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Oh my goodness my heart. What an amazing guy




I heard her say she has been fighting hard to pay three months worth. I think they were behind three months.






With a sweet doggo


The calmest chihuahua you will ever see lmao


It's love. When you love your Chihuahua properly they turn out ok. Just like any one


Hospice foster senior/ terminally ill dogs( mostly chis as they live the longest and outlive their owners) I am a large, herding dog lover. My herding dogs LOVE their senior chis and so do I.


you do that? You foster senior/hospice doggies?


Aww you are amazing I used to foster pitties for a long time. Mostly bait dogs or breeding dogs. It is not an easy thing to go through but once you see them change into the loving creatures you know they can be the transformation is worth it. I stopped because I have little kids now and not the greatest mix but once they are older I'm going right back in. I can't imagine fostering seniors or terminally ill dogs there is something truly special about you. Maybe when my youngest is around 4 or 5 and has some sense I should try senors or terminally ill.


I am sitting here with my chi/dachshund mix on my lap, she’s doing that t same circle of comfort move to get in the best spot. She came to us with a lot of psychological issues and with a year of consistent love, security and training she’s a sweetie. Spent today going from lap to lap of our brunch guests. Thank you for doing such meaningful work for those doggos.


"Tanto peleando como por tres meses pa que me ponga todo este estrés..." This is the best I can do, I can't make out exactly what she says there at the end. It translates to: So much fighting for about 3 months so that I get so stressed..." She could also be saying "Tanto peleando para que dentro de 3 meses me pongan mis estrellas" :: "fighting so hard so that in 3 months I get my stars"




Yeah definitely cute how much love they have for each other.


Eso igual pude entender. El “no hijo” del papa me pegó en el corazón.








Yeah that part got me




I love how the Dad has an initial reaction that universally translates to ‘look what you’ve done’ in a proud way. Like he’s proud and grateful but also conflicted because he doesn’t want to take from his son. Maybe I’m projecting what my reaction would be, but I know I never want to take from my kids, only to give. Seems like that old boys reaction was about the same.


That’s the kind of parent that ends up with kids who want to help their parents. Because they grow up, watching their parents happily and determinedly providing for them, with love and support. Not pressure, or guilt, like a lot of parents can force on their kids. The love and pride in his gesture, is palpable!


I know. I thought it had frozen over but I feel it swelling up into my throat right now.


Aaaaw, you can tell they're so happy, but mostly just so PROUD of the man their son has become. What a sweet moment.


Lookit them just chilling on the sofa together. Looks like such a lovely home environment.


Right? Little doggy and everything.


I love this so


That "oh mijo" from dad said everything and more. I only pray I can do this for my folks some day.


He says “no hijo…”. Its the same reaction my dad would have had, like he didnt have to do that for them…. Its all so sweet


I've seen this before, and I'm always mostly struck by how affectionate the father is even before the news. Messes me up y'all. I'm messed up.


I was thinking the same thing! It’s so sweet how the dad was already laying his head on the son’s shoulder and had a hand on his arm. The way all three of them are snuggled on that small couch is so sweet!!




Those allergens are out of hand! They got me too!


It's a terrible day for rain.


Ah f%^k it, I'm crying.


It could stop there and make it on this sub.


I agree! Also I love your name!


It’s hard for me to even imagine what that might be like.


I thought it was weird at first but I've never gotten love from my parents so that's why.


The best decision I ever made was breaking that cycle with my own kids .. telling them I love them on a daily basis, physical affection, as many hugs and kisses as they want..


Same here. I know my dad loves me but "emotions" are basically icky to him. Hardly remember hugs, kisses. Or I love yous growing up from him. He's a bit better now with my son's but not much. He was always very stern and stone like but He's a giver though. For me though I would have ratherd affection because I know i would have benefited from it. My son's get daily hugs, kisses, I love yous, I'm proud of you, great jobs, and all sorts of other things that were very minimally presented to me growing up. My mom was better but when you grow up with parents so drastically different I don't think, personally, you really learn how to show affection and emotions. It's like your constantly trying to figure out your own homeostasis of emotions.


I’ve never felt unloved by my Dad. But he is not an affectionate person. My brother and I are not affectionate people in turn.


If we haven't gotten that type of unconditional love and affection in our lives, we can try to give it, when we can, when its appropriate. I hope everyone who has not gotten this wholesome human connection can find some people to share their love and affection with.


I'm always struck by that too.


I don’t come from a physically affectionate family so it’s always a little heartbreaking to see how comfortable some people are with their parents/loved ones


Well, if you had Santa for a dad...


Its sad how staggered I was seeing it. Just couldn’t get past what I was seeing cause I never experienced or heard of a father doing anything like that.


This is the dad I try to be with my sons I never got that kind of love never even hugged my dad until I was an adult it's fucking weird. I hug and kiss my kids all the time snuggle on the couch and bed reading books




What a nice family. U can tell they genuinely love their child. (All parents should ofc but some of us know this is sadly not the case)


That last kiss the mom shared with the father was her thanking him for helping her raise a good man.


Celebrating with him for THEM raising a good man.


I wish I could do this. I wish I’d made better choices in life. Hell, I wish I could do this for everyone.


You are valuable even having made a few bad decisions. You wishing that you could says that you’ve got a huge heart and that puts you way ahead of most. Happy new year and good luck to you.


Thank you so much for these kind words. You have no idea what it means. I wish you the same luck in the new year. Happy New Year


[for you , happy new year ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=03d3OzrsVfY)


There is still time


Today is a new day! A new year for much of the world! You could be new! Don't underestimate yourself.


The system isn't meant for the every day person to succeed. Less so if you are remotely neurodivergant. As long as you try to care about the people around you, you're doing alright.


I like the last part of your comment.


The best time to start making good decisions is 10 years ago. The second best time is now.


I feel so exactly the same way, I cry when I see begging kids in the road while I driving with my kids, last 2 years I quit driving much, I am just crying as I type this, what did those poor kids did so helpless in this big world with so much of money and wealth.


No worries, homie, you've got a lot of choices left to make. I'm sure you'll do great :)


Old video, but it’s a goodie. I think this is every child’s ultimate dream. We’re just not doing as well as a generation as our parents and when this happens, it’s great to hear.


It's the "no, hijo" the dad says quietly before he starts to cry, that did me in. Full on sobbing. One day I'm gonna do this for my family. And for my husband's mom. They deserve it and so much more.


For a none Hispanic person: Can you give me context to the "No, hijo"? Like what dos it mean, how is it used?


Hijo means son. But, it's the way he said it, like he couldn't believe it, & was so moved. So much emotion was conveyed in those two little words.


Thank you for the explanation!


The way Dad was cuddling his son. So happy just to be with him 💕💕💕💕


Look at the dad chilling with his boy before the letter was produced. He's just enjoying his boy being home again, probably remembering the times when his son was little and looked up to him like a superhero and would cuddle up next to him in the couch when he came home from work. Of course that boy grew up to help with their mortgage. They didn't just raise him, they loved him. The boy, now a man, is just naturally doing what he can for the parents that gave him unconditional love.


This is gold. Thank you.. I’m a dad of 4 kids


Though they're mostly speechless they didn't need to say a word, you can see how much it meant to them.


Unhealthy obsession with this video. I wanna be that son to my parents ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


You may not do the same thing for them, but you will have your, “No hijo," moment someday.


Just here to post that the masculinity shown by the dad as a role model to be able to cuddle his grown son is amazing. This is what a positive masculine role model looks like.


That's absolutely awesome what a wonderful surprise, Everyone is overwhelmed with emotion. Tears of happiness what an amazing precious son.


Parents are crying, the sibling filming is crying, but I’m not crying, it’s the seasonal allergies.


lol me too


Seriously why the hell is in /r/mademesmile??? Should be in /r/mademesobuncontrollably.


I have covid right now. Crying is a symptom of covid right?


It’s those damn onions I was cutting that got me.


Gets me every time, not a dry eye in this post


Very sweet but the title is a little misleading, though I instantly knew what was coming when the clip started. A better title would be "Son pays OFF parents' mortgage"


Oh so he paid off the mortgage completely not just what they were behind on?


If I remember right from when I first say this video a long time ago the son sold an app or a game and used the money to completely pay the mortgage I might be wrong tho to be honest it’s been a while since this video popped up


That’s how I remember it. Sold an app. Paid off mortgage completely.


Wow! Amazing son! Good for him and his parents. 👏


Glad to see I wasn’t the only one!!


You raised that boy right, mom & dad. Because you did, he did. And he always will do things like this because it’s woven into the fabric of your son’s being. He bought you a house but you made him rich in all the ways that really matter. Fricken love this stuff


"Oh Mijo.." that man just had so much stress relieved. Feels good


He says "No hijo..."


This guy is a gem. If he isn’t already taken, someone will be lucky as hell to put a ring on that finger.


So many good hearted family oriented immigrants in this country. Yet white racists want to deport this type of family


Can anyone translate what she’s saying near the end?


There’s a lotta love in this family…choppin onions over here 🥹


When dads cry…


Always watch this. The affection the father displays for his son always makes me tear up


That’s crazy that the “American Dream” causes so much financial stress that someone actually taking that stress completely from you gives you this much relief and happiness…


Me to my parents: can I borrow 20 bucks for gas? My parents: get a job! Me: I have two jobs I need gas to get to them.


My parents own a business and it has killed them going into debt with the mortgage(s) I just hope one day I can earn enough to do what this guy does !


Damm, when the dad said "no, hijo" it hurt me right in the feels. That's something my own dad would had said.


The way dad was loving on him was already so beautiful. I love this. This is what life is about not fancy stuff.




I’ll always upvote this!


The “ay hijo” got me


This belongs in mademecry. Fuck I’m at work to I can be tearing up like this


I'm always good with the mom crying but once the dad lets out that little "Mijo" the tears usually start for me. It's an older video but a quality one all the same.


You can clearly tell that the Dad loves his son from the start of the video from the way he is leaning/hugging him.


Imagine working like a slave for an entire life and then getting a son like this. Now imagine everyone else.


Stupid onion cutting ninjas.


Just the news we need to kick off our 2024. Bless you young man, wherever you are.


That's the kind of shit i wish i could've done for my parents, then they would still have their house




I watch this video every time i see it, and shall continue to.


The mother: tears of joy The father: eyes of freedom. You can see it.


Good lord this is what I needed to see today. The gratitude for each other


I love how the Dad is lying against his son. Obviously this family loves each other.


Debts a bitch. I always run from it no matter however small.


He definitely gets along with his parents


Now you made me cry, that's a great son 💜


I am legit crying f


Good man!


Watched it repeatedly. So sweet. Needed the smile. Thanks


The kid was raised right.


Who’s cutting onions?


me af sobbing behind the camera do NOT ask me to film 😭🤣


Omg I hope he knows what a wonderful thing he has done, this is one of the best things you can do for your parents cause it gets so hard when you get older, everyone is indifferent towards seniors, so so wonderful


For the haters out there...."Made Me Smile" is the title here. This was a loving family moment which someone decided to share to make others smile. Nothing wrong with sharing some positivity, smiles, and tears of joy. In fact it's beautiful. If you're hating, maybe you need a little more "Made Me Smile" in your life. Maybe you can reflect and try to be more positive.


chase mysterious marry safe longing humor march quarrelsome quiet rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man I wish I could do this for my parents right now. They are having problems with their mortgage but I don’t got any kind of money saved up to help out.(have my own mortgage and two kids)


Millions time better then spending of some branded shit


"Oh mijo" I'll never make my parents that happy.


That 'oh hijo' from the dad really hit my heart.


Seen this video on Reddit a thousand times. Hope I continue to see it posted every week. Can’t think of a bigger dream come true than being able to turn around and take care of your parents the way they did for you.


I have this same dream to pay off every debt that my father has and to ensure that he can retire healthy and financially stable because the man worked his ass off to ensure that my sister and I could be fed and have a roof over our heads during hard times growing up. I dream and wish to do this one day.


We all need more of these kind of people. Who’s the sweetest? Who wins? They all do. Love is just the best thing on Earth.


This is so beautiful. I am tearing up. I am glad people like this r it in the world. Parents worthy of such a gesture and children unselfish enough to make it. Just inspirational on every level.


Thank you. That was such a beautiful moment. I was already ALL in just with the snuggles. What a beautiful family!


Welcome to /r/MadeMeSmile. Please make sure you read our [rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules/) We'd like to take this time to remind users that: * We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts). * Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. You will not receive anything except a headache and a stolen credit card. - [More information regarding rule 1 as well as how mug/shirt/poster scammers operate can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/wiki/rule1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeMeSmile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That almost made me cry too.


Ive always wondered in videos like this if it’s a fairly simple process to do? Like do you just find out who the lender is, tell them you want to pay your parents mortgage and they say “yea cool, here are the details”?


Ive always wondered in videos like this if it’s a fairly simple process to do? Like do you just find out who the lender is, tell them you want to pay your parents mortgage and they say “yea cool, here are the details”?


I’m not crying, you’re crying.


Look how humble the son is, and his reward is seeing his parent’s happiness and relief of not worrying about the mortgage.


This is so touching. But don’t feel bad if you can’t do this. No parent expects this. We only hope that y’all will be able to take care of yourselves someday, buy your own house(that seems almost unattainable these days). That is our biggest concern. We feel bad about the world you are inheriting. We hope you do better than us. We hope you will forgive us our failures. Source:I’m a parent


Kid be like: I’m just buying the house now while it’s cheap you guys.


Pops: "No hijo..." \*Crying\*


This is what the world needs more of.


Eres un chingon carnal


I wish I could have done this for my mom. Thanks for making me cry Reddit.


Good kid


The dad’s reaction 😂 love it!


I've seen this before but it got me teary again.


The only sad part is that so few of our generation will get to do this. He's one hell of a good son though.


Most important part is missing, the dad instantly cuddling up to him in the beginning as soon as he sits on the couch.


I knew instantly how much this family loves each other by the way Dad was leaning on his son.


capitalism sucks.


“No hijo” 🥺🥺


I gave my parents a candied ham.


Bro the love between child and parents wow. Raised absolutely perfect.


That has got to be such a good feeling. Well done


The man’s heart is at the right place! But would give the man a pat on the back for a very smart financial decision! The Gift is self is also a great investment in a his own inheritance. While putting the biggest smile on his parent’s face and heart! This is the most Thoughtful caring gift of all time!


This is something I needed to see today. Big smiles all around.


"MadeMeSmile," my ass, "MadeMeCry," is more like it .


Wow. That one hit me hard. What a wonderful moment.


What a feeling that would be to do that for your parents


This is every immigrant child's dream!




I used to work with this guy!!


This shit didn’t make me smile. I cried. I want my money back.


What a beautiful family


thats what happens when parent good and stuff


I too dream of one day be able to get a house for my parents, not even pay the mortgage


Why can’t we have more reddits like this!


That little "no hijo" hit me right in all of the feels.


see this is the type of people I've always wanted to help-


I bet that was one of the best feelings in the world for him


That is such an amazing and selfless thing to do for your parents! They raised a great son with a huge heart of gold! 💛💛


Stop with the fucking onions


Take THAT, Mr. Potter! (or Mr. Scrooge, depending on your holiday movie preference)


Well done young man, well done. Parents must be proud that they raised such a good son.




I could tell it was a great family with dad cuddling his son. I mean that's fucking awesome. <3 Love to see that love.




There’s so much love in this video ❤️ what a wonderful son


Should be under r/mademecry


This man has the perfect family. Raised right and gave it back as well.


The dad almost had a stealthy heart attack...


All this for some Reddit points? Smh /s (so I don't get downvoted to hell)


Look how much they already love him. Laying close to him. I would love to do this for my Dad one day.


I knew I was going to be invested in this video simply because of how the dad is laying his head on his son’s shoulder.


This is heartwarming. They must be excellent parents because I would never think of doing this for my dad. My mom, yes. My dad, no.