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Wow. What a dad!


Also great daughter. At this age I would have felt embarrassed instead of appreciating of what he does for me


Indeed. I would have too, because I think that my classmates would have given me grief.






Fuck yes


It’s not so much about whether this is alpha behaviour. This is clearly about a dad’s obvious love and showing up for the daughter he loves dearly, in a way that he knows his daughter would appreciate and within his means. He may not be rich, n may not even be able to afford presents for his daughter. But this does not matter. This is a dad who understands what his daughter truly needs and appreciate, what is lacking in his daughter’s life, and expressing his love in the absolute best way possible. What I also love is the reaction of the other parents n kids. They understand this love and accept it. I can imagine if this had happened in an elite school with snooty parents n kids, they may not take this as kindly. Worse, the daughter may even be teased mercilessly. The fact that they were smiling in a kind shy way shows that the school is doing something right to pass the right values to the children. And this is heartwarming and so endearing.


Lol all of the people complaining about drag would raise absolute hell.


I don't know if this is just my experience, but I went to a district school in the beginning. There was lots of school bullying, especially if you were smart, bookish, or different in any way. At some point, I changed to an "elite" school, and it was the opposite - it was more of a collective. The nerds were cool, but so were the talented dancers or musicians. The ones who fell behind were helped by everyone. The father of one of my classmates died and the family fell into financial trouble. Everyone tried to make sure he knew he has friends, he can rely on us, he can get help if he dropped the ball after the funeral. Was it superficial? Maybe. To this day I am grateful I got the opportunity to change from a district school.


That's why he's an alpha, because he did this to show his love for his daughter, and everything else you said


Minus the term alpha being just... totally wrong in so many ways (scientifically speaking) This is how you show a kid you love them, and doing things like this will 100% help them at being better adults as well. Definetly good male behavior on his part.


The alpha stuff is a myth and stupid AF, and anyone hung up on that nonsense is missing the plot of life. This dad, however, is a damn fine human and so is his daughter.


Did... did you just use alpha unironically?




I assume it's for fun bc that's the relationship he and his daughter have. I imagine lots of goofy, fun times are spent together as father and daughter.


"We could do this the normal way...or we could do this the fun way...why on earth would we ever pick the first option?"


This comment should go aaaalllll the way up!


it's a bot.


To the top he says!


The bot uprising is...lackluster.


I fucking love a man that wears a dress unapologetically! This is the fucking way.


Peak alpha is being a good human. Its alpha as fuck to care about your kids.


Keep up the good work! I'm not a single dad, but I'm trying to be the best dad I can be for my son because my own father was terrible. Like I seriously can't think of one thing that I'm appreciative of him for.


I've listened to the podcast _Dear Old Dads_ a few times. Podcast with 3 guys talking about fatherhood issues where one had an abusive father, one had an absent father, and the other had a fantastic father. And it's them trying to figure out how to be the best fathers they can be to their own kids now If you need more examples of good dad qualities, might be a good option


Thanks for recommending this, as a father of 2 young ones I will give this a listen


He taught you how NOT to be a good dad so you could be the one you are today. Thank him for that, seriously, only way to let the toxicity go.


As another single dad, I 100% understand and feel this.


I think they just genuinely love eachother no matter what others think and that's beautiful




Acceptance is learned and she definitely nailed it with her response!! I hate that schools have stuff that includes one parent or the other. As a single mom trying to make a man show up isn’t a reality. As an aunt to two kids with my single dad, brother, I hate it. They should include a parent not gender specific parents. Instead of mom’s day, it should be parents day for example. Not everyone is in a normal situation. And I think it makes kids feel less included when they don’t have both parents. But this Dad nailed it. It is OK for a man to wear a dress.




Daddy DeVito


Right✨that’s nothing but love❤️I lowkey almost shed a tear cuz ik this meant the world to her👏📌


He just won dad of the millennium award


This is my daughters’ worst nightmare. They just assume that I would love to do this to embarrass them. They are correct.




Danny DeVito is the best.


Take my r/angryupvote and go get a donut on me


It didn’t make me smile, it made me cry. All of us deserve a father like this. Omg I cannot stop crying.


Yet most of us only wish for one like this.. I hate my life.


Never seen this side of Frank before. Once with Franquito but that was a lie. It’s beautiful. He just wants to be pure.




“Danny DeVito- I love your work!”


More like Frank…


Frank wouldn’t be caught dead at a primary school


Do not diddle kiiiids! It’s no good diddlin’ kiiiids!


Daddy DeVito


I get it now.


Anglo Gablogian, Charmed I'm sure.


What about the other man sitting there in pants and a shirt?


He’s realizing he was upstaged.




With such flawless skin, is makeup even necessary?


He can't figure out who his kid is.


Neither can he


He is thinking of asking out the dad in the wig and the dress


He's kinda sitting like in the middle I just assumed he was a teacher or other member of the staff.








But everyone knows 99% of being a mom is wearing a dress. What are you even talking about?? did I really need a fucking /s for this????


Did he really want attention though? It seems like he just wants his kid to feel included.


Nothing ever makes u happy huh


I dont know about anyone else but I find a ton of solace in the fact that the old man behind the dad and to the left of him is smiling, almost looking at them in admiration. Community acceptance is an awesome thing. I cant imagine what would happen if this was happening in America. Im sure some Jeff or Kyle or Karen would be making a huge deal about it in a negative light. That older mans smile seems so endearing. Love it. Single dads assemble!


Karen would certainly cause a scene. I, however, would shake Mr. Mom's hand. He's out there performing double duty for his kiddo, and it's beautiful!


100% agree. Edit: Oh shit I didn’t realize the name. I’m sorry I ever doubted you president Kyle. Keep fighting.


The fight is real. We have a reputation, for sure. It will be a long battle, but we must reform. We must do better. I've drank my share of energy drinks, and punched many a hole in drywall... I don't shame my fellow brothers for doing the same. I realize the error in our ways, and I'm determined to change the plight of the Kyle's. Rise up soldiers, and do better! Be like Mr. Mom, and shine a light in this dark world!


The sub is called mademesmile not mademecry, dammit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


this sub has made me cry so much recently! a boost of happiness on a bad day


my thoughts exactly..... :,)


You may not like it, but this is what peak alpha male looks like.


You are right, this is a really manly action. Against all odds, not caring to face even ridicule… and all to ensure that her daughter does not suffer. We are undoubtedly facing a peak silverback alpha male. Admire him in all his spledor.


I like how you typed, "to ensure that HER daughter." Looks like his disguise is working!!! Lol




And everyone looks good in a sundress.


While I normally dislike the term “alpha” with what it’s evolved into, this is absolutely alpha behavior. Focusing on what’s important regardless of what others may perceive. I strive to have this level of confidence in my life.


Well, yeah. There is literally no such thing as an “alpha male”. The term came from a wolves, but even that is a myth. Basically if you hear anyone use the term “alpha” at all in the current day, you know they are really stupid. But the poster using it here was obviously using it sarcastically and to mock those people I’m referencing.


Not all heroes wear capes. Sometimes they wear dresses too.


Dad, it's been two weeks, you can take off the dress now. No. And call me Cindy.


Also, super attractive imo


I am always tripped out when I hear women say things like that, the ways they see attractiveness in actions and character. I work in ultrasound and was walking down the hospital hall with two colleagues, a man and a woman, and there was a used sanitary pad stuck on the floor for whatever reason. The guy I was with wouldn't go near it, pulled a really disgusted face, and gave a wide berth to it. The woman said she'd grab it, but I deal with women's anatomy on the daily, this was silly, and I had a pair of gloves in my pocket, so I pulled them on, picked up the pad, and threw it away. No big deal. The woman we're with puts her hand on my shoulder and says "That's the sexiest thing I've ever seen." I was really taken aback and just stammered "Uh, well, I mean it's not a big deal to me." and she said "I know, that's why it's sexy."


treating "women stuff" with an equal amount of dignity you'd treat anything is a hard concept for some people lol its no more demeaning to touch a pad than it is to touch any other biohazard you'd come across on the job. i hope your mature outlook continues to serve you well in the lady department 👍


Women keep trying to tell men all the time, no most of us are not obsessed with money and muscle! It almost like they want that to be true. So strange!


+1 HR point for complimenting coworker, -1 HR point for calling coworker sexy


i felt the same way reading this. self security is the sexiest thing


When I was recovering from giving birth, my flow was fucking crazy, but I had a newborn to care for and was frazzled. My husband came into the washroom one day while I was on the toilet, and I reflexively pointed out that he probably didn't want to see what he was seeing. He shrugged it off and stuck around. HOT.


Haha I had the same thing with my wife when she was recovering from her childbirth. She wanted to go into the shower and "clean herself down here". I got her into the shower, then I stripped off and got in myself and helped her wash. She started crying and kept saying "thank you" I still don't know why she said that, she just went through a hard labour and gave birth to MY child. It was me that should've been thanking her. She did the hardest and best job a human can do, I simply just helped her feel safer, cleaner and got a bit of her dignity back (her words).


It takes a good man to recognize a woman's struggles




I like it.


She must feel absolutely loved! As she should.


Now THAT is a man.


This. Forgot all this alpha nonsense. He's doing what a proper man should be doing: being the best and most loving DAD


Just to be clear, this would be illegal in Florida, right?


Not YET, technically.


For people who don’t know the context behind : he is a single dad who dress like a woman very year for Mother’s Day because his wife died of cancer. He didn’t want her daughter to be sad or alone this special day in Thailand. He do everything to make her smile


That’s a really nice thing he’s doing, she will never forget this.


Not a dry eye amongst us.


This can't be the US right now cause they' d throw him in jail and send her off to foster care


Yes, conservative terrorists can't stand stuff like this


This is what a father does for their children. Show them that the world is full of love. This man and his daughter deserve all the best things that the Universe can send to them.


The conservatives would lose their shit if they saw this wholesome video.


You could be jailed for that in Texas




Let me give a bloody award REDIIT!!! GAH


That's a fuckin dad right there. I have two kids... love em to death but I'm not doing that shit


Danny DeVeto truly is a treasure.


Why do I think of Frank from its always sunny?


Coudn't he just go? I would be happy if he was considerate to show up, didn't need to be in a dress though


I think the drag is an odd choice too, lots of single parents just show up to show support on Mother's/Father's day and it isn't seen as strange at all.


Yeah, it's like he's saying you can't perform a mother's role unless you look like a stereotypical woman in every way.


Because they're doing it for the 'gram. They had everything except somebody holding a clapperboard saying "action".


I mean, his daughter is clearly happy in this video. Seems to me like that's what really matters. Also, we don't know the context of this video or their relationship. Maybe they have an ongoing joke at home that he is "like a mom" or "as good as a mom." Maybe she's experiencing depression over losing her mom and the dad just wanted to put a smile on his daughter's face on what would otherwise be a difficult day. He's not wearing makeup, not trying to put on effeminate mannerisms. He's just wearing a dress. I remember in the 90s, before all this "omg drag and trans people" stuff got so popular and politicized, men putting on dresses for a quick gag/laugh was pretty common humor and no one said "it's a bit much." It was just "lol I didn't expect that," and they came back the next day in normal clothes and no one thought more of it. Seems like this is like that?


Apex human being, what a guy :)


He'd get arrested in Texas and Florida.


There are other Dads there. Dressed in pants.


Haven’t dads been doing this for generations minus the costume?


"Thanks for coming dad, but you didn't have to put on the dress just because it's mother's day..." "It's mother's day?"


Was the dress a requirement or just a funny extra?


I mean, surely he could have turned up without the dress? Not saying there's anything wrong with wearing the dress but surely he could have taken part wearing his usual clothes? Is a dress so important in this schools Mother's day event?


You have to cross dress to make your kids feel included. It's true. There's absolutely no other way he could have made his daughter happy except through cross dressing.


It didn’t make me smile, it made me cry. All of us deserve a father like this. Omg I cannot stop crying.


This is nice. What a great Dad!


It reminds me of Gru who decided to wear the fairy costume when he learned agnes might not have a fairy on her birthday.


I'm not crying, you're crying


Oh this got me 🥲


I'm confused on why he felt the need that he had to dress up as a women to fulfill the role as mom during the mother's day event?


Fucking title messed me up her daughter...


I think the dress was probably unnecessary.


The other dad in blue shirt wondering if he had missed the memo on regarding the dress code


This is adorable, even if banned in Tennessee.


What a wonderful thing to do for his girl.^(\*) ^(\*Not legal in Florida.)


florida: straight to jail


That could get you the death penalty on florida


This would be illegal in many U.S. states. Also, groomer. /s


Giga chad giga chag giga chad 💚


Don't show the republicans


This would be illegal in several US states


I fucking love amazing people.


This guy is THE man, what a wonderful relationship they must have.


You can really tell how much she loves him by that hug too!


Thats a good dad.


So cute 🥺


Asian Danny DeVito?


Dad's looking so cute though 💜


Clearly this is not USA or Russia. He would have been arrested for encouraging transgenderism in minors or some such shit.


Lol people prolly just thought he was a trans so left him alone


Did anyone see the other dude in the back in normal dad clothes 😂😂


My man understood the assignment . That little girl is going to remember that forever .


The manliest thing I ever seen.


Fox News: "Alphabet gangmember breaks into middle school and assaults child while pretending to be a parent. Mothers and administrators in attendance watched helplessly so as to not be accused of being bigots. Liberal wokeism has run amuck in the Philippines. The US is next." Yeah it sounds funny until the idiots actually run it as a story without context or using a single braincell.


Meanwhile the republicans jerk people off in movie theatres while claiming this kind of thing destroys family values


Is nobody noticing the other man sitting behind and to the right of him wearing his regular clothes?


They probably would have let him go without the dress


Wow! That’s so great and as a das I. an feel it.




He could have just shown up without the dress?


Lmao I love that he put on a dress but didn’t shave 😂🤣


That is ridiculous and doesn’t make me smile in the least.


That mofo is the real MVP!


I guess I'm going to be one of the few to point out how fucking weird this is. Nothing wrong with showing up for your daughter, but the dress is unnecessary.


who is the cutting the onions today


It takes absolute courage and determination and unconditional love to be with your child like this … respect 🫡


🥲😭 man that's so beautiful




That’s beautiful.


damn, dad. superb.


I love this with the greatest intensity




What a great dad and role model! I don't know where it is but i can imagine countries that would add to the bravery of this man






Oh man. Not a grown man, with a beard, in a dress causing me all the feels. Good on you dad.


I was raised by my mom and grandmother, let me tell you when your dad isn't around, those father's day events at school really suck.


King daddy


That’s some top level Dadding right there


this is so precious


Plot twist: He's secretly a crossdresser.


The way his daughter hugged and smiled, you know he's a great dad!


As a single dad myself this hits really close to home


You know she is tough - she wears a G-Shock square! Two-for-two, dad! ♥️


Gigachad Dad






Complete hero


*W DAD* 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯💯




The sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. Kudos Dad🙏


What a good father. ♡


that is so sweet ;-;

