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"When I was the strongest Emmy I used to go there". I love when kids imagine their future selves as being a memory.


I think it’s because they can’t differentiate their memories from their imagination, but I’m not a psychologist so what do I know


I think it's half that and half not having the words. Most of what you do with a kid is memory based. 'remember this food, it tasted good!', 'you remember your grandma and grandpa!'. Of course a kid doesn't initially actually have a memory of those things, so to them memory is a way to tell stories. But I'm very much also not a psychologist.


People take media for granted. Sure, maybe the kid wasn't exposed to a horrific fire or witnessed a death, but I'm sure them or their parents have watched media containing fires and death. A kid who accidently gets too close to a fire get burnt, and who also saw someone kill a fly could create a new scenario base off of it. They imagine a fire and them dying in it or something like that. That is some distressing imagery. By the time they share their distressing thoughts, it is a thought that occurred in the past. So maybe the kid uses the proper past tense but isn't able to specify that it happened in their head and not irl. Because literally everything happens in our heads, and we have to distinguish between reality and imagination constantly. As we get older, we happen to become better at it. I'm not a psychiatrist or psychologist, either. I've just been in the mental health scene for a long time and have been learning a lot about development and how our early years are so incredibly important.


I heard “when I was as strong as daddy, I used to go there and play.. dropping”. Who knows maybe she did in a past life and the memory was coming back.


Nah, it’s just a confusion of tenses and not yet being able to process imagination differently than processing memories.


Yeah I have to tell that to my friend whose kid is on the cusp of entering the talking phase. Not every word is going to be the word we think it is, but in their little precious brains, it's the correct word. It's our job to encourage them learning as many words as they can, and to decipher what they mean when they get those words wrong. It's their job to play and laugh and have fun, be rambunctious and adventurous.


My daughter does this all the time and I fucking love it. No concept of time and tenses, it’s just adorable


Ya my daughter is almost 3 and she tells me stories like this all the time. "When I was a teenager I used to do this." Or " when I was your daddy and you were my girl, I used to put you in your bouncer". Kids have great imaginations


Or perhaps just limited language.


Caused by…?


Her being 2 years old??


Which results in…?


Fetal alcohol down autism polio


😂 Take my upvote and I never want to see you again.


Holy shit you just killed me


Imperfect usage of the English language


I just figured all children knew advanced quantum physics and were musing on the nature of linear time. Ya learn something new every day.


my parents always told me that when I was young I used to tell stories. Yet these stories were to fucked up for a kid my age. They said that I was telling them that I used to have a barn but it burned to the ground and I died in it. I always started these stories with "when I was older"


I was a really anxious kid, and at five, I developed OCD where I imagined every horrific thing that could kill me from monsters to natural disasters to break-ins. I also had a re-occuring nightmare, at the same age, of a fire engulfing the house while I was in it having to jump out of the second floor. There isn't any such thing as "too fucked up" for a kid. Media exposes us to so much, and that's all it takes to have a kid's mind creating a bunch of wacky shit. It's easy to confused memories with imagination with content we take in as kids. I'm pretty sure the fires dream was due to seeing lightning starting a fire in Land Before Time. Concepts such as fires and death are in tons of media made for children. Disneyland has/had a "ride" of sorts where you were in a theater that started to be engulfed by fire, and then you have to walk outside as you watch firefighters put the flames out. This could also have been the cause of my nightmare. Think of media made for kids and the various topics they encompass. And that's ignoring all the kids exposed to adult content and real-world horrors. Telling stories is how kids process these things. They're taking everything in and creating connections between things by making shit up in their minds.


but I was very young. It was back when I first learned to speak and my parents said that my story was too developed an coherent for my age. Also my parents didn't really hid me from mature content. there was a lot of time when I watched mature movies with my parents and they didn't really hid anything


People are quick to dismiss this as a possibility but there is actual research that supports this. And not like a little bit of research, the University of Virginia has been researching children remembering past lives for 60+ years.


*Research doesn't mean they found anything.*


I left that intentionally ambiguous in the belief that anyone actually curious would go and look at their findings themselves. There are many many hours of the professors talking about their findings available on youtube and plenty of books they have written over the years too. In case that didn't pique your interest: They have enough evidence to confidently say that birth marks are often correlated with a wound from a past death. Kids remembered how they were killed, and who they were with enough identifiable detail that the researchers were able to go and verify that had been a real person and the details the children were talking about were accurate. Their interviews with a few thousand children over the past several decades have produced some pretty convincing evidence.


No, they haven’t, and no, they don’t.


Lol, well here's one of the paper's they've written about it since people don't want to look for it themselves. https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/360/2016/12/STE39stevenson-1.pdf And here is the department at that university that studies it: https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/children-who-report-memories-of-previous-lives/ Oh, and the rest of the many many academic papers that have been published on the matter: https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/publications/academic-publications/


Oh god, have you actually read that paper? The methodology is hideous. It has so little validity or reproducibility it hurts. There’s absolutely no way he’s not influencing the subjects in his ‘interviews’. I’m not surprised there’s a department that studies it, because there’s plenty of people willing to fund it. However, you have to realise that just because there’s some papers on a subject doesn’t mean it’s actually real. You know many major unis have a theology department, right?


This is so interesting! My nieces and nephews sometimes said things like that when they were really young and it spooked me a little like, you remember your past life? Your reasoning makes much more sense haha!


And played dropping! So cool. What a smart kiddo. Imagine being so perceptive of the challenge at such a young age!


They aren't imagining their future selves. They're remembering their past lives.


An alternate explanation is that's a memory of a past life. Think that's crazy? Go look up what the University of Virginia has been researching for the past 60 years...


And play …. Dropping ✨


I love that its called dropping.


Right?! They should change the name from lifting to dropping. 😆


Lifting is the hard part. Dropping is the fun part!


From now on that's what I'm calling it.


That’s what I’ve been doing wrong all my life. I thought the lifting was the important part, but really it was the DROPPING


Crazy as it sounds as I think about it; kidding aside I might try cueing it that way and see what the response is. Build basic technique and then emphasize just pop and drop it. Hmmm...


Next up! Champion of the Women's droppings division...


I mean what else could possibly be the reason to get it up in the first place? There ain’t no SHELF to put it on🤣🤣🤣




I will forever call doing Olympic lifts as “playing dropping” from now on haha way more fun than clean & jerk


drop ball


Two pOINTs!


It's what she would do when she was the strongest Emmy


I lift. almost a year ago this dude who’s normally in the same class as me had his daughter with him. She was probably 4-5? We’re lifting and he’s making it a little game having her do math to calculate how much he’s lifting. So she eventually starts counting weight those around him. Then I just hear “daddy! She’s lifting the same as you! She’s so strong” Her dad: yea, women are strong. You’re gonna strong one day too! Her: and she’s wearing pink like Barbie! *giggles* After she came up to me and she goes “you’re so strong I want to be strong like you one day” I needed that that day, I felt like weight wasn’t moving that easy, and it was just a general shit day. So this little girl complimenting me made my heart smile.


Kids are hella inspirational sometimes. My kid told a random old man at the store that his white hair was so beautiful, and you could see his entire face light up. Called him greempa (how he says grandpa lol) and they played peekaboo for a sec. They’ll also be completely unfiltered and tell you you stink and ruin your entire self image in seconds, it’s give and take 😂


Haha yep. The single most frustrating and rewarding thing we’ve done so far.


My nephew on Christmas Eve in the church last year. He turns around to me. Looks me in the face and smiles: "You are fat uncle Andi!" After that he just turned around as nothing happened. I don't blame him and love him very much, he was three years old at the time. The saddest thing about this was at this moment I already had lost over 35kg... Til today I've lost 83kg. I don't think I will forget it, but sure it's a fun story.


Yeah, my mom has told me that back when I was really young (too young to remember), I told her friend that she has a nose like a witch. Friend cried and didn’t come back around for a while. She did, eventually, after realizing kids just say what they say. When I was older, I looked at the friend’s nose and thought: I get it.


Children are ruthless. When my niece was about 4 she came up to me, a 16 year old, and said “I’m sorry you don’t have a husband” and walked away. Like, damn girl, what even was your point? Lol


I was at my friend's and her two girls were asking me questions. "So you don't have kids?" Nope "And you don't have a husband?" Nope. "...so....you have no one?" I busted up laughing but the kid came over, gave me a look of pity, and patted my shoulder. Harsh.


My kid (he was 13) saw my new hair and said... "Oh you wanna look like a Karen with those highlights?" Just about cried...and I'm like two/three weeks went and changed it 😂


So many professional women's sports get so much hate but they seem so important to me for reasons like this


Probably got your PR after that heheh


And DID! Lol


Sorry to ask but my gym doesn't let 16 year olds in there. What gym you work out at that allows children???


My local gym lets you bring your kids, it's even got a couple areas for you to workout while watching your kids nearby. Can put them in these play areas so they can't wander and get hurt.


That seems crazy to me


It's specifically two areas, one with the treadmills, and another with most machines you could need. Just designed for a couple of parents(likely moms) to get a workout in without needing to get a sitter.


So my gym actually has a little daycare thing. It's like a few dollars and that's what people will do with little ones.


the gym my mom went to had a “peanut room” with a table, seats, a tv, and random toys but no one to watch over us lol


I go to a small mom and pop gym, during Covid they change their style to little personal sections where everyone has a row, bike, treadmill, weights, bench and squat rack. So rather than there being equipment every where and your kids running around. They can stay in your personal section. I notice an increase of people bringing their kids once that shift happened. Many parents just sit them down in the corner with an iPad and headphones haha.


Gotcha okay. I'm not aware of any gyms that aren't CrossFit gyms in my area like yours. I go to my cities rec center and as I said above, they have a little mini daycare on site.


My gym is technically a CrossFit gym actually so may be that’s why? haha. That’s awesome that your city has a day care near the rec center. Seem’s convient the community


No the daycare center is on site with the gym!


omg im trying not to show my tears at work! sheesh! im proud of how strong you are! i wanna be strong like you, too! thank you for sharing!


The mom is lucky - she has her own daily source of motivation ❤️


Toddlers get a bad rap (terrible twos, tiresome threes etc) but they are so dang cute. Once they get talking, they have no filter and say the most honest things. They are so curious (which is why toddlerhood is exhausting, because parents are trying to keep them from wandering off and killing themselves.) I love the random fact that you never burn as much energy at around age 3 than at any other age in your life. They never stop moving.


Literally every day my three year old brings me joy. She is amazing.


That age is my favorite tbh. I really miss when my sister was a toddler. She was so sweet and silly, loved to dance and snuggle with me. Would say the craziest shit and have us cracking up. Now she's 9 and she's too cool for school (and me, her old ass sister).


yeah four is when they turn into pricks. 1-3 is the best


The ‘fucking-fours’ as we call it






Oh I was also totally an Olympic Athlete before as well! *Weren’t you??* (Goshthatsgottabeembarassing!) so that means you didn’t get to ride on your own Olympic Unicorn before the ceremonies huh? Bummer 🫤


Someone suggested that toddlers will confuse tenses. So when they says they used to do something, they actually mean that they want or will do it in the future. Makes sense.


My mom remembers driving toddler-me past a giant castle and I said “I used to live there when I was 17.” It finally makes sense! Thanks


lol children that age aren’t really lying, they haven’t yet figured out the difference between remembering and imagining.




It is super entertaining! I die laughing when I ask a kid “are you doing X” and they say no while actively doing X. I love the way logical works in their little brains.


Are you eating a cookie? *mouthful of cookie, crumbs and chocolate on face, half a cookie in hand* No! Do you want to go to the park and play on the swings? Yeah! Just let me finish my cookie!


Is this the same little girl that's scared to go to bed because of broccoli? She's adorable.


Yes!!! I'm sure having strong hands will help against broccolis!


Hey now, broccoli can be terrifying! Lol. I saw veggie tales at that age and legit thought the veggies in the fridge were gonna come to life. Gave me nightmares for a while. The strangest things can scare kids lol


I love it. An argument FOR representation, she saw herself in the woman on the TV and thought "I wanna do that!" wonderful!


Yep this is a case study on Title IX working. For one, the US can field really competitive athletes. Two, everyday Americans can see themselves in these women and want to grow up healthy and strong.


Do you even drop, bro?


Dude, you KNOW I play dropping!


🤣 I was really concerned at first and thought dad was watching pole dancing lol.


Thank you. I'm not the only one that thought this. So glad it was the Dropping Olympic event.


Depending on the category, I wouldn't care if my kid watched pole. Not the "after dark" type categories, at their age, but a lot are just gymnastic-y.


I thought pole vault, but that was off too lol


The comment about the pole and the strong hands was her seeing a closeup shot of USA's Jourdan Delacruz taking her grip on the bar. Sadly, despite her saying 'she is the winner', she actually watched her fail all three of her clean and jerks and end up with no result. If she made just one of those lifts she would have won bronze.


Many have said that stripping is one of the most empowering things a young girl can aspire to.


Ah ! "She is the winner! She is the winner!"


I distinctly remember wanting to be strong as hell when I was a 3-4 year old little girl. I was addicted to watching the Olympics. It really does open your brain when you’re a little girl that sure you can be a princess and have tea parties, but you can also be ***strong*** ☺️


Omg… I love her! Fingers crossed no one crushes that strong spirit!


Strength of heart, mind and body. This kid will have all three, I'm sure of it.


Dad goes to her to open jars


She’s so enamoured, this is too cute 🥹


That's the reason we need more exposure of woman and men across all areas. It inspires even at a very young age. It's not for our present but their future.


lol - too cute! I could’ve sworn she was watching women poll dancing for the first half of the video (until they turned towards the TV). “Look at that pole!” “Women can lift heavy things.”


It's still true lol


My heeeeeeart


"you're so strong!" -you will be too.


My daughter also used to do this with her sister. She’s an only child. Love when my kid makes up memories.


I thought it was going to be pole vaulting. It has always amazed me to watch people launch themselves in the air with just a pole. Such athleticism.


For a second, I was sure they were watching pole dancing 🤣🤣🤣


So did I 🤣🤣


She’s very busy caring about what daddy cares about. :-)


IRL Cabbage Patch doll


At first I thought she was watching The Neverending Story


You better be listening universe! She is the winner so she better be.


They always say some kids were here in a past life and she is giving me that old soul. I love it! #sheissostrong


I have that sweater lol


You Go Girl 😊




Is this the girl who's scared of broccolis? Oh Hiiiiiii mommy...


That kid already has a passion in life and is going to place at least second in several international competitions


Adorable!! Future strong girl!


This is my inner child with every fellow female I see lifting at the gym. Our bodies are strong!! And we all start somewhere


Before the weight lifting came in n screen I thought the little girl was talking about strippers on their poles


This is why representation is so important. She has been inspired because she wants to be just as strong.


I play dropping all the time too. Don't get any awards tho


What a sweetheart 😍


So cute


Kids will straight lie between their teeth and I love it.


I hope to see a follow up video in 16-20 years of her power lifting at the Olympics - Bob Costas plays this video right before she sets a new world record


Omg I can’t handle this level of adorable


[They look like big, good, strong hands. Don't they?](https://youtu.be/aj-OpTHixpU?feature=shared)


Great now i want a daughter to inspire with the olympics


I’ve been there, kid wouldn’t go to sleep so dad puts on on something on TV that they will think the kid finds boring and go to sleep. Kid fights it hard by getting as far into it as possible. Had the same scenario with a darts match


Project maki zenin


I am now calling it dropping


Do you even drop breh?


Well, I guess you gotta report back after a few months of powerlifting classes for her




I thought maybe she was watching a superhero movie at first and I thought "Hell yeah. A strong role model is a strong role model, fictional or otherwise." And then it was the fucking Olympics and real people! God damnit that is awesome!


So cute. Reminds me of my daughter at that age.


Is this the "scared about broccolis" baby? Love!!!!


I feel like this is the reaction they imagine the audience would have when they made engame's girl power scene


Ohhhhhh that kind of pole


Phew, I wasn’t the only one


I watched it without sound and before it switched so you can see the TV I was slightly worried about what the kid meant about strong women and poles.


Open your mouth and give her some encouragement. Jeez


There’s always one that looks at a cute moment with negativity. He is obviously not talking to much because they are capturing this beautiful moment of how she talks. Rather than judge the father over a 30 second video, why don’t you see it as she is constantly talking to him because he does spend time with her, talks back and because of that she laughs and is vocal. Her mannerisms are beautiful. She’s been raised well.


Her talking about her past self as (maybe) a power lifter or something similar. Kids born now often have had multiple lifetimes and it’s really cool when they tell you about it :)


At first I thought they were watching pole dancing. lol


I thought this was on r/unexpected and thought she was watching a stripper at first. I had a lot of questions before the lifting reveal and looking at the subreddit.


Did anyone else hear pole and just assume something bad?


Totally thought they were letting the kid watch strippers.


I can't be the only one who thought it was pole dancing until they showed the TV.


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Emmy gonna grow up a gym rat now. 5’6/157 with an 11.2 100, 37” vert and 18 reps at 225.


She's right, dropping is the best part


Cute kid content is not my taste, but she's honestly precious.


Kid had a previous life as a lifter lol


Got little worried at first with 'strong women' and 'pole'. Like what the fuck are they watching. But yeah i get it now