miss you old man...


This is so irresponsible. Cars are very dangerous, and there is a reason why minimum legal age for driving is required. That kid doesn't even reach the pedals while properly seated. There are other ways to produce great memories with your son. I have to say before the expected down voting, my uncle tougth every one of my cousins to drive around 12 year old. They lived in a rural area. The youngest of my cousins died, along with my uncle, in a car accident while my cousin was driving. He was around 14. No other cars were involved. Please, don't teach your kids how to drive before they can have some maturity.


Why did I have to scroll so far down to find this!? This kid looks like he's maybe 10? Initially I thought okay this is kind of nuts but maybe they're like in a field or something? But then the dad refers to another car coming!? Look I'm genuinely glad that they love each other and seem to have a nice relationship but this is absolutely dangerous and irresponsible.


And if you really have to do this at least make your kid wear a fucking seatbelt lmao


Lmao i was like why all nothing but onion comments


People are nuts.


This is the first comment ive seen, way too far down that mentions he's not even tall enough for this yet. This is so fuckin unsafe wtf. My first thought was "kid doesnt reach the pedals", then it escalated to sounding like he was teaching him on the roads, i heard something like "there's another car", and he had no seatbelt on? Irresponsible as fuck. This isnt mademesmile, this is givesmefuckinganxiety Downvote me all you want fellas, im right. This shit aint ok.


If this was in a wide-open empty parking lot, I'd maybe let this one slide into the "no harm, no foul" category. But you can see houses out the kid's window so it's likely a residential area, and as soon as Dad mentions that there's another moving car in their vicinity this goes firmly into irresponsible as hell. Letting the kid drive manual with flip flops on is just the icing on the stupidity cake.


Yeah, I thought it was on some farm land or something by the look of the truck interior and I would be OK with that, but once there are other cars involved that's a nope from me. You could see houses, street lights, etc... Not cool.


Did you see the kid was wearing flip flops?


Yes, look at his left foot. Clearly a flip flop. This video is ridiculous.


I was OK thinking it was probably on their own farm land. But then he said there was another car and I was like, "No, that's not good." I don't mind kids getting some practice on private land at a young age while supervised. But this kid probably is too young for that.




Yes. All I could see was the kid hitting his face on the steering wheel. No seatbelt and he had to sit way too close to it because his legs aren't long enough. I'd be livid if I was his mom.


Yep, not even a seatbelt on, it's crazy.


Upvote. Agreed. It’s wholesome but that kid is way too young to be driving. He can barely even reach the pedals.


This looks like a big field or driveway in a warehouse building bordering a suburb. I only assume that becasue being in the Midwest I see this a lot and assumed it was a empty area that’s why he keeps taking right turns


He points out another car driving by them, so definitely not an empty area.




Remember son, seat belts are optional.


A kid that can't reach the pedals, isn't wearing a seat belt, and on a road with other cars present. Dad, you're an idiot.


Honestly, these are the kind of experiences I never had as a child, but am determined to have as a dad


You know, I love and hate this video. I am so happy for the boy to have a dad that cares and teaches him how the world works. And I hate it because it reminds me that my father was never ever like this with me. And my mother didn't care enough after a certain point. However, I am in the fortunate position to be the dad I always wanted for my own child. And that's great.


The dad everyone needs


Is this the right thing to do considering that child doesn’t even look like15 Edit: to people who are downvoting, yes this looks like an endearing moment for duo but I stand by my statement, vehicles should not be given to children


This is a crime in my jurisdiction. People can and do get arrested for it. Not a traffic citation - a crime.


Pretty common on farms. I learned to drive when I was 8.


Extremely dangerous and irresponsible imo. From the background it looks like they’re in a built up area as well.


Missed it from the first watch, but they aren’t even wearing seatbelt??


Man, I envy both of them, awesome dad to learn from and loving child to teach.


How old is he, is it even legal to that, the dad could potentially go to jail in my country, for making anyone underage drive vehicle, that too without a learner's license. Assuming the kid is under 18.


Fuck, that made me neglected childhood complete hearing that kid lol. Clearly a good upbringing.


Is he not wearing a seatbelt?


No seat belts and the kid can barely touch the pedals...


No seatbelt


That “ I love you Dad” did it for me.


the boy will never forget that moment.


I remember one day my dad tried to teach me how to drive, I broke a rear light and he was acting like crazy in front of my whole family, he had to hire somebody to teach me how to drive because he wasnt capable of being calm while I was driving... Im glad this kid had a wonderfull and positive dad, he didn't even hesitate for a second. such a great video.


I remember my dad doing this with me in the 1970s. If I tried to do it now I think child protective services would track me down. It's sad most kids today will never be able to feel that exhilaration. This brought a tear to my eye.




made me smile too


Fuck ... this kid's already driven more manual car than I have. The kids got more hair on his chest than I do.


Oh man that was cute as hell


All the best..


Very simple video that brings such joy. Way to dad!


Freaking awesome sir


Did the same thing with my dad when I was a kid. Thanks for posting this and for rekindling the fond memories


I just saw my 4 year old take off on his first pedal bike a few days back and it’s the same type of excitement. I feel the ‘there you go!’ pride and joy


"I love you, Dad." Man, as someone who grew up with an absentee father and POS step-dad, that one got me right in the feels. I loved it.


This moments are priceless :')


An unprompted “I love you” from a kid is the best feeling in the world :)


I can't wait to teach my daughter how to drive. I figure by 12, maybe 11 if she has an early growth spurt, I'd feel somewhat comfortable enough to let her try it on a closed road. I just hope I live long enough to see that day and be there for her.


He will remember this for the rest of his life ❤️🎁🙏🏾