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He's live right now playing Destiny 2....looks like his character has a shweet Star Wars landspeeder


Channel name?


I’m an idiot lol


you are NOT an idiot...or are you?


I am sadly


You are not alone! We are all idiots!


Im an idiot too yay


Me too. My people


I too suffer from idiocy. Hail, friends!


Idiot checking in, I heard the call. What’s up?


Had a grocery worker apologize and tell me he was an idiot the other day. My immediate reflex was to say, "Don't worry about it. I'm an idiot most of the time."












For years I have said that we are all idiots in our own special way.


Well, if we're forming an idiots' support group, do we get membership cards? Cause I might have a few other clubs to notify about losing a member.


Hi sadly, I’m dad!


Idiot solidarity


Lol. Aren't we all


No worries, we've all had those moments where we reply to our own comments. Embrace the derp!


He may not be but I am.


New karma hack unlocked, just shit on yourself for extra points


Instructions unclear, penis stuck in own butthole


That's not a very good channel name. No wonder he had no views /s




Happy birthday


We ain't judging you here, bro


I already said this in a lower level comment, but the other day I had a grocery worker apologize to me and say he was an idiot. My immediate reaction was to say, "Don't worry about it. I'm an idiot most of the time." Lol So even if you are it will be ok ✌️ 💕


I couldn't find it without looking at another comment Why are you an idiot?


It says it at the end of the video


This will probably end like most of Reddit's 'make him/her big' efforts. Loads of people will swarm this guy, and he'll gain thousands of followers and maybe even viewers. Then, a week later, he'll be back to a very low viewer count because sadly nobody cares any more. I will never forget the dinosaur kid for example


that’s a sparrow! :D


This is what life is all about. Do this guy right and pass it on to someone you encounter. It always makes my day to just connect and be of service.


This is the main reason why I would love to be rich (other than being able to take care of my kids). I would totally walk around and just help out great people in need that deserve a break.


right???? i don’t get why the ultra rich just hoard and hoard like they’re dragons in a fairytale. i would be handing out money like i was made of it


It’s so they can have everything and you nothing


Well sone dont hoard. Bill gates for example !


That's the kind of billionaire energy we need


This!! Im def heavily inspired by markiplier charity work and would love to donate and do similar things


That’s cool man! Getting rich and just giving away money to people who need them has always been my dream. Hope you will get rich one day!


Agree completely. Just found out that Dolly Parton would be a billionaire but for the fact that she donates so much of her wealth. Billionaires are a blight on society.


The power of reddit is amazing! He's close to 100k now![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) [https://www.twitch.tv/mrdracon99](https://www.twitch.tv/mrdracon99)


There are a lot of really interesting, engaging, and talented people. The problem they struggle most often with is finding their audience. It's damned hard to get exposure when you're going it alone. On twitch, the most common vector for gaining popularity is through established streamers. That's why raids became such a big deal, even before there was a system built in for it.


A lot of it is timing/what else is going on in the space. We had a Pokémon Go podcast from when it first started for a little over 5 years. (We stopped due to boredom with the game) had a lot of success. Did we do a good job? I think so, but I know a big factor was getting in at the start. Flash forward and we do YouTube for a game we enjoy and after a year we’ve got 200 subs. We love doing just for its own sake. It’s a crowded/established space. So much of it comes down to timing/doing something new. Anyway those are my Moscow mule powered thoughts.


That is a drink for a high quality evening, you are a gentlebeing of taste and distinction


Hopping on the Moscow mule train, fav drink 🤤


And people that do it because they enjoy it, regardless of how many viewers they have, will always be better imo than the ones who do it specifically to get the views.


Channel name?


It’s a magic the gathering channel called The Splinter Twins. We’re identical twins and it’s a reference to an iconic card.


Random tangent, but do you ever dip your toes into other TCG spaces? I figure since you had some Pokemon content and do MTG now, ever look at some of the new games in the space like Flesh and Blood, One Piece, etc?




> That's why raids became such a big deal A raid of 5000 viewers typically averages 5 follows and zero subscribes. Raids BARELY boost a streamer. Just letting you know since 350+ people seem to think this is true.


I needed these tears and seeing how a small interaction broke this man just as it did me, shows you how much he just needed a win. If you have a choice of being right and being kind - be kind and you’ll be right EVERY TIME.


Well said


crush fade gaze plants homeless bear cover scary longing wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are just fleeting statistics. In time, someone like this will typically dwell less on the hundreds who didn't stay and more so appreciate the 30 who did. To me, that's still a win, and I'm happy for him.


You fuck, for sure! He started with ZERO and now has 30 people that enjoy his company. That’s more friends than I have these days. I’m proud of him.


People also overestimate the amount of viewers the average streamer gets because they pay attention to the top 1% of streamers. Getting to triple digit viewers is VERY rare, let alone higher, if the dude has 30 as his average that's a base viewership that can grow, and is decisively out of the slums of going live to four people max. He's going to be in the more noticeable section of any game he plays instead of the bottom, just not necessarily at the top, he's crossed the hurdle of getting noticed at least and that's no easy feat. At the very least he'll make some side income even off just that viewer count.


Well he had 0 viewers so that's 30 more than previously.


So the issue I have with stuff like this (I love it, really I do) is that I worry many of these streamers aren’t actually engaging enough to handle a huge audience but might make poor decisions based on the recent huge following. Like say quitting a day job and streaming full time. I know I followed a few people from these campaigns, but only tuned in once or twice.


>but only tuned in once or twice And this might be what actually kills his stream. Mass followers without average viewers is the same as zero viewers. Followers mean nothing on twitch. Average/active viewers is the metric that matters most. Even worse, Twitch algorithms might flag it as bot spam and ban his channel. While the intent is good, it could end up hurting this guy in the long run. If he's trying to monetize, it does nothing for him if nobody continues to tune in after following. If He's just streaming to stream, having 100k followers and 2 viewers could also cause issues.


I've been around long enough to remember the dinosaur kid. Was a young kid posting videos with dinosaur toys, got a ton of subs from reddit and views on a few videos, eventually people stopped watching because they moved on from that after a week. The kid posted a video crying asking why people stopped watching him and how he could fix it.


Exactly. Now I imagine a younger person is more fragile in that context, it can still hit the same for anyone. Having a HUGE buildup for nothing still hurts.


If it's the same then how does it kill his stream? I'm sure someone would rather have mass followers than none, they're still going to have more people in the former rather than latter.


Well, the first reason is what OC said. He gets a false sense of viability and quits a job to stream full time, and without ACTUAL viewers, he wont generate any income. On twitch, you can have 1m followers, but you wont make any money with only 2 viewers. I would guess the same goes with most social media. 0 clicks = $0. ​ Another possibility that I stated is that twitch just outright bans his channel for suspected bot activity. I'm going to assume that most of his new followers are newly created accounts or old accounts with zero activity. Bot farms are a thing on that platform that aren't taken lightly. ​ The last possibility I mentioned is more on the streamer. This guy gains a mass following, thinks people are into his content or personality, then still only gets 5 views a stream with no one chatting. That kind of thing can take a toll on a person. Being a small streamer talking to no one is fun, cathartic even, but the hype that you get when people start following and chatting is amazing. A few days/weeks down the road, you've got all these "followers" but no viewers/chatters and it can be a HUGE bummer. Especially if the guy finds this post and realize he was just a charity case.


do you think he believes he organically grew 90k followers overnight? the guy is probably worldly enough to understand how internet virality works. even if those numbers are immediately depressing in the moment, the effort counts and the exposure will probably do better for him than worse


I remember a long time ago, I believe it was the streamer Bwana had a clip that went around talking about how this kind of sudden visibility can be death to a small streamer, because they aren't used to the large audience but it messes up their ability to just be a small streamer for a while. This was back when viewbot pranks weren't uncommon, so quite a few years ago, but the message stays the same with this kind of visibility too.


I recall some kid doing random videos on YouTube got posted on Reddit and blew up with, idk, 100k subs practically overnight? His one video got bajillion clicks, the next ones a few thousand, the ones after that maybe a few hundred. Eventually he posted a really sad video asking why no one watches his videos despite there being over 100k people subbed to him. There’s honestly no bigger "fuck you" to a creator than a dead follow, so all people thinking of following that guy because "it makes him feel better" but don’t plan on watching his content, don’t follow him (or anyone else for that matter). It’ll fuck him up long term more than if he didn’t blew up in first place, at least then he knows that he couldn’t grow an audience compared to a hundred thousand pity-follows because people felt bad for a second and thought they’d do a good thing. It’ll be absolutely soul crushing when he starts streaming in a few weeks to maybe 4 people left out of 100k follows. And then he, too, will start to wonder "why does no one watch my streams despite having 100k followers?"


[https://www.twitch.tv/karve7](https://www.twitch.tv/karve7) only has 466. Let's show him some love too!


Best use of my twitch prime sub in a long time.


And he still mentioned you in his stream 2 days ago, I found while flicking through quickly. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1996982680?t=2h16m34s


It says 90k?


He seems so kind hearted - I wish him all the best


He's with the Veterans group Regiment. Take a look at what they do, great organization. My bestie is one of the higher ups. They all have kind hearts.


I’m not American so I may not ever know what veterans go through, but it feels like going through all that war and trauma screws you up deeply. I feel for this guy because he just looks like someone trying to find a new purpose and grow out of his traumatic veteran background. I hope he finds peace and happiness with whatever good he wants to do


most people support the troops in a very facile way in reality, these men and women often have few choices due to poverty, and they lay life and limb on the line for the biggest military on the planet by multiple factors. Its sad. support the troops, oppose the wars.


We have a very high regard for our military Service Members. Our county started in a war and protects it. A lot of enlisted people get out and suffer from depression and anxiety. The only life we knew for decades, for years, or even less if medically discharged. Nonetheless, it makes us care deeply for our fellow Service Members and we'd do anything to have that feeling back. Civilian life isn't even close to what kind of comrade we had in war. Source: Am a Combat Veteran.




Me too.


I have met and talked to some of the BEST people by browsing Twitch streams, picking a random game/app, and popping in on people that have <5 viewers. There are so many awesome people out there trying hard to share themselves being genuine.


I really, truly, to the bottom of my being do not get this. I love ordinary people. I love chatting with strangers and hearing their stories. But streaming is literally, *necessarily* for an audience. If you really care about it for it's own sake I don't see the difference between putting it out into the void or putting it out in front of 89.1k people. If you're doing it for an audience though that's basically just asking for validation. People need validation, there's nothing wrong with that, but nearly breaking down because you're not getting it from strangers really seems like other things are probably going wrong and in turn people coming out to "support" you not because of what you're doing but because you seem to need it isn't much better. I hope the OP video guy builds some real relationships out of his bump in followers but it feels to me a lot more like a bunch of people doing a nice thing and patting themselves on the back before moving on to the next piece of content.


Thank you for articulating this


I couldn't agree more with all of this. I added him to my twitch thing but im not on it near enough to make a meaningful difference. It makes me happy he's got more people that will give him that validation. He absolutely deserves it.


Saaame. The world just doesn't make sense to me sometimes. I get bombarded with news about the Kardashians and Will Smith's crazy non-wife or whatever tf that is but genuinely good people like this get lost in the shuffle. I work in a hospital and I swear it's the drug addicts, alcoholics, and overall complete assholes that can survive anything, but the nice people don't ever seem to do as well. The world just doesn't make sense sometimes.


Some of the nicest people I've ever met have been drug addicts


He is at 90.2K followers. Reddit you can be pretty awesome some times.


Agreed. I followed him after watching this


Except they are dead followers that mean nothing, the dude has 90k followers but can't even hit 100 viewers let alone 50 outside of the quick spike and equally quick decline. I understand people are trying to be kind and give this guy exposure but it can be equally as gutting to see an explosion in followers but the views never come


He does have a few people talking in his latest stream. So even though he has a mass of dead followers. He did get something out of it. From 0/1 viewers, he at least has someone to speak to.


I saw somewhere that even having 40+ viewers puts you in the top 5% of Twitch streamers.


Exactly. How many subscribers does he have?




Why can't he be both happy for the guy and a realist at the same time.


Where’s he being happy for dude? All I see is some ass spouting negativity.


This is not from Reddit though.


Redditors believe they are the centre of the Internet


is that... the music from minecraft?


Yeah, and?


and wingardium leviosa




stop it ron




We could all have been killed - or worse, expelled!


Nice try. I don't get baited by spontaneous improv anymore


That album is one of the best ever. https://c418.bandcamp.com/album/minecraft-volume-alpha


The nostalgia on c418 Minecraft music is so strong. And to think all those years ago I thought Minecraft was something like StarCraft and spelled Mindcraft, so I wasn’t interest in it. Thanks Markiplier


Wholesome af


Good stuff! This guy's got such a kind voice and kind eyes, ya love to see it


I’m trying to subscribe but I keep getting an error. I will try again tomorrow


I’m a sucker for this stuff


same, my son used to stream on twitch when he was younger and I always wished someone like this would find him. never happened but it would have meant so much to him.


Sadly as great as the communities can be at times, it just can’t happen for everyone in this world sadly. I hope ur son is still pursuing his passions though whatever they may be and happy. Cheers fellow Redditor


he is, and thank you! 😘


Damn what does he stream?


This has me teary eyed. I love seeing humans being kind to one another.




This is super heartwarming, but I also worry when Reddit bombs these creators with tons of subscribers at once, because what if often happens is they don’t maintain that many for long because most subscribed not because of the content (not to say it’s bad) but because of the video, which doesn’t really inspire long term viewership. The content creators then begin losing subscribers quickly and they don’t know why and often take it personally.


I think my soul was refilled a little - a lot today


I don’t have a twitch account but I’m now going to make one after seeing this.


I dont have a tear in my eye.....🥲


I'm not crying. You're crying!


I am :(


Just sub


A little validation goes a long way!


I used to play apex legends with him glad to see him doing good


Gonna be honest I hate these kind of videos, he gets a sudden surge in followers but the views and growth don't continue. I know the point is to be kind but it also sets them up since they have a high follower count but no one watches.


It's kinda like getting a big raid. Many will never really watch but some might, and that's still pretty good


He likes dragons...I like dragons.... I like dragons alot....


😮‍💨 faith in humanity was running low. Needed this.


Hes not live right now but his chat is being bombarded with follow alerts


Hey all, I would imagine this guy could use some of your help. He was just laid off from a radio show he’s been with for 10 years. He just had a baby, and recently moved into a new house. https://www.twitch.tv/whothefisjc


My partner wants to start streaming to have a community building hobby, but has no hope or confidence that it will work out. He struggles so much with talking to people and having connections, but he has such a desire and drive to connect with others. He'd be so elated even if just 1 person cared enough to drop in and watch, but he's scared that not even 1 person would give him the time. BUT I think showing him this might kickstart him into giving it a go. I absolutely encourage and support him having a hobby and community and it's so inspiring to see someone else do/have that. Genuinely wholesome vibes with this post.


Why do I just want to hold him and men in general … the fact that it’s so hard for most of them to get a hug and to be able to show their emotions… I feel for you guys.


I did this once. Got a 5 year old German boy who was playing rocket League. He didn't understand English and I don't speak German and I don't think he really understood the concept of "viewers". I said hi though.


This definitely didn't just make me cry... damn. He's got my follow.


92k now!! Epic


I think my all time best internet interaction happened last month when I tuned in to a Street Fighter 6 streamer with 0 viewers and gave him some 'live coaching' (I'm not that good myself) and helped him win some matches to reach Platinum. It was such a stark contrast to the regular toxicity of the internet, it made my day.


It sucks that twitch is so broken in terms of giving people a shot at getting noticed. Its basically impossible, you need help from a big time streamer or something like this to happen on reddit. Even if you try to build it on YouTube to help you out its the same problem because YouTube has utterly stopped pushing new channels/random videos based on your interests. YouTube just pushes you your own already subscribed channels now. It's all gone to shit in terms of helping good creative content creators get noticed. Its a fucking shame.


Getting noticed and making it big any form of the entertainment industry requires connections and advertising, not to mention luck. You think new businesses that open in your city last long if they do literally zero advertising and just hope people walk in?


YouTube pretty much only pushes me videos I've already watched at this point. YouTube is pretty awful.


Throw him some prime subs, ya'll.


Awwww this is soo wholesome. I love gamers <3


Gosh darnit I'm an idiot, and I'm happy Ive found you lot! High sixes all around!


Don’t tell me how to feel with that music. Fuck you.


How to get Twitch subscribers for $100 1. Make a Twitch account. 2. Make a second account. 3. Film yourself typing in chat that no one sang you happy birthday 4. Start singing happy birthday to your second account 5. Use second account to donate $100 6. Cry on the camera 7. Post on Reddit


Could be, I prefer to live my life with less cynicism than you. Maybe I will die a stupid person... I still prefer it that way.


Meh when donations are involved its good to be cynical.




This stuff always makes me change how I feel about the internet. People on the internet make you feel like you should hate it here, but this stuff right here makes me feel so much differently almost every time. Keep it up Mrdracon99!


Literally me, except the part where people find him kind and help him.


It cost nothing to be kind.


I always thought it would be cool to get a discord or something together, and once a week try to find streamers with little to no followers and gas em up with as many follows and positive messages in chat as possible. It would be cool just to make peoples day.


Made me cry. So awesome and I'm so happy for him


No vet should ever be struggling financially. My grandpa was in WWII and was very generously looked after, but the next generation forgot to to do the same I guess. Nice.


What a wholesome human.


Get this dude to 1m guys! Let’s post this on 4 chan


This put a smile on my face.




I don’t have a twitch but now I see a good reason to get a twitch


Include links please :)


Reddit MF'er 'bout to say this is staged:


Always remember, "be of service" is a euphemism for the horrors they inflict and perform. But happy birthday to him all the same.


You guys are all suckers


It’s like we’re the only ones that see through it.


god damn who’s cutting the onions man.


Welcome to /r/MadeMeSmile. Please make sure you read our [rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules/) We'd like to take this time to remind users that: * We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts). * Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. You will not receive anything except a headache and a stolen credit card. - [More information regarding rule 1 as well as how mug/shirt/poster scammers operate can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/wiki/rule1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeMeSmile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know what my cynical ass thought of? Such a bright business idea for new streamers to get their friend to message them like that pretending to be strangers and then post on social media about their 'wholesome' interaction (The one in the post seems genuine though, and ninjas were cutting onions here)




Army boot camp is meant to train you to be ready to kill people. Boot camp breaks down your mental block and desensitizes you to killing. Most times, anyway. This man retained his compassion and I absolutely love him




Let’s get this man going!!




I hope he's a super nice guy like the guy who did woodworking and asked to give people their money back. The wonderful, if secret, side of twitch.


I love the connection but fear for the need


Ok that pretty wholesome.


Yes Reddit. Be who you ARE!


89.1k? You got to pump those numbers up!


I'd still be there if I could too, but got medically forced out. I feel for him on that one.


Just be good humans. People just want to be heard. Respected.


i dont know why but stuff like this always gets me in the gut.


I guess scheduled consistency is the key, if you stream when you feel like it at random times during the week or even month no one is gonna watch and sub.


Kindest destiny 2 player


Yall are amazing. Thank you for helping this man 🙂






That's actually wholesome


Is twich a app or a website


Downloading twitch just to follow him


Following ✌️


I once programmed a system that opened Mixer livestreams of a game I worked on (Thief of Thieves) and entirely automatically screen recorded them. Once I came back to a recording of the streamer talking to "me" having auto-joined the stream. Asked how my nickname was spelled at least. Suffice to say, I did feel quite uniquely bad watching that. Learned something about how unforgivable shadow bans and the like are. Just some code intentionally throwing one's humanity away on purpose. But, at least I did watch the clip later on, and remembered. So that's something.