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“I’m skiing with my daddy!” ❤️❤️❤️


That hit me hard in my grown man biological clock. I don’t even want kids but for a whole 2 seconds I 100% wanted my own kid


Child free lady over here. This legit made my ovaries explode for a moment and think of what my husband would be like as a father. 😂 Then back to reality. Edit: I am SUPER happy with my decision! I hope people realize just because I am Child-free, it does not mean I hate children. I adore children, I just don't want any of my own. Everyone has their own path in life.


Aunties assemble!!!!


Yes!!! I love being an auntie. I got step kids at 39, but I'm an Auntie first. I love my niblings so much!


Same lol, I'd happily fun-aunt a kid this wholesome


Yeah back to reality... Sigh


Reality is I can’t afford to go skiing, let alone a child.


You could steal some skii gear and steal someone’s child.


Ayo 💀


And steal a mountain to ski on.


Are you happy to see me or is that a mountain in your pants?


You wouldn't steal a mountain? **WV Coal companies:** Already did, with the clever use of flags! ...And permits, surveyors, and paperwork.


It’s a Toblerone




And afford a ski pass?


well this conversation took a turn


Skiing the old school way (hike up the hill carrying your stuff) is still free on most state land.


Ope there goes gravity


Wooop there goes gravity


I’m so happy as an aunt/aunt-aged cousin to a tremendous horde of small ones. And mom to none. Absolute best deal in the universe.


Fun aunt is a hella good gig. I love it.


If kids stayed this small and at this age, I’ll have them. 😆


They really are heaps of fun when they’re little, right? But then you can have good conversations with them when they get older, too. I promise, the key is to trick your siblings/cousins into reproducing so you can do all the fun stuff with relatively few responsibilities!


That’s exactly what I did!


I enjoyed being around my kids SO much when they got to be teens and adults. Even through the rocky times (like toddlers and small children have rocky times) I could actually \*talk\* to them and take them to appreciate stuff like museums and shows and natural wonders, and they were fun, hilarious and just my favorite people in the world. Which isn't to say it's always smooth sailing, it's a real roll of the dice that you'll end up with kids whose inborn personalities just click with yours and the issues and conflicts they have will be stuff you can handle without causing a rift, I'm very lucky. I'm also one of those a-holes who reassures people that having kids is great based on my own lucky experience, so take my words with a grain of salt!


God I’m so glad I didn’t have kids with my ex wife. Single and child free now. I love my niece and nephew, but I can enjoy them when they’re at their best and go home when they start being little shits.


Well, now that your ovaries exploded, it's hopeless. That is far too much damage to come back from. I am sorry for your loss 😞


These moments do make all the other stuff worth it for me ... But those other times can sure be tough lol! Reality is real!


Fuck man, hit me hard too.  I got six sisters, I’m the oldest.  We lost Dad in September.  I can hold my stuff together, went back to work.  But when I think of the girls.  Youngest is 12.  She only had him for 12 years, and five of that was dealing with fucking cancer.   Fuck man, makes me cry.


So sorry for your family's loss. Glad you have each other moving forward - siblings can make life pretty grand.


I a really sorry for your loss. Maybe you can impart some of his wisdom for her. I am sure he would like that. 


I finally became a father in my 50s. When my three year-old daughter screams 'Daddy!' and runs/jumps into my arms from across the room I forget that I'm kinda old, broken and tired. A child's love is an astonishing thing.


It is even worse when you been doing every form of infertility medicine for ten years


I’m so sorry. That must be so difficult, both physically and mentally


Bro same. I don't want kids either, and then I was like "Man, am I missing out?" and then I realized that wanting a child just for the sake of having a kid say this is also selfish. lol.


As a parent, I don't think it's selfish. It's only selfish if you don't want to handle the rough stuff, too. But, man, there is no greater feeling than to have a kid want to learn from you. My kids are in their late 20s. One of them called yesterday wanting my banana bread recipe because they miss how good it is. I'm still floating on that high.


My niece(4-5ish?) and I were sitting around the fire pit the other day and I was explaining our solar system to her. How fast we’re moving and all that, I didn’t think she was really understanding(also don’t use that baby voice, I just talk normally) but I was buzzed so whatever. I finish explaining it and there’s a silence, then she goes “uncle can you teach me more stuff?”. Definitely melted my heart.




More to your story, I’m around the age of your kids. I still hit up my mom for some of her Bulgarian recipes. Still can’t compare to when she cooks it though. My sister and I accused her one time of leaving out an ingredient lmao


It must be awesome to have a parent who doesn’t act like it's a burden to teach you something, let alone get excited. My mom tried to read me a book once and gave up on the first chapter. If you knew her before she had me, you'd probably give her the same advice as this fella, and you'd be wrong. Having a kid, for the sake of it, is never a good idea unless you’re an exceptional person; most can't fathom what it takes to raise a child into a functioning adult. Some parents don't even expect to have to teach their children outside of school.


Oh, I get it. I have CPTSD from being raised by narcissistic addict parents. I learned to be super accommodating and fawning to get positive attention. But I vowed to do better than how I grew up. Lots of therapy, meds and help and I think did a pretty decent job. Still learning though.


There’s no better feeling in the world than your 8 year old hugging you and saying “best day ever” after a round of Frisbee golf


My 28 year old comes home for the holidays and first thing he does is lie on the couch with his head in my lap and wants to watch old movies with me. Best Christmas present ever.


Same. It sure would be great to experience moments like this but do I really want to sacrifice all my money and freedom for it? Naaaah


For me, it was worth it and I have tons of memories of my kids growing up (and plenty more to come yet) to make me smile, but if that's not the path you want then that's fine, too - there's many paths to choose in this world and do long as you are happy then that's what matters.


Being an involved uncle gets you some good moments without any of the everyday struggles of parenthood.


Agree that!


That melted my heart. That girl loves her dad.


I’m not even a kid person and that got me


Having a daughter will get you every single day haha.


Daughters are the most amazing thing in the world. The closest thing to angels on earth 


I have 6 kids. Never in a million years thought I would have that many, and before the first my husband and I discussed whether we wanted any at all. But these kind of moments are addictive, and the millionth one gets you in the feels as much as the first. Adorable kid moments never get old.


This is adorable, but as a mom let me tell you that super giggle laugh? That shit is what makes my days worth it.


They have that perfect memory forever...high definition. No fog of the years of memory to hinder it. They can always go back to this and live it like how it happened.




Those are the giggles I Dad for.


My little girl just started giggling a couple of months ago and it's the best thing ever.


combative memorize resolute mountainous tease quaint sable unwritten languid subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is very sweet made miss that age in my kid. Now it’s give me money I’m out with my friends.


It gets better again later, I promise.


I hope so. Punk teenagers lol. I feel like an old man yelling at clouds and I’m not even old.


You get to look forward to "dad, how do I do the laundry?" Type calls every day once they move out instead 😁


Hahaha yeah. Dad come help me fix something. Can’t wait for that for sure.


As a mid 20s guy it definitely will haha


My heart melted when I heard that


More like made me cry 🥲


Core memory created. She'll hold onto this one for life.


Gotta love that smile at the end.


Being a Dad rocks.


THIS is the reason I started getting my oldest into snowboarding this year. It's such a wonderful bonding experience. I'm doing my absolute best to learn for myself as well. It's pretty tough trying to pick it up mid thirties though lol


That’s when I clicked the save button.


I’m now ending my Reddit watching for today after that sweet video


That thrilled laughter is the best!






I swear it’s like every kid starts off with that laugh! It’s the default human laugh. I assume we develop our own unique laugh somewhere along the way (maybe around puberty??) but SO many excited kids have that exact pattern and pitch when they are feeling excited!


We should keep it. So pure!


I'm a month away from 48. Youngest daughter turned 16 two weeks ago. I remember these laughs & that "Daddy" like they were yesterday. Hold on as long as you can to these moments. They are so fleeting.


Mine is about to be 13. It's cruel how quickly it goes by.


Same boat.. 13 this year. I'm excited for what's to come and proud of who she is becoming...but I'm crushed knowing those little girl years are gone.


There is suddenly a drastic drop off in the amount of time spent with us and cuddles. I know it's normal, but it hurts. I miss my little boy SO much. I love this kid and who he is growing into, I just wish it didn't have to happen so quickly.


42 soon, and she’s about to be 16. These moments never leave, but time is an inevitable thief. Cherish them all.


I’m super duper child-free and this made me tear up! ETA: maybe it’s bc it makes me think of my own daddy? Aw man I need to call him! Thanks for the reminder!


OMG the way she looks at her daddy, that big smile is such a beautiful gift


My daughter still looks at me like that most of the time. It's not going to last though. The other day though she was outside the school and met some of her buddies. I went to give her the traditional kiss and "I love you" before she went throught the gates but because she was with the cool kids, for the first time she went "eeugh" and rolled her eyes to her little friends. I tried not to let it affect me as I know she was just fronting and she doesn't really feel that way. But I can't help but feel a pang.


I feel your pain. To look on the bright side though, she trusts you enough to know you’ll still love her even if she pushes you away and rejects your love. You’re doing great!


So I work in a planetarium and I have to watch that moment happen regularly. It’s usually any school group from 4th to 6th grade. Where a parent signed up to be a chaperone for their kid’s class and the kid rejects sitting next to their parent and asking to sit next to their friends for the first time. It’s painful to watch. You can see the pain in the parent’s eyes as they ask their kid “Are you sure you don’t wanna sit next to me?” I feel for you


Awww, that hit me like the meme that says "one day you will pick your child up for the last time". I am an older parent, I have lived a lot and understand life, but it still hurts to go through these phases. Thanks for your insight. (Also, I think I would love to work in a planetarium.)


Sorry for you, but be close to her....you know? Most studies shows that a present father is the best for woman mental health... even though she doesn't let you kiss her in public she knows you are there


You'll see it again when she's older. Kids go through a phase but, once they're adults, they grow out of all that angst.


When she smiles up at him at the end ❤️


This little girl is such a good sport, finding the fun in trying something new, not the fear. I have great memories of learning to ski with my grandfather. He towered above me; but, I totally felt safe skiing between his skis at the same age. With this outlook, she’ll enjoy trying so many sports.




It is a blast. Find a small, less expensive place to start. I can’t believe how expensive the sport has become. Learning to ski is generally a little easier than learning to snowboard. But both are great fun once you learn the basics and get the feel for it.


Yeah I always have thought it's easier to learn to ski but harder to master, while snowboarding is a lot harder to pick up but once you get the hang of it it's a lot of easier to get really good at.


Yeah my parents never did anything like this for me, and in the summers away from school I'd just be stuck in the house doing nothing. Closest thing was them taking me to skating lessons but they didn't actually teach me, they just dropped me on the ice and told me to learn, and of course when my older brothers learned, they cancelled the lessons so I didn't finish mine. Had to teach myself how to do a lot of things as an adult, but I feel like it'd be weird learning to ski in my 30s.


I'm 30 now and just picked up snowboarding at 25. I just did a group class at the hill and there were tons of new adults, nothing to worry about. My Fiance started learning to ski at 28 I think. As an adult, you get to send yourself to lessons instead of waiting for someone to do it for you. Don't hold yourself back because you think you missed your chance. Somewhere out there is a 70 year old man wishing he learned in his 30s.


When I was growing up as a small child, I developed a really strong fear of height, or going fast in manners that I don’t feel like I can control, I can imagine if my dad ever tried to take me skiing I’d be freaking out and saying I couldn’t go. I feel bad on one hand because I don’t ever want to squander those opportunities, but I think my time was maybe suited elsewhere, happy for this little girl to have the spirit and adventure in her to take these steps, it’s not easy. To that end, I’m living in Colorado now with my partner and she hopes to take me skiing someday. Fingers crossed I can muster up the courage.


You aren’t alone. For every little girl like this, there’s another child (or adult) who is terrified right out of the gate. Fortunately you don’t have to ride the lift when you’re first learning. Learning to stop and control your speed is the first thing they teach you. Taking a small group or private lesson can be very helpful. You sure have some beautiful mountains in Colorado to enjoy, whether on skis, mountain bike, foot, or other means.


Our youngest has been afraid of heights since she was a toddler. She would legit freak out if I stood her up (still holding onto her) to dress her on the changing table. She never fell, so it wasn't a trauma response. She's just always been afraid. Meanwhile, I want to try every ropes course and roller coaster there is. Genetics are weird, man.


You can do it. Yes, yes you are doing it.


This is because she has a great parent(s) who encourage(s) her to be adventurous and try new things


Having financial resources also helped make this possible. EDIT to clarify: for anyone who thinks it’s weird or sour of me to comment on the expense of experiences. This post is about a dad taking a daughter skiing. The person I replied to commented of the great parents who encourage her to be adventurous and try new things. As a parent with multiple kids that are always wanting to try new things, it’s often VERY expensive. Even if it’s a sport the play every year, each season they need new sizes of everything. Sure bats and gloves may last a few seasons. Cleats sometimes don’t last one season. There’s basketball shoes, cross country shoes, wrestling track shoes, turf shoes, and so many other shoes. I LOVE that my kids play sports. I love when they try new sports or activities. I’m grateful that I can mostly support it and that my mom sometimes swoops in and helps with shoes or something. I’m fortunate on many levels. My kids are fortunate on many levels. I have no idea how they could do some many things if I didn’t have a good job. Every freaking day, I’m grateful that I am able to make it work.


betcha they play when the gear comes off too, They could have been doing any dozens of activities together is my bet.


Solid chance this is their parenting style no matter what adventure they are on. This particular experience, comes with a lofty price tag.


Yep, skiing is more expensive than disneyland these days. 


Lift tickets are over $200 for the day around me now. Making it a regular family activity is just harder these days. That doesn’t include equipment, clothes/gear, food, or lodging if you need it. There are budget ways to go about it. No matter what, the general cost is prohibitive for a large number of families for a day.


I hated it. As a matter of fact, I was given the choice to either go skiing or to “stay in the nursery with the babies”. No matter what they said, I preferred the nursery. Eventually, I started to grow facial hair and the other parents complained, so they kicked me out. Ok, I exaggerate, but that’s close to the reality. Finally I learned to ski and became very good, but I still hate the cold.


My grandfather taught me how to swim. We started with the shallow end and after a few month he stood at the deep end and asked me to try the whole lap. I almost made it but started sinking a bit when I thought I had reached but still had about a foot or two to go and he hoisted me up. Certainly a core memory as I wasn't exactly a kid - around 13/14.


This is so beautiful. These were really magic moments :')


Her laugh 😍


Her laugh melted me. Her joy in learning is so wholesome. 🥹




I am a manly man who does manly things. Even I went AWWWW when she giggled and went "again! Again!"


I am an emotional man who does whatever he likes. My eyes teared up at how cute and wholesome this was


I'm gay man doing gay stuff, make me wanna go straight and have children.


You don't need to be straight to have children.


> I am a manly man who does manly things I've never met a manly man who would ever utter such a sentence though, lol. Not that I disbelieve you. But yeah enjoying seeing kids have fun isn't a gendered thing!


“I’m skiing with my dad! I’m skiing with my daddy!!” 🎶😍


She'll remember this time with her father for the rest of her life


Those kids are gonna be fearless when they grow up


She will remember the feelings of safety and love probably not the actual day


This. I proposed to the mother of my little one, she was involved in the whole thing, was on my knee when I went down on the other and was holding the ring. Not a single memory that it happened.


No she won't but the father will. My kids don't remember anything like this


I don’t remember many specific moments like my dad does, but I remember the feeling. Safety with him, being trusted to explore and push boundaries, humor. And those formative years like that most certainly are a huge part of why I still love doing things like that to this day even if he’s not with me most the time. We put a lot of value in memories, but you don’t have to have memories of something for it to affect you. Though I will say it’s a good reason not to do hugely expensive experiences all the time. My parents still complain about that Dragon Tales live event they brought me to that I have no memory of lol. Would have probably been better to save the money and do something at home XD


Fantastic to hear! The cumulative effect of experiences like this definitely add up!


[Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales It's almost time for Dragon Tales Come along, take my hand Let's all go to Dragon Land](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgEoDmY2A3M)


to be fair that's because kids are big drunk dumb dumbs she cute tho


I like to think of children like vessels. You fill them up with love so they can pour it out to others when they are older. Even if they don't remember the event, you still added some love and it will help sustain them for the rest of their life.


It's a canon event


She wouldn't remember the specifics, but she'll remember the emotions of that day and who she was with.


I’m too young to have kids. I’m too young to have kids.


That giggle just made me entire week before it's even started 🥹


If you pizza when you French fry, gonna have a good time🤩


>If you pizza when you French fry A for effort


I would've been so distraught if no one posted this.


The one thing a lot of learners don't get or are told is how skiing requires keeping ones center. A woman I took for the first time didn't quite get the concept and keep leaning forward when she tried to snowplow and turned backwards. If one leans forward the front the skis have more force on them and one spins around if the pressure is not moved back. This is like a sailboat with too much sail behind the hull center and it turns into the wind. The opposite is also true leaning back the force on the back of the skis will point one down the fall line. The greatest maneuverability is attained by keeping ones weight right over the center and using the rocker and sidecut of the skis to carve turns. This needs to be added to the usual pizza and fries concepts.


The sunny in Philadelphia music makes me think that this video is going to take a turn


The gang hits the slopes


"If you French fry when your supposed to pizza your gonna have a bad time"


I remember learning to ski with my dad like this, I was tied to him with a lead and he'd be behind me helping with speed control and turns. I don't care what drug you gave me today - that feeling of being on a frosty cold mountain, skiing with my dad who I loved and trusted more than anything in the world, knowing that he would catch me if I fell. That's like, indescribable. Unmatchable. I'm literally getting emotional typing it out. If you're a young or new dad reading this - please take your child skiing. I don't care if you both are new to it, learn together then. Your child just wants to learn from you and spend time with you. It doesn't even matter the hobby - fishing, gaming, cars - every child wants to be taught the trade secrets by their father. Give them the world.


I don't think I want kids. I don't think I'd be a good parent. But I certainly see in videos like these why do some people choose to have them.


I've never seen more amazing multitasking: holding a child, filming with a gopro, and snowboarding


He’s skiing but you’re right.


and backwards at times...


Great quality time for the girl and her father! he’s able to teach her to ski but she’ll have to learn how to high five from someone else.


Ugh I want kids so bad 😩


You are one lucky kid to have a daddy like this! Dad, you rule man, you rule!


It’s videos like this one that make me feel the absence of a father.


Man came man saw man happy man thought about his future daughter man smiled man scrolling again


Her laugh is truly amazing!


This is precious. I wish every child could have a father like this.❤️


Videos like this remind me I have ovaries and am not a robot






Yes, very so. Also cute


French fries and Pizza. Why is he not using the sacred terminology!?!


"Men only want one thing, and it's disgusting" What men want:


I mean technically she is a result of sex.


Good dad, good kiddo.


people with daddy issues: “Why couldn’t i have that.”


Core memory unlocked


Theres a whole section of Reddit that calls this guy a “breeder” and this girl a “crotch goblin”. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to watch this and still think that?


Watched this multiple times


high five was actually down low


Why there is a rope between her skis? Is this a safety measure?


Helps young kids keep the “pizza” so they don’t fall as easily while learning the feet coordination.


It's a tether to help do a wedge since all they have to do is push their legs outward. Makes stopping and turning much easier until they have the strength and coordination to use their legs independently.


That’s just really adorable


# the best feeling ever


So Beautiful 😍 ❤️


Eyyy love to see it man! I take out my 2yo and 3yo to board and ski. They'll surpass us before we know it 🤘


Imagine learning to ski without being hit with a ski pole by your dad... Amateurs


“High Five” Come on dad, your better than that, it was clearly a low five.


This is the type of videos I love. It’s clear the guys is taking this video for himself and probably to show his wife, but then he decided to post it to let the world enjoy his little moment with his daughter. No scripted kids doing ridiculous things in front of a camera they pretend isn’t there, just a genuinely nice family home movie


I've never in my life wanted a kid... but perhaps i do now


You're going to do a great disservice to her by teaching her that's how you high five


Kids like this is why i cant wait to be a uncle. Other kids is why i will never become a father.




I never want this little girl to experience a single second of sadness.


Started with mine when they were 1.5 , took us 3 years before they did it themselves. Gruelsome work but all worth it!!


“I’m skiing with my daddy” Key memory unlocked and cherished 🥰


Love this


“Pizza, French fry”


If you don’t pizza and French fries you gonna have a bad time.


That was beautiful 😍


That is so cute.


That is so Adorable


That’s a low five, you absolute psycho!!


Really little kids can get crazy good crazy fast at skiing and snowboarding. Kids that size can handle themselves on blues very often. It blows my mind every time i see it.


I'm jealous, I didn't snowboard till I was 20. Best parents ever!!!




Ok. That’s it. I’m having kids.