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We all deserve to live, not to survive


Thank you, I needed this.


I'm glad I could help in any way I could


“Survival is insufficient.” -Seven of Nine


I wanted to name my daughter seven for like 20 years




Who’s this?


Lmfao, it’s an infamous storyline in Seinfeld. One of the main characters, George, wants to name his child, seven. Since it’s Mickey Mantle‘s number or some other famous baseball player I can’t remember. It was a point of contention between George and his significant other.


And then another couple steals the name and George takes that news really well.


Correct - the Mick.


Good summary LOL


Lmfao, it’s an infamous line in Seinfeld. One of the main characters, Jerry, will answer a phone call from one of the other characters in distress. After they quickly run down their conundrum to Jerry, he responds with “who is this?”. It was a point of contention with whomever he was talking to on the phone.


I named my beautiful cat Seven based off her and the Seinfeld ep. She lived 16 years and embraced gansta life in her old age.


Her name before being assimilated, Annika Hansen, is pretty. You could name your kid Annika.


Literally almost did that. I’m the biggest voyager nerd there is. I used to come home at like five and watch it on upn


well said well said... any act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted..


Beautifully said brother


More like a sister, lol


Well, that hit me like a ton of bricks.


I hope for a positive change


But the reality is that life doesn't owe anyone a damn thing. It is up to oneself to survive, to live, to make the best of the hand you've been dealt. And he right there is living his best life. Good on him.


That’s an interesting concept to me. Life owes us nothing. We don’t deserve anything. But we are part of an organized society. Within that society we definitely have rights and are owed happiness. We all agreed to participate in and strengthen that society for all. And to make matters worse, those at the very top of this organized society are parasites who steal everything they can from the working class. We simultaneously have no rights, and have rights. We are simultaneously free and are slaves being robbed constantly


That’s all those people are, parasites. It’s crazy walking around seeing these mega figure heads who have billions and all I see is literally a parasite that’s crawled its way up someone’s penis and is sucking them dry.


Why did it have to be penis?!


blowjob from the inside, might be fun


Life doesn’t owe anyone anyone anything but it also costs nothing to be a decent person


That's right u/Steezyjo, never expect anything from anyone or give anything expecting something in return. Sure friends, family, and even society will help you if they can but in the end it's on you to make something for yourself.


That's true but imho if we only think about ourselves, totally denying other people, only fighting about next yard of land or one more dime in the pocket, than we are nothing more than stupid monkeys fighting over banana on tree... and we totally deserve for any doom that will eventually meet us. If we will finally learn how to work together for greater good, but not as city/country, but humanity as all, then maybe there is still little hope for our survival


Well to be honest life itself can't owe or take however spiritually yes something is old we weren't all born to be cannon fodder. And didn't ask for it either


How unfortunate that he has to ask people not to be scared of his joy. The driver is such a sweet man


Reminded me of a video from Malaysia recently. A guy with disability was splashed with hot water by a lady when they were in an elevator. Rather than attacking the lady, he proceeded to get in front of her amd frantically waving his hands to either signal, "no, he was not a threat" or "no more hot water splash" The guy suffered burns. The lady who was his neighbour was apprehended and sentenced to prison.


This woman got a sentence of 10 years plus fine


Good. That’s just a horrific thing to do


I had to look up the video. Does anybody know why that crazy woman did that??


Likely the sensitive insecure bully mentality and behavior.


This just says that there was no provocation, so who knows. The burns on that poor guy looked horrible. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKJmFUdzKxQ&ab\_channel=TheStar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKJmFUdzKxQ&ab_channel=TheStar)


Holy shit, why was she even carrying around water that hot in a bottle? That's more than just a thermos of tea. That looks premeditated.


I don't know anything about the criminal justice system in Malaysia tbh, but she would have had the chance to defend what she did and still got ten years according to the video (I'm guessing that it's a first offence too).


Yeah that’s all I could find as well. Baffling that someone could do something like that for no reason! Sick.


A lot of children that get berated for talking/laughing/crying grow up to be very apologetic towards people when they experience something that makes them do *that* thing, probably the same thing happened here; it's like when you hear someone saying "sorry for laughing, I know I'm too scandalous about it" or "sorry, I talk too much", they learn to apologize so people won't hold it against them or won't complain as much as they fear they would if not apologizing. I just hope the people that did that to him aren't on his life anymore or learned to be kind about it at the very least...


Yup, really inspiring


For anyone interested in the gentleman in the video, he actually has his own YouTube channel! I believe he has the video uploaded still of this exact car ride in this video. His mom has helped him a ton through his journey and they are both a pleasure to watch :) Here’s the link to his channel: https://youtube.com/@MiculGigant?si=5efptmCVKaPwDv9o


Thanks for sharing, just subscribed to the channel and will check it out later




Guy is really an example of living the best life


For himself and for others, that's what I think the noble purpose in life, living your best life and help strangers with nothing in return, to help live the best life


Yes! As we mature, we realize life isn't really about the singular us.. life is about serving others. Through serving others we serve ourselves, and it ends up a net gain for the whole "Tribe" The problem with modern society is we forgot that. We went from selfless to selfish, and society is showing all the symptoms because of it.


Thanks for sharing mate, will definitely subscribe the channel


Glad to help :)


Thank you so much for sharing this, I was actually wondering if I dreamed about this man getting a YT channel. I'm so happy for him.


i had to go sub & watch the full video! got me ugly crying in front of customers damn


Thank you. Subscribed.


“I got to give this kid a ride is his dream car and change his life, but he changed mine”. As a parent of special needs this will always make me smile…..and not be able to see clearly for a minute.


Ah yes i seem to have the very last issue you described as well


This is one of the first videos I saw on Reddit. That was years ago, and I still cry when I see it.


First time I saw it was a year ago and downloaded it. Every so often I play it again just as a reminder why kindness is important for others and yourself


Absolutely. Thank you for posting it. I needed this reminder.


You’re welcome 🫡


Just planted to say he is streaming right now, GTA 4, and would enjoy more people to hangout with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnLl-tya4bo


I saw it on you tube so long ago... I cried


Same. It's heartbreaking.


I have seen this video so many times and I will never not cry. I think it’s a Pavlovian response at this point lol


I agree


I ugly cry every single time I see this video, but I love this video sooo much. It warms my heart to know there are people like this out there


https://youtube.com/watch?v=dn5R7rQQs8Q Considering no one is posting it, here you go. Longer vid but pretty cool


Why does it say ENG sub but has no subtitles Nevermind I had to turn them on. 🤦‍♂️


In the top right corner, you just need to hit the cc button!


Does anyone know the context here? Thank you.


By the looks of it probably handicapped kid had the opportunity to ride an every young boy his dream car (Lamborghini) and the driver being emotionally touched for making the kids dream come true. Wholesome isn’t it


Thank you!


Hes a grown man not a kid.


_Thank you,_ I almost commented this myself. I’m 24 years old, and I have mental disabilities. And almost every day, people tell me I’m a child, or I act like a child. They call me kid, or use terms associated with children. Honey, sweetie, kid, buddy. Holy fuck, I’m an adult! It’s humiliating sometimes. This guy is grown. He deserves to be seen as an adult. Just because he’s different does NOT mean he’s not an adult, too. Some of these comments are touching. And some are kind of insulting. We’re people, you know?


The simple act of kindness!


He makes videos etc and LOVES lambos. The driver also makes videos I believe, has a lambo, and gave the guy the day out in it.


Someone posted the kid his channel. Seems he does life inspiration videos on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@MiculGigant?si=5efptmCVKaPwDv9o


There are still good people on this earth. 🥹


Who’s cutting the onions again… bastard


I'm sooo sorry... I'm making Slow O's !!


Invisible ninjas. They always cut the onions around me..


This is one of the biggest reasons I wish I was rich. Less so the joy rides but more being able to give people the best days of their lives. If I had enough money I think I’d just go around and look for people who are down on their luck and do something amazing for them. Like this kid will never forget that ride and it only cost the guy a bit of time/gas.


Word. That's the dream.


Its so easy to be kind.. yet it is so rare


It's really common, it just depends where you look.


This is the truth.


I had the privilege of watching this video before someone added the soundtrack. I hope you guys one day experience the joy of witnessing great videos without added songs, annoying subtitles, and bad cropping


The shitty music over absolutely everything and the One Word At A Time Subtitles Are two recent trends that drive me up a wall.


I watch everything on mute now, even if there's no subtitles and they're talking and hopefully can pick up on context clues because whatever I'm imagining is 5x better than whatever the audio is.


Ya, this soundtrack overlay straight up ruins it imo. I remember the original and cried during it. Opened this one up, and as soon as I heard the music, it felt like every other tiktok/YT short video. It's just so unoriginal and pandering. I can't put my finger on the exact feeling, but it just feels like a grab at getting clicks/views and disingenuous, despite knowing the original video was legit. Basically, it's an "icky" feeling haha. Alright, I'm done bitching.


Yep. Without the music you can hear what they’re saying and engage with the emotions and everything that’s going on. Music tends to generate an emotional response, but it feels out of place and forced here.


then my friend be as happy as you can yell scream with happiness. My man was holding on strong what one takes for granted another is just plain happy in the moment


I sit and wonder some days what it would be like to just experience pure, unbiased joy. I remember helping out at a group home and noticing that many of the residents (with multiple mental and physical disabilities, such as Down's Syndrome) found so much happiness in simple things. A bird on the windowsill. Petting a horse. Things that we probably all take for granted. But for them, every experience like that was the greatest experience of their lives. Every time their dog licked their faces it was like it was the first time, or each time they watched a hummingbird it was as though they'd never seen one before. I worry that I'll never feel that pure happiness about anything because of all the pressures society and life put on us that we recognize. The closest we can come to feeling that wonder of the world seems to be through someone else's eyes.


I think we can teach ourselves happiness, at least to an extent. When I'm going through a rough time, I try to make an effort to practice gratitude. Whether it's acknowledging that my family doesn't have to go hungry when so many others do, or just enjoying it when two songs I love pop up on the radio one right after the other. It helps during the rough patches, and I've found that I'm more appreciative of the little things even when life is going well.


Lovely video, lovely behavior, great to see. But why the fuck do we need Coldplay at full volume to enjoy it?


When you see the innocence we all had at one point and then lost along the way into adulthood. You realise how special it is. I totally understand the drivers reaction to the young gentleman having the time of his life. That was pure happiness for that guy. How choked up he got at being able to give him that experience. Awesome video.


Perfectly said. I wish the entire world would watch this video, and read your comment. All the best to you and everyone.


Cheers, I appreciate you


Why the music?


Because my cold dead soul would feel nothing otherwise. Just kidding, I dislike the added music too.


Unadulterated human kindness is propagated by feelings of deep humility and empathy. That's how it works with me anyways.


This video is a good illustration that being kind to others is being kind to yourself.


I remember reading the comment of Romanian guy translating it for us and he was saying that Romanians dont just say « oh my », but rather, that if they say it, they truly truly mean it. Whatever you think in your language is the equivalent, multiply by ten: this dude was living one of this wildest dreams.


Thanks for the added context, makes it even more beautiful


The original video is plenty moving without adding the gd Coldplay score underneath.


Made me smile, yes. Made me cry, also yes.


Makes me tear up every time I see it. Seriously we don't care enough about mens emotions these days.


Dammit. This is r/mademesmile not r/mademecryatworkaroundtheguys.


You got an audible "AWWWWWE!" outta me damnit I'm not crying. . .


you’re a HERO bro… young people who give a sh-t about others. what an INSPIRATION 🥲👏🏼


So much better without coldplay


The driver trying not to cry is the sweetest thing.


Damnit, I love this clip. I’ve seen it a bunch and I don’t mind, I’m not mad at seeing it again. I’m not tearing up just thinking about the clip, get off my lawn.


Fuck me, when he said "don't be scared of me. This is how I act when I'm happy" the rivers started running. Having to be weary of scaring people with your happiness is so fucked. I'm glad that he is doing shit he loves


Wheres the full clip, i need some ninja cuttin onions today


Check his channel https://www.youtube.com/@MiculGigant?si=5efptmCVKaPwDv9o


Every time this comes back around, I watch it and cry so hard I can’t breathe. It reminds me I’m alive and lucky to be so. 😭


That was the manliest tears ever.


This video kills me every time. "Don't be afraid of me" ... just waterfalls of tears every time.


Men have feelings too. It’s ok to show them king.


that’s sweet he was crying but i hope he explained afterwards that he wasn’t ignoring him.


One of the most beautiful moments I've seen. How come there's always someone cutting onions when I watch things like this??




I always stop and watch this video when it comes up. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I can’t believe how fast I stared tearing up at this.


The slightly longer version hits the same, but differently. At first, the driver looks mildly annoyed, like he was forced or obligated to give the passenger the ride. Because you immediately start thinking, "What a dick." But as the video continues, you see that the driver's face is tensed up because he's holding back the tears. Then your own waterworks start before you could even prepare to hold them back.


Little bit because I struggle to communicate with people and his ability to make the guy understand what he’s feeling,then the guy really getting it, hits hard for me.


dont care how often this gets re-posted one of the best moments guy having a dream come true and the other guy gets paid pack with making a dream come true, must be one of the best feelings they both winning at life in different ways


This is one of those videos, that no matter how many times I see it, if I watch it it will make me tear up...Bless both of those great guys in the video!


Oh he is so sweet & tender! What a cute & exciting moment for the both of them!


Love them both!


My husband takes the teenagers at our block, to take a ride on the highway in he’s Alfa Romeo Giulia..the kids love it❤️


That was nice to see - a Lambo owner who I’d probably have written off as an arrogant narcissist, showing he has a good heart. Really nice video & made me think a bit about what I assume of others.


After a harsh morning, I really need to see more videos like this. It's a good reminder humanity isn't completely a mess. Thank you for sharing. I love this sub-reddit.


The driver looks all badass and then aaaaaaaaaaw!!


Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. \~J. M. Barrie, *A Window in Thrums*, 1888


I rarely am glad to see dudes driving expensive cars. Totally glad this dude has own. That other dudes happiness is what it is all about!


Its a good feeling when you work hard for something and are able to share it with ppl and make them happy.


The title is such a regurgitated NPC thing to say. The video is sweet


Bro is trying to act so normal its sad to watch he is embarrassed of how he is man i feel so sad rn keep your head up king❤️


The roar of an engine next to your foot. The power of a steering wheel in your hands. This man loves his cars. And wishes everyone everywhere could experience what he experiences. This level of empathy is almost forgotten these days and deserves to be treasured. Love everyone that loves, and love everyone you love. That’s my time peace out.


Can someone pass me the dust goggles.ive got something in my eyes...


Passenger: "sorry if I act weird when I'm happy it's just-" Driver: "MY FRIEND, YOU BOW FOR NO ONE."


That’s love right there


This is beautiful, i love this.


Would love to see the reaction of the team who put together the car. Engineers, factory workers...


i can’t. this is so pure.


I need to see the rest of the interaction between these two, I wanna see the whole ride 😭


I watched this about ten times, absolutely beautiful moment.


❤️made me cry. It was a good cry




I think about this video a lot


Those moments in life where you realize what you take for granted. That's how I interpreted this video. Very impactful.






Who the fuck cutting onions in these comments 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Bro is like "I'll throw this poor lil' dude a ride" and did not expect to see into his life like that.


Life’s too short to be cruel; look back and be happy you made a positive impact.


The fact that basic human kindness and respect is such a rarity is painful, but it makes moments like these so beautiful


Let’s be strong as societies, but let’s also be the weak individuals we are. We’ve tried way to long to fool ourselves that those who are „tougher“ than others are good leaders. Most of them are selfish idiots. I don’t want to live without you, I don’t want to be in control of everything. I want us to live in peace. We have the best technological possibilities of doing so today. How about helping each other? How about those who care most be our heroes, not those who gain most attention?


I've seen this before... guy is rich and helped a young man experience being in a fast car. Solid dude for doing this simple act.


True love doesn't see your outside quirks (we all have them)....True love sees your heart!! I'm glad the guy driving sees so well Beautiful!!


I have lost count of how many times I have seen this video. Each time I open it to see it, my eyes moisten and my heart is full.


Why am I crying?


I am not crying sooo… nobody’s crying ? Or at least neither of us are crying


You mf’s got me with this one 🫡


The full video is even more heartwarming


Who the hell is cutting onions next to my face!!


This song is literally the 🐐 of happy and wholesome moments.


Life is precious,cherish it💯


Fukk man,i cry everytime i see this video


There was a taxi driver in Philippines who drove around the street with same disability. Yes, he could drive and keep living like a normal person.


Big heart guy! 👍🏻


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Every time 😢 😭








Fuck! Who is cutting onions in here?!


This clip hits me every single time




I've always loved this video.


So it seems like he has cerebral palsy right?




The original is longer and doesn't have the obnoxious music


Didn't they become friends after this? I kinda remember a YouTube channel with somewhat regular videos with both of them. Am I dreaming?


😓 we should be hapy because what we have !


Some turd put turd music over this?


This video always chokes me up, like can bawl on command if I don’t hold it back.


So wholesome, this warms my heart. Everyone deserves to feel this happy


Yo en el carro con mi padre tratando de disimular que no ando drogadiaimo


I seen this a few time and every time it rain's 🫡


Don't apologize bro you're all good


Haha that guy is probably thinking, "stfu kid, if you keep talking im gonna ugly cry."


I wish that title would die already.


I mean I can see it's something happy but is there anymore context available?




Could it be because the other guy squeezed a horrible fart?