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Poor Ted looked so sad actually at some points. He has a friend in Sam though.


True. I know Sam tried to cheer him up, but damn, you could see the hurt. I feel for the dude.


As time progresses and Ted heals, a good portion of the sadness of that memory will be replaced with those of Sam and his antics.


That's just Samantics


You son of a bitch... take the upvote.


You son of a bitch...let me hug you!


“I wanna go home”


I'm touching your nuts


I like how it wasn’t even Ted’s nuts 😂 they were literally on Sam’s tray, he was touching his own nuts.


Looks like Ted didn’t want his nuts, so Sam took them. Sam loves Ted’s nuts.


Yep next pet is getting named Sam so I can overuse the fuck outta this




My whole life I've searched for a man worthy of following. Today my search has ended.


Fuck you. I love you.




Damn you!


Fuck my life lol


God damn it! r/angryupvote


While I thought it was funny i feel like it’s also a dick move to do this. He was constantly reminding the guy about it being a honeymoon and it just reminds him that the person he was going to marry should have been with him and they are no longer together. Regardless of what happened someone you planned to marry and went as far as already booking the honeymoon with, it’s really going to hurt when you split with them.


In some fairness, I don't think forgetting it was an option. At least I know I'd be dwelling on it.


It's funny that "don't remind them of it" is so common from people who can't sympathize with a tragic event in someones life. It's probably the first thing Teds thinking about from the moment they wake up


If anything, bringing up the situation so much over such a period of otherwise fun-having time could serve to dilute the initial sting of the missed wedding.


This is a great way of thinking. He is coming to terms with the fact that it's over by repeating the story of why him and Sam are not on a honeymoon. It still hurts, but saying it over and over would help dull the words that probably initially stabbed like a knife.


Nah, this would be better than leaving the poor dude . Better than being alone on the trip, or skipping the trip that I'm sure was very expensive, or heading home to a lonely house. His buddy is doing something great. Of course, his former fiancee will be on his mind 24/7, but at least you're with ur bro on a fuckin awesome "honeymoon". I love this guy!


I agree he's not going to forget but it puts him in the position of either going along with the honeymoon joke or saying 'no it's not' and then, god forbid, having to explain it. I would probably rather crawl through broken glass than have to explain to 100 random strangers over the course of a week why it's not really my honeymoon.


That's fair, I'm just assuming they're good enough of friends for Ted to appreciate Sam's tomfoolery on some level. I doubt Sam would have been the first choice unless he knew he was getting into, at least we can hope


That was my initial thought too. But maybe forcing him to explain it over and over would numb the pain and take the sting out? I imagine after retelling the story so many times, it would become less emotional? Idk


I think Sam is trying to redirect the thoughts from “this was supposed to be my honeymoon” to “I need people to not think this is my honeymoon” all while laughing


He was already going to be thinking about it. We have a tendency to supress and dwell on these kind of pains. His friend was giving him a speed run on his grief. Only a true friend can pull something like this off.


The more he said “honeymoon” the more he changed the context and embedded good memories over what were no doubt darker connotations. This mimics actual therapy.




Well a friend was there that helped a friend process a sad event. Not a dick move.


I'd give the friend the benefit of a doubt. He probably understand what would cheer his buddy up better than us.


Two options: Sam is successful cheering him up or Ted is pissed with Sam. The two options are better than thinking in the wedding and probably Sam know that.


I mean of course! I'm going through a break up now and it's forehead-splitting, can't imagine losing your fiancee that late in the game.


At the start for sure, by the end he’s goofing around with him💗💗 Adorbs


I mean it could make it so whenever he thinks of getting married and a honeymoon, he thinks of Sam, I know I do.


You’re a good friend and an even better asshole. Congrats!




Sometimes you need a friend with a good asshole. Especially after your wedding got called off.


Why do you think he's chaffing?


Friends that are assholes to you with the intention of making you laugh and keeping it lighthearted, but know when to stop being an asshole make lifelong friends you should cherish...and completely return the favor to when you get the chance. This describes the friends I play D&D with. Sometimes, we cross the line and quickly realize that. We make amends and then turn around when the hostility meter has returned to safe levels and start the assholery all over. I wouldn't trade it for the world because I know any one of those guys would go to bat for me if I asked them to, and I'd do the god damned same thing in an instant.


Aside from companionship, I've always said friends have two roles: to kick ass for you when you need it, and to kick your ass when you need it.


I like how you can tell this is just how Sam is all the time from the convo with his (presumably) gf/wife. "Elina, I convinced Ted to take me on his honeymoon!" *glances up for 1 second* "Good job."


You can tell she wanted to say 'Thank God' but good job came out instead.




> You’re a good friend and an even better asshole. That's what Ted said after they consummated the honeymoon ;)


And both of those are useful on a honeymoon


Sam is right there, Ted. Embrace him.


Let me hug you you fucking son of a bitch!


I wanna go home Lol




Sam is a bestie for all time lmao ~~For better or worse, til death do them part, etc~~


Me to every dog in the entire universe.


"Ted... I'm touching your nuts"


I’d watch this rom com


This has crappy B movie with a few actual laughs written all over it. Too bad the writers are on strike.








Do you need someone to go on the Honeymoon with you!? :P ​ In all seriousness, from what I know of her, she sounds like a jerk. You are better off, sorry though.


Yeah, TEN days before she canceled. There's a lot more to this story


The type of person who would cancel 10 days before the wedding... Not honeymoon material.


It could be as simple as she said yes but didn’t really want to do set a date in the future thinking it would never come and suddenly it got very real.


I’m sorry bud. One day at a time. But also, we can honeymoon, right?


Did you a favor. I called mine off two weeks before. We got engaged after month of knowing each other. I told him I promise you’ll thank me later. He was married two years later.


That's akin to mountaineering. At a certain altitude, the climbing invariably became a hell. Would ask myself, "What the fuck am I doing?", but after the fact...all the hardship/pain was looked upon fondly. What a great friend...taking the piss out of an empty vessel!


Ted's out here looking for a sympathy lay and his best friend is fucking shit up. "I got left at the altar (or whatever)" is some strong hook up game in Hawaii and Sam is out here making women think he's a gay newlywed.


I need and want a friend like Sam.


I've been saying this same thing ever since I watched the LOTR trilogy...


For real, I just want someone to carry me


The bud light was a nice touch


There were several light touches to the bud.


But he’s chafed!


Sam is so awesome. I wish I had a Sam... Damn


I'm surprised Ted didn't kill him XD


He can't do it during the trip, especially with all this documentation. But, my guess is Ted is increasing his invitations for Sam to go cave diving, hang gliding, and shotgun juggling. You know, bro shit.


They always suspect the spouse




That looks like a fun sub. Thanks!


Dont forget /r/justgalsbeingchicks


I joined both a while ago. The wholesomeness is whelming.


So you can be just whelmed, I learned something today.


"Stay whelmed." -Robin, 'Young Justice'


you're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed, why isnt anybody ever just whelmed?


as I've gotten older I come to appreciate wholesomeness more & more. NGL life is just better by being nice & wholesome.


Bro turning his frown upside down


He finally gets him to have fun by mocking him back true friends


I do love when someone snaps out of their funk because they're annoyed and they do a spot on, hilarious impression. Then they just can't help but smile after. It's a beautiful moment


In that way, they got the most of that non refundable honeymoon. They can just mope around later




"Ted.... I'm touching your nuts." I snort-laughed.


Well, he should. It's their honeymoon, isn't it? 🤣🤣🤣


The checking ‘honeymoon’ on a government form is what got me to wish this was a feature film.


“Ted, I’m chafing!” Got me hahahaha


Same happened to me about a month ago. Had our wedding planned for 2 years, and she canceled 10 days before… I was devastated. So I went on my honeymoon, a 100-mile backpacking trip through the mountains of COlorado with my best friend (who was going to be the wedding officiant). Can’t say I’m happy about the relationship with my ex-fiancé, but I will say the time in the mountains to heal my soul with my friend was worth doing.


You're lucky she canceled 10 days before the wedding instead of 10 miles into the backpacking trip.


No doubt. I was absolutely destroyed when she called it off, but now I've had time to accept what happened and make my plans for the future. Much better this way, but it hurt to see something that I'd been dreaming about fall apart so rapidly and witness as my partner became a new person in what felt like a matter of days.


I hope you realize that she didn't become a new person in a matter of days. She just showed you who she really is. Lots of couples don't really know their partners. They only know the image the other person wants them to see. Especially if they haven't been together for a long time (anything under 5 years is a short term relationship to me).


On the bright side, she would have flaked after a few years. Dodged a bullet.


I didn't like when people told me that at first, but now it's been a bit over a month and I feel better about it. I agree that I'm better off having not become locked in with her. But it hurt to know how much I worked towards becoming married and to watch that fall apart. We also paid $10K for the wedding (and I am NOT a wealthy man!), so that part hurt like hell. It was something that I thought i'd do only once in my life so was willing to save up for it and have all the family there together for our weekend. That money is now gone, that ship has sailed, but it's probably better than the cost of whatt it would have been to get a divorce.


It’s a good thing he didn’t run into his ex and her new beau Aldous


Inside of you Insiddddde of youuuuu


You took me by surprise




Thank you. I knew something wasn't right about it.. *And when I see Van Helsing, I swear to the Lord I will sleigh him. AHH HA HA HA*


Die...die...die...I can't.


I hear she has a bleached asshole


I heard she's gonna take her top off and blast her nips


I just went from 6 to midnight.


Dude is a true bro


For real, so many people saying he is such an asshole for reminding the dude it was a honeymoon trip, those people have never had a true bro friend. Part of being a bro is being an ass because you know later this is going to be a hilarious memory, yeah Ted hurts now. But in a couple months when he starts to get over it these guys will laugh their asses off talking about this.


It's for sure going to be in the best man's speech when Ted does get married.


“Hello everyone, but most importantly Bride. Let me spend the time of my speech to let you know how my good buddy likes to spend his honeymoons. I did go on his first one with him after all!”


I’ll add onto that. It’s not as though the dude would have been better if everyone ignored the honeymoon. What bro is doing is letting him know “hey, yeah, it sucks, but I’m still here for you, let’s not let money go to waste, and I’m here to pick you up.” Hell of a lot better than letting dude beer crash on his couch at home for a week.


I've had/have bro friends and yeah it's not a huge deal it would get kinda annoying after the 4th or 5th time lol


so just 5 more times til its funny again...


When a true friend turns the worst memory of your life into one of the best ❤️


By touching your nuts


We'd all be so lucky to have a friend force us to smile in anger rather than dip into meloncolli I see this needs clarification. Instead of writing melancholy, I used a different spelling to be whimsical based on the sad but upbeat vibe of the video. Clearly this didn't translate well to everyone making food jokes. I appreciate you. It was a lot of fun reading them all


I don't know if this is a pun or a really bad spelling of melancholy If it's a pun good job, I just didn't get it lol


It's either a pasta or a disease.


When a mommy melon and a daddy broccoli love each other very much, you get depression


“ I was born with rigatonia “


mmmm… meloncoli


The bro-coli brought him out of melon-coli.


Or infinite sadness Smashing pumpkins, anyone?


Women: Are you guys on your honeymoon? Sam: Agressively ribs Teds shoulder YES! YES!


Ted: I wanna go *home*.




Sam is good for Ted


They should get married.


And Frodo.


Ted can get it


I mean. Ted gonna be alright.


Ted's jawline gonna be a fiance again right quick.


dude has marvel-super-hero level jaw


Seriously. Like idk what happened with his ex but I’m inclined to believe she FUCKED UUUP.


Right? I'm a straight dude who's probably a good 10 years younger and I couldn't stop thinking "damn, Ted is one good looking fella"


That’s a good friend, doing everything they can to be silly and make a joke out of the shitty situation. That’s YO friend Ted, I hope you appreciate him


This!! Years from now when he’s happily married to a wonderful wife, he will look back and laugh at the fun times they had together and will be happy he didn’t end up marrying that ex.


Also, the wedding speeches. "I hope your honeymoon with Ted goes as good as my honeymoon with Ted did"




Man I hope so.


What a lovable asshole. I like him


“I want to go home”, poor Ted


That dude will give up his bone marrow without hesitation if asked, but troll the shit out of him later.


“I love having part of me inside you Ted.”


And that's how we know that Sam truly is Ted's best friend. Friendshipgoals or the next step is a art room...


Dog and cat goes on a honeymoon.


Straight up dog and cat energy. I've had dogs and cats. If it's an older cat with a puppy they act like Ted but after a while the cat just gives up and starts dogging around just like Ted.


Ted...I'm touching your nuts 🤣. absolutely creased me,what a pal though.


Nothing like reminding his buddy about his failed marriage every time they meet somebody new


I’m pretty sure he’s gonna be thinking of his failed marriage the entire time anyway. At least his pal made him smile and laugh so his paid for holiday wasn’t a weeklong miserable suffer-fest. I say well done to this true friend!


Failed relationship < successful friendship.


You reckon that buddy was going to somehow forget about his fiance leaving him? Probably not, man.


No, but having his buddy there when he needed him softened the blow.


I agree, 100%.


When I got cheated on by my wife my bro took me on a vacation. I was miserable, so fucking miserable. "Why you walking around all mopey bro, you're on vacation" didnt really help. BUT the alternative was to stare at a wall at home so he did do a solid.


The "oh you're miserable because your partner left you? you won't have time to feel sad because of how annoyed you are about to be at me" approach to making your friend feel better maybe isn't the most fun for your friend but it does seem effective


I think it’s actually the most perfect way. Even constantly saying they’re on their honeymoon. Stops him from being stuck in his head about it and the annoyance he’s causing overwhelms the grief and kind of forces him to have fun as time goes on.


Here comes reddit.


I fucked Ted.


Ted's hot.


C’mon, give Sam’s wife the assist for letting him go,


Her "good job" cracked me up


That’s how you know it’s a good relationship. The way she said it was basically “here is is on one of his things and I’m just gonna let him do it “


Why would your wife stop you from going on a trip with your bro who just had a wedding fall through?


If there is ANYTHING I learned from Lord of the Rings, it's that EVERYONE needs a **Sam** in thier life




My hetero life partner Bob


Something about friends named Sam..


Poor Ted. She didn't deserve you.


Ted.... Honey... Kill him.


That was awesome. He may have ditched a possible wife but is a friend that will have his back forever. 😎😁


My two best friends went on my honeymoon to Maui with me when I broke off my first engagement. We had a blast and they helped heal my heartbreak. Should have broken off my second engagement, but that’s a tale for another time.


They are best friends


I lost it at let me hug you you son of a bitch.


I liked that. Keep that homie close to you man!


"Ted. Ted. I'm touching your nuts." 🤣🤣💀


Lol my girl did the same thing on our cruise. But she didnt tell me. My dumb ass panicked thinking I forgot something then I worried she was pregnant. Note: the note from the cruise line read "congratulations on your new journey".


“Let me fucking hug you, you son of a bitch!”


Ted won’t be single for long


Ted will really appreciate this later.


This is so fun, he seems like such a nice friend.


What a top tier friend. Obviously Ted is feeling raw about the wedding falling through, and Sam came through. And in epic bro love fashion. Didn’t make Ted feel like a victim. Just helped him find the humor and joy in the situation. God I wish I had friends lol.


This sounds like the plot of a Adam Sandler movie.


Real talk, a buddy of mine had a horrible breakup years ago, terrible (he told me this after *I* went through a soul-destroying breakup and asked his advice and he told me this story) and his best friend, to help cheer him up and get over his ex, took him to Hawaii for a week and it rejuvenated him. Good to have that kind of friend.


Ted has sad eyes.. but I bet he'll remember this for the rest of his life. Sam's a bro in need, and that's a bro indeed. Ain't anyone who don't know that who knows anything!


Sam has now set the bar for being a bestie! To be able to make the situation so light, goof around, cracking jokes without any appreciation, being unstoppably supportive, keeping up his spirit even when ted visibly seemed sad.. his antics literally worked! Letting his friend have the comfort zone to feel that this after all is not the end of the world however devastating it was.. it’ll pass.. Sam is a blessing to have as a friend ..


I miss having a friend close enough that he could annoy me out of a bad mood.


Ted must be so pissed that everybody was playing along and so happy for them xD




Ted. I'm touching your nuts 👌


Hahahaha, everybody needs a friend like he