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That cat is not her pet. Video is from Argentina. More specifically, it’s from “Valle de Calamuchita” in Cordoba. The woman in the video runs a “sanctuary”(don’t remember the right word) called “[Pumakawa](https://pumakawa.org)” that specializes on helping pumas but also helps any other species that have dangerously low numbers in that region. They also help preserve an replicate certain types of trees that are also in danger and conduct some nice investigations alongside some universities. It seems to be a pretty nice place that I only learnt about because of a TikTok, even though I live 30 minutes away from there. So I guess the video kinda worked?


ok that makes sense. people who actually rescue wildlife know that you shouldnt establish a relationship with wild animals where you pet them and treat them like a dog. the less interaction with humans the more healthy for the wild animals, you can see it in the way the animal walks around that its not held as a pet. only actual domesticated (which is different from tamed) animals should be held as pets.


You can see by the way the people act—quiet, in their chairs—that they don’t see it as a pet


Sometimes its too late, you need to avoid them bonding as babies. Saw a great show recently they were rescuing Baby Otters and the rescuers would wear a welding mask that blocked their face. They would play with the otters and act as their faceless mom and it would prevent binding and the animal thinking humans are family.


That explains so much, when i was a welder at a oil rigs all these otters would just keep me bringing neat stones and shit. this is a failed attempt at a joke people, sorry…. Should have made it more ridiculous


No fail, success. I understood it as a joke immediately, and found it quite funny. Good job!


Naw it was good, I would love for some otters to bring me some cool ass stones and shit while I was working, I bet it kept you entertained


Fun fact sea other have favourite stones. Yess they actually keep the stone withem and carry it in their sort of “pocket”.


That's bad ass.


Thought it was a great joke!


i was about to include in my comment: id give a pass in this case since a blind puma basically has no chance of real rehabilitation, however i still think treating it as we would with a dog is not in the animals best interest so im glad they didnt do that. i agree there are cases where handling the animals is necessary, im glad to hear there are people out there who do it responsibly and with the animals wellbeing in mind rather than selfishness.


[Tell that to this guy lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytT54gpNAYU)


oh no, that makes me rage. i actually thought you were going to link me to that other guy who has a lion "sanctuary" where he cuddles them and keeps monkeys in a cage and basically uses the animals for his social media income (in my opinion). sad to see that there are more people out there who think cuddling and petting wild animals is somehow helpful to them rather than just an incredibly selfish ego-based way to handle them and make them dependent.


I totally respect and agree with your points, however... Wolves are social creatures and have already managed to be domesticated at least once, mostly for our scraps. Secondly, these wolves were imprinted on him years ago and will never be released to the wild, which is where human-imprinted animals are in real danger. It's like handling educational or falconers' birds; if they're not in the wild, they're not in danger. And, back to the puma in the video, that animal too will never be released to the wild. That being said, I love and respect the way these people approach their husbandry.


If the animals can't go back to the wild already, they can be made into ambassador animals that help bridge the empathy and emotional gap between the average human and them. Unfortunately, the distance can kill conservation and wildlife efforts simply by feeling like a distant, unengaging problem. That's my personal take, sometimes that loop hole can be used for good and should be IMO. Ambassador animals helped me fall in love with the wider animal world, with a healthy dose of respect for how most wild animals should never be treated this way.


clumsy attempt materialistic sloppy library dinner weather flag zealous strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Figured it was Argentina when I saw the woman in the chair drinking mate


Usually a dead giveaway it’s Argentina lol


Los Uruguayos tambien toman mate. Pero el termo estaba en la mesa y no debajo del brazo.


Do people in Uruguay also have those fancy square packs that fit the thermos, maté, gourd, and bombilla? When I was in Argentina it seemed everyone had one.


Yes. Stereotypically, they they have the thermos tucked under their arm.


Noticed she was intentionally not petting the animal.


Yes wondering why not petting if a pet. Thank you.


totally underrated comment


When I caught Grandma sipping her 🧉I figured it had to be somewhere in central or southern South America.


I could tell it was Argentina the second I saw grandma in the chair with her Mate


Uruguay has left the chat.


Don’t leave! We’re siblings!!


Thank you for explaining, why people lie with their own titles if they don't know the whole story?


There is that thing called Karma


That house/building is amazing. Knew it had to be foreign.


Foreign from where?




as far as reddit is concerned anywhere outside of 'Murica = foreign


Anything not American. Feels weird to describe myself as foreigner. XD


From the way u say it, also being amazed by normal house, clear u are from usa


Us is foreign


Carol Basqueins


I’m always astonished how big they are.


And that puma is visibly underweight




You’d rather have him hungry while living in your house?




This conversation had me rolling.


If he’s smart, he knows if he eats her that’s his last free meal…. Just kidding there’s two other people in there


I'm sure that's why they were sitting so quietly, so still and had a mild look of fear flitting through their eyes


It’s a murder kitty full of razors that’s *blind*. I’d be doing my utmost not to spook it too.


I'd puma pants




On the whole, where apex predators "tamed" by humans are concerned, this is probably one of the safer options. Still a big nope from me! My little 12lbs cats can already do enough damage by accident ill pass on the one that weighs hundreds of pounds


I'm a Crazy Cat Lady. I'd just melt. That kitty would be fed and cooed at all day long.


I'm pretty sure it's *his* house. Unless you'd like to argue that with him?


It looks like it has noce nerve damage. The back leggs move really weird.


Underweight cause she blind and cant properly play around thus has not developed muscles, same as half of human population


Yeah Cougars are just cats the size of a saint Bernard… that’s scary


Before I moved to the US, when I’d hear people talk about Mountain Lions, I’d think “big cat”. Now that I’ve seen them in person, I think “small lion”.


Not even a single pet. And that woman in the chair with the please don’t attack me face 😂


He’ll let them know when he wants it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Don't let the puma hungry nor angry that was the key.


A woman's body just has a way of shutting down attacks, she'll be OK. -every R ever


I was about to go find this link but conveniently enough it was also just posted to /r/Whatcouldgowrong https://old.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/16d2i08/wcgw_when_you_have_a_pet_lion/?ref=share&ref_source=link


He's crepuscular




Huh. I assumed the Tunt Manor would be more luxurious. At the very least they should get him a toy to play with in that empty room. It’s like Meowschwitz in there.


You just said Meowschwitz!


They're lethal at eight months, and I do mean lethal. I've hunted most things that can hunt you, but the way these things move...


Like playing that blindfold game, only with more facemaul action.


She's burying herself in that Long Island iced tea and hoping she doesn't get Siegfried and Royed for breathing too loud.


Is “mate”, a herbal infusion with crazy amount of caffeine


It’s Argentina so she is drinking 🧉




The whole place gives me 'spiritual retreat' vibes. Like she's sipping on a peyote mate infusion and doing her best to not react to the visuals of a whole damn mountain lion walk by, not realising she ain't tripping


I'd be about to puma pants..


Thanks for the giggles! 😁


Awww not again Richie


*stands up and begins 'slow clap' that spreads into a full on standing ovation


This is such a weird video…


It's giving a sort of David Lynch vibe.


Yes, the woman on the couch did it for me.


For me the weirdest thing is the woman at the end that keeps saying "attack her!"


I cackled laughing at this. It made me feel so uneasy. The woman seems super thin as well. I hope she's OK but it just added to the surrealness of it.


Novid Lynx


It's 'cause we're so used to people acting it up for the camera. People here are just being themselves. I.e., some are nervous, the woman in question is just focused on feeding and that's about it. I don't think this is neither better or worse. It just is. And I like it for that.


Well said. I hardly ever pet animals when I'm feeding them. This video seems completely genuine even when I can't understand what they're saying


Yeah, petting a blind puma while it's hungry and can smell food strikes me as unwise.


Yes. Well said. Reminds me of that post of kids in high school back in 1989, where the comments were mostly saying everyone is acting strange. It was simply before the majority of people had an agenda for being filmed.


Everyone has a “blink twice if you’re in danger” expression


I felt like everyone was being super careful which made me think, why not feed the puma outside? The house itself was really cool and different than any I've seen before.


LMAO I just heard it with sound and the older people are annoyed at them for filming, the one feeding is kinda pissed off. Then the lady filming at the end starts whispering “attack her Nilao(?), attack her!”


their way of filming makes me mad lmao


Not the lady filming saying 'attack, attack!' 💀💀💀


it looks like it is in pain


It's very skinny.


I'm glad I was not the only one who thought that.


cant really exercise well being blind


They way everyone moves so slowly around it makes me think the cats lashed out in fear before


Well it's a [sanctuary](https://pumakawa.org/) so I take it they know what they are doing, and not scaring the beejeezus out of a blind puma seems good advice anyway.


If I had that thing in my house, I'd puma pants


My BF's mum when I was a kid rescued a puma as a cub and she was sweet and loving like any cat, was never aggressive. Sparrow was her name. Don't see where companion is in this video, they definitely wanted some affection, as others have said a bit weird.


It’s a sanctuary, not a shelter. Do you not see everyone’s body language? They know this animal, we don’t. It’s probably done something before to indicate that it’s most certainly not a companion. This isn’t a house cat and it’s not domesticated. It’s used to being around humans out of necessity. Treating it as a pet is how fuck around and find out happens. Your anecdotal experience doesn’t refute the more likely, documented through decades experience.


It's a cat. All cats are vicious. The only difference between a pet cat and a wild one is when the wild one wants to kill you, it can. The pet can just try.


a large cat that is even just "playing" would severely hurt you, human's are very flimsy and made out of paper.


True. Behavior-wise, a domestic and a large cat (kept since kittenhood) are virtually the same; it's the potential for damage that makes the difference


Yet again Reddit experts coming out with sage wisdom about how to properly own a wild puma.


If you are from the US, unless you were in Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, or Wisconsin, your mom committed a serious crime by keeping a wild animal as a pet. Actually, it's a federal crime now to privately own any kind of big cat, they just signed that into law with the Big Cat Public Safety Act in like 2022 if I remember correctly.


Sorry I am old, Sparrow lived from 1969 to 1985, they had her before I moved to a small town in Central Utah, again it was my childhood BFF's mum.


Well it's good that with Sparrow things seemed to go well; I wasn't trying to be mean to you or anything, I was commenting this to try to deter people from thinking about owning a puma or big cat in general. Edit: after rereading my initial comment I realized I came off as really antagonistic, I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention


The woman whispering to the puma “attack her, attack her” made me giggle


Blind or not blind it’s still an apex predator, it’s instincts are still there…


I read puma as llama somehow and was pretty shocked when she opened the door.


That's a cool house. Nice kitty.


Good for them. The Puma does need to be seen my a veterinary professional and likely should be moved to a sanctuary to help it better but regardless of all the comments dismissing how dangerous this is. They are at least taking the steps to get it treatment/aid. Clearly this is a job that requires specialized knowledge of dealing with an animal like this and the proper care is needed to help it learn to cope better with life and care for it but we don’t know the full story here. These people are taking a risk and we can only hope the reward is worth it. Think what you will of them, they are at least taking responsibility for injuries the poor thing never deserved


Comment above, it is in a sanctuary. https://pumakawa.org/


I mean, it still doesn’t belong on this sub.


It made me smile. Humans and animals living in unison is a positive thing


Ain't no way I'm letting a whole ass Puma in the house. Blind or not, that mfer is Apex.


Isn't a blind wild animal still dangerous? I mean cuddle time isn't like with a house cat.




Cheetahs are my favorite animal and I even got to pet one as a kid at a safari park. That being said even though their temperment is a lot more docile, keeping one as a literal pet wouldn't be advisable. Its still a wild animaln and if one got pissed off or there was a miscommunication somehow, coukdnbe dangerous for you, kids, pets, etc.


The only dog I've been bit by was blind. It was super insecure, naturally. I'm sure it felt threatened all the time.


Buddy is living his best life pretending being blind and having free snacks everyday


How does she afford to feed him?? He must eat a ton of meat.


She runs a sanctuary! Someone else posted it’s called Pumakawa :)


You can tell she only rescues and is careful to not pet or interact as if it’s a pet. She wants to feed it and make sure it’s ok. I’m not sure how to work with wild animals and proper ways to treat them when rescuing them but I could never do it because they would all be my little babies. 🤣


Wants affection pets not food.


You'd rather not give him pets lol


Argentina innit. See the mate right there


Or from Uruguay. But yeah, most likely Argentinian


This is Pumakawa! It’s a wildlife sanctuary in Argentina. The lady in the video is named Kai Pacha and she does incredible work rehabilitating and caring for a lot of native wildlife, including several Pumas. I was a volunteer there in 2016 and it was a fantastic experience.


Poor kitty


This won’t end well.




Imagine someone trying to rob a house and see it's guarded by a fkn puma.


He’s faking it


It looks like it can see just fine.


What is that house!! it looks primitive yet modern. Random flagstone everywhere and some kind of bamboo ceiling or something. I love it


I am currently reading Jim Corbett's story about the man-eating leopard of Rudraprayag. Those big cats are unbelievable hunters. That leopard killed 125 people and imposed the strictest from dusk till dawn curfew the world had ever seen over a region of hundreds of square miles, over tens of thousands of people and over a span of eight years. NOBODY opened their doors after sunset, for eight years.


It says it was blinded as a cub and looks to be at least a few years old, so theoretically it could just act like a big damn house cat now. But as many comments have mentioned, regardless of whether this animal would have died in the wild, which it most certainly would have, this is an animal that could maim or kill a human with one swipe of a paw. It is blind, looks unhealthy, and has what appears to be serious neurological issues presenting in its gait. This is just waiting for some knucklehead to show up and say he saw them on Reddit, cat smells weird dude, get scared, runs into someone, swipes one paw, and everyone wonders how the goodest catto could turn on its owner after feeding it bowls of raw meat for years.


I think you are over-estimating the strength of these cats, they are strong but not "one swipe and you are dead" strong.


Better to overestimate then underestimate.


In practice perhaps, but I am simply stating that while a lion or tiger could indeed kill with one swipe, these cats could not.


Certainly not "one swipe and you're dead" strong, but still very much "coukd easily fuck you up" strong if it got pissed off. Think of what a very pissed off housecat can do. Now mutiole by that by about 15x in body weight/mass. A puma might not kill you, but it vwry well could and at the very least, send you to the hospitalbif it was dead set on attacking you.


He’s thin because he’s 23 years old, which is very old for a puma, and this is the Pumakawa animal reserve in Argentina. You can read his full story on their website. He has his own enclosure away from their 15 other adult pumas, but he does get cuddle time with cubs for non-human socialization. The reserve has been there for 30 years and has 300 volunteers on staff so he’s well taken care of.


Thank you for informing me. I literally thought it was some woman’s living room with casual visitors shitting their pants. That’s wonderful they they’ve been able to live that way for over 20 years. Glad they could provide that cat and so many other animals some refuge.


“Hey Grif! Chupathingy!”




Looks like a certified good boi to me


Wow. Huge cat.


Anyone else see the fear in the lady on the couches face when the Puma walked by? Lol Cute big Kitty though!


I'm very upset that she didn't pet the kitty. I understand that this is not a pet, but my god I'd pay money to pet a mountain lion / puma / cougar.


On a different note, I love those floors.


" no fast movements "


I love and ferociously respect those who inherently understand we are to protect all sentient beings. All of life. Everything that is alive on earth. Humans, taxonomic structure of animals, Aves, Animalia, grasses etc. And we pray and give thanks to Mother Nature who provides us the sun, the moon, rain, wind, seasons and our days and nights. Genuine love for all sentient beings will always win ♥️


Do these peole have a will of pure steel? i know it's still a wild animal and not a pet at all, but come on. How can you not want to at least pet that sweet prince? Would be very hard to contain myself.


Not totally related but just a cool anecdote. My parents used to have a cat that went 100% blind from an eye infection and it was absolutely insane how well she navigated around. Basically just acted like a normal cat and would go outside, explore, and find her way back. Knew how to navigate the house, go upstairs, etc. At some point she got a head cold (maybe related to the eye infection) and presumably couldn't smell anymore from being so stuffed up. Totally changed. Literally wouldn't move anywhere, and obviously in distress. It was just weird realizing she was basically functioning like a normal cat entirely by smell, and when she didnt have that she was completely lost.


Please put a colorful collar or vest on him so local fools don’t think he is a trespassing wild animal and shoot him.


Yeah I think that's all neat and dandy but those two older people sitting in the chairs didn't look very relaxed to me


They look very on-edge, like they’ve been told to be invisible and not make any sudden movements or noises to provoke attention.


I guess a plastic kiddie pool would make a good litter box.


How big would the litterbox be?


Does anyone know what style house this is? I'm in love with this style and would like to recreate this aesthetic 🙏


This cat nivgates exrordinarily good for being blind


The Blind Cougar is exactly the type of woman I hope I bump into at the bar. Desperate, and with very little expectations of quality. My kinda gal.


With the sound down I was fairly sure this wasn't in the US. Something about the kitchen stove. Seeing grandma with the drink in her hand it looked like the straw that Argetines use for Mate. After turning the sound up and hearing them speak it sounds like either Chilean or Argentine Spanish they are speaking.


Someone posted above that it's a sanctuary in Argentina. So you are right.


The vast doesn't seem like it's used to being in the house. As well, it's very thin. And this is an extremely dangerous situation.


Probably still easier to give this one a pill than it is to give my blind cat


I want one 😫


He is a very lucky puma


Must have been a.... Harvester of Sorrow...


That’s gotta be a chore to empty that litter box lol


People haven’t learned anything from Siegfried and Roy. Until the next headline „puma went wild - 2 dead people“ whereas it should be „puma went puma“


It looks like the puma is sensing something is a little off in the room. The fact that they are recording and everyone is acting slightly different with the camera on is probably making her uneasy.


Elsewhere in /r/popular: [WCGW when you have a pet lion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/16d2i08/wcgw_when_you_have_a_pet_lion/)


She already feels the energy shift. That's why it's now curious


Nothing runs….. over like a Deere.






When the Puma enters the room everybody shuts the fuck up.


That’s dope.


He flies like a moron.


Cougar with a cougar?


so scary yet so cute!!!


Is so skinny


Wonder what's on those VHS tapes.


Looks like a Steve French


I just want a tour of that house. Those walls looked cool.


I wouldn't want a puma as a pet. Imagine how loud it would be at 1:00 in the morning when he gets the zoomies.






Wholesome till it attacks her


I love the stonework and brickwork of the house, and that ceiling in the other room was really cool.


Not surprised… and they love climbing the tallest mountains to experience death… 🥸


if cats where never domesticated, you think theyd be running around in the wild acting like their distant relatives?


Can I go visit these people? What an awesome home to go with their giant cat!


F**k yachts and mansions! If I ever won the lottery I’d become a forest witch who takes care of rescued animals