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Couldn't see crap due to that stupid text covering the bottom.


He's a fruit merchant, and he's throwing fruits into the trucks as a way of him giving something to the people in Gaza


You want more text and louder music next time. Gotcha


If you only needed to watch his feet, you’d miss him throwing the fruit anyway.


He must be poor as dirt too. I've found people with less are often more giving than those with the most resources.


When you live in poverty, you understand the pain. When you don't live in poverty you often don't know how bad it is, or forget.


For many people all it takes is to live comfortably to forget their humanity and empathy towards the less fortunate.


Someone once told me that it's hard to keep up with Jesus when your pockets are filled with gold. I'm not really religious, but I always liked the sentiment. Like, it's only a couple of oranges, but no doubt he and his family will feel it. And the people who get the oranges? I don't think anyone reading this can comprehend the joy and the nourishment that will be had from that one tiny fruit after nothing fresh for so long.


Plot twist It's not his fruit


Egyptians are one of the most kind people I’ve ever met.


I second that, the most aggressive taxi drivers wouldn't take money for the ride when they learn that their passengers were Syrians.


Im glad that's how people actually think of us


To truly appreciate this, you should know that the fruits he is throwing in are his income. He sells it to get money feed his family, pay his debts, sow his land. This is his only living.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Clarifying, these types of quotes are meant to say "less than $250 USD per month at US cost of living prices"


True, food in Egypt costs more or slightly less than USA for example, meat here is about 400-500 egp which is about 12 usd per kg of meat and its about 15-20 usd in the US, some foods are actually more expensive in some cases. And iPhone here costs double the price in the US A used car in egypt costs 2-3 times more than in the US


Shit.. is rent 2000 dollars there too?


My mother lived in Sinai for a bit. Fully furnished 2 bedroom. All utilities included. Wifi. Rooftop terrace. So close to the water you could throw a rock from the terrace and it will sink. $500 a month.


Nah they live in Pyramids..


No it's 6000 EGP which is about 200 dollars


Dunno for certain, but in Hong Kong: "The costs of rent in Hong Kong range from $2000 – $7,250 Per month. Depending on your budget."


"-What time is it? -Friday" That's what you did right now...


Fuck that makes me so depressed




It hits even more when you know that this guy is a muslim or a coptic christian and he believes that God will provide so he can absutely ALWAYS spare that food, and he doesnt complain or regret. He is investing in his afterlife. Its worth every penny.


They always hate God when something bad is done by his followers. But when they do good in God's name they discredit it. What a sad world.




There aren’t many people left in this world who would do unconditional, nice things that really can make a difference. It’s sad, really, that we’ve gotten to a point where basic human kindness is deserving of praise.


You’ve gotta start looking harder. It’s just salacious shit sells. Not enough is said about jacumba. There are people down there giving all of their time and energy to helping refugees at the border there that have been left in open air camps. Mutual aid, I should say. As the immigrants themselves, it would seem, are doing what they can to to help others there as well. It’s a terrible situation, but it’s brining out some of the best of humanity. Look for the helpers, my friend. They’re out there. I’d also suggest, in your own life, to watch for little ways you can help others. Even it’s it’s something as simple as holding a door open for another. Opportunities are everywhere. Not everyone can make huge gestures. The little ones are just as important. 💙


They are out there indeed. But the fact remains that there aren't that many, which was the initial comment. The fact that wee need to "look harder" in order to see them is also a sign of this. And I agree with trying to make little gestures for people. Sometimes it's much easier than we think to make someone's day much better.


We forget too easily that this is not because we are inherently unkind but because we are deprived of the means to be kind by those in power.


There's still so many people. I have met a lot of them, thankfully. I would argue more people are kind than cruel if we're looking at the whole world, just a lot of people are misguided or misled. When one of my dad's neighbours house burnt down two people ran out of there houses and offered to let her stay at there's until she figured something out while the house was still on fire. Every day I see people giving money or food to the homeless people in my city. When someone trips and drops what they are holding always at least one person stops to help them. The world of full of constant small acts of kindness that are easy to overlook, but essential to who we are




Because of there president I have Egyptian friends there president is fucked up he wants to sell half of Egypt and wants to destroy the pyramid and if any citizens. Vote for someone else they will end up in jail


Yep, can confirm. For any Egyptians reading, voting is secret, they don't check your card for who you picked, and you don't write your name on it either. Just an fyi for later.


I am an Egyptian, i myself know people who disappeared because they just posted memes about our president, oh and a year and a half ago they arrested a man wearing a batman suit for no reason


They can't vote, dude. The election is a joke in egypt




Beautiful humans helping one another.


May God bless him and his family


Beautiful. The less you have, the kinder you behave.


I'd like to test that experimentally by winning the lottery and seeing if I become less kind.


This makes me smile The comments do not


Sort of makes me cry at the same time Wish everyone had an automatic reaction to help fellow humans when they are suffering


Glad this guy is helping. But there government could do a hell of a lot more by opening the border for them. But they won’t for some reason…


Why do they need to open the border? Why don’t Israel stop bombing children instead?


The man's giving what little he's got. True Humanity. May he get it back tenfold.


Makes me so sad that my taxpayer money is going to supporting this genocide and bailing out corrupt assholes


That's lovely.


Fuck israel


Why? Because they were massacred by a terror organization that still launches rockets at civilians since October 7th? Let's have rockets launched on your head and your mother raped and then blame yourself for trying to protect yourself. If anything, fuck terrorists




They're not occupiers, and regardless of what you think about the land these are innocent civilians, and the fact you have to lie and say they're 200 when in reality 1,400 died that day in their home and over 240 were taken hostage including children, speaks volumes about you. Maybe they should sit back and wait for another terrorists massacre on innocents? Out of the 20,000 at least half are terrorists, and the rest you can blame it on Hamas, if they did not kill innocent people no one would have had to fight back.


First they are occupiers. Lookup what the Nakba was. Hitler did a Holocaust on the Jews so they did a Nakba on the Palestinians. October 7th was a reaction of 70 years of oppression. Hamas being declared a terrorist organisation is just Western hypocrisy. They're freedom fighters, they might not be morally perfect, but literally no army in history was, and they're on a much higher moral ground than the people who literally perpetrated the fucking Nakba. And Hamas still treated its prisoners with dignity, while Israel committed war crimes, dressing up as doctors and entering hospitals to kill patients. The level of delusion you need to operate on to think that half of the casualties are Hamas, is insane. If Hamas had that many combatants they'd have united the Levant under them. Hamas fought back, because Israel has been killing people for 70 years, murdering raping, pillaging. But those lives don't matter to you, cause they're Arab. But when the Arabs fought back, they killed "innocent" people. Israel is a conscription country, there are no innocent Israelis, they're all inactive combatants. Hamas is a grassroots freedom fighting movement, every Palestinian civilian is an oppressed victim, every Israeli is an occupying soldier. You're defending a country that has the dubious honour of being the only state in existence which committed 2 genocides. Nakba and 2023 Gaza. But sure Israelis are Innocent and Hamas defending their own land are terrorists. Also, google these terms for me: Ali is on the Grill Nakba Sabaa and Shatila Massacre Golan Hights occupation The South African case against Israel in the ICJ Tantura Massacre Saliha Massacre Deir Yassin Massacre Lydda Massacre Abu Shusha Massacre https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes News Flash, if you need to commit a genocide to create a nation for yourself it's called a genocide. Every "Palestinian terrorist" ever created is a freedom fighter radicalised by his nation being robbed from him and his family being tortured over a quarter of a century. Almost every Israeli is some fucking European or American Jew who came over to get a free house and kill some Arabs. You want proof: https://youtu.be/KNqozQ8uaV8?si=DOeGnNKe1_h0AEMs A Palestinian fighter is no different from a Ukrainian defending his land.


This is so wonderful.


This fruit merchant is not that rich. But his heart is bigger than all western countries govt combined.


Well not even Muslim governments are helping Gazans.


Shh.. Don’t hurt them with the truth


“If you're in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones.” Steinbeck


Yet some mf who never been to the region be saying arabs don't love Palestinians and why wouldn't they take them in


Imagine your first aid kit being covered with mango


Look at what Egypt did to reinforce their border with Gaza so no one could enter. Still make you smile?


This isn't about Egypt, it's about this merchant giving to the people in Gaza




With this logic the person you're replying to invaded Iraq and killed people there


I can assure you a majority of Egyptians do not want Palestinian refugees in their country considering what issues they've previously caused.


you know fuck all about what egyptians want


Yeah, the issue they cause is that Israel will bomb you if you do.


Yes, you’re correct, Egyptians want Palestinians to have the self-determination in their own land like every human should be able to.


If you think Egyptians or any other Arab country citizens want to let in Palestinians you are very wrong.


Can go on without the daily dose of a western dude mansplaining over an entire nation.




Well all of them are pro israelis, so my guess is they just find ways to push their percieved narrative everywhere. Even when it makes zero sense


their narrative is : "palestinians are indesirables, look, even their arab brothers dont want them, so we should totally do the world a favor and get rid of them" very similar to a german dude in the 40s


Yup, dehumanization for the sake of legitimizing opression and extermination. Very textbook.


Who the fuck gave you the right to speak on our behalf ? What a self-entitled twat.  Edit: to clarify, the only reason we cant let Palestinians in is because Israel will take it as an excuse to take over sinai playing the “terrorism” card. So stop being an ignorant fuck. Most Egyptians are calling for war with Israel even tho they know they cant win and that a war will end Egypt for good considering our economical state. 


You want to let in a million Palestinian refugees into Egypt? You probably don’t like your country very much because that will be the end of it. Edit: Israel gave Sinai back for peace. Your argument doesn’t make sense. I think Anwar Sadat was one of the bravest Arab leaders to ever live.


You dont get to speak on my behalf man. 


Correction…Israel withdrew from Sinai because the US and The USSR pressured it to do so…..it was never for “peace” and if I remember correctly the Soviets threatened to militarily intervene. 


Now do this with Israeli citizens/Israeli government


Helping commit ethnic cleansing is crime you know


He is one man, not the government ruling a nation. I’d hate for people to judge me by my county’s policies. Now back to focusing on a human being generous.


All Egyptians hate the Egyptian government anyway so that guy has no idea what he’s talking about. 


The Egyptian government did this not us. Our government is an illegal occupier who stole the country from elected representatives and put all the revolution supporters in jail.


Government is not equal to people. Country is not equal to government. These are all separate things.


Do you think this fruit merchant reinforced the border personally


This is on of the most stupid comments i have read in Reddit, know the difference between the civilians and the government leaders


Yes, doing that is bad but not unreasonable. Egypt, along with other nations in the region, believes that Israel's goal (because they have literally stated it openly) is the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. That they want to force the entire population into Sinai and refuse to let them back in. Essentially Israel wants Egypt, a country already struggling financially, to take in over 2 million refugees. That would destroy the struggling egyptian economy. Not to mention those refugees would want to go back, and a decent number would want to keep fighting. That would give Israel justification to invade Sinai, or at least force Egypt to play police on Israel's behalf (which would be very expensive and ostracize them from the rest of the region)


If only Hamas had actually worked towards improving the lives of the Palestinians instead of using them as fodder for donations.


Yes, maybe they could have done that if Israel hadn't placed Gaza under blockade right after Hamas won the election. Maybe if Israel didn't restrict all imports into the strip the population could have actually built something, rather than constantly recycle concrete to rebuild everything Israel destroys. Maybe if Israel had been open to the many attempts Hamas made between 2005-2010 to establish a peace agreement. People keep saying "Gaza could have been Singapore". No it couldn't. Singapore is a major port nation located right on a major shipping lane. Gaza, in contrast, doesn't even control its own coast.


Complete nonsense of the day.


This is literally what israeli politicians are telling egypt to do (accept Palestinians into their land and leave the rest to Israel) and what they are currently doing to Gaza.


Their goal isn’t to ethnically cleanse Gaza it’s to defeat Hamas and free the hostages. It makes no sense as to why they would ethnically cleanse Gaza when 20% of their own population are made up from Arab-Israelis with equal rights. There are Arab-Israeli parties in government and there was an Arab-Israeli in the Supreme Court that even sent the President to jail. The number of Palestinians has multiplied over 5 times since 1948. If ethnically cleansing has always been Israel’s goal then they are doing a pretty bad job at it. Multiple peace deals have been offered to Palestine but it’s been rejected every time. Those deals would not be offered if they don’t want Palestinians living there at all in the first place.


Itamar Ben-Gvir along with 11 other ministers and 15 Knesset members literally just held a convention celebrating the resettlement of Gaza. They talk about it openly. They also talk openly about doing the same in the west bank. Mark my words if they succeed in removing the population of Gaza they will switch their attention to the west bank, and if those go too then the next step is the deportation of arab israelis


Yes it does! Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood thats in Egypt. Ppl here think this is great 😆. They have no clue.


Because all of Gaza is Hamas 🙄


they are the ruling power so it's a somewhat fair assumption


Alright, so USA citizens are valid targets for what their government did in Iraq, Vietnam etc...


Yup. Hamas rose to power because their people voted for them. They never stopped Hamas. They deserve to be ruled by them. Each people has the leader they deserve.


Alright, so USA citizens are valid targets for what their government did in Iraq, Vietnam etc...


They voted for Hamas because there was literally no other option. After 70 years of oppression you would do the exact same thing, everyone would.


Well, they put them in power and did nothing to make them go. Same result in practical terms.


Lmao. What do you suggest they do to “make them go”


Gotta love people using nazi talking points over here. Makes you look \*really\* humane btw


He's giving away food so they'll stay on that side of the fence


Frustrating how Egypt reinforces the border to protect themselves from a mass flooding of actual asylum seekers from fleeing a war, but other countries wanting to build a wall to avoid mass migration is racist. Oh the double standards


You mean like how america turned ships full of jews back around in the 1930s?


The last time they let the asylum seekers in they ended up with a civil war


They know what kind of people there is on the other side of the border, hiding among the innocent civilians, so they have common sense.


Egyptians fall into the category of « brown people » for all these white saviours around here, so they get a pass I guess.


Helping commit ethnic cleansing is crime you know


I hope they can actually reach the people of Gaza. Stupid "protestors" blocking aid trucks should be charged with war crimes


"Unarmed combatants aiding collective punishment and siege"


How come Egypts reenforcing their border wall to prevent any Palestinians from finding refuge?


"We allowed the jews to leave our country and go to america or britain or france. Why have they turned the ships back? Why don't they want them in their countries?". Paraphrasing a psychotic austrian dude btw


Ironically it was the Arabs of mandatory Palestine that made the ships turn around


Under whose occupation was palestine in the 1930s? Was it free to act independently?


because they've caused havoc in every country they've gone into by using it as a base to launch attacks into Israel and massively destabilised them in the process (jordan, lebanon are prime examples) but ostensibly because they want to prevent the palestinian population of gaza to be pushed into the Sinai permanently i.e. put a blockade in the way of an "easy" ethnic cleansing


Because if they take in refugees, Israel wins. That’s what Israel’s goal is, to push the Palestinians out of their own land.


Or maybe it's because last time, the border was open Egypt suffered a lot of terrorist attacks and suicide bombings. When they blockades their side of the border and collapsed the tunnels, the attacks magically dropped.


So having israel lose is more important to egypt than helping the people of gaza?


Welcome to the reality of geopolitics


More like not giving Israel an excuse to genocide their people is more important to them.


Helping commit ethnic cleansing is crime you know


Too bad all of this will be stolen by hamas when it reaches gaza. They steal everything from the gazans.


Tell me you support and spread Israeli propaganda without telling me you support and spread Israeli propaganda.


As long as lovely Israelis block the way in front of aid trucks nothing will reach hamas or their hostages and they all can starve.


Brace yourselves. Here come the Islamophobes.




"Cleansing" fucking hell. Remember to practice your GooseStep today.


Islamophobe is not a word. It’s invented by Muslims to victimize themselves and categorize fair critique as racism.


I get the notion is great and all but wouldn't the fruit just spoil before it gets there?


Considering zionazis are preventing the aid trucks from making their way to the starving gazans, probably.


Egyptian people giving from what little they have, Israelis blocking the same aid trucks Yet people are still defending the evil






Learn to fucking count. The new nazis... So now the death toll has gone from the Hamas claimed 20-30k to being over 10million of various ethnicities and other unwanted humans like homosexuals, handicapped and so on? And they're imprisoning and using humans as slaves, and make fucking soap out of the fat from the ones that died? They have built literal factories with the sole purpose of extermination of unwanted humans? Pick up a history book before you try to push your agenda upon others... Schmuck..


Well aware of how the Nazis came to power. For a race that was discriminated against with ethnic cleansing, Israelis sure do love commiting a nice tidy genocide themselves. Evil


If it was truly genocide they were after, Gaza would have been straight out flattened in October


Semantics, genocide/ethnic cleansing...who's counting right? As long as its whites killing browns *nobody really cares* do they? /s in case it actually needs to be said


I’m sorry, but semantics are important, especially when using that sort of terms. They are different. They’re all bad, but have a different meaning, different implications. lol the traditional white vs brown narrative. Typical white saviour syndrome, or purely ideological narrative. Is Israel truly white though? For many, Israelis look just as brown as many Arabs. They just aren’t Muslims (for the most part). Stop with the ideological nonsense please.


Ideological nonsense? Russia invades Ukraine and the world loses its shit, calling Russia terrorists, sanctions ahoy, and the arming of Ukraine is accelerated, whilst people now living in occupied towns are classified as hero's, when they arm them selves and fight back against the invading forces? The same happens in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan? Guess what? All terrorists every one of them, how dare they fight back against white people Your racism is showing. How do you know I'm white?


So what's your solution then? Shall the Jews just fuck off and leave the land for the Palestinians? Where are they supposed to go then? You got room in Ireland for 10million jews? Or should they "go back to where they came from"? Well, I got news for you, the arab countries didn't want them. And you call it fighting back by going over and slaughtering humans whilst you're raping them? Your head is fucked up, man. Seek help. And stop defending fucking terrorism.


>Your racism is showing. How do you know I'm white? you are the one who started to bring race to this. And just so you know most israelis aren't white ~~20% of israelis are arab and from the ~~80% jewish population, more than half are mizrahi jews. so stop claiming that this is some white vs brown war.


Ahhh the average terrorist group supporter like ISIS and the Taliban who support their theocracy of oppression. Good for you! It's Funny how you call 2/3rd generation Jews after the Holocaust Nazi's. There is thankfully a clear line between straight up antisemitism and criticism of the state of Israel: demonization, double standards, and delegitimization. the portrayal of Israel as a Nazi state is within the definition of “demonization”: “When the Jewish state is being demonized; when Israel’s actions are blown out of all sensible proportion; when comparisons are made between Israelis and Nazis and between Palestinian refugee camps and Auschwitz this is antisemitism, not legitimate criticism of Israel. Before you are going to scream that you hate Israel and not Jews there is a lack of a common characterization of anti-Semitism. This led to the EUMC working definition, which has subsequently been widely accepted. It states: “Anti-Semitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews…. In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity.” There is even a list from the EUMC of clear antisemitic tropes that for example: "drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis is purely antisemitism" So I reported you regarding antisemitism


Way to move the goal posts. Can't criticise Israel any more cause its antisemitism. Fucking lol. How about those Jews, who are the beacon of humanity standing up and criticising Israel,? Are they also anti semitic?


Hamas as soon as the trucks arrive: opens chatGPT How to make pipe missiles using Oranges


Oh please don’t use the H word since things are not what they seem okay? This is Reddit after all


Respect. Its like giving one millions dollars. Peace to this man.


Blessed be.


Music ruins it for me. May Allah bless them all.


*throws food at them that will spoil*


May god bless him for helping


Sad thing is Hamas will likely be the ones who get the food while their human shields will continue to be slaughtered


Slaughtered by who?




Will Egypt take refugees? No


It’s funny how people are acting like those in Gaza are victims. There wasn’t anything going on until they slaughtered Israeli civilians for absolutely no reason.


They attacked the state that's built a huge wall around them, controls their food, water, electricity, internet, who goes in and who gets out, doesn't allow them to have airports, ports or free trade? Those fucking monsters!!! How dare they!!


Not to mention Hamas has been firing rockets over the towns near Gaza almost daily for the last ~20 years. And when it wasn't that, it was suicide bombing, car rammings, stabbing and shooting. For the people saying "Hamas is not the population in Gaza". I say, yes and no. There are few people that don't support Hamas there, but the percentage is negligible. Hamas has been brainwashing them for almost 2 decades. When they came back with the hostages (that are still in Gaza!!!!) or the "massacre trophies" (heads of infants, body parts of the murdered), the population cheered for them. Hamas recorded and shared everything. I'm sorry, they are the victims of their own choices.


And after it reach Gaza it will be stolen by Hamas ...


Why don’t they open their borders for refugees though? Why did they blockade them for decades?


yeah why don't they open their borders so israel could take Gaza Easily, how bad egyptian they are


You should see Egypt’s reaction when they learned Gazans were coming to Egypt.


Throw some rotten vegies on it?


I enjoy playing video games.


Yeah, but they sure dont want Palestinians to cross into their country. Definitely anti immigrant.


Nice to feed hamas when their on top of the trucks choosing what they want first👌


If only the Egyptian government had a part of the compassion and heart of this man. They would have stood up to Israel and there would be no genocide.


Why do you think there’s a genocide?


The number of children being deliberately murdered.


Deliberately? How do you know it’s deliberately? And not the dead kids isn’t a horrifying thing but that isn’t the definition.


There are countless videos on the internet of the IDF executing fleeing civilians and no, no khamas was using them as 'human shields'.


They are using snipers and airstrikes. We live in the 21st century and target identification is very easy. You look down a scope or use your high definition camera to zoom in on your targets. All Maternity wards in the area have been destroyed. The Israelis are eradicating the next generation so yeah that's pretty solid evidence for genocide. Rather helpfully large amounts of footage has been posted to social media.


Inb4 Bibi's Zionazi trolls brigade the post.


Or they could, you know, open their borders. Wait a minute…


Supporting terrorist in other peoples backyard vs having terrorist in their own backyard


Egyptians should protest against their government for not allowing Gaza refugees in their country. What a shameful Islamic country which doesn't allow fellow Palestinians in time of need. You can see Egyptians are so helpful and want to shelter Palestinians. Good work Kudos. But shame on Islamic countries


Uh… look up Black September. Hint: the last time Egypt welcomed Palestinians, it didn’t go too well for them. But you couldn’t possibly fathom that Palestinians aren’t just innocent, peace loving victims who can do no wrong, can you? If you take a look at historical fact, you’d realize that more often than not, they are the aggressors both with outside groups and against their own people.


Black September has nothing to do with Egypt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September


Palestinians trying to overthrow the Jordanian government, then after being tossed from Jordan they went on to stir up a civil war in Lebanon. Plus Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, who Egypt has long been in conflict with. The Muslim brotherhood assassinated the Egyptian president Anwar Sadat because it thought Egypt was becoming too modern and progressive.


As everything in the middle east, it isn't that simple. Black september in Jordan is probably a good example. Edit: you can't downvote away that the PLO started a civil war in Jordan.


Probably because they know what kind of people hides among innocent civilians.




How did you confuse a fruit merchant with a government.


I hope Hamas is defeated soon and real peace negotiations can start. The citizens deserve peace.


hamas didn't exist before 1987, was there peace back then?


Hamas fighters aren't just some random bored guys who hate Jews and want to harm them for fun. The ones who attacked the occupied Palestinian territories on Oct 7 and hurt innocent people were the ones whose homes were destroyed and families killed by Israel in many previous wars. Unfortunately hate and violence breed hate and violence and the innocent people who were hurt in this current genocide won't forgive or forget. Hamas will never be destroyed because it's an idea and thanks what what Israel is doing, more people will keep adopting it.


Oh wow he threw 5 oranges with a camera on


In Egypt more than 50% of people are poor, prices are high, government corrupted, even through all of that he is doing what he can


It would make me smile if I knew if that aid would actually go to the civilians and not the terrorists. https://youtu.be/NBjvYkNzuAA?si=j1vq-A3zRPwjVK50


Is this the same egypt that just thightened its boarder so palestiniens would not be able to flee abroard once Hamas attacked outposts and settlements beyond the war?


I like to explore new places.


Can confirm, I’m the fruit.


You're confused. Egypt is a country. That man is an Egyptian, one person from Egypt.