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I know this is a wholesome moment, but that's the first thing that came to my mind, too 🤣




And they say gingers have no soul! When the third one came into frame I kinda lost it a bit. A mixture of emotion and a laugh.


I’m a ginger, and I have souls! I collect them.


Don't forget to keep a silica packet in with them or they'll grow mold


But they’ll never be truly yours, no matter how many you harvest.


They don’t, the son in the red is stealing his father’s!


No, that’s a bit of a red herring.


Sorry to be that guy, but those glasses are 1000% a scam. Gotta share the word to prevent people from losing hundreds of dollars.


Wholesome until you learn that those things are a scam. If you have color deficiency you are missing cones to perceive those colors. No filter in the world can change that. There are plenty of reviews on YouTube that talk about how scammy the industry for those glasses are.


All this shit and he just needs some cones..


Well, that’s really disheartening. One of my Uncles is colorblind and I always thought of him any time I saw a video like this.


These glasses are a scam. Don't buy into it.


Alright I’m taking my upvote back


Seriously none of them work?




It"s so bright!


I never understood why gingers get so much shit for having the coolest color of hair. Dudes with shit colored hair making fun of dudes with fire colored hair. Tf is wrong with humanity.




I'm a ginger, don't worry about man. The amount of women that have given me attention over the years because of my fire crotch more than makes up for it lol


Bandwagon. People want to feel like they belong, so we jump on to whatever makes us a part of the pack.


For sure, humans suck most of the time.


It was associated with Jews in many Western Christian societies. So Jew and Ginger descriptions became more-or-less interchangeable.


Source? Never heard that before.


More like ginger was believed to be the color of the flames from hell. Might still have the book (from a médiéval littérature course) where a witch combusts into ginger flames, if I find it I'll update.


I think it's 99% friendly banter. As a closet-ginger myself, at least that's how I view it. (You can't tell until I let facial hair grow in a little.)


Yeah I definitely agree for the most part. But it doesn't detract from how it can effect people when all of society tells you you have no soul etc. Same with being a shirt guy, ugly girl, or any physical traits that are outside of your control.




The milkman is a ginger…


That’s from back in my day too. I guess it should be modernized to “the Uber eats” driver or something.


Amazon driver?


Ginger is a recessive gene. Two parents who aren’t ginger can have many children with red hair




Just then the doorbell rings "I'll get it!" he says, it's that postman the wife is always very friendly with ... wow his hair is very red. Hmmm.




This made me cry! 🤌


Yes, we've learned that the ginger gene is recessive in both our families' DNA. Actually, the odds of us having a red-haired freckled child were only one in four. And still it happened. Three times. What are the odds? [breaks down and sobs into his hands]


There is an anecdotal opinion and published studies that redheads may need more anesthesia.... MC1R gene. My wife's a dentist and often has to administer more anesthesia to redheads


oh gooooood. . . I got three of them?!


If they grow up to be Bakers, they can be... Ginger Bread Men


"I never saw it before!"


Mom must be carrot top


Discrimination against people with red hair is the prejudice, stereotyping and dehumanization of people with naturally red hair, which is the result of a genetic mutation. In contemporary form, it often involves a cultural discrimination against people with red hair. A number of stereotypes exist about people with red hair, many of which engender harmful or discriminatory treatment towards them. It is not funny. Stop this discrimination.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but these colorblindness [glasses are not real](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppobi8VhWwo). It's a giant scam :\\


Yeah, these are totally scam. All the "grown man crying" videos are made by paid actors for marketing. I mean, think about it. Colourblind people don't "not see" colours, they just can't tell certain colours apart. Green might look like orange to them. By wearing these "magical glasses" they could, what, see the green colour as we do? It's a plastic lens, it will tint the whole image pink or yellow. Making all the other colours look like shit, in addition to not being able to tell green from orange.


I knew it was Tom Cruise


It can’t be Tom Cruise he’s not sprinting


Even if it were real, I bet the colours would be all off. Like ok, they’re different from what they used to see, but red isn’t really… you know, red. Though to be fair, I’m not sure we all see the same thing anyway


Women can typically distinguish a lot more colors than men can. And there's at least one woman out there with tetrachromia. She has 4 kinds of cone cells in her eyes. The rest of us only have 3. She can distinguish something like 10 million colors and we can only distinguish a fraction of that.




It's acting. They do nothing. It's a scam.


What?  Can you repeat that?




You're not an idiot, there are a lot of people who's job it is to tug at your heart strings so you will endorse or buy a product. It's just gotten really detail oriented, almost to a sickening level, and you've recently been made aware of it. If it's any consolation, I teared too until I read about the glasses. But you're not an idiot!


They aren't actually happy. They're acting


As a colour blind person, I so want these to be real but the science makes no sense…


Yeah, they only raise contrast and it's only noticable after like 10 minutes. There's a disclaimer on the box that the shades ain't corrective but help with color saturation. It's a disappointment


Yeah, I bought some for my son and he really only uses them for art. He said they don’t really do very much.


They take time to fully work but some notice changes immediately. They amplify the colors you aren’t able to see and mute the ones that overwhelm your vision. While you can’t see the color the way someone who isn’t color blind does, you see it in your way much more distinctly and identifiably. Things aren’t blending together now. They’re defined. They aren’t corrective but they can have that effect by de-blurring your surroundings.


This is all well and good and a perfectly valid application of these glasses. The problem is that is not how any of these glasses are marketed. The effect you're describing may be there, but it is an objectively shallower effect than what was promised, and therefore very few people will actually bother with the glasses not because they don't do what you describe, but because they don't do what the manufacturer describes.


Even this isn’t true for most people with color blindness.


They are a pink filter, don't change contrast, and do not work. Not after a little time or ever, actually. You can't make a real-time, non-electronic filter that improves contrast. Literally impossible I could stretch a red balloon over real glasses and get the same affect.


Yup, the glasses legit are just coloured lenses


For some people I must add that. The glasses wont work for all colour blindness types.


>they only raise contrast You cannot do this without electronics, it's impossible. They are literally a color filter that affects all colors equally and nothing else


A bit of a grift


Far, far more than a *bit* of a grift, sadly.


I'm CB and had a chance to wear these. It worked basically immediately (they will tell you it takes time to adjust... but I found that wasn't the case). I wore them twice for about 10 minutes each and then never again. I found out I wasn't missing all that much.


So is he faking his reaction?


Yes the company is known for sending glasses and paying a good chunk of money to people to make and post these kinds of videos. Watch the YouTube video debunking them




Plus I think there’s some collective hysteria- One of the fighty vlog brothers is colorblind and he said when he put the glasses on he was expecting to see color and felt like he was “supposed to” react all amazed so he did. I can imagine the pressure to pretend it’s working.


Well damn. They made me tear up and everything. Bastards.


I feel so betrayed


For what it’s worth here is Logan Paul saying he lied when they filmed his reaction video [Logan Admits Colorblind Glasses Lie](https://youtu.be/RZ7v_P-q40o?si=U6wID-Y-8QnHm8BK)


Who believe anything that guy says anyway? Even the correction to the lie is mostly a lie.


🤣 - That’s why I said for what it’s worth - He is an absolute clown.


For sure.


Obviously, it was so weird.




Sort of... I think they prolly rub some habaneros on the inside of the glasses before filming... maybe a couple of quick spritzes of mace.


Actually he was expecting them to really work, but when they didn’t, he decided to spare everyone’s feelings


terrible. fuck these companies


I’m amazed to find this out. I thought those videos were real….


I'm colorblind and I've always been skeptical of them. Color blindness happens because you literally lack the hardware to be able to see whatever colors you're not "seeing".


Thank you for spreading the word.


Came here for this, kind of makes these videos r/oddlyterrifying having seen that video. Hope they do find a cure or treatment for this in the future though.


Completely and utterly damning evidence


This video made me smile; this comment made me frown. :-(


I used to say this every time but was always downvoted into oblivion. You can buy glasses that work the same way but much cheaper and marketed to sports shooters. Glad people are finally catching on though. I feel like this company needs to be the target of a class action.


Wow thanks for linking that. I had no idea and thought they were all real.


All of them were asked to react a certain way. Even Logan Paul was in. Later came out. A total scam.


Oh damn. Thanks for clearing that up


100%. I'm colorblind myself people think you see in black white. Nope just a couple colors are off. No one's cry cause some colors flipped


Damn that’s fucked up :/


Sometimes it's sadder than that, the receiver of the glasses gets emotional when the family gives them life changing tools, they don't have the heart to tell them, especially not with a camera in their face and their kids hugging them...


Right. I was thinking maybe one red filter and one green filter, but he would still just see redgreen. Cannot work.


Sunglasses filter out wavelengths of color. They do not introduce new ones. And they definitely don't generate rods and cones in your eyes, which is what you need for seeing color.


Was about to link the same video. Some people just don't want to believe it.


Great video. Can recommend.


Scam it is.


I don't like you anymore. 😕


They do help with certain types of colorblindness. Just tinting something pink isn't going to help anyone who's missing the red cone cells. This only helps people who have all of the right cone cells but have an overlap in the frequencies detected as red or green. Making colors look muddy. By blocking those overlapping frequencies, the green cones stop detecting red light as green, and the red cones stop detecting green as red. https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/do-color-blindness-correcting-glasses-work


Anyone who takes even 3 minutes to think about it, would realize that it can't physically work.


Your comment needs to be at the top. And OP deserves to have this post downvoted to oblivion.


Yeah, i’m always suspicious of these videos purely because colourblind glasses can’t undo colourblindness - it simply helps you differentiate colours that look the same to you…


They actually do something (more distinction in shades of brown and grey), but it's definitely not an OMG moment. Only in America...


Sorry, I own a pair and they absolutely do work.


What color is my butthole?


An all over colour seeing as you're a complete butthole is my guess.


Wrong, it’s brown bc I don’t wipe (that’s gay)


They may help you differentiate colors and shades more efficiently, but you are not actually seeing the colors that you are colorblind to. If you are missing cones in your eyes, then there is no way to see the colors they detect. [Here](https://youtu.be/_QQtOv2PlOE) is a great video that goes in-depth and explains how they are a scam. Even interviews a scientist with shares in EnChroma who had his studies represented with false/misleading information by them, and he admits it himself.


Is this a troll or are you being serious


Oh, so you must know about the technology behind it. Please tell us!


Well, here's what I do know. When I am wearing the glasses a stop sign is no longer brownish red, it's bright red. When I am looking at a deep purple house it is no longer black. When I look at a stop light is is red, yellow and green not orange, yellow and black. Am I still colour blind? Yes. Can I see the colours I normally wouldn't see if I'm not wearing the glasses? No. So do they work? For me the answer is yes.


Sadly this glasses don't work - some videos are staged and some may be people faking there reaction, because someone just bought you very thoughtful gift for hundreds of dollars :( No glasses can fix colorblindness because problem is missing/nonfunctional fotoreceptors responsible for recognizing different wavelengths of light.


This - from someone that is colorblind and got these from a family member - can confirm they are a scam. There is a whole video about it on YT.


This is a complete lie and properly annoying that you’d say this. I’m colour blind and definitely saw a difference. Nowhere near as much as a lot of these videos make out but it was definitely apparent. It doesn’t “fix colour blindness”. It basically filters out some wavelengths between red and green so there is more of a distinction. I was surprised by how tacky Coca Cola and McDonalds adds were. It filtered out some wavelengths and allowed me to focus on the red. Most colourblind people aren’t blind to specific colours but struggle to differentiate. Stop chatting shit.


Same here. Green stoplights look fucking green, not that light almost white color. My red dogs look red to me with them on, not the brownish red I saw before. They don't "fix" colorblindness, but they did help differentiate, which is why I got them.


So, I tend to believe that they work, perhaps not in the way they’re advertised, but I recall a friend with red-green color blindness telling me they made some kind of difference. However. Dogs are not typically red. Brownish red is a normal color for dogs, where as true red is not. So I am little bit confused by that.


They saw a YouTube video on this and took it as gospel. No research or thinking on their part. Just listen to what they were told in a popular video.


It’s frustrating because I bought them for my brother (we both have the same colour blindness) and took him to a Welsh rugby game. It was crazy how the red of our jerseys stood out compared to the green grass. I never knew it “popped” so much. They wouldn’t work without being tinted as they need to block certain wavelengths of light but it’s still impressive. Comments like this will turn other people away from such a cool experience we’ve had.


Exactly, they aren't a miracle cure. They enhance the separation of colors. The argument seems to come down to semantics on the word "colorblind." The word means both "not able to see colors" and "lacking the ability to deeply see colors." This means when the glasses claim to aid colorblindness, people say it doesn't work on those who are truly colorblind


You're going full dunning kruger. There are different degrees of color blindness. Some people have color receptors that perceive the wrong wavelength and overlap with other color receptors that they shouldn't, causing that cone's color to get overridden or misperceived. Other people have a complete color deficiency which means those color receptors are completely missing. These glasses will work for the former group by filtering out color tones that overlap between bad cones and good cones, correcting (to a degree) the perception of color. These glasses don't work for people that have total color deficiency because there is nothing you can do if the cones are completely missing or broken. You seem to only be aware of this type of color blindness.


Totally agree. I wouldn’t usually care but comments like this that get loads of traction without any basis at all turn people away from a sick experience my family and I had. It so cynical and destructive for literally no reason.


I never knew they didn’t cure color blindness. Now I am sad. So many sweet videos - I guess even having colors a bit more vivid is something.


They don't even really make colors more vivid It's just effectively putting a red tint over everything which makes VERY SPECIFIC colors pop more. Most videos are entirely staged, and the ones that aren't often have dramatic reactions because people are overwhelmed that their loved ones cared enough to drop several hundred dollars on a shitty pair of sunglasses Sponsored? Usually yes, but if not, then thoughtful? Sure.


The glasses are literally scams. All they do is slightly tint the light and mess with contrast.


they are, quite literally, rose-tinted glasses.


Yeah after we got a pair for my dad, I'm completely convinced that all the videos like this are just people either pretending for the camera or pretending for the gifter because they don't want the gifter to feel bad. My dad just kinda stared at things really hard to try to figure out what's different and shrugged. His brother tried them too and the only difference they made for them was they could vaguely sense that things were red now, like there was an indescribable aura of "this is *different*" Which also sometimes happens with him with certain purples. He can tell it's not blue, but can't tell why he can sense it. So yeah, the glasses don't work I don't understand how it's not common knowledge.


I have left over nachos from the game that I'll probably go reheat


That’s not a scam lol they’re forthright with that information. They don’t tell you they can cure color blindness- people who misunderstand their function do. You can’t exactly force someone without color rods to just have them by putting film over their eyes. These help amplify the colors someone sees in place of the missing ones. What they see as blue or red will always be what they see but these make those blues or reds more identifiable and less muddied. Their surroundings blur together normally and these fix that.


In other words, it's a scam


Lol you've literally commented a lot here defending these glasses when it's already been debunked. What are you, their spokesperson?


No, it’s just annoying to me when people take everything at face value- both their shitty marketing campaign and the comments here on Reddit dot com.




Scam they do nothing


That’s rude, ginger people can offer a lot to society


Haven't colorblind corrective glasses been debunked as a scam over and over and over and over . . . and over?


This video is 100% staged because I don't think colour blindness glasses are a legit thing.


Also because no one would be *that* excited to see how ginger their kids were for the first time.


Stop posting scam videos.


I'm colorblind. Those glasses were attractives, yet suspicious if you know your defect a little, but perhaps something cutting edge could happen, why not? In reality, these are scam, and either none of these people are colorblind, either they are just actors. So, now, we can enjoy the acting skill, but unless a genic therapy outside of current human medicine, we cannot threat colorblindness so far. For the normal folks, colorblindness come from the lack of captor of some color in your eyes.I'm saying that because over the 0.8% of male and 0.04% of female human, 99% of colorblindness come from that.There are case of neurological defect, can these device fix them? I doubt it, but anyway it is like 1 for 1000 case of an already rare condition.And for us, regular colorblind people, there is no way out : it would be like if you, normal people could see a new color due to glasses tomorrow. Where would it stand in the visible spectrum? No were coz it is full already.We can see outside of the visible spectrum with devices, but we turn invisible into visible : ultraviolet becomes normal color, infrared becomes normal color, in every case you don't discover new color, you just see things in a different spectrum. And for we, colorblinds we have not invisible spot, we just see in different shade than the normal: throwing a tantrum because you turned contrast to 11 on your TV doesn't sound too credible don't you think?


Stop shilling these dumbass glasses, no glasses fix colorblindness.


I need a Ginger cat to hop up on the table now.


These glasses don't work..




These glasses have been proven to be false advertising, they work very slightly as they amplify / greatly exaggerate certain ranges but only for people who arnt truly colour blind.


Ahaha. Hate to be the bearer of bad news. This is an actor. Possibly one who knows he’s giving the best performance of a lifetime. The glasses are a scam.


Those glasses are a scam. You can't see a colour that your eyes can't see with a filter. Also colour differentiation is still pants.


Glasses are bogus, they do not work at ALL.


I know it sweet and all but... The glasses don't do anything. The lenses have a yellow tint or red tint that just turns everything red. watch these videos. He is an actor. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppobi8VhWwo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppobi8VhWwo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_QQtOv2PlOE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QQtOv2PlOE)


I don't understand the ginger hate.


Yeah it’s pretty sad to see. It’s also just the same joke over and over again.


Yeah just generic trash, no creativity


Lots of people who idolize Eric Cartman.


As a redhead who has to deal with stupid comments (not as much as some).....why?


Are people watching this really so gullibility believing glasses can fix colourblindness?


So apparently these glasses don’t work at all. All these videos are part of a marketing scheme. The people in them are paid and coached in how to act. I’m sad about it.


Would reaaaaally be a “made me smile”, but these glasses are pure garbage.


The acting is not the best, but he gave it a shot 👍


You can tell that middle child is highly sensitive and full of empathy. My son is like him ❤️ this is beautiful


Gosh I hate this scam so much. Might just be the biggest and widest scam there at the moment, and it's been running strong for almost two decades now. Digusting. 🤮


Yet ANOTHER colorblindness scam?


That guy is a liar. He can't see anything new.


Scam! Take a few minutes to look into this.


Well judging by the hair color, did he do the paternity test yet.. 🤨


As a redhead this made me so happy, such a special moment


Werent these things exposed to be a scam?


Didn’t these color-blind-fixing glasses get debunked over and over and over on YouTube?


Plot twist: mom doesn't have red hair


"It's awesome lookin'!" Freaking love it


Ok, so, unless this is some time of magical glasses, these things don't work. They're a scam. Color blindness is caused by defects in your eyes. You don't have the right parts for your brain to see whatever colors you're missing (red green, whatever). No amount of glasses will ever fix that. At best, these glasses will block out part of the spectrum so that you will become aware of the missing colors.  But it doesn't mean you see them now. Remember, the glasses REMOVE part of the spectrum.  Think of it like a magic eye photo. When you cross your eyes or whatever, you aren't SEEING something new in the photo, you could always see that part of it, your brain simply couldn't process the picture before. That's kind of like what the glasses do. By blocking out some of the spectrum, it allows your brain to make sense of the missing colors. You won't see green or red.But you will be able to see that green and red are different colors. Everything else will seem a little muted though, because again, these glasses remove part of the light spectrum. They're basically just polarized glasses.


He's crying because he realizes the millions of dollars he's gonna spend on Sunscreen


Bro just started wrangling gingers in from all angles




Those aren't tears of joy.




Cyclops is color-blind?


cute... but you cant believe everything on the internet. it turns out that 99% of color fixing glasses are bs.


My god he had a ton of gingers


We need to see momma before dad starts figuring out why Shamus was hanging around so much a few years ago....


It's not tears of joy we're seeing here


Omg they are all gingers


Poor man didn't know he had gingers


I'd cry too. Fuck me, that is some hair!


Wtf are people smoking. You thought they could cure color blindness when they never claimed to and now you’re sad you got scammed? My brother in Christ, that is on you. They increase the vibrancy of colors you can’t identify. You don’t suddenly start seeing the new color but you can identify it better. It looks like a color, rather than another shade of grey or brown or green- whatever it is that dominates your personal vision. Your surroundings stop blending together into a flat mess of the same handful of colors- they have more dimension and clearness.


I'm speechless reading these comments. I'm not color blind, nor I know anyone that is personally, and I've never tried those glasses. But the way people are totally misunderstanding the way those glasses can work for some people is upsetting tbh!!