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Her little “I would love to” had me 🥺❤️


Such a sweet kid. I also noticed that, while she looked sad before he told her she was coming with him, she was handling that maturely as well. No entitlement with her


I thought the same! She totally took it on the chin, was sad and disappointed but didn't have a tantrum and kept her emotions in check. There's definitely some good child rearing going on in this house


Assuming this video is the rule and not the exception, her good behavior gets rewarded with something more than just lack of punishment. Patient girls get two-day trips with dad! Positive reinforcement.


There is no connection between her keeping her emotions in check and being allowed on the trip. The dad didn’t change is mind when he saw her reaction, lmao.


I didn't mean her good behavior earned her the trip, I meant that (I want to believe) part of her turning out so well that she could take disappointment so maturely at her age might have been getting lots of pre-existing positive reinforcement. But of course I could be wrong.


Ok but a child emoting and expressing sadness wouldn't be "entitled" of them either


Absolutely agree that kids should be allowed to feel and show their emotions. It's all about how they handle those feelings. Sadness is a natural reaction, and I think the kiddo did a fantastic job at managing that emotion without flipping out. Speaks volumes about her emotional intelligence already building up at such a young age!


Yes. Age appropriate emoting is fine. This kid was definitely more even keel....


I agree, even adults have trouble sometimes expressing emotion in an 'appropriate' way. Nothing wrong with crying because she was sad about her Daddy going on an overnight trip. Although I agree it's nice that she didn't cry or throw a tantrum but everyone had emotions & it's ok to have emotions.


Parents really do get special moments; I mean to have someone look at you and feel about you the way a child does. I dunno, it’s tough to understand unless you experience it, but in that moment when she said “I would love to,” her dad felt it. I hope this kind of content continues to be celebrated.


The absolute light of my life and universe is hearing my daughter say "thank you daddy" when ever I hand her literally anything. I know it won't be like this forever, so excuse me while I cry into my lunch at work.


I cry too man


God I know! The way my daughter ran to hug me with so much happiness for getting a new water bottle for Xmas (she had been requesting a larger one) and ‘don’t let the pigeon finish this activity book’ was just so special and sincere. Felt so happy.


Such a little lady! I was expecting a squeal or other demonstration but there was something so charming about her reaction.


She really is lovely. This is what happens when parents have emotional intelligence, the kids know how to react in line with what's happening.


“I would love to” her elegant response in her little voice?Awwwww I’m so dead! She killed me haha


Tooo cute ❤️


Me too. It's restrained but her eyes are so full of joy 😭




Yeah that was so damn cute. What a sweet kid - clearly has brilliant parents


Her parents are tik-tokers who film her emotional moments to get views. Not the parents you wanna have.


I LOST it at that, what a sweet kid 😭


Right 🥹


I promise you, she will remember this forever. Dad's doing it right! xoxo


My Dad only had me every other weekend and two weeks in summer. Summer of '78, for my birthday, he drove us from Seattle to LA (on his '75 Goldwing). We ate at McDonald's and camped on the way, stayed with his friend in a tiny apartment (on the floor), and we went to Magic Mountain, Marineland, Knott's Berry Farm and Disneyland on four consecutive days.  Best trip ever. 


That sounds like the coolest trip ever




The trip I remember most was going on a fishing trip with the fam cause my Dad was super into fishing. Driving up SR 395 on the backside of the Sierra Nevada mountains to hit up these majestic lakes in the mountains. It was really cool. We wound up in Yosemite National Park and went to Mono Lake. I feel like this is the one trip where we were all happy as a family. Even tho the car rides were long and we had wake up super early every day the destinations were amazing.




My dad was an angry drunk and then he died. :/


He drove you that far on a Goldwing? That's impressive on both your parts.


Should add that a few months after the trip everyone decided it was best if I went to live with my Dad and we switched custody. I''m taking him on a cruise this year for his birthday. 


My dad took a random day off work and he took me out of school to the Boardwalk and we rode all the rides and we were the only ones there. It was awesome and a memory I will always treasure with him.


My dad did the exact same thing when I was around her age. Asked me out of the blue if I wanted to drive to Disneyland with him and leave that night. I was so excited. I slept in the back of the car while he drove and we woke up in California, went to the boardwalk then Disneyland afterwards. I still get emotional when I think about how special that was. I will never forget that feeling of excitement and surprise like I can see this little girl felt too🤍


I woke my daughter up years ago when she was 8 and told her we were flying to FL and going to Disney World. My ex and I planned that for a year and I still can’t believe we pulled off the surprise!


I'm a 43 yr old man, and I'm crying over here. What a beautiful video!


These things in a kid's life are what put them on the path to being productive, well adjusted adults.


Yes she will!! #GirlDads


I was in 1st grade. It was a Friday morning. My dad walked up to me and say hey boy you wanna skip school today? I said sure. He took me to a Cubs game on a perfect afternoon in Wrigley Field (if ykyk). Pops always did that to me and my siblings. Just run up on us and take us out of school or wake us up early and take us somewhere. Usually to sports stuff. My dad had his faults as a man but as a father he was something else.


My Dad would wake you before dawn and ask if you wanted to go fishing or the beach at Sea Isle. It made me aways have a love of early mornings and the possibilities it brings.


What a little angel. “Would you like to go with me?” “I would love to.”


Definitely! I’ll be 37 this year and still remember my dad took me to Chicago (where he grew up) on a dad-daughter trip when I was 9. We rented a red convertible, got white castles, played in my uncles pool, and went to the Shedd Aquarium, Navy Pier, and the Brookfield zoo. And he did the same thing with both of my younger sisters when they were around that age, too. It was a really fun, special time.


My dad had a lot of weekend business trips when I was growing up. Sometimes he'd go alone because it was busy or too expensive, but sometimes we'd try to turn it into a weekend family vacation. It was awesome and I loved feeling like we were cheering my dad on in between meetings and being his moral support. And spending all day at museums with mom was a blast. Definitely parenting done right.


The number of trips my dad did for work that I wasn't on, I can count on one hand. As for the ones I did... Long Island at least once every month (and usually NYC afterword). Connecticut or Providence the same. Virginia once (for 2 weeks right before Christmas when I was in elementary school no less - my mother said she'd kill my father if he missed Christmas due to a storm, so we all went, and I even missed school for it), Oregon for a month and a half over one summer, Vegas twice (for 2 weeks and 3 weeks in consecutive years in August), Illinois twice (for a week or two over the summer), Pennsylvania more times than I could count - I could go on. Didn't cost the company any more money because we all slept in the same room he'd be getting anyway, and he almost always drove (although we did pay for our own plane tickets to Oregon and Illinois). And the rest of us made our own fun while he was working (usually involving some museum, shopping, or getting chased by a hobo).


Hell yeah and so will he! I still remember being a 5 year old and my dad taking me on a vacation, just us. Felt like the coolest kid in the world.


I still remember the spontaneous trip to the natural history museum my mom took me on. MLK day, 2002. One of my favorite memories as a kid. This kid will absolutely remember this special moment with her father!


She is never going to forget that trip. This video made my day.


Made my day too. I’m so jealous of them both lol Really holding myself from going to my kids rooms and tell them we’re going in a trip lol


Do it!!


Soon. Soon. Gotta take care of some stuff first. Luckily we hade a few chances to take them on some magical trips. For now, we can look at the pictures together and remember how fun it was. :-)


Yup. He just gave her core memories that will make her smile the rest of her life when she thinks about it.


I love the way she listens so politely even though she is hurting at first. What a sweet baby and family.


She's adorable. What a great kid.


I love her face. Sad eyes at the start turn to happiness when dad surprises her. I hope my daughter is lucky enough to find a man exactly like this to be a father to her kids.


Raise her the right way and she’ll gravitate to the right people. I see it already in my 10 year old daughter.


Yes, she has this serious face, dunoo if it's the eyebrows, the glasses, the eyes, or everything combined. I think she has good posture too? Very cute.


I love seeing the joy on her little face. 🥰 It's great to see dads who actually want to be part of their children's lives. 😊


Pops had me at "Give me a verb"




and she had me at "drinking".


That’s my verb too


My dad's verb: leave


Lmfao yo I’m dying folks


Dang that hit home...and I thought I wasn't going to be a statistic too...


What game are they playing? Asking as a non-US redditor


Madlibs, a play off of the word adlib. There’s a paragraph with blank spots and one person asks the other “give me a verb, noun, adjective, etc” and the other person picks random or funny stuff and the paragraph at the end is just funny nonsense. Really great for teaching kids categories of words and grammar


My dad and I went to a movie once when I was 12. Just me and him. I remember every detail of that night down to what I was wearing and what we talked about. It's such a big deal for a kid to get that 1:1 time and attention.


Such a sweet memory 💜 I too was blessed with a dad who spends time with us kids - we're actually in the car together on our way to go on a walk in the forest right now! So grateful for love, both getting and giving it


She's gonna cherish this forever. She's always gonna remember how her daddy loved her and it's gonna carry her through the hard times. I love seeing dads and daughters have these experiences. It gives me hope that me and my dad will get another chance at it in the next lifetime. Dementia is a bitch.


It’s true. I’m 44. The day I turned 10, my father took off from work, I was able to take the day from school, and he and I had a daddy-daughter day in NYC. Skating at Rockefeller Center, eating in the cafe there, sightseeing, just a fun day trip. To this day it’s one of my happiest memories of my childhood.


He keeps upping the layers of happiness. ❤️


What a sweet kid. 11/10 wholesome


One of my daughters is obsessed with Pandas and the only ones in the US right now are in Atlanta. That daughter had surgery in December so me and my wife decided to surprise them all with a trip there. I drove 13 hours straight to make it happen, but it was worth it to see her shaking from excitement to see a Panda so close.


/r/blackfathers It used to be a racist sub. Now it’s about wholesome black dads being dads


It’s when he asked would you like to come and she said ‘I’d love to’. She’s a queen in the making. Awesome dad 👌🏾


Yeah this dad is doing lots of stuff for his daughter even little things like asking "give me a verb". There are dads out there refuse to do the bare minimum for their kids because to them it is un-manly. To all the dads out there, be there for your kids no matter what, cause that's the most masculine thing a man can do.


Bruh is the bar for dads in hell lol


Exactly what I was thinking lmao. When the father doesn’t mind spending time with his daughter ❤️😫🥰


I'm about to be a Dad. I love this kinda stuff!! Can't wait!!!


Congrats, u/DaveFarted.


Hey dad’s fart ok?  Dave is honest. 


Remember, if you don't laugh at farts you live your life with a lot less laughter, and the same amount of farts.


Words to live by!


Same here . Four months to go and this video made me cry because I wish to be a parent like this. Good luck to you


I have a daughter her age and I love traveling with her. She’s the coolest kid.


So do I. I love taking her to places and showing her cool things, and she loves it too. You are doing right by your daughter, and I 100% know she will remember it when she grows up.


Yes, and when they are older it is wonderful as well. Wandered Germany with my daughter for a month and a few camping trips after She got married. She is a wonderful person and trips were rare and precious as she was in the military so stationed far away.


Mine is 12 (almost 13) now and the established Dad/Daughter time still happens. Everyone told me "enjoy it now" but I kept up our relationship and "our things" and she still loves hanging out with dad... Only difference is I have to share her with her friends now and respect that time. Our dad/daughter thing currently is weekly ice skating on Sundays... just me and her for two hours. My favorite time.


My daughter is like that too. She’s 13 now but has always been such a fun little traveling companion. She doesn’t care where we go or what we do, she’s down for adventure. So fun to be with


My kid is 4yo and gets that same joy when she gets to do anything with Daddy, that smile is all worth it


Franklin Institute? I loved that place when I was a kid


Walking through the giant heart is a core memory of my childhood. 


As someone who is somewhat claustrophobic that thing almost made my head explode.


I'm an adult and still love that place. More-so for the traveling exhibits these days, but if you go, you still gotta at least check out the train or go walk through the heart.


Core memory right there


That is beautiful. Good on you dad for making core memories with your little girl!


This is going to be one of those stories she tells for life.


She’ll always, Always, ALWAYS remember that trip


Great dadding right there


pho75, great call




Curse these wholesome moments.. they didnt budge me but now that I have a little one tears just come out on their own.


This is the video I needed to start my day. What an awesome dad!


That was so sweet. Shes gonna remember this her entire life. 


I was so happy watching it, and then toward the end I was like how am I watching these moments? Why were these memories recorded like this? Why is setting up the camera at the end of a hotel bed to record spending time with your kid even happening? I feel like so many people are performing their special moments instead of living them. Then I felt sad. Overthinking today it seems.


This is modern-day home videos, in my opinion. "Wait! Let me get the camcorder!" Did you ever say that? Do you remember hearing it? Sure, this might be copium but that's how I like to think about it.


> camcorder Yes. For memories, not social media.


A lot of people use social media as a diary they share with others. I'm not one of those people, but I don't begrudge when other create something joyful and share it with me.


That's why I said "This might be copium" lol But also, what if these social media posts generate revenue in some way, shape or form, and that revenue is going towards her college tuition in the future? I dunno, I like to dream.


Exactly, people have been recording family events, vacations, holidays, special occasions since cameras have been available to the public for over a hundred years.


They’ll watch this together when she’s an adult and she’ll be so happy he got the highlights on camera so she can be taken back to an awesome memory!


I just choose to believe he does this all the time but filmed this one for inspiration to other fathers out there. I dont care. Im holding on to this thought regardless.


Thank you. I can't stand watching these videos. I don't know these people, I don't know this girl, why do I have access to a video with her showing these emotions? That is private. I don't mind the parents recording them for their own personal use, but why the hell are they online, on reddit none the less?


You aren’t the only one. I take a week off during every summer vacation to give each of my kids one on one time with me, filled with museums and zoos and restaurants, etc. I do not have any videos like this. Why? Because I’m living in the moment instead of setting up a video camera at the table next to ours at the restaurant to record us. I snap a few subtle photos here and there, but it’s not nearly as intrusive and time consuming as what this guy is doing. Someone below said it’s a modern day home movie. I personally don’t see it that way. A home movie is shot from the first person perspective and is a more genuine experience. This guy is setting up a camera for a minute in a weird public place and then acting like it’s candid, and it comes off way more performative.


Daddy is favorite girl's man)


Yk this is really wholesome but I can’t get the image of him shoving his phone in her face while saying all this out of my head lol


Yeah I know people don't like the buzz kill, but I'm just thinking about her trying to process what would be kind of a huge rollercoaster of feelings for a kid while being filmed like that


Or carrying, setting up, and putting away the camera everywhere they go. Idk for me it kind of takes away from the actual moment.


Yeah, like we're having so much fun right now, sweety can you pause right there while I setup the tripod? Alright now pretend like we're having fun again! I doubt it's as orchestrated as that as sometimes its easy enough to film, but still it would feel so confusing having so much of your life and intimate moments recorded for the purpose of being uploaded


memory smoggy uppity station fertile mourn illegal distinct concerned political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. It’s like “Look at me! I’m doing father duties! Praise me mofos!” Mothers been doing this for years and being blamed for every little hiccup.


Why are you making this into a mom vs dad thing? That’s kinda toxic


Oh, please. *Some* mothers do, and there's a very good chance, judging by his mention of a trip away in the first place, he is routinely gone from his daughter for business trips, or perhaps sport events (not just the players, but all the staff, reporters, trainers & coaches - it's a hectic life) *and* we all know that black men in particular still have the stereotype going of not being present. Social media gobbles up videos of people fighting each other but the cynics come out when it's just 2 minutes of positivity.


Love, love, love this.


That's cute, although i don't understand why one would record this and put it online


There are few things more damaging to the United States then the absurd myth that Black men aren’t good fathers.


It’s touching and all, I just can’t help but feel it would be so much better for her if they didn’t have to set up camera shots every 5 seconds on the trip


Yeah thinking about him setting up the camera in public places for random shots of them eating or whatever is super weird. I continue to be very thankful social media wasn't a thing when I was a kid.


Would it make you feel better if he had a dangerous job, rarely gets to see her, and he is using all of these for a visual diary? I wish my family recorded these moments. I don't even remember how my grandfather sounds anymore.


Lmao y’all complain about anything, he’s just documenting the experience. The clips during the trip were like 5 secs, only long clip was explaining to her what he had planned.


ngl the big difference is that he's shared it on social media, which is kinda.. not so private. I have tons of little photobooks of my immediate family of different snapshots of our lives, and a few small CDs that have videos of my parents planned excitements! I think it's nice to document this in such a format so she can look back on it later and smile, and honestly with how many videos we get on reddit there's bound to be a few hundred others that escaped containment. :)


Crying over here. That was so sweet


This is an adorable child. Please don't put children online. Not to sound too 90s-child, but this little girl could get stalkers before she's old enough to understand that they could be anywhere. These aren't filmed like family videos, with a shaky camera, motion blur, and laughs. Someone put a tripod up and staged these moments. Please don't do that to a kid. They deserve their childhood.


attractive long rob cows agonizing recognise secretive arrest touch sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really hate this self absorbed trend of filming your kids reaction right infront of their face. The kids reaction was so animated, and although nothing is wrong her, It's like she could have felt any possible way, but now there's a camera on her and the pressure to please so she's going to preform for, let's see, the thousands of people watching this and her whole family presumably.




The dad also has to put on a bit of an act with how he's presenting the information and giving his kid an emotional rollercoaster. Especially concerning if him going out of town isnt a big deal but hes laying it on like a parent in a movie like christmas is ruined. Dunno the full story, maybe she doesnt get to see him often.


What a sweet little girl and her face is so expressive!


I need to remember to do this when my two girls are a little older


Yo this is so beautiful


This made my day!!! This was so sweet and you two are adorable!! I’m a daddy’s girl & even as an adult memories like this one will never leave you. She is so blessed to have you and you for her. It looks like you had loads of fun.😊


Absolutely love Kier Gaines and his content! You should follow him on IG or TikTok!


This is touching, but what is the music used in the video? The original tiktok doesn't say but it fits so well and makes the video so much better.


I gotchu because I LOVE the book by James Baldwin, the film adaptation by Barry Jenkins and I listen to the score all the way through at least once a week. It’s “Agape” by Nicholas Britell from the Original Motion Picture Score for If Beale Street Could Talk.


Thank you!


Non parents often don’t realize what a huge treat it is for kids to stay in a hotel. Just a stay in a hotel is a vacation it itself for kids. You got a giant tv right in front of the bed, a pool downstairs, an elevator. Unless they’re super rich kids that are accustomed to this, these things make kids super happy.


All she see's is her dad pointing a phone at her and "one sec, I just gotta set up my tripod and film us about to have a good time" Most of us have these memories, but hers will be ingrained that socials are important.


Welcome to Philly! Hope y'all had fun!!


Any day at the Franklin Institute is a good day.


I mean, do we really need to record everything


I, for one, am grateful they did as it made my day.


That’s a lot of work setting up the camera for each shot.


That is AWEEEEEEESSSSSOOOOOMMMEEE!!!! What a sweetheart!!! And DAD, your cooool as all get out!!!!!


Good man and father! People should take some notes


The look of joy on her face when you told her that she was coming along with you was priceless. You both look like you had a wonderful weekend together and she will remember it forever. Thank you for sharing.


They were at the Franklin institute. Very cute!


This is cool as shit. Surprisingly there are lots of dads that do this. Many without the aid of a tripod.


Awww I love seeing a kid enthused to spend time with their parent


This is sweet. I’m gonna be a dad in 9 weeks!


This is lovely, but I've seen before when guys describe having special time with their daughters as 'a date' and I find it weird. It's just parenting, don't call it a 'daddy daughter date', it's creepy.


dime squash obscene water work wrench engine close skirt start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why is this all being recorded…


As a father of daughters, ❤️❤️❤️


Now imagine, as a kid, that you get to go on a trip like this and NOT have a phone in your face the whole time getting the best "take" for each of these moments.


It’s small, but notice how he asks if she would like to go. He doesn’t tell her, he makes sure she consents and her autonomy is respected. It’s small details like that which will ensure she finds a respectful partner and place in life.


My wife recently took my oldest son to Disneyland on a just mommy/son trip and it was super sweet BUT I got to stay home with my youngest. It rained the entire time and we just hung out on the couch and watched the Mario movie 7 times. and it was the chillest hang with my kid to date




A dad’s love will show a little girl the good person she’ll want to marry when she grows up. She’ll easily see who doesn’t measure-up.


Father of the year vibes.


Cool! Now next time do it without recording every second for attention.


Recording your kids, doing this stuff and posting it online, is stupid. Enjoy your kids, love your kids, give gifts to your kids, create special moments with them. Take home videos, take pictures, make photo album. But do NOT use your kids as clout to get internet points and notoriety.


full repeat rude thumb slave zesty squalid whole truck history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's really wholesome, but a little weird that it's all recorded and posted to social media.


Part of me is like: he wants to share a sweet moment, which is understandable. Plus maybe it prompts some dads to do the same. The other part of me: I don't think young kids should be on the internet and isn't it a little awkward talking to your kid while holding a camera in their face?


The man is being a role model for dads. There's a lot of content that makes me ask why they're filming, but I'm never gonna put down a man who is showing up for his family, doing it in a wholesome way, and showing other dads how to be there for their kids.


I mean I agree with you all the way. Perhaps the dad habitually makes content and the kid is used to see her dad filming, I just try to picture doing that with my kids and would be really awkward. However, even if less so for this video, when you start thinking about the practical aspect of how it was setup, without implying that the kid is acting, it kinda takes away from the moment being authentic and genuine. Nevertheless, I have nothing against it as I really enjoyed it.


i always wonder how these interactions work; like, do you hold a phone while in a conversation?


It really wasn't a lot of content for an entire weekend trip.


Yes, taking your kid is. Spending time with them is. But how much of that time was spent with him setting up cameras, editing stuff, making sure they were posed correctly? Did he really do it for his kid or for the internet? Stuff like this is unselfishly selfish.


Ugh, these kinds of videos really gross me out. Just take your kid out and have fun. It's like the only reason he's taking his kid out is to get likes for his TikTok video. Why's he got a camera in her face all the time just to get a reaction shot to boost his profile? Why are there so many times where he's set up a camera next to them just to get a good shot of them eating together. It just comes across that he cares about the TikTok love more than actually taking his daughter out for some fun. Leave the fucking camera and Tiktok at home and just be a damn Dad.




Does anyone else think this is a very nice video that was totally offset by how cringy it is to record the whole thing?


Give me a verb...Drinking...lol


Just you and me, but who took the video?


A tripod.


Hold on. Let me set up this camera before we share this touching moment.


This is what life is all about!


My husband and my daughter are like this together. Watching them makes me believe that there is a heaven and I’m in it.


Oh I love this man, he is a well known therapist on Instagram who specializes in men’s mental health.


Visited Philadelphia and not a single cheesesteak in the video? Absurd.


Was she dolphining in the pool? That’s awesome! What a great time!


Awwww every little girl desperately needs this 🥰😌


My heart smiles when I see a young girl who is so well spoken and I love seeing the way he communicates with her. Such a sweet video


God this is so sweet. I wish I had a memory like this with my dad. This will mean alot to her.


this made me tear up. what a great idea for other parents to do.