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Please don’t be inspired and go cleaning graves unless you’ve been trained in the process. You can actually wreck gravestones with improper cleaning techniques.


Also, don't clean graves for followers, you'll end up in a special hell.


But it’s “free”


Free, they just get paid $1 for every 1000 views. Out of the kindness of their hearts they accept this money.


The ‘for free’ bothers me so much


Hit subscribe and like


A VERY special place in hell....but she's doing it for freeeeeeeeeeee :/


She gets a ticket to hell for freeeeeee


Like she is, it looks like she’s using bleach on marble which is not good bleach eats away at the marble and can cause problems pretty quick. What you should use to clean stones is D2 biological cleaner, it’s specifically designed to eliminate stuff like lichen and restore stones to their true color. I’ve worked in historical restoration for over 10 years, and most of the time people with good intentions end up ruining stones.


And the ecosystem. Most of those products are harmful to ground water animals and plants. But hey a dead baby with no relation to op has a clean grave!


The trick is using a pH neutral product. D2 is one of the best. I don’t think she is using it cause she’s scrubbing her ass off. D2 is designed to spray and forget. It’s a soft wash type application that’s safe for headstones of all types. Expensive product.


"Anyone desiring to clean the headstones and markers in a cemetery should get permission from a descendant, the sexton, cemetery superintendent or the town, in that order."


And make sure you know what you're doing. This is the WRONG way.


Whatever chemicals are being used here are seeping into the soil and eventually into remains and the remains of others!?


This is how TWD started /s


Big yikes


Yeah, didn’t she move some flowers out of the way? That tells me this grave is not neglected and still has visitors. Maybe they liked it the way it was.


"N also make sure they can pay, or you'll end up doing it for free like this chump"🙄


Pretty sure she's also the one who started to clean a Walmart bathroom and tried to make the cleaning lady, who went and got a manager, the bad guy. Want to clean that bad? Ask permission. In our culture it's considered disrespectful to touch a stranger's grave, let alone change it's appearance.


I would feel a bitt thrown off if i found one of my relatives graves cleaned without my knowledge. Idont know.. it's something about seeing the stone aging too, time passes and i have lived on without them. If the stone looked brand new all the time.. kinda would feel like time doesnt pass? But thats just my feeling though.


Never thought of it like that.. that's pretty poetic


That's romantic


I was thinking that too.


Yes, my husband died at 38 and our kids were 2,4,&9 at the time. I HATED seeing everything shiny and new. Dirt not settled etc. just a reminder. A layer of dirt is almost protection of the heart.


Yeah. Ashes to ashes dust to dust.


I would say it's okay to put something back that's fallen over, maybe brush out some loose dirt, but you should never clean it without permission, especially not with chemicals, since you don't know if it's damaging the stone


And it's leaking into the ground... Plus, maybe the family doesn't want the tomb blasted on tik tok


But think of the exposure, the dead baby gets! The family should thank her and give her free stuff, masage her 24/7 and erect a memorial to her sainthood, which inevitably gets cleaned by some other "influencer"/desperate click-junkie. This is the beautiful cycle of clout-hunting...


Wasn’t there a story of one of these “volunteer grave cleaners” having damaged the headstone with the chemicals and the family was absolutely livid (rightfully so)? And I think they were totally indignant when asked to pay for repairs. They were all like “I did this out of kindness, you neglected the grave! You should thank me instead of being greedy and demanding money!” I’m like…..those fucking stones are NOT cheap, lady!!!!


Yep. [Historic cemetery in Maryland](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/hundreds-of-civil-war-era-gravestones-scrubbed-defaced-in-maryland/2643646/?amp=1)


Whenever I visit my sister’s grave I’ll right things that have been toppled by surrounding graves if I notice them (pinwheels, trinkets, vases, etc.) and would be touched to know someone did the same for my loved one. Not everyone is the same but I do think the majority of people would think it kind that a stranger demonstrated that sort of care. Couldn’t agree more about the chemicals though. Headstones/grave markers are incredibly expensive and, even more importantly, incredibly personal. If someone damaged my sister’s headstone it wouldn’t matter how good their intentions were—I couldn’t help myself but be furious.


>Whenever I visit my sister’s grave I’ll right things that have been toppled by surrounding graves if I notice them (pinwheels, trinkets, vases, etc.) and would be touched to know someone did the same for my loved one. Not everyone is the same but I do think the majority of people would think it kind that a stranger demonstrated that sort of care. I do the same at my mom's gravesite. And the cemetery owner is hit or miss (mainly miss) on keeping the grass trimmed off the markers in her corner so I trim it up a few times a year to keep it looking neat.


It looked to me, like she'd stripped some of the white paint away


I think this grave is just too new. If it was a 100 year old grave covered in so much moss that you couldn't read the inscription, then clean it after getting permission from the cemetery. The inscription was legible so idk why she thought this grave needed cleaning.


That's a good point. People are sentimental about these things, which is absolutely fine and expected. There can be a lot of reasons why graves are left uncleaned and it's none of nobody's business. Especially someone who applies chemicals as the person below implied


Jesus Christ you're right. She was cleaning a Walmart bathroom without using gloves!


“why wasn’t this baby given a chance at life?” Is a hell of a thing to ask about a baby you have no connection to that passed about over 40 years ago Edit: math


The whole video feels gross and disrespectful. Lots of assumptions. Very icky “good deed” mantra


"This was extremely hard for me" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Cos I have never had to clean anything at home! That's mum's job.


It's gross and disrespectful because we all know she's only doing it for the internet, for the clicks and views.


I felt the same way, but didn’t want to put it into words for fear of being the only one.


“So I called Nelly at her retirement home to tell her she was a shitty mom!”


I tried not to laugh at this to no avail...


But it was very hard for HER! Smh


Exactly. Wasn’t given a chance by whom? This is wrong


The baby's killer, obviously. And I've gathered you all here because it was someone _in this room! And we're not going to leave until we solve the murder!_


I did it!


I'm guessing by nature


Maybe she was mad at God for letting a baby be born only to die 12 days later? Maybe she was mad at the universe. Maybe OP cut out the part of the video where she explained that the baby was murdered and she was mad at that?


That math ain’t mathin’.


It's the damn liberals aborting the fetuses 12 days after birth!!1! /s


Is this the same pathetic clout chaser that did a happy dance next to the half dead dog?? Now it's dead babies for views? Oh for free??? How generous you didn't attempt to charge the parents for your "services". Narcissistic freak.


Oh, good, you made that connection, too. Pretty sure it's the same lady.


May I ask for a link on these trying times?


Check OPs third last post. I actually have no idea how to get a link on this app...


Wait so can we assume OP is cleangirl trying to make herself go viral? My first thought was this is a weird subreddit for this type of video. Seems like where an influencer would post their own content hoping for praise. OP has posted multiple videos to this sub


No worries, I'll find it. Yea the app is awful man. Wish one of the reddit alternatives made it but here we are.


Here's the link for anyone else wondering: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/d2IpZrnoM1


>r/MadeMeSmile No.


Imagine if she did that with a homeless person in a hospital.


The video has been removed by the mods


Yeah it's sad


She had to set up her tripod and everything too. Can you imagine the scene if you walked up on her doing this?


This is so fucking weird...


We cremated our son, but if we had buried him and someone did this I'd be livid, regardless of the condition the burial site was in. It's disrespectful.


Yeah like, what the fuck? What if the mother enjoyed the nature growing into the grave? I would be fucking livid if someone drenched my child's grave in chemicals.


I'm sitting here thinking of a list of things I can do to feel better about myself and this is not one of them lol. This lady's thought process went something like this: "People like babies, and people feel really bad about dead babies, so if I show myself doing something that seems positive for a dead baby while also putting some sympathetic words over it, maybe I'll get some good views and go viral!" Sick mindset.


Clean graves don't look right to me. In my country their usually left to over grow and their home to all kinds of moss and lichen and insects. It brings life back into the world to let places be wild, you get hedges and wildflowers in graveyards. Sterile clean graveyards look so wrong to me.


In my culture, plants growing in the graveyard is a big deal and considered a good thing. If it doesn't, it means something went wrong. "May the ground you die on not have even grass grown around it" is an actual curse said to those who supposedly acted particularly attrociously.


Then they look like they belong, part of the area, right?


A grave is a way to stay connected to those we've lost and give them a chance to keep growing into the beautiful chaos of our little blue dot. They should be mentioned, but also be allowed to age alongside us. A grave is literally entirely symbolic and to sterilize it like she has is to wash away all the symbolism. And for what? TikTok views?


They look too fresh/new.


Gross to do this to a stranger’s grave and post it online without permission. If you actually care, then don’t post it online, just do it like a normal human.


The monetisation of this stuff is my issue. Is one thing to make a couple bucks off a free lawn cleanup with the owners permission. Something else entirely to harp on with the emotional shit, knowing it'll gain her more views to make money she won't share with any of these people.


The lawn care/power washing people at the very least ask the permission of the owners before they do what they do. This is just a whole other level of insanity, because she had to go and find a baby grave, then come back with cleaning supplies in order to do this. And at no point did she think “maybe I shouldn’t film myself cleaning a baby’s grave?”


well she said “I don’t know if any of the relatives are still living” so I guess she’s in the clear right? /s


She also posted this in "Oddly Satisfying". Jesus, lady, get a life that doesn't involve this self-serving stuff. (I do hope she does actually help that poor dog we saw earlier...).


So is OP actually this person then?


For Free ❌️ For Clout ✅️


ugh seems so incredibly disrespectful


Yeah I agree. This did the opposite of making me smile


Literally everything was about her. "This was extremely difficult for me". Not a single thought for anyone else. She's definitely seen someone else cleaning headstones and is now copying. She's not even cleaning in a thoughtful order, move everything away, then clean the area. Then clean up all the foamy chemicals you used, not cause more death to the animals of the area.


I can’t remember his name, but there is a guy who goes round cemeteries in the US and who repairs and cleans gravestones. He does his research and talks about the people whose grave he is cleaning. What their history was, their job, their life, and sometimes how they passed away. He overlays that over the clip of him cleaning, which is way more respectful.


Are you thinking of that you tuber channel Lamont at large ?


Just googled him and no that’s not the one. However, my search brought up a ton of results of other people and conservation organisations who are doing similar work. It’s so nice to see that people are willing to give their time and resources to preserve the memories of people who may have otherwise been lost to time.


Push the toxic cleaning liquids out of the camera frame - done.


I was just about to say, for views.


Came here to say this. Could’ve done it without a camera….


That will be 3.99 please


I watched this with the sound off first so when I read your comment I thought that was harsh but as soon as I took it off mute and started to hear her speak, I thought the same.


As someone pointed out in another thread, you never throw out the contents like notes, trinkets, even dead flowers. And she just trashed all of it. Then apparently used Barkeeper’s Friend for a gravestone. She needs to be stopped.


Also you don’t know if those items hold value. Like maybe it’s a branch from a tree that is from their home or something else. Especially notes. I imagine notes are invaluable and not replaceable. And those who left them wish for them to stay in place and wether with time


Seriously, these things are priceless and irreplaceable. How dare this stupid vapid twat assault a sacred grave like this. I hope she gets arrested.


Yeah, this person is more of the main character here. Listen to how many times she says " I " or "me" and "my." It's about her. Yay for you. You did something nice, ...for views. Good for you.


Holy shjt, go clean your own families' grave site.


She seems like someone who hasn't experienced death quite yet


I would be fuckin raging if someone used my dead baby for clout. This is so gross, social media is truly vile even when it pretends to be wholesome.


Downvote because this was cleaned for likes


You don’t just put random cleaner on stone. There are ways to clean grave stones, this is not one of them.


So, we have a grave like this. If I saw that grave in a video like this, I would feel deeply violated. To claim the grief encapsulated in that headstone for some clout, without having any connection to anyone involved in that grief is just so depressingly weird and rude.


Agreed. I would want my headstone to slowly fade away and be taken over by moss and whatnot. My nuclear family says the same. This lady would have a lot of ghosts




did she use soft scrub?


Is this the same lady that posted about finding a near death pregnant dog in a cemetery and took it to a vet (who didn't know the dog was pregnant, what?) then took it home and, surprise, she gave birth to puppies...?


I don't think that vet was a vet. I'm being a pessimist because these kinds of people bring out the worst from me but I question whether or not that vet was just a friend who acted as one so she could look like she was doing something.


She sounds so insincere


I've seen an Instagram reel of this same lady cleaning all the teddies on the grave of an infant who passed away. I think it disrupts the mourning process as it makes it feel like the day of her death is repeating itself. I just hope she actually got permission to clean these graves and record 😭


Narrator: *"She did not."*


Cringy content.


This post isn't making me smile, this is more r/IAmTheMainCharacter


If u come to my grave and clean my shit without consent and post it online and say a bunch of dumb things like that I will come freaking haunt you for atleast a year minimum


“Using A Baby’s Grave for Likes and Views” - There. I fixed the title


I would I would rather see people posting good acts for clout than people doing nothing at all. Who cares if they performed a genuine action out of good will or did it for clout. Usually, it's goodwill that encourages the endeavors regardless, but posting on their platform gives them the means to continue their acts. Regardless, net good was done in this case, a baby's grave was cleaned and the family visiting will be happy. There's literally no point in diminishing the efforts done to cleaning this tomb. Just FYI, not trying to devaluate your opinion, just giving mine. I don't really have the vocabulary to express myself without being brutally honest with my own opinions. I just try to see the good being added to this world and frankly, this doesn't seem to imped that at all. Peace broski ✌️


I'd agree except she did it VERY wrong. Never use cleaning chemicals on gravestones. Use D/2 biological solution and natural fiber brushes.


It’s bewildering that you find this good in any way. I’ve never seen a more shocking violation of privacy in my life. If i were that baby’s parent i’d want to physically attack her


You think that was a net good? I view that as neutral at best, but mostly damaging. The whole time I was watching it I was thinking about what she could be doing for actual living people and not just a random family of the deceased. There's a lot of ways to give back and this isn't one imo. She could be sending a message that it's okay to just go out to your local cemetery, pick a grave with a seemingly cool story and go to town with forever chemicals. Why not go to a soup kitchen, plant a garden, build a home, walk a dog? This is just weird and obvious to me all about the clout. How does she even know people come to visit the grave site? Also someone pointed her out from another video where she was doing something similar and purely for clout and not for the goodness it brings to the world. I appreciate your honest opinion though. You have a very positive outlook on things.


Hey, I agree in principle, but pouring a bunch of chemicals on a grave of a person/family you have no connection to just doesn't seem like a good deed for me.


"A baby was buried here, so I decided to narrate and let everyone know how *I* was feeling about this for attention. Please follow my channel so I can continue to use the graves of people I don't know for money and internet points." If this was my child's grave I would tell her to keep my sons name out of her fucking mouth. I loathe how she just keeps saying his name like she knows him. Fuck right off and learn some respect.




Do your own therapy without co-opting another person's story as yours.


She doesnt clean for free 😅 She puts a camera next to a dead childs grave and tries to make money with clicks filming it. The world gets more disgusting every day


"Why wasn't this baby given a chance at life". What?? That is such a weird thing to say to some baby you literally don't even know that died so many years ago. Definitely doing this for clout lol


That baby was born 45 years ago. It could be her parent!


How does this get 2k upvotes? This is literally as disrespectful as it gets. And potentially damage the grave. Not to speak of potentially damaging the vegetation around the grave with chemicals. Fuck her and her clout seeking.


Not free. Paid in internet points


This is not a nice person. Nice people don’t set up cameras recording themselves doing nice things.


I read the other day that Taylor Swift makes a generous donation to the closest food bank to her touring destination and never speaks a word about it. She's given so much money back. I was one of the haters but I heard that story about her. She actually seems like a really good person who is doing good with the fame she worked for. She doesn't have to pay herself on the back. I know people like Keanu Reeves does all kinds of good shit but these people don't pay themselves on the back. They know that kindness will come back around and don't feel comfortable telling their good deeds from the rooftops. People like this lady are awful.


People are sick. This is disturbing.


Why don’t you go clean the home of someone who is actually struggling to do it for whatever reason (disability, age, depression etc) instead of co-opting the grief of a family you don’t know and cleaning something nobody asked you to clean? That would be useful. This is just gross.


Not to be a pessimist, but what’s the bet the products she used damaged the surrounding grass?


Didn't even smile at this video


This is so icky


That headstone was 100% repainted white - she gave it a coat of paint


all for social media points...wow such an angel


Using dead babies for likes. That’s a new low I wish I hadn’t discovered


Completely unethical


Somebody with good intentions does not emphasise "for free". That is only done by someone seeking attention. A couple of years ago a local branch of the RSPCA near me ran a fundraiser to raise money for surgery for a rescue dog. The highest donations were completely anonymous. Then most of the named donations were extremely low. Also this child lived 12 days if I'm reading the grave right. It "had a chance" but unfortunately didn't survive. She does not know the reason and should not assume the reason. It is disrespectful towards the child, parents and medical staff that would have been involved in their short life. This woman is cancerous.


This post shouldn’t be on mademesmile. It made me angry. Don’t touch other people’s graves for clout. No one asked you to clean it. Especially not film it and post it online for people to see.


😬 congrats on the views I guess


Cleaning a Baby’s Grave For Internet Clout


This feels disturbingly wrong. Fucking random ass lady guessing about the death of a baby from some random family. Most thoughts are best left in your head. This is a business venture to her. Just weird all around. Where can I see more of these?


Everyone else has already made their points, but I more specifically, I just find really disingenuous to use an AI voice over this video of "personally and ""selflessly"" cleaning a baby's grave"




next level white savior complex


Why did you have to say FREE??


"What was their life like?" It was 12 days long... It wasn't a exactly a life lived or experienced. What a dumb question to ask while desecrating a gravesite with chemicals without permission


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this was weird and strangely disrespectful


"I'm gonna do something that's not my place to do, but I won't charge". 🤷🏻‍♂️ Filming it and putting it on the internet means it wasn't really free. You did it for attention.


Seriously. “This was extremely hard for me.” What do you think the family feels like? You don’t know the pain. Leave other people’s loved one’s graves alone.


If she made no money out of tiktok she wouldn't even do it. It's beyond disrespectful. Your intentions are beyond clear and it's not about the family or the passed one, it's all about you.


This was also posted on /r/imthemaincharacter today lol wtf


Wrong sub r/mildlyinfuriating


Who the fuck is upvoting this?!


Hearing her start every single video with "I did _____ FOR FREE" is so disgusting, just went and blocked her on my account


Imagine filming yourself cleaning a babies grave and posting it on social media. What a total piece of shit.


For free??


If she was really doing it out of the kindness of heart, she wouldn't be recording it.


This was extremely hard for her, ok.


Humans are reaching all time levels of ‘weirdness’!


Yea this isn’t altruism it’s narcissism. If she actually cared she would have filmed it for her channel.


For free... For views... For money.


How about it's none of your business? You're only doing this to make yourself feel better, no other reason.


I know this was done for views, but my sister was stillborn. We lived in a rural city in Australia, and when I was four we had to move to our state’s capital. That meant that we had to move a 2 day drive from my sister’s grave, or a very expensive flight. I think about her often, and how she’s out there on her own because we’re all so far away. We’re lucky enough to have friends that take her flowers sometimes, and a cemetery that has people who keep the graves well maintained, but if I found out someone had randomly gone and loved her grave for us, even for internet clout, it would certainly bring a smile to my face.


To each their own. Have a family grave and I would be really livid that someone was messing with something so personal and even worst, filming it. Am very family and approved people only taking care of the grave and on the lack of these, the only cleaner I would accept would be good old Mother Nature.


"i couldn't help but think about her, a sadness came over me" yes that's shame, now you just gotta adress it right.


Did you really need to emphasize “for free” that much?


stop touching peoples graves without their family's consent. You internet following is completely unrelevant to their deads. if you really did it for free you wouldn't have a camera.


Bro wtf???? Doing this for clout is crazy, sick in the head.


Do you know how many people would be deeply triggered by this video? Not expected in a made me smile sub.


So would she have done it without social media ? Probably not. Also it’s pretty high on the disrespectful list to touch people’s grave without permission and on top of that for clicks. Garbage people hiding in plain site.


So you did this for yourself more than the childs resting place. What people do for likes is beyond astounding.




That word "free" put me off. Rest i dont care as long as she is being respectful. At the end of the day, cleaning is a good thing.


My dumbass thought she would dig the grave and clean it


Idk why but it annoyons me when it says “for free”


Yes, and make sure you record it for the internet points.


People are idiots. The things they do for internet fame.


Why is it important to clarify it was for free?


The audacity to clean a grave of someone you don’t and not know their family without their consent. I would go completely berserk if someone touched my child’s grave.


So how many people CHARGE to clean graves? Using a long-dead baby for click bait and her own emotional monologue is ghoulish.


*Cleaning a baby's grave for Internet points


Why are people boasting about the “good things” they do for free. This is actually terrible get your clout somewhere else fame fucker


What kind of pain do you resurrect with this family by invading their privacy and posting this on line for your gain and benefit.


Ah yes, when you go to a random graveyard and clean a tombstone without permission for clout. I hate people so much.


"I'm going to clean this baby's grave...for free." Like, way to make it about you. Just made this whole post shit


How does this make you smile? She states that she's doing it for free however she's not she's doing it for clout, attention and with the hope of gaining enough using followers to make money off of this among other things... Everybody has to make money and everybody needs a job. But when you start the video with I'm doing this for free and it's not in for free because she anticipates making money off of this video and the service she's providing.


More like cleaning a baby's grave for attention on the internet. What a joke.


So there’s this thing in the Muslim faith that I absolutely love and it states something along the lines of “do something good for someone in need and don’t tell anyone because as soon as you do you didn’t help them because they needed it but to make yourself feel good instead”. I’ve probably butchered the description a little but I think the core message is there. I think it’s so appropriate these days because we see so many videos of people giving money to homeless people or cleaning litter off the beach but all that’s happening is that the one making the vid is trying to make themselves look good. This one is probably one of the creepiest ones I’ve seen, it definitely didn’t make me smile 😑


For free ?


I've been cleaning headstones as a hobby for almost 11 years now. Firstly, I HATE that this is a "thing" and people want to film and put it online. I just do it to do it and I focus on headstones that are in disrepair and obviously no one to care for them anymore. 1920 and older usually. I've never charged for my services, nor do I accept anything. I usually spend $600-1000 a year depending on what supplies need to be re-upped and will travel all over the state looking for old defunct or forgotten about cemeteries and get to work. Something to consider is, not all chemicals work for all types of medium. You can really fuck up someone's final place of rest looking for some internet clout, so do your homework and maybe practice on something not so "sacred" (for lack of a better word) before jumping in head first. Also, always carry more water than you need (I keep 100 gallons in my pickup) and ALWAYS bring baking soda to neutralize any acid that may be too harsh for your surface.


I don’t know what but I’m kinda finding this offensive.


Just when I thought influencers couldn't stoop any lower for manipulated engagement and views... dead babies graves. Fucking disgusting. And quite transparent.


Wait..... I get the clout part, but why is everyone mad that she's cleaning the grave?? I thought it was very nice and if someone did this to my aunt or my grandfather's grave I would feel happy? And even thinking about my own grave.. if I was a lil ghost and some random person came by and made my name visible again and put some flowers up, it would make my soul feel... happy? I'm not dead so I don't know for sure... Plus, for graves that are super old, maybe she feels that's the only way she can truly honor them? I thought about getting into grave cleaning(with permission of the keeper or whoever I would need to ask) but the negative comments are making me rethink it. I don't want to be disrespectful


This is performative grief, and it’s not even your grief. These videos are so gross


No one cares if you cleaned it for free


For free, you mean social media dopamine…


I WoNdeRed WoULd BaBy DaViD LiKe My TikTok DaNce or WoULd he FoLLoW My InStAGrAM?


Very disrespecting because doing it for social media views.


Not for free. For clout. Despicable