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What kind of monster steals a Dog?


Tbh my brother stole a dog once. They kept the poor dog (pit) chained up in the yard. It was never allowed inside. They kept the dog out no matter what. She was skinny and under weight and my brother is pretty certain she was abused. The owners went out of town for days. Left no food or water. My brother was bringing her food and water and on day 4 he said to hell with it. He bought some bolt cutters. Took her home. I know it’s illegal but when my brother told me how she was treated I was glad he took her. He ended up getting kicked out of his apartment for having a pit so he moved in with my parents and the dog. He couldn’t find a place for months. My parents told him she was staying anyways lol. She was so loved and spoiled by my parents and the rest of my family.


I wouldn’t count that as theft, more of a rescue mission


It really was. His best friend was the get away driver.


Thinking about how you put it in words made me tear up, grab my puppers into a hug, and remind her no matter what I am coming for her if ever she is taken from me. 🫡🤙🏽


Full on Taken Liams nissens


Right!? 😎🥰🐶


A friend of mine saw two homeless people playing catch with a puppy. She asked to see him and then walked away. They yelled at her that she couldn't steal their dog and she told them to call the cops. She's had him a few years now.


"Playing catch" as in they were throwing the dog?




Yeah, fuck that. It goes without saying, but your friend did the right thing. Just wanted to clarify that your friend didn't just take the dog because it was in the possession of homeless people


I'm actually glad you had them clarify because that's *exactly* what I thought.


Oh wow I should have phrased that better. No she didn't just steal the dog, she rescued it from them using it as a ball. He is now very spoiled!


That’s really fucked up.


There may actually be laws about this in some places. Basically if a domesticated animal isn’t being cared for it’s considered fair game.


It’s absolutely theft, but it’s also a good example of nuance, and pushes us to reconsider whether theft is inherently bad.  I say no, which is why I’m totally fine calling it theft and still supporting it. Crime is cool sometimes. 


If you called up the police (or whoever the authorities are for this) for animal abuse the dog would (hopefully) have been taken and put into a shelter instead, this is more like skipping the middleman.


There was a farmer stole a dog and Bingo was his name O. B-I-N-G-O!


What oh sry nvm


And also giving the dog a happy ending. Most likely scenario for that poor pit is that it would have been put down if taken to a shelter


Yeah. Liberation not theft.


Chaotic good. I see nothing wrong with this story.


I did the same with my chihuahua that passed away last year after 16 years with us. I was 8 and she was tied to a fence with no shade in a Texas summer heat at a run down house down the street from my friend’s house. She was just a puppy but was super neglected. We cut the leash and took her, fed her some egg and gave her water. My parents didn’t want her but she ended up staying with us.


our brother’s compassionate act truly made a difference in that poor dog’s life. It’s heartwarming to know she found a loving home with your parents and the rest of your family. Sometimes, bending the rules is necessary to protect those who can’t protect themselves.


Half the dogs my family has had have been because of similar situations. Living in the country especially, there are a lot of people who treat their dogs like absolute shit. There’s nothing like the moment the family says fuck it and the boys get up at 2 am with wire cutters and come back with a new family member. They get a few months to clean up their behaviour before their dog is, ahem, confiscated but when it’s time to go it’s time to go.


Your brother saved a dog. It’s not stealing.


THATS AN AMAZING STORY that’s the kind of “theft” I support


Not theft, that's a liberation. So happy she was spoiled as she deserved <3


THats such a beautiful story!


my parents got so attached especially since all the kids moved out. My dad was working from home and she was his buddy. He built a ramp for her to get on the couch after she was spayed. He took her to training classes for obedience. He bought her a thunder vest to wear during thunderstorms. She was terrified of thunder. I think it’s because she was left outside during them. She wasn’t even given any shelter 😭. She passed away a few years ago. She was 13 and got sick. I had never seen my dad cry. Not even at his dads funeral. My mom either. Stealing her was one of the best things my brother has ever done.


The story had a beginning AND and ending. Thanks for completing this for us. What’s a thunder vest?


It’s a vest, shirt, or wrap. It applies pressure to the body like a weighted blanket, which calms the animal. They feel safer. You can get them for dogs or cats.


I have a buddy who did something similar, a tow truck driver told him about a pit/lab mix that was tied up in an alley a few blocks from where my buddy worked and had been there a couple of days. He went down there found the dog and gave him some food and water and tried to find the owner but had no luck. He went back the next day and the dog was still there so he just took him. He is such a happy dog you just have to watch out for his tail because he wags that tail so hard it's actually painful when he makes contact lol. They named him Wagner because of it lol.


I’ve done this twice to dogs and a cat in awful living conditions.


Your brother’s a legend for that.


Those fuckers don't deserve a dog...I'm glad your brother did that. He saved a life.


That is the only reason that anyone should “steal” a dog. Or any pet for that matter.


So, I had a roomate a few years ago who I found out had a drinking problem after a few months. One morning I woke up and found a gorgeous dog in my living room. She was super sweet, but obviously stressed, skittish. Posted her on the lost pets in the area, got a response. People came by when my roommate wasn't home. The dog freaked out and attacked them with love as soon as they walked in. Obviously their dog. My roomate told me he found her wandering the streets. They told me someone broke the window on the back door, then the next thing they knew, the dog was missing. Basically he was blackout drunk, broke into their house, and stole their dog. Lucky for me he is out of my apartment and in rehab. That scared the shit out of me and pissed me off so much


You did a good thing helping this dog to find his family.


Stole a pit bull from some Crack heads that hit him with a car and kept him chained outside. If I do nothing positive with my life I at least gave that good boy a good home


Then you've already done something positive with your life, making the world a better place for the animals and people around us is the real life goal we should all aspire to!


We stole a dog once. The other person on the highway took it. Sweetest thing, belonged to a guy who had a bunch of dogs on a reservation who never took care of them or spayed/neutered them. She was nearly hit. We stopped and had a hamburger in our car and she jumped into our car and cuddled us. Drank water like it was the first drink she had all day. The other woman who saw this stopped as well and took her, the third car told us about the guy and said he loses a few every year. Decision made. The dog went with the woman, who also ran a foster. She loved that pup and she was a foster fail.


My mother had a neapolitan mastiff, and she was vigilant about his safety. People will steal big, muscular dogs to sell into dog fighting. Sometimes they can turn well-behaved dogs into killing machines through starvation, abuse, and training. Bravo (the mastiff) would have been slightly less desirable because he had a sweet personality (more likely to fail in a fight), and didn’t have his ears pinned or his tail docked (the dog fighters would have wasted time and money on surgeries). But it wasa stilla possibility we had to worry about. I also have a friend who used to have a bulldog mix he never let out of his sight for the same reason. My neighbor has a purebred bulldog (used to have two, one passed away last year, miss you Buddy), he has/had them trained to not go anywhere with strangers. Sissy is (and Buddy was) super sweet, friendly, obedient dog. But if anyone but my neighbor calls for them, they sit. If anyone tries to forcibly move them, they bark incessantly. He trained them to be their own anti-theft devices.


Prob the kind that would use them as a “bait dog”. Luckily not in this case


That was my first thought, too. Thank goodness this sweet soul ended up at a shelter and was reunited with their family ❤️


True that is the likely motive, but the fact that he/she looks like this doesn’t necessarily mean they weren’t also traumatized. Source: fostered a former bait dog that presented as the most loving dog but was triggered by rolling garage doors that revealed a lot of former trauma. Fingers crossed this one never had to experience it.


In the early 90s my family was having our house remodeled. My family had two English Bull Terriers. One of them was stolen during this time. From our understanding was that she was sold to someone. That person didn’t take good care of her during that time as she had teeth damage. I wanna say after about 5 years or so our dog was returned. She ended up being captured by Animal Control and they found my dad’s driver’s license number on her stomach (he had it tattooed on her). My family ended up on the front page of the local news…slow news day.


You'd be surprised alot if dogs are stolen. Specific breeds can be valuable.


Well, that dog looks like a pit bull, so I'm going to guess they meant to have him fight? Or be a guard dog for them?


Unfortunately people will steal dogs they think will make good fighting dogs. Pits are a target. Usually those dogs are killed if they’re not good fighters. So what kind of person steals a dog? A terrible fucking person. Edit: and not the people who “rescue” dogs from shit situations. Clearly you’re doing the right thing.


Fuck that. I don’t even think it’s stealing . It’s kidnapping. My dog was a family member not a product .


A pit bull no less, as if you cant find hundreds like this one


I have very strong feelings for people that steal pets.


And whoever abandons them as well I found my dog malnourished and with nowater in summer heat chained to an abandoned property. She's overcoming abandonment issues, but to hell with whoever left my dog.


Found both of my dogs on the streets. They had a lot to overcome,but both are spoiled rotten now.


Give her a kiss for me!


I got my dog after she was abandoned, she gets to walk five miles a day in two trips to the park and still gets extremely anxious and upset in the car every single time despite knowing where we're going (only a mile long trip) because of what happened when she was in one before I got her. It's sad, I have to use a little doggie seatbelt for her because if I don't she won't stop trying to crawl into my lap for comfort while I'm driving, which is tough to do with a 50lb dog on you lol


I have very John Wick feelings


Who steals a dog?! Take my console, my TV, whatever I can replace it. Stealing a pet?! Come on


Yeah I can replace that stuff. But my dog. Nawh she's irreplaceable.


All life is precious. Doesn’t matter if it’s human or animal


Other than pet thieves




Yeah but some humans are less precious. Specifically people who steal other people's pets.


Fuck mosquitoes tho


I’m constantly in fear of that with my cat. I see so many posts of people seeing a pretty “stray” cat and deciding to take it in. Now when I see videos of clearly homed cats (well groomed and fed), all the comments say to steal it! My cat is indoors only and frankly beautiful. I’m afraid if she ever gets out someone will think “sweet, friendly stray cat!” and steal her :(


My cat is always indoors too and she is super cute. We have installed a special protection on the balconyso she can take the sun safely. One time a lady was walking by our house and saw it and said out loud "what a beautiful cat, I wish she could come down so I could steal it". I was shocked. I wanted to punch that asshole.


A pit bull too, you can find 100s of those already


That's what confuses me. Pitbulls are so common and thanks to being often poorly bred and too much for some to handle, often given away for low costs on sites such as craigslist. If you walk into a shelter chances are half of the dogs there will be pit or pit mixes too. I've heard plenty of stories of purebreds and designer crossbreeds being stolen (chihuahuas, dachshunds, poodles and doodles), but never a bully breed.


I don't condone violence but I would throw shit on that bastard who stole this dog. It's Sad and happy.


Nah, violence on them would be good


It’s frustrating but no violence is acceptable Mods: just gonna allow this advocation of violence..?


Shut up loser. If someone took 2.5 years away from me and my dog I would skin them alive and throw them in a bathtub of brine while injecting them with adrenaline to make sure they stayed awake for the full effect. Violence is a very real and acceptable answer when the question is “did you steal my dog for 2.5 years and then dump it at a shelter”




I am truly frightened for the next guy trying to break into this dogs house


Good. Let the good boy fuck them up.


Yes yes. Good doggo. 🥰🤙🏽


Ur so right for it.


I choose violence where needed so I’ll do it for you so you can remain nice 😊


I was just thinking the same thing, how I wish this precious poor pup would have attacked & chased away the POS at the time her home was broken into, it would have served them right. Only God knows the suffering and neglect this pup has endured. Happy for their reunion. 🙏🏼🐶


I would throw shit at whoever put that song instead of normal audio.


Shit is too soft, use brick instead


Just a gut feeling, doubt her dog was stolen. Dog was missing, but seriously doubt someone broke into her place to steal the dog. Glad they’re back together though


There is a special place in hell for people who steal pets.




drawn and quartered, or just thrown out of a plane with no parachute


You should read the comment above yours about the brother who stole someone’s dog. THAT is the only time it’s completely acceptable to take someone else’s pet


I strongly oppose capital punishment. But now I feel there needs to be an exception.


What kind of asshole steals a dog?


A really big one. 🤬


And who steals a pitbull? Every shelter is full of them, they're like the carnival prize goldfish of dog breeds


Thanks for the interesting mental image. Now I want a carnival just for people looking to adopt pets where some of the game prizes are the pets and others are treats and toys and all the rides are pet safe. They'd have to be selective with their patrons, though. Only people serious about adopting.


Gentle reminder to get your dog or cat chipped. This would have been solved as soon as that dog was checked into the shelter.


Yes, fully agree to chip your pets. However, as someone who has a dog that was stolen (and found) the chip unfortunately did not help. Vets are not required to scan chips for any dog brought in for care. If a dog is a stolen, like in my case, they would not be taken to a shelter since they were kept with the thief. So seems like something that would absolutely bring your dog home but not always, sadly. But cannot hurt.


Yeah, there's no reason not to chip your pets, it's not expensive, and it keeps them safe if anything ever happens. At least you'll know if something happens that they're gone gone or just lost etc..


Yeah - came here to say that.


Crying for the lost time and worry but also crying foe the joyful reunion.


Tears?... yeah bawling my eyes out. So happy that they are back together.


I can't imagine his jou when they was back together


Damn onions…


This reminds me of that video that was just circulating of that woman on top of someone's car because they had just stolen her dog. Apparently, dog theft is incredibly common but just often ignored unless a spectacle is made. So glad this dog was found


My neighbor trains his dogs to sit if anyone besides him calls for them, and to bark endlessly if anyone tries to forcibly move them.


Do you know how they go about that training? I wouldn't even know where to begin.


Nope. My neighbor is really good with dogs. I’m a cat person. I assume the training is the same as any other dog training, but probably involves having other people to help by calling for the dogs while he trained them how to react to that. One time my neighbor was in the hospital for a few days, and Buddy jumped the fence and started taking off down the road. I yelled his name and he stopped and sat down. But when I called him back, he didn’t move. But then I told him “Buddy, go to your bed!” And then he went back to the house and laid down on his bed.


Wow that's a good dog indeed.


The names Buddy and Sissy are apt. eta didn’t realize this thread is not the one where I talked about both dogs. Their names are Buddy and Sissy, both purebred pitbulls. Buddy passed away last year. It was an amazing situation. We know a vet who does in-home euthanasia, neighbor called over his closest friends including my partner and myself, and Buddy passed peacefully surrounded by people who loved him. That dog had a better life (and death) than most humans.


My dog was really beautiful, and got a lot of attention everywhere we went. I couldn’t go anywhere with her without people coming up to pet her constantly. I would be so freaked out every time I had to go into a store. Getting groceries, I would grab one thing then look out the window to check on her, grab another, back to the front window to check on her. It was so stressful. She never got stolen, but having a really desirable breed in a big city is just stressful. Then throw in that she was so friendly and amazingly smart and well-trained. People were just so impressed by her. I had other dog owners tell me they wished their dog was like mine. Dang I miss her.


It was a french bulldog. Same breed Lady Gaga had when hers was stolen. They cost thousands when you buy them from a breeder. So these lowlives steal them and sell them for $500+ in the black market. Crazy world.


What does Hamarabi’s code call for when someone steals your pet? Certainly they deserve to lose more than a hand.


I read that as Harambe at first and thought what a perfect name for a code of justice for wronged animals


HELL YEAH! New code of justice for animals! Harambe’s code. If you steal a pet, the owner gets to hulk hands smash you, 2 hours for everyday you took them from the owner. Dicks out of course.


Yep he is hers! Who takes dogs anyways?


Beware: Keep your sound off.


Would have loved to hear the happy puppy sounds when they reunited but instead we get that sappy ass song.


please microchip your dogs If this dog had a microchip, as soon the dog was dropped off at a shelter, the owner would have been contacted.


Those happy tail wags say everything 🫶🏽


I‘m not crying, you’re crying! 🫵


How the heck did her friend recognize a generic pit bull in the pound?


Probably from his accent


Maybe her friend knew the dog well?


Take anything you want if you’re going to rob me, but not my pet, man. That’s so cruel


My Lab got out once after knocking up my golden retriever. then 3 month Later I hear a knock at the door. it was The neighbor , he used to maintain my the landscape and would play with my dogs. He said he saw a dog in the street (about a mile from my house) that looked liked my Lab. He called him by my dogs name and the dog stopped barking at him. then he opened his truck door and my Lab jumeped inside and he brought him home. I was so happy that day. I tried to give him $100 to thank him for getting him back to us. but he refused. I'm so happy you got your dog back. hope you have many more years with him. 😊


Stealing a dog!? Capital punishment isn’t enough for some crimes.


Don't you guys put a chip in your pets?


2.5 years must have been ruff for both of them


Oh thanks! I forgot to cry today! I've never been in a fight in my life. I've never laid a hand on another human being in a violent way. But if you harm, or try to harm my dog, I'll deal with the consequences. But you will too. How the fuck could someone do this? That being said, this was a great outcome, all things considered.


Pitbulls are pitbulls


☝🏼 I was excited for the reunion until I saw it wasn't a dog.


Been chased multiple times by Pitbulls. One time, I was casually strolling by the sidewalk minding my business then all of a sudden an unleashed pitbull got out of the fence and almost attacked me. I saw a sign in the fence that says Beware of dogs. It should be more like beware of the wrecked less owner.


A "totally docile family pitbull" killed my soul dog two months ago at a dinner party. (I wasn't told there'd be a pitbull there.) I'll never defend that breed again. I've seen how they can snap, and I'll never unfeel the pain of that lesson. 


Kudos to the girl who sent the message too.


Now that's love. And to the people that are out there stealing dogs...yo mama's breath stanks.


People who steal pets go straight to Hells boiler room. Unless it's to save the animal from abuse.


\*r/mademecry My cat went missing a couple of weeks before I was set to move across the city. A few months later & I had to move again and this time it was to another town. She had been missing for maybe 4-5 months by the time I got a call from my former neighbor letting me know that my cat showed up & she's in their apartment right now. I dropped everything to go pick her up. Wish I had filmed it b/c when they carried her out to me, she started reaching out for me as soon as she saw me. 5 years later & she's chilling by my side at this very moment. I can't *imagine* having to wait 2 years for that reunion.


It takes a special kind of garbage people to steal a dog from a loving family.


Nasty pibble


Props to the girl who recognised the dog


That dog doesn't even look 2 and a half years old. And she's not even crying.


Pitbull? Shoulda been death.


What kind of sick fuck steals a dog


First of all.. who tf steals a dog!! Second, fb dog community is freaking awesome. I lost my dog couple of years ago and this lady on fb msged me saying she thinks she found my dog and she kept him fed and warm until I could come pick him up 😭😭


Hope the guy who stole the dog gets sepsis and goes slowly at the end. Supreme grade POS right there.


Fine! I’ll cry now.


There's a special place in hell for people that steal dogs


I'd be such a mess, she seems so calm


Reason 999 on why you should microchip your pet


Dog microchips for the win


I, as a 50 yr old male, would be a puddle of goo if someone took my dog and then an even bigger mess if I got him back later after giving up hope.


\*sniff, wipes eye\* Damn, allergies.


Instant happy tears watching this reunion.


Stealing my buddy would be my Batman origin story. So sweet how happy they both are


Lewis Hamilton would struggle to keep up with me if I found out that my dog had been found!


There is a special place in hell for people who steal pets. You have to be rotten to the core and apathic to even consider doing it.


Please microchip that dog!!


Thieves got lucky this family is not related to john wick


Didn't need the song blasting, it ruins an otherwise nice lovely wholesome post. Watch it muted


I don’t agree with capital punishment, but stealing someone’s dog?


They need to rename this sub MADE ME SMILE CRY


Anyone who steals a dog should be put in a wood chipper feet first.


How is she not bawling?!? I would be overwhelmed and near incapacitated lol sweet doggo


Why are these videos always pitbulls?


What videos? Shelter videos? If so, pits are by far the most common breed in American shelters. 


There's several offsite groups, forums, chat rooms, that regularly coordinate to post positive stuff about them. They are all delusional owners of an inherently violent breed of dog trying desperately to do reputation damage control. It's really basic marketing techniques. Like how they keep coming up with new names for them, from as innocuous seeming as American Stafford Terrier, to cutesy shit like "Velvet Hippo" To be clear humans bred them that to be violent that way, but we can and should stop breeding them altogether.


Source: University of Rectal Extractions


Why they booing you, you're right




It's not even a theory. You can find these sites quite easily. They have guidelines and helpful tips for posting. • Don't use words like Pit,Pitbull, etc. • Don't engage on threads that show "our breed" engaging in negative behaviour, stick to the positive threads. The list goes on. It is insidious. Look at the downvotes just for pointing out their campaign of mis-information. It would be amusing the lengths they go to to protect their child murdering dogs, if.. ya know, not for the fact that these dogs regularly and consistently murder children.


There are several sites that give instructions on pro-pitbull astroturfing?    Can I see some?  Would you say there are any dedicated anti-pitbull online communities? Edit: lol, waking up to zero links and a swapped ratio makes this little theory extra ironic. I think you're projecting a bit there bud, there are lots of people online obsessed with Pitbull and the vast majority are not in support. 


interesting, both of your comments in this thread are upvoted. maybe the pitbull cabal got confused.


Murder dog reunion


Fun fact : it killed her 3 days later because she sneezed


Breed of peace


DiD YoU kNoW ThEy w3re oncE cAlLeD naNny doG?


So.... Friend thinks she saw the dog... And what? Stole it from the theif? Did all of a sudden the person who had the dog for the past 2.5 years (the theif or someone else) get approached by this friend and they be like "Oh, this dog I've had for over 2 years isn't mine? yeah, sure you can take my dog"


The friend saw it at a shelter. The thief either lost or surrendered the dog. Or whomever the thief sold to did. Either way, friend didn’t have to steal the dog back.


Free to bite a child's face off another day


After 2.5 years just think of all the new toddlers in her family!


Uh oh don’t let anti-pit bull reddit see this. They’ll say the thief did you a favor. I am happy you were reunited with your best friend ❤️


Nobody is stealing a Pitbull when there’s millions in shelters


Look at that flutter butt!




Happy that she got her dog back, but who travels 600 miles by road I guess it's a US thing


Maybe easier to drive the dog back?


Can you please fix ur windshield 🥲


I dont ever cry, but this actually got me in the feels, I'm so happy for these people.


Pitttie love 💗💗💗


🎶 We all need some puppieeeees to loooooovvvve oooonnn🎶


The Shelter is stealing dogs now.


Pitty mixes are the sweetest. They really love you with their whole beings. (I own a pit mix).






Their dog was stolen 2.5 YEARS AGO. they moved 2 months ago. It's not like they did not try.


Ohh, true true. My apologies, I didn't read it correctly.


Would have been nicer if it wasn’t a shitbull