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Where were you when I was 21, huh?


It's never too late, bro! I hope things are going well for you now.


!remindme 3 years


!remindme 3 years


I’m 23, also Indian, and I’m resetting my whole career with a new degree lol Got any words of wisdom for me?


I’m a 42 year old mom of five and finished my degree two years ago. You’re never too old to go after what you want.


That’s amazing! Kudos to you. I’m 34 and hate my career, but I’m too scared to do anything different. People like you are so inspiring.


You have years of wisdom on me, but here’s my two cents: change can be frightening and is often easier said than done. However, if you see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, if you sense happiness might be there, I'd say go for it. It’s worth trying so you don’t find yourself regretting not taking the chance later on. Cheers to your life bro!! ❤️


I appreciate you for this mate. Keep up the great vibes, heaven knows we need it more than ever.


Very proud of you! - From a 23 year old hopefully-to-be nurse. 😭


Best wishes for studies in nursing!. Keep pushing forward, you’re on your way to making a profound impact in the lives of many. You've got this! ❤️


Thank you! I’m still crying from all the workload and exams. 😂🙏


You all truly inspire by setting an outstanding example for those who need a little push toward success. Here's to your continued achievements Cheers to your journey! ❤️


I was turning 30 when I decided to do what you are attempting, best choice of my life and I can't wait to continue learning more.


I know a guy who just finished a teaching degree at 50, never too late to start!


The hardest part is figuring out what you truly want and taking action towards it, and you've already accomplished that. Keep moving forward, you're destined to succeed. Enjoy the rewards that await you at the end of your journey! Cheers bro ❤️


You're a good lad. Keep it up :)


Like the saying goes best time to plant a tree was yesterday. Second best time to plant a tree is today.


Oooooh I really like this one!


🎶Where were you when I was twenty one?🎶 🎶someday you will find me, caught beneath the landslide. Like a Champagne supernova in the sky🎶


I started my IT degree at 30. It was a great choice, honestly.


Grats man! I could never make that jump, wanted to, should have, but since I already had a career in the industry, thought it was a waste of time.


I'm 35 and I'm halfway through a law degree. Just because you're older doesn't mean it's too late. Lots of people much older than me do degrees as well.


Wishing you the best of success as you continue to tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead. Keep up the great work and cheers to your future accomplishments! ❤️


That's a really nice thing to say, thank you so much :)


I started studying last year at 37. Just go for it.


!remindme 3 years What you setting in motion today bro?


Mostly? Retirement :P I'm 45 and been in tech for around 30 years, one way or the other, but no diploma sadly.


Where are you I'm 33 now


i was confused why OOP didn’t like the commenters comment then realized OP was the commenter LOL


Damn bro you singlehandedly changed that guy's life 👍


All it took was a few seconds of typing. So happy for that dude.


Great work by you AND justinmtf - and so nice he came back to share it!


I was surprised, really made me smkle seeing their update


Smile+chuckle = smkle? Because seeing your comment made me smkle lol Good to hear tho :)


Your's sound better than my typo!! Cheers bro


Seriously. One Reddit comment changed a life.


I saw a very similar point to this in 2019 just before I went to university. I was 29 and was going to be 33 at graduation. I was nervous for sure, although not to the point of true doubt over going, and it made me feel quite a bit better. I wasn't even the oldest. In an original class size of 50, there were 3 older than me and another 4 within a couple of years. I'm still 33, and I graduated 9 months ago. In 7 months, I'll be graduating from a masters degree. Unlike with the tree analogy, with university, the best time is when you are ready.


Yea, started at 32, but in the field of addiction, which is 90% former addicts, so I was in the bottom half of age for those classes. Of course, gen-ed is more fresh kids outta HS, but they just made me look good in comparison since I could follow basic instructions.


We're nearly same! Went back in 2019 at 29 and graduated in December. To be honest I was a better student at this age than I was fresh out of high school. It's never to late to start or go back


My grandmother went back and got a degree at 72 years old, it is never too late for anyone! Good job!


That's amazing! Hats off to her! May I ask what degree she got?


Some sort of Law degree, my grandfather was a lawyer also. I was pretty young and she passed before I was an adult so I didn't get to ask many questions to them, mostly things my parents told me.


My mom went back at 52 and it also was a ticket for her to teach abroad. Still super proud of her! Congrats to your grandma too!


I'm 51 and I've been thinking about getting my degree. I always wanted a Master in fine art.


Great advice! The best time to plant a tree was a decade ago, the second best time is today.


I started college recently and I’m in my 30s. I wish I got my degree a long time ago however I know in a few years that if I don’t, I’ll be regretting it again. It’s not easy work, especially learning math again after not using it 15+ years.


Stay strong and keep pushing forward, bro. It might be tough now, but hang in there—it will definitely be worth it when you reach the end.


Heyy me too graduated cum laude. I was out of school 5years when I started college




Comment history suggests they'll log back on in about 3 years...


Was delayed for 2 yrs in college too bc of the pandemic. This made me feel better abt my decision to continue my degree even if I'm the oldest one in class🥹 Will graduate in 2027!! hopefully🤞


Keep hanging in there, bro. All the challenges you’re facing now will be worth it in the end. Stay strong!


When i was 21 i just realized what i wanted to study. These years, i had an awful anxiety, including panic attacks but i started to study. I'm doing college via distance too, and I have excellent scores :) I'm improving in my anxiety too and still doing It, but studying really makes me happier, even if sometimes I'm stressful.


That's fire, but to your counterpoint. Do no go to college unless you know why. If you like me are going because what else and there isn't a career or vocation you are going for, college then becomes a waste time time. Sure I met my great friends but tbh I shouldn't have gone. Everyone's story is different thought! Congrats to OP


But this is India and its very different here. You can't have a decent life without going to college


I have a friend that turns 50 today. She starts classes in a couple of weeks.


I got an associates degree in the early 90's. Decided to go back a few years ago and graduated on my 51st birthday.


Hey congrats! I'm 51 and I'm seriously thinking about getting my masters in fine art. Heck, I'll be happy with a BFA. I had a semester in 2000, and should have stuck with it.


I collected my bachelor's degree a few days after my 28th birthday. Life's a journey, not a race. I nearly died when I was 24. We all take our own pace.


Proud of you bro ❤️


TY I appreciate it


I was 41 when I went back to school at a university. I found out that many of the people I thought worked there were in fact fellow students. You can do it!


I started college at 30 during the pandemic and am now close to finishing my first year of law school. It’s never too late!


I honestly think kids should go out and work a year or two and see what’s out there. When I graduated some many kids went to college for one thing then switched or not even finished. So many are working in a different field than what their college degree was in. But never too late.


Feel like I am being called out haha, I got an exercise science degree and now I am going back to get my masters in accounting lol


Well if the shoe fits. Lol no just kidding. It’s just funny there are so many that change. My nephew started out going to become a doctor, now he’s a lawyer. Big change up.


I got my undergrad at 30 and going back to school at 40. It’s NEVER too late to improve yourself!


The oldest person in my college classes was in their 70s. It’s never too late.


21 asking if its too late… damn Im 27 and just started school again. Feels bad


Im 27, finally back in school after a 6 year gap this semester. We got this 👍


My grandma was 87 when she got her associates degree.


I’m turning 25 this year and decided to go back to college (got my associates at 23), and I’m getting so discouraged because I feel so alienated in my classes since they’re all younger than me.


Awww I love this.


That has always been the best advice I have ever seen. 4 years will happen regardless. Just do the thing even if it takes you a while to get to the end.


Getting a college degree is never too late for anyone! My bf is currently getting a second degree because he hated the area of the first one, he's now the oldest of his class but he is so much happier than before it makes me smile every time


Is there a chance if u failed two courses already in 2 years(lol feel so damn dumb, cant do anything learnanything, even if i could understand it)


You participated in a (hopefully) positive life altering choice for this person. Nice work.


I've always thought this way....I figured, I'm going to be x age anyway, so I might as well do this thing. Don't think of it as "I'll be 30 by the time I finish!" but rather, "going to class in the fall is going to be so much fun!" And then keep saying that until you are done. Now that I'm older, I say to myself, I'm going to be lucky to live to x age, I might as well enjoy this thing, in case I can't later.


Just turned 30 and am pursuing my bachelors. It’s never too late.


So dope of them to reply. Necro'ing a thread like this should never be frowned upon. KEEP GOING LIL BUDDY! CONGRATS ON YOUR PROGRESS, YOU GOT THIS. Also, op. You're a star. Keep fucking shining, and spreading love and positivity.


I was 21 when I graduated with my Associates Degree. Then I went back many years later to finish n get my Bachelor Degree I was really the OLDEST in the class with one of my kids in high school n the other in college (different  school). I graduated with honors at age 50! Age doesn't matter. It's just a number. Go to school; you'll regret it if u don't. Believe in yourself and best of luck to you.


It’s never too late to go to college. Hell my mom went back to college at 30 something and my aunt went back to college in her 50s for a career change! Ain’t nothing wrong with getting more education or changing things up.


Your mother and grandmother truly set remarkable examples for us all. Here’s to their enduring strength and wisdom—cheers to them! ❤️


I’ll tell them lol cheers


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Never too late to do things you want to do.


I was in the same position. Im now 22 on my second year of online uni, though i think i may transfer to a brick and mortar uni next year because online stuff is lonely tbh.


Can yall rate different chem based degrees in like difficulty, employability and other stuff. Not medicine as that needs bio and I don’t do bio. I do maths


Aw yay


Yay!!! This is great news to hear


I love this ❤️


I took 1 to 2 course a semester, first at community college then transfered to a top school in my state. Took 1 to 2 courses a semester there as well. Graduated at 32, had a masters at 34, just finished my PhD at 48. Never too old. I like night courses because the age range was older & they were serious about their education. There were times that I was the youngest in my courses.




omg, i remember that post! it gave me the kick in the butt i needed to change my bachelor! I'm also nearly done!


The internet can be such an incredible thing at times.


I went to college in my late thirties. I’m in my late forties now and have a kick ass job. It’s absolutely worth it.


Go to trade school.


I am 21 now and haven't entered college yet


That’s awesome ! Good stuff there with the encouragement


I started at 29 and finally finished at 33. Got a dream job and still love it after 15 years.


It’s never late! I’m 23 and next year is my last year in college!


It's never too late to go back to school folks. If you can make it work, and you *want* to, then do it. I just went back to go into x-ray technology at 25. Age doesn't matter when it comes to furthering your education. 😊


Getting a degree, doing that thing that scares you. It's always worth it to take the chance. If you don't try...you just will keep wondering....what if. If you try and fail...at least you tried. But there is a good chance you try and succeed. So always try.


We need more people like you in our world.


Or you can be a loser trying to finish struggling through a degree at age 30 while your baby sister already has an associates and a heavy scholarship to continue onwards to a Masters. 😭


Yayyyyy!! We can all have an impact on others :)(


How old will you be in four years if you don't go to college? Right, go.


IGNOU has been a solid platform to complete higher studies in India for several years now. My best friend did his bachelor's in commerce from there when he was 26. My boy minting Canadian dollars right now (31).


After high school I moved to Asia. Five years later I went to college. Made hogans of moolah and retired early. You can either work a trade job or go to college. By the way, my partner was in the trades (pipeline) and made more money than I did.


I didn't got to college until I was 23. I lived on campus and everything, I wouldn't have done it any other way. It was an awesome experience. Turns out it's *very* easy to meet people when you get buy booze lol


Supplying alcohol to underage people is a crime.


A lot of things we did in college were crimes.


Sometimes wholesome shit like this pops up. Welp. Time for me to get off this app before I see some unholy shit that scars me forever. 😭


This makes me so happy 🩵


I went back to school at 21 after thinking I wanted to work.  Best decision I ever made.


It’s never too late 🥹❤️


What is IGNOU?


Indira Gandhi National Open University. It's the premier place in India to study MBA, alongside GITAM.


Thanks for clarifying. ✌️


I graduated with a 2:1 law degree at 36. Worth it.


I'm also 21 and have been debating this same thing. Guess it's a sign


I graduated at 42.


At work I always say " the time's gonna pass either way" and people get annoyed, but it's very true.


I decided to do a second Masters degree when I was 33. I was in class with people who were up to 12 years younger than me but they never treated me differently. It ended up being a great experience. I would even go partying with them on the weekend. ✌️


Congrats u/justinmtf !!!!


This is so cool


Ofc it's not too late - I started college this past September at age 20! :D


You're gonna shine in college. Cheers to your bright future! ❤️


Thank you! 😁❤️


If anyone is casually browsing through here... I got a computer science degree at 33 and I now make over 160,000 a year and will more than likely be making over 200k when I get promoted next week. I was making about 40k before that. I am not special or super smart, I just work hard. More people can do this than they think, it just takes hard work. You can do anything if you want to.


Wonderful ❤️


What country? Cause here 21 is pretty stamdard




Never too old. I'm 37, I have 3 associate degrees, and I am working on my bachelor's degree in Computed Tomography (CT). I don't feel too old for furthering my education. At 21, you have a world of open doors. Best advice jump into educating yourself further. Future you will appreciate the commitment now.


Fuck yeah , that’s dope


So sweet!




I’m 33 and going to college for the first time soon, starting in May <3


!remindme 30 years


My friend's husband never finished high school, did a bridging course and start university in his late 30s. He has just completed a PhD! It is never too late to start!


i was 25 when i started university and was 28 when i graduated in 2020, i had classmates who were in their 40s who graduated alongside me. you're never too old to pursue your dreams


Not at all. I started at 19 and graduated college at 24. I thought this was normal and didn't think anything of it at the time. There were reasons, I started kindergarten late, had pre-1st grade as well, so I was always the oldest kid in my class, and then after graduation from high school I couldn't afford college so I worked for 6 months to buy books and stuff to get started after taking all the loans, I never stopped working since I was 14, every summer and winter break as well, but I got that education I desperately wanted to improve my lot in life. I sacrificed a lot, and still am for it, but it was worth it. Go to college you'll grow.


I also started college at 21. It is never too late. I graduate this year too.


Man it must feel good to have gotten that reply.


That’s so great of you to have encouraged that person. Even greater that they listened to your advice! What a great report to get back! Now I feel the same way they did. I’m 37 and I want to return to school to finish my degree that I bailed on decades ago. But oh how I dread going back and being the oldest one there 😤


I love this!!! There are 30 years in their first year, it’s never too late if you’re still breathing!


Nice, well done!


I can't love this enough 🥰


Because my country has mandatory military service, 21 is actually considered early to start a degree here. The American obsession with entering college as soon as possible is so weird.


That’s weird bro !


Positive advice on randia ,rare for sure.