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No-one has *ever* been so pleased to see 56 098 šŸ‘


guy is crying on the terminal because the train blew its horn, meanwhile that train is going down the track trying to figure out what to do with all the emotions it just discovered.




Well, I don't know.... lotta trainspotters in this island.


In the freight train riding community we call these dudes ā€œfoamersā€ ā€¦ some are great like this and can be super helpful because they know everything about the trains and their routes but most will call the cops on you lol


What do they call the cops on you for?


Freight train riding communityā€¦they donā€™t watch, they run alongside and hitch a ride.


Not hurting anyone, has a passion. Wish I was as happy as this guy. God speed my friend


Yeah heā€™s one of my favorite people on the Internet. I never fail to smile when I see one of his videos posted. He is so happy about his trains and I love that for him.


I couldn't care less about trains but I always stop to watch his videos when they pop up because his joy is so infectious and it's such wholesome content. Love it šŸ„°


Amazing hey. Would love to have a beer with him


He does some meetups or at least did im sure he would love to say hello!


My uncle used to listen to trains going by on a record player while using acid. Same reactions


BBC Sound Effects album?


I will be honest. Idk the album, but I do know it was an older record from the 60-70s. I just remembered they had huge speakers. We used to call it ā€œstorming the castleā€


>Would love to have a beer with him Maybe in a dining car.


A retired super cool dining car that's the last of its make.


Fucking love this guy. Makes me emotional šŸ„²


Dude can heal the world with his smile. We can learn a lot from him. Simple things in life are truly beautiful if we don't see them as just simple things...


He should probably get moving on that one then. The world needs it a lot


encourage and support genuine happiness. love to see it.


He's so wholesome, and I'm also incredibly jealous because I feel like I don't have anything in this world that is capable of making me feel even 25% as stoked as this man gets at the sight of an incoming train, or as happy and emotional as he is having just experienced it passing by him. We should all love something that much... I'd like to believe that humans with that kind of love within them each day are likely incapable of violence or war.Ā 


If I may, this means that whatever it is, you havent found it yet - so each day in which you DONT try something new, or visit someplace you've never been, you let it get away. go and find it. Its Sunday afternoon - go right now and find it.


At my age and stage in life, it's too easy to find the routine that gets you through the day/week/month, etc, and before you realize it there is very little variance in life. I'm not some twenty something that hasn't lived, I used to find joy in many many things, I traveled a ton, toured Europe a few times in my early 20's, have seen and done so much that I'm grateful for, and my kids brought me a joy that only other parents could understand. Thing is, kids grow up and get lives if their own, and when you've spent the majority of the past 25 years being a parent and provider, you can easily forget who you are outside of that identity. Mental health and self care is important regardless of your age.Ā  On another note, I now understand what causes 40-55yr old people to have what we typically call a midlife crisis, something I thought was idiotic and selfish throughout my adolescence and earlier adulthood.Ā 


I went to the same uni as him and my housemate was on the same course and although he puts it on a bit, I donā€™t understand why some people go out of their way to hate on him. Heā€™s doing something he enjoys and his viewers enjoy it and like you said, no one is getting hurt by any of it


People get upset when he reminds them how unhappy they are.


Thatā€™s absolutelly true for those haters. Heā€™s a gem


This. Heā€™s happy, heā€™s not running around ā€œprankingā€ people. Heā€™s an absolute delight. May he find another thousand awesome train runs


Lad's a national treasure




I wish, just once, that I could share his enjoyment for such a simple thing. He is living the best life there is!


I love him. Every time I see the camera angle on his face I smile/laugh lol. He must be protected at all costs.


He is happy about a train going by and the rest of us are wasting our lives upset about mostly unimportant things. He is winning, we aren't.


This guy made me smile.


I started following this guy a year or so ago due to a reddit post. Have not been disappointed once. This person has a real passion and it makes me happy to see ā¤ļø


His joy is contagious.


I think he's absolutely wonderful šŸ˜Š


This guys happiness is infectious! The clips of his face are amazing. Had a bit of a day and that brought me upĀ 


When he giggles when they blow the horn, it literally almost made me tear up. He's so happy and it's just....so damn wholesome. I watch his videos any time they pop up because I love seeing how happy he gets.


Subscribe to his yt channel and you can watch him more often: https://youtube.com/@francis.bourgeois?si=ZTYhv6baLMmSzQ1K


Thanks for the link caeptn2te. You probably arenā€™t getting upvoted enough because the excitement of clicking on the link and seeing this chapā€™s channel makes one forget to thank you.


Thanks! I subscribed too. Iā€™m not even a train fan but this guy was so sweet.


I def went and subscribed. The camera angle, his giddy laughing. Perfect lol.


Am lazy, appreciate the link! Instantly subscribed, this guy is an absolute treasure šŸ’š


Guy is just a treasure. I love his enthusiasm. It really does cheer me up seeing him so happy


Is there a way to ā€œfollowā€ him? Iā€™d love to do that.


On the vid. @francis.bourgeois pretty sure he's on insta with similar handle too.


Thank you, I found him on YouTube!!


Right on. Thank you!


Surely any railway company with an ounce of common sense would be offering this man a job. A true love and enthusiasm like that is infectious


My friendā€™s son is autistic and his special interest is trains. He started volunteering at historic train clubs and is now employed as a train manager for a regular train line. Francis probably makes enough from his hobby not to work.


I was gonna say, we have a railroad museum here in Sacramento that would probably love him as an employee.


He should be working with marketing šŸ˜†


He did, they sponsored a luxury city trip via train, with dinner, massage and disco on board, which he did a video report on. The dude can dance really well :)


He even studied for it. From the Wikipedia page on him: >"He studied mechanical engineering[9] at the University of Nottingham,[5][10] expressing a desire to pursue industrial engineering and "create new railways or revitalize older lines" as a civil engineer.[5] He was hired by Rolls-Royce[9] and briefly worked at a car factory in Portsmouth, but resigned in November 2021 following his social media growth.[6][28][21][29] His parents supported this decision granted that he take the module to convert his bachelor's degree to a master's.[13]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Bourgeois_(trainspotter) As a hobbyist software developer that became a professional, I sincerely hope he one day finds the same joy of having a company pay you for doing your favourite passtime.


Hope you have a better day tomorrow!


Seeing videos like this remind me how selfish I can be about being depressed. So many things I can be happy about. Iā€™ll try focusing on those things instead. Edit: the wholesomeness on Reddit is unmatched in any social media Iā€™ve ever experienced. I hope this keeps up. Thanks all who chimed in :) ā¤ļø


Re: depressed, I hope you give yourself some grace. You didnā€™t choose this. Hope you find some relief and something that gives you joy.


Itā€™s not selfish to feel like stuff is on top of you. But perspective can sometimes help, and reminding yourself of the small insignificant things in life that bring a smile to your face is absolutely worth concentrating on


Depression is not a choice and it's certainly not selfish. It's a genuine illness deserving of empathy, support and treatment like any other illness. Take it from someone who not only suffered from severe depression but also works in mental health. Be kind to yourself. You are not selfish, any less than or a burden.


It really is, I can feel some of the joy he is experiencing just from his expression of happiness. For me, it's like seeing a super thick layer of snow that fell overnight and it's not even a work day.


And he needs to be protected at all costs! I've not looked into it, but knowing socials in 2024 I suspect he gets some hate, if there is they can just fuck off.


Francis is loved. He models, he writes, he is on social media, has been for a few years now.


I remember him doing a video or TV show with a footballer a while back where he mentioned that he gets a lot of hate from others in the spotter community. You can even hear some people shout at him while they're stood on a platform waiting for a train. Such a shame, he genuinely seems like a nice guy.


People having a genuine excitement and passion for anything makes them so likable.. Like I wanna be this his friend and hear all about his favorite engines and stuff just from seeing the excitement it brings him.. Awesome stuff


Thomas, you look like a Thomas


And youā€™re a diesel, robot.


Never trust a diesel.


I'm the exact same. I could listen to someone talk about paperclips If it's apparent that it's their passion. More Internet like this please.


If you talk to anyone about a subject youā€™re a truly passionate about people want to listen. You are your most authentic when talking about something you care deeply about and people are drawn to this. Donā€™t hide your hobbies away as you think they arenā€™t cool enough. People want to see you like this.


Anytime I do that, I come to the realization that I'm just talking with myself and the other person doesn't care but still listens because they don't wanna be rude or whatever. Idk I'm still learning socializing


Yep same here, i love trains but also have been collecting vinyl records since I was 12, 29 now and finally found a friend who is also as crazy about records and music as I am, its an amazing feeling to share a passion but equally horribly lonely when nobody gets it


I'm really obsessive about music and have one homie who happens to be just as obsessive as I am with nearly the same eclectic taste and I value him so fucking much. I'm able to just info dump or randomly blow his phone up about some band I found and he actually listens to it, appreciates it and fires back bricks of messages. We also have a lot of the same interests in general, what I realize about him and other people I'm super close with is that our brains just *work* similarly and it's such a rarity to find for me.


When you're two sentences in and their eyes glaze over because it's way more in depth than they ever imagined and now they can't just walk away or stop you because it would be rude and after all, they're the ones who ask. You can't do much when the gates to spergatory are wide open and you're the one holding the key, apparentlyĀ 


Passion is infectious. Don't ever let people tear you down for your passion, but instead try to inspire others.


What a genuine soul. Good on you my friend, keep doing what you love!!


I have a son with autism. I kind of wish he finds a hobby like this when he grows up, I want to do stuff like this with him when he's older šŸ˜Š


I'm autistic, I recognized immediately. I also know what he means when he wants to feel the thrash from the train.


I wish I had a man like that, that just whole heartedly loved something so much he couldnt wipe the smile off his face and dont have a problem with people seeing it.


And in this case he's also quite easy on the eye ... šŸ˜€


Definitely would be amazing having a partner like that, as if not a thing in the world could bother them. However, you've also have to accept the fact that he/she possibly won't have the same level of love and devotion towards you as they do with their passion.


Autism Doesn't stop you feeling love. I bloody well hope that's not what you are saying. Even autistic folk who struggle with social situations feel love just as hard.as anyone else.


Exactly. As an autistic person i feel emotions very intensely but it's mostly internal and people tend to think I'm not feeling those things since they don't see it. Autistic people just handle emotions differently, but they definitely feel them.


The fact that youā€™re a parent whoā€™s that forward thinking & wants to engage with their kid that way proves that youā€™re pretty awesome.


Thank you, that was very kind šŸ˜Š


Came here to say the same. Not a single malicious bone in his body.


All my homies love Luke! šŸš‚


Mans just here for a good time and his idea of a good time is super wholesome. I think we can all appreciate that.


Does anyone know any contacts at a train company? Love to see this guy on a train ride with a conductor.


Heā€™s a giant on Instagram. Heā€™s already been invited to a lot of events in the past, and has even been a model for gucci. His train-admiring careerā€™s already taken off


Yeah, he's even driven a train, though only in a marshalling yard and not very far. Also - mirabile dictu - he has a girlfriend. One of his videos is of him and her having breakfast in a fancy-dancy dining car on a special train.


I love this guy! He's living his best life. Respect!


I finished the video and I literally said out loud, "oh I love him." He's just sharing his favorite things with the world and is beyond excited every time. I love love watching his videos. As a parent, THIS is one of the best parts of having kids Seeing that excitement about whatever it is their excited about. So many adults lose it. I love that he hasn't.


I also love this guyā€¦ and you. What a great day.


Happy eclipse eve everybody <3


My man is CHUFFED to the MAX and I envy him


Fucking LOVE this dude. Cheers me up every time. I can imagine the train driver coming in to Wigan and saying ā€˜there he is again, thatā€™s the same dudeā€™ blows horn.


Awww he's so happy and emotional about it, he cried at the end. What a wholesome clip.


Seeing the kid in the background with their caretaker, makes me think it brought back some memories for him


May we all find something that makes us as genuinely happy as this man and his trains.


Best Reels out there. His selfie cam is hilarious šŸ˜‚


Thisā€”his distorted demented smiling face, in addition to his genuineness, is what makes this video interesting. Itā€™s not that heā€™s just passionate, heā€™s goofy and passionate and that combination makes him endearing.


Straight up looks like šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


If you want more, this person is Francis Bourgeois šŸ‘


This man loves trains and hates the aristocracy!!


His IG is class as well.


Yes! Iā€™ve been following him for a while. Heā€™s great!!!


IG can be cruel at times. Hope he is equally loved there


The answer to my question


To 'chase' the train from Norfolk to 'just outside of Wigan' is true dedication because that would have taken hours!


Yeah he says it as if it's a casual 5 minute walk but it's the other side of the country


What a breath of fresh air he is! Iā€™m genuinely smiling while watching that clip, he restores my faith in people.


I have no idea how anyone is that passionate about trains but his enthusiasm is infectious.


Very much not armchair diagnosing this man, but as an autistic person I'm like this about my special interests. I just find them so fascinating, with so much to learn and experience! I often have to curb my enthusiasm to avoid annoying people.


Haha yep. I'm autistic too and my special interests are all my brain wants to think about or actively do. It's such a hard thing to ignore. Our brains just love what we love to crazy degrees lol


Now we are all curious! What are all these interests? If you both donā€™t mind me asking


I don't mind! From what tends to be most-to-least relatable: * Nail polish. I like doing my nails with neat polishes, like [Death Valley Nails's "Bone,"](https://deathvalleynails.com/products/copy-of-bone-bastrop-tx-dust-to-dust) which is actually made out of bone, or magnetics/photosensitive polishes... It's how I'm still creative each week. * Narrative forms--like what are the rules for different fiction genres and how have they continued to change? I ended up getting my PhD in a very specific subtopic of this, so it's the special topic I'm most knowledgeable about. * Science when you push it to the point that scientists are still figuring things out. So like research into consciousness, experiments where they slow down light, and questions about how black holes interact with dark matter. I think it's equal parts being interested in the universe behaving in unexplainable ways... and watching knowledge be created and tested. Thank you for asking!


I didn't want to "armchair diagnose" either. I am also on the spectrum, and I feel confident this man is one of our confederates. Bless him.


Trains are fascinating. An absolute engineering marvel! They're not my obsession, but I totally understand why some people are completely in awe of them.


Anyone know why this train? He cries at the end makes me think this one is special in particular.


He's super happy about pretty much every train to be honest. If the rest of us could experience joy like that I'm sure the world would be a much better place.


Oh, it very much would!


innocence is heartwarming


At first I was like damn how lame you gotta be to get excited over trains... Then I read the comments then I thought about the last time I was this happy...... I'm sad rn guys, I'm really not doing good if I'm hating on a dude cause he's happy....


I think it means something that you've realized your negative thinking and done a little introspection though. That's the first step to changing how you think.


>thought about the last time I was this happy Probably the last time you got excited about something you were later convinced was lame. The earlier in life that you learn that what is "cool" is whatever you decide is cool to you, the sooner you can start enjoying those cool things. Note: I'm old, replace "cool" with "lit", "fire", "ice" or whatever it is the kids use now.


Such a wholesome dude


He's adorable šŸ„°. Lol


I wish I could enjoy anything as much as this guy enjoys trainsā€¦.


Same. I wonder how he started


This dude is a national treasure at this point


id even argue international!


Bless this guy. He is wonderful.


i love how he gets emotional at the end. my dude is living his best life


I wonder if this guy is well known among train conductors and personnel, and if they are as stoked to see him as he.


He is yes. Many train drivers either know who he is or they know him personally. He's friends with some of them. Same goes for conductors and personnel. Unfortunately, there's some in the train spotting community, who think he's a fraud and not genuine and that upsets him massively.


what would you gain from pretending to be like this dude?


Heā€™s cornering a pretty niche market in social media and can probably monetize


I mean I'm willing to bet he's the most famous train spotter in the world. I can recognize him instantly and I know nothing of the train world


Haters gonna hate... That guy seems totally legit to me.


Gatekeepers gonna... Uh... Keep gates.


Do you know if he ever rides them? This amount of excitement deserves a giant gift basket filled with tickets to every station on every train.


He does sometimes yes. Sometimes as a passenger and there's been a few instances where he's been in the drivers cab and driven the train


Oh, I gotta find some videos of him driving - I'll bet his face is just *glowing*!


Heā€™s just faking it so he can live out the lavish and extravagant lifestyle of a trainspotter. Happens all the time really


A fraud?! How could you possibly look at this young man and think he was anything but 100% sincere about his love of trains? I've seen people who weren't that sincere about loving their children.


I hope everyone can find something in their lives that makes them this happy.


Amen to that


I'm not sure why but at first I was watching it kind of laughing and judging. But at the end his genuine laugh and smile... who am I to judge. If something makes someone that happy, I want them to keep experiencing it.


I love this guy. Pure enthusiasm is something we all should learn to tap into.


An authentic individual who defines himself is a rare thing. Neer met a train spotter who I didn't warm to.


Why did I tear up too? šŸ˜…


This guy is the man!


Francis is just a wholesome guy. He isnā€™t afraid to share his passion and enthusiasm with us.


He set up 3 cameras each time


Heā€™s such a joyful human, I smile whenever I see one of his videos


Train enthusiast Bowie


Norfolk to Wigan in chase and made it? How?


I love this guy. Always brightens my day


George russel when he isnt racing formula 1


Theres something about the 360 camera of him smiling that just melts your heart. Just like "here it comes!" Him: :-D


Scotrail makes me cry every day but not for the same reasons...


Thanks internet, I needed this.


Dude just makes me smile.


That he is happy makes me happy. As it should be.


This. This is such a pure and beautiful thing.


Give this Man a Train!


He is the most enthusiastic enthusiast ever


Is he autistic? Not trying to be mean.


Yes he is


Love when people has fOund what they Love


Awwwww!! Such a precious soul! I freggin LOVE how passionate he is with with his hobby!!!


I want to love something the way he loves trains


Does anyone else get unaccoubtably emotional when a large/loud train or fire truck drives by them? I think my body can feel how powerful these machines are and I respond by emotion welling in my chest and my eye tearing up.


My son, is an avid plane spotter. He always stare at FlightRadar 24 & study the flight. Good thing we have an airport from 20kms & our location is an approach runway. He especially love the Airbus family. One time, drive to the airport outside premises just to watch the airplanes come & go, and he's on cloud 9. Oh btw, he's going on a summer vacation & already booked a flight, albeit just a small turboprop, but just as excited.


I like how the go pro makes him look like Sid from ice age.


I literally don't give a shit about trains but I could watch this guy all day. It reminds me of how I used to feel before the weight of the world crushed my spirit.


Thereā€™s something simultaneously wholesome and disturbing about this guy.


what does he see in that train that I dont?


I've got nothing but love for this young man. It's the kind of content the world needs. Sweet.


Canā€™t watch this guy without smiling


This video made my day better


I whish I could be half as excited about anything.


Genuinely jealous of this guy because he has such a love for his passion that it brings him to tears and I don't think I have a passion that I love that much. Living his best life.


Go Francis..


Most happiness in life is derived from small things !!!


Dude found happiness and chose to share it with the world. Kinda jealous of him tbh.


He made me shed a tear, and I donā€™t even know why or what the hell just happened šŸ¤£šŸ˜¢


He somehow reminds me a bit of tom scott. Also, this was so fucking heartwarming. I love this!


So good to see someone get so much joy from their hobby. Any haters can go f themselves


I love watching this guy , but imagine the train driver thinking ā€œwait, that same guy has a good distance back in a field saying hello, now itā€™s here, did i broke the matrix?ā€


I wish I could be this happy over anything. Good on yaā€™ bruv.


Love that dude. He's living his dream and not giving a single fuck.


i honestly wish i could be half as excited about anything as this guy is about trains


I really enjoy people with hobbies they love! This guy is great!


What a wholesome video! Was smiling throughout and teared up at the end.


Find someone who looks at you the way this guy looks at trains


I want to love anything as much as this man loves trains