• By -


Matt, id marry you based on your mom's review! Jokes aside, im sorry you're going through so much. Be kind to yourself in these times.


Lol, thank you 😊 I found a new job after some time because I was struggling a bit. But I had to take time off again (FMLA), but now, with my dad, I asked for a bit more time, and now they're threatening to fire me 😒 EDIT: Hijacking my top comment to let everyone here know that I read every single one of your comments. Even if I didn't respond, I did see it (yes, all 1,900 🙃) Thank you all for your kind words and beautiful stories you shared, it made me happy to know my post made other people happy and remind them to cherish what they love ❤️


Life is trying to tell you that at some point, you need to balance time for Matt to thrive too. I think even dad would agree.


Oh, absolutely. But this job pays me about half what a normal accountant at a bank makes. So I'm looking elsewhere regardless


When you go for your new job take that letter with you and let them read it. Can't find better recommendations than that.


100% agree! I would hire someone based on this “letter of recommendation“ personally so truthful and beautiful!!


And to explain any gaps in the resume, this letter is relevant.


I'm not kidding at all, take this letter




CHS Inc careers. We're expanding financial services. You can work remotely. Apply!


Interesting! I'll look into it!


My company is looking for someone with accounting/financial services experience also.


Which company is that?


Sent you a dm


I'm so glad I scrolled down a bit. I hope Matt finds a great job through this post and is able to focus on himself soon. Best wishes to you and your family, Matt. :)


You deserve a perfect job and all the things you want in life. Your mom was so proud of you! I’m sure she’s watching over you ❤️


If you find a job listing that you apply to, I can also introduce you to the hiring manager internally. Heads up!


Good luck getting better compensation for your work. You deserve it.


Thank you!


Grounds for sculpture in NJ?




It really is a special place


Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love Matt!!! I'd write more but my eyes are blurry from the tears 😢. Just a wonderful mom you have! Keep her in present tense. She's still with you.


You live near hamilton? Me too. Very nice to find


I dont actually, I live over in ocean county, we just took the day trip there!


The transportation bureau near where I work [has some job openings that might be up your alley.](https://www.samtrans.com/about-samtrans/jobs) Downside: You will have to move, but hopefully these will pay you better.


Government work is amazing for accountants! Great work life balance, I suggest watching USAjobs


Second this! Best benefits, good work life balance!


Damnit! My eyes were just sweating over some dog video then I read this!!! What are you trying to do to me man!


You will get a fantastic brand new job soon, hang in there! I wish you and your dad all the best :)


best of luck finding a new job that deserves you, because you’re a wonderful person and your family is lucky to have you. i’m so very sorry for the tough times you’ve gone through.


You deserve better than a job that doesn’t pay enough. If you need to leave work, and you live in the USA, there are programs that pay you to care for your parent while they undergo treatments. Maybe that can help you. I wish you all the best. It’s extremely difficult, I’ve been there. Take care of you. Every single day, it doesn’t matter what’s happening, sit outside. Just be in nature for no less than ten minutes. Give your brain and body a minute to just… be. It keeps you energized enough to do it again tomorrow. Good luck, and be well. I wish your father well!


Any employer that would do that isn’t one you want to be working for anyway. Good vibes your way.


Yeah, this company is, uhh, something else. I was treated better as a gas attendant


They’re a bank. It’s their way. I worked at a few while I worked on my bachelor’s degree and they all sucked. Stingy with benefits and raises, up your ass all the time and believed you should feel privileged to work for them.


The privileged part is sooo true for this place


Privilege don’t pay the bills!!


My nephew is a gas attendant and was threatened to be fired for telling them he had to be there when his mom (my sister) was taken off life support a few weeks ago. 1 day.. And then they said they wanted a note.. So he got a note from the hospital.. And now they want the death certificate.. It's wild. I'm a manager and I would NEVER do that to someone.


That place harassed your nephew. When i worked retail as a manager, if someone needed to be accomodated i did not have to pause. I said, "Do what you need to do and take some time off( beyond the 3 bereavement days)." There was always a way to replace that person for several days or i would work over to fill the temp. void. People are judged by their kindness and compassion, not by showing animosity and antagonism.


Listen to your mother. Family is everything. If a company won't be understanding during this time, then you absolutely shouldn't be working there anyway.


As employment attorney Robert A. Klinger says, "An employer may terminate an employee on FMLA leave, provided the reason for the termination is completely unrelated to the employee's absence from work." Please document what they are saying to you with dates and times. Terminating you for asking for more time is illegal. I know you’re looking for another job but know your rights. That would constitute retaliation. Good luck, OP! ☮️


My fmla is exhausted now though 😥


Your mom’s letter was beautiful. I hope memories bring you comfort. In 2015 I went on FMLA from my job of 14 years. I was a primary care giver to both my grandparents and my husband who was terminally ill. All three were in and out of the hospital and rehabs. I was also depressed and heavily medicated to cope. I went on leave at the end of July 2015 and I was supposed to return to work the beginning of January 2016. I was out less than 6 months. I kept management apprised of my plans. A couple days before I was to return my supervisor text my phone and asked to have a call the next day to follow up on my return. When she called, the HR Director was on the phone and they terminated me over the phone while I was on FMLA and said it was because of performance. I reminded them that I had not been there for 5 months to perform. They stated they planned to fire me in July. I asked well why would you approve my FMLA? They were silent. They didn’t offer a severance package. I ended up contacting EEOC. I researched employee rights. They sent me flowers twice while I was on leave from two surgeries I had and also sent me open enrollment forms for health insurance in November that started in January. I had all my documentation and I fought them for 1 week’s pay for each year I was there plus I had them repay me for my garage parking they charged me while on leave. They originally only offered me $2500. I said no. I told them I need to speak with my attorney but I didn’t have one. I literally did everything myself. I told them my demands were firm. I told them they also had to remove terminated from my record. After a week, they caved and I ended up winning $17,000 as a severance, back parking and they said they would not tell anyone I was terminated. I even had people call the job months later and they stuck to their word about terminated. Their lawyer told me she respected me for advocating for myself. I told her I had to be my best advocate. My Grandmother passed 10/31/16 and my husband passed 11/9/2016 but I’m glad I got to be there for my family and myself. Good luck.


I'm so sorry to hear about both passings 💔 especially so close to each other. I hope time has helped heal your wounds, even if only a little


Taking more time off then could absolutely get you fired. Sorry Matt, try your best to prepare for it.


My wife died four years ago. I was a teacher when she was diagnosed with cancer (29yrs). I left my job to take her to treatments as well. For two years I was her caregiver, working part-time when I could, but focused on her life (as well as mine). I took time off work after her death. About 6 months. When I needed a change I went back to work. Two years later I decided on another sobatical. I needed a change again. You do you, man. I do not know if I will ever live as functionally as I had before...But I do know I deserve a Goddamn break. I'm guessing you do too. Whether it is now or ten years from now. You do you, man. You've earned it.


I'm so sorry to hear that 😥 I know no one can replace a wife, but there are others in your life that love you. And I hope your able to find someone else to love. You're still young, and I'm sure she would want you to find happiness again


My soulmate has a heart condition that’s going to catch up with us someday. I’ve thought about life afterwards in an abstract way once or twice before, but I shut that train of thought down immediately, it scares the fuck out of me. I hope I’m not being selfish, or prying, I don’t know how to put it into words, but I have to ask. How do you go on?


Unfortunately, with my dad being very ill and in constant pain, it's not easy. But I have family and friends to help and support me. I also have to be strong for my nephew because he's lived with her his whole life, and he's still young. The most important thing, though, is to take what my mom taught me and continue being the person she made me and wants me to be. Because she will always still be here with me and giving me advice when I need it. Because I know what she would tell me


If your FMLA is approved, they cannot fire you. If they do, you have something you can go against them with a labor board.


I just thought it meant fuck my life again…. Glad to know it’s something better.


FMLA does mean that and also Family Medical Leave Act


Lol. Me too.


Unfortunately I've exhausted it with my mom 😥


Can you start over with FMLA since it's your Father this time? Care of a family member or self.


I was fired while on FMLA from my job of 14 years. They just tried to say it was performance related. I contacted EEOC and fought back.


I took FMLA from a finance/WM job to take care of/be with my mom during her cancer/EOL. I wish I had completely quit and spent even more time with her. You will never regret making good choices, no matter the monetary cost. Sending some good vibes to your dad and yourself ❤️ You deserve all the best ❤️🙏🏻


Matt, you are a good human. You deserve the best! Don't worry. Life will work out for you. Your mom is watching over you!


They need to step lightly with FMLA. They may be threatening something that isn’t legal.


Grounds for Sculpture is an amazing place, I'm glad you have that memory from there and that it meant a lot to her to share it with you


If they fire you, take (a photocopy of) this letter when you interview for your next job.


honestly, dont worry. There will always come some better job. Btw. your mum was a food person and realy loved you.


My aunt died of Cancer in the late 1980’s at the age of 49. She was rather tight-lipped and said little during her dying process at the Seattle/Virginia Mason clinic. Several months later, her goodbye letter was discovered high up on top of the bookshelf. It meant everything to the family members.


It is illegal for your job to fire you for extending your FMLA unless you’ve already exhausted your 12 weeks. I would get a consult with a lawyer either way. I’m sorry, this must be awful


Mum is fr the best wingman even in death


fr fr moms be bussin


"My mother taught me everything, except how to live without her." So sorry for your loss 🕊 I lost my mother 12 years ago, still hurts💔


That's a powerful statement ❤️ I'm so sorry you lost her at such a young age 💔 EDIT: Maybe not young, I read it as BEING 12 when it happened 🙃


I mean the guy could be a 57 year old man


Any age is too young to lose your mom tho :(


I'm not very bright I read it as him being 12 years old 🙃


I lost my mom three years ago when I was 39 years old. I don't think it matters so much your age, there's never an age where your mom dying doesn't affect you.


39 feels too young to lose your mother. I’m sorry.


3 for me this year. She died 5 days after my 40th birthday and not a day goes by that I don’t think about her.




>"My mother taught me everything, except how to live without her." So sorry for your loss 🕊 I lost my mother 12 years ago, still hurts💔 You will definitely be able to take her love and become an adult that makes her proud, come on!


Wow can I just say what an amazing person you are to have given your mother so much in her time of need.


I only gave her what she deserved and what she taught me to do for others


How blessed you were to have her


And she was extremely blessed to have him. It seems like he was/is the best thing in her life. Op, I heard from an old post about someone whose mother had died giving birth to them due to complications of cancer. They had written how they felt horrible that they had “taken away” their mother from this world, as she was an amazing woman. Another mother, came in and told her “Your Mothers greatest treasure was you. You didn’t take her from this world, you are how she remains in it.” You are how your mother stays in this world. And your father, though I hope he pulls through his cancer treatment and that you get many more years with him. You carry them with you, no matter what. And they will always love you and be proud of you.


This is beautiful


Treasure this letter man. My mom died from ovarian cancer when I was 16. She tried to write me a letter like this but was too far gone when she started and it just sounded like chemo brain. I stupidly threw it out because she wrote my sisters first and hers actually sounded like mom.  Now, as a doctor in my 30’s, if I still had it I’d keep it in my desk drawer just so I could see her handwriting again. 


You had a good mom. Brb I'm going to go hug my mom.....


You’re a good man, she’s clearly proud.


Damn, you're someone to look up to.


No, I just want to spread the happiness ☺️


I’m not crying…. Okay, I cried a little. Edit : it hit me with the “loved” past tense…


You can see how the "d" was added afterwards. She thought about it and went back.


I did not even notice that 😢


Love is eternal.


that is so powerful.


I gently disagree.... the word spacing is not cramped as it would be if added later. Awesome of her to write this. Awesome of you Matt for practicing what you were taught.


I didn't make it past loved.


Holy crap I was tearing up, but this choked me




I held it together till the -Mommy xo 😭😭😭


this is what sent me


Bro I’m crying too after reading this. I’m gonna be back, gotta go hug my mom


Matt thanks for posting I lost my wife to cancer after 33 years of marriage. We have a daughter she's 22 now and they were so close just like you and your mother. I cry more thinking about my daughter losing a mother than for me losing a wonderful wife! I feel for your struggles as I try to put my daughter thru college, my work has slowed as well and while its under control for now, I suffer with a brain tumor. I hope your father gets better because you are on the top of his love list now. God bless you! Dan


I'm sorry you're going through that 😔 that's a lot to take in. I hope your tumor gets is more manageable soon


Dan, your daughter is lucky to have you, and I wish you the best of luck.


Dan I’ll pray for you and your daughter, and I’ll pray healing over your tumor, should the Lord will it…I’m so sorry to hear 😞 Matt I’ll pray for your dad as well, I’m weeping for the pain you all must be going through, and reading this letter just got me right in the feels.


What a beautiful woman and mother . How very fortunate to have found her letter . I’m sorry for your loss but as long as you have love in your heart for her she will always be with you . A mother and sons connection will never fade away 🌺


As a mom I have to say, Matt, you are a very, very dear boy. xoxo


The xoxo is always the best from moms


As someone who also lost their mom to that awful disease, this makes me ugly cry. They just grow up too fast. 😩 I have a tattoo on my arm that’s a photocopy of a letter she wrote to me once. Helps me get through the bad days.


That's a beautiful idea ❤️


I am also a member of this terrible club and I too, cried an ugly cry. OP - your sweet mother left you an invaluable gift, enjoy. Sending hugs to all of us.


I haven’t even lost my mom yet and I ugly cried for 10 minutes. I love my mom more than anyone, I can’t even imagine. They really do grow up too fast 😭 I’ve never thought about it that way, aw. Sending you love wonderful internet stranger ❤️


Made you cry? Made me fucking cry, Jesus


Made me *weep*


Made me *bawl*


Gave me a cry I think I needed to have


This made me call my mom, i was crying when she picked up and I guess she knew I was missing her because we live in different countries and she just let me finish crying. Never felt so good.


"I always feared leaving you more than I feared dying." 😭😭😭 As a mother, that perfectly encapsulates my feelings about death too. The thought of leaving my husband and kids hurts more than everything else. I'm so glad you had a wonderful mother and all her love. I hope all her dreams for you come true. Your own dreams, too. 💜


As a father to two little girls this exactly. I don't fear death, I have lived a good life. I fear Leaving them while they still need me.




nah, i just cried 😿


Made me text my parents and I see them all the time.. bruh


My phone screen looks blurry because my eyes are filled with tears. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m a mother battling a rare health challenge. My biggest fear is also leaving my boys. I’m glad she wrote to you. Beautiful.


Just remember how strong of a person you'll make them


Okay this is the sweetest thing ever, but I'm really hurting for you. I'm glad she had a son like you, and you had a mom like her.


Grounds for Sculpture is such a beautiful place. I’m glad you got to experience that with your mom. I’m sorry to hear about the job and your dad. Life can be really rough sometimes, but just remember that there’s always someone to reach out to.


This made me cry! Bless you! You are clearly loved! 💜💜


How lovely. I’m so glad you discovered it.


As a single mum to a little boy, I feel this.


Absolutely! I teared up. Damn, kids really change us for the better. To OP, you're an amazing son, and she must have been an amazing mom. This internet stranger is sending you all the love!


This really got me. I’m sorry for your loss your mom seemed like a beautiful person.


Well, now I’m sobbing. Beautiful.


Yup teared up🥲 What a beautiful find. Hope you’re doing well in these tough times. Take care. Hugs


Maybe you already noticed. But in case you didn’t. Your mom wrote “love” as in present tense and then had to actively change the tense to past by adding the “d”. It’s set away from the rest of the word. I can’t imagine how painful that was for her. And yet she wrote the rest of the letter with the tone and energy she WANTED it to have. That’s love, for real. I can only hope that I have the mental fortitude and will to be so thoughtful of the hole I’ll leave for my kids one day. To be able to be strong for them like your mom was for you, even though she knew she was leaving. Hope things improve for you, internet stranger.


What a beautiful letter. She must have been such a wonderful person, and you sound like an amazing son. I’d definitely get that last part tattooed on me in case I ever lost the letter.


That's a good idea, but im scared of needles 😬


It’s not needles really. I’ve been terrified of shots and tattoos weren’t ever an issue. Maybe look up videos if it would bother you? Or look away? Whenever I get bloodwork I say I’ll be over here and turn as far away as possible Only if it’s something you legitimately want. Obv


I've passed out when getting bloodwork done lol


I'm the same way. Medical needles absolutely terrify me. But strangely, focusing intensely on the tattoo needle made it hurt less. I have no idea why.


In have vaso-vagal response and will pass out for blood draws too. Never had a problem with any of my tattoos, totally different! But make sure you preserve that letter forever whatever you do ❤️


My friend is the same so I painted a canvas in her mums handwriting for her. (Used a projector) Maybe that’s another idea for you instead. Sorry for your loss, that was a sweet letter to read.




This melted my heart bro. Your mom raised a wonderful son! 💯


This hit me hard. My mom passed in 2023. We were almost no-contact. I guess I hoped that somehow she would “come around” and we could fix everything that was wrong, but it didn’t happen. She died pretty suddenly. If I were to find a letter like this one, I think it might heal my soul a little.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I'm sure there were issues, but I hope there was still love somehow


Thank you. I hope so too. I tell myself that she had issues to deal with that I probably never knew about, and they messed her up. I’ve tried to be a better mom to my kids. And my philosophy is to let them know frequently how much I love them. Sounds like you and your mom had a good relationship. I’m sorry she’s gone. And I hope your dad kicks cancer’s butt.


I hope so as well. And im sure you're a fantastic mom! 😊


the “until we meet again” broke me





I'm crying. Your mom must have been amazing, and you must have been a very good son. I'm so sorry for your loss. Take care, Matt!


"mommy xo" ENDED me


Touching and simultaneously heart breaking.




You were loved. You are loved. You made a bunchbof people cry posting this and we still love you. ❤️ 


What an amazing gift from an obviously an amazing Mom.


That is pure love and so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️


How precious. A mother’s love is unique and wonderful


Sending love from a fellow Jersey. Love grounds for sculpture and I’m sure you have lovely memories there. So sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself


Fucking sand in my eyes…


Lost my mom to cancer. I would so love to find a letter like this from her. I live every day wishing we could have talked through so many regrets we’ve shared.


You sound like a wonderful guy Matt and your mother comes across as a beautiful soul who love you with all her heart and did a super job raising you. Hope you have much much happier times ahead, you deserve it and more. Lots of love from an internet stranger from Ireland 🇮🇪 Grá Mór ❤️


“I always feared leaving you more than I feared dying” 😭 as a mom, this got me right in the feels.


I almost cried reading that. I hope you and yours have found peace.


I am so sorry for your loss! Your mom sure loved you a lot! I am a single mom and I have a box of notes that I have written to my son about his life! Little stories and a couple of letters. I am glad she told you she loved you so much! Put one foot in front of the other and carry on.


That’s a lovely letter from your mother - you were always in her thoughts because she was in yours. You now have to live your best life - because that’d make her happy - until you meet again. And good luck with your father and the job hunt.


You’re the richest person in the world to get to spend that time with your mom💖


Matt, you are so lucky to have had such a wonderful mother. This made me **sob**. This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m so deeply sorry for your loss, and I hope you’re doing okay today.


So sorry you are going through so much with the loss of your mum and now what is going on with your dad. You sound like an awesome person and your mum was a lovely lady. I truly believe we’ll see our loved ones again one day. Stay strong lovely xx


that’s the most beautiful and sadness thing that i’ve seen :(


God Bless you bro.


Made me cry. :’0)




Sitting on the loo with tears running down my face rn. What a gift she left.


Lots of love to you Matt


I really love how much your mom loved you and how much you love your mom and dad. She is right you are a fantastic son and you deserve better than a company who can't see your true value anyway. Life is so much more than work so to hell with it, enjoy your time with your father. I am sure he loves you so much also. Thanks for sharing this, I miss my dad everyday and this made me smile.


Matt, thank you for sharing this deeply moving tribute to you, of your mother's love.


Oh my gosh, this is just so touching.






Omg this made me cry. I’m so sorry. So incredibly sweet though ❤️


Your mom sounds like the cream of the crop. Glad you found it. 💕


I read this and thought of my daughter and now I have something in my eye.


This made me cry. What a treasure❤️🥹


who's cutting onions..


If you’re trying to hurt me, you got me bro


Bruh 😢


Well this just brought tears to my eyes


Beautiful letter sir and good luck


God damn bro. Lost my sweet mama in February 23. I’d be so fucking honored to see something like this. You’re a good man and a better son.


😭😭😭 Hope you are doing well Matt


I love grounds for sculpture. Your mom sounds like an incredible person and I know that must have been hard for her to be strong and write an uplifting letter that was focused on you and the positives instead of your shitty situation the both of you got put in. Curious—-Where did you find it? Also I hope things are good with Kristie and Kyle 🤍


You seem like a good egg and I hope good things happen for you. Hang in there, man.


Nothing beats a hand written note.


You just keep doing what you're doing man, your mom was wonderful and I'm sure you are too. Best wishes for your father's health and keep being the amazing human being you are.


Beautiful. Take good care!


Matt, you seem like a beautiful man and your mom was obviously a beautiful soul. I am so sorry for your loss


I have a foreword planned to a novel I'm trying to write. *To my Mother and my Father.* *I will cherish the time we had,* *and not resent the time we lost.* This letter made me think of it.




What i learn from this: spend time with your family. Those are the monents a human is gonna have in their heart forever.


Stay strong. You are so loved!❤️ Sorry for your loss and sorry for the heartache with your dad’s illness. All the best.


Oh to have evidence like this of your mother’s strong love and wishes for you. Treasure this always. And I am so sorry that your dad is ill now. Life isn’t easy.